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The Pillaging of an Empire

Page 28

by Amanda Clover

  She heard the gertling return and lifted her head as he waddled into the light. He smiled nervously and lifted a pair of rabbits he’d snared. Dana pursed her lips, unwilling to speak again. She watched as the gertline skinned and gutted his catch with a crude stone knife (she’d have to remember he had that). Then he spitted the meat over the fire and began to roast it.

  Soon enough the rich scent of cooked meat filled the cave. Dana felt her mouth water, and when the gertling offered her one of the rabbits, she didn’t have the stomach to refuse.

  “Thanks,” she said uncertainly.

  The gertling smiled. “Me help,” he said.

  Dana stifled any other conversation by quickly digging in to her dinner. The meat was almost scalding hot but she barely noticed, her hunger driving her to nearly pick clean the bones, and doing something to mercifully cleanse her mouth of the taste of the ghoul’s seed. Dana sighed, setting aside the spit and tossing the last of the bones into the fire to blacken and char.

  “Alright,” she said at last. “I’m going to sleep. Remember. You stay over on the other side of the fire. And if you come over, I’ll cut your um. Your cock off!”

  She waved her dagger at the gertling menacingly. Girki blanched and nodded quickly. “Me stay, woman. Me stay over here.”

  “Good.” Letting out a sigh, Dana kicked some dirt over the fire, smothering it at once. Darkness fell thickly over the cave, and Dana grabbed her stolen blanket and tugged it over her, curling up in the warmth. She lay there, listening for a moment as the gertling settled in opposite. The chill was already seeping in once more. She heard the gertling shiver, and a pang of pity shot through her. She shook her head and resolved not to suffer the sensation. She thought the presence of the gertling and the experiences over the day would keep her awake, but no sooner had she found a comfortable position on the ground, she was fast asleep.

  The Storm

  The freezing air sliced into Dana. She cursed it, clutching her ragged blanket closer about herself like a cloak as she and the gertling pushed forward. She blinked against the freezing rain. The storm had risen out of nowhere on the second day out of the village. In the middle of traversing a trail, the sky had darkened and the next thing she knew rain was pouring down and thunder booming across the heavens. She squinted against the wind and storm desperately.

  There! She brightened in relief at the sight of a shape forming out of the darkness, revealed in the booming flash of lightning. The sloping shape of a hunter’s cabin resting against a hill. She pushed forward with renewed energy. She grabbed the crude handle of the door, throwing her weight against it until it gave with a heavy creak.

  She staggered into the room with a groan of relief. Moments later the gertling followed, collapsing against the wall with a shudder.

  With some effort Dana shut the door on the wind. “Of all the days to get a storm,” she moaned.

  “Be… be harder… follow… with storm,” the gertling gasped.

  Dana glanced back at the stunted creature and again felt that stab of pity. She sighed as she built a fire in the ashen hearth, pulling her stolen blanket about herself as she settled onto the floor. “Here,” she said reluctantly, opening up her blanket. “Come into my blanket. It’ll take the fire a little while to warm the room. You may as well warm up…”

  The gertling gave a shivering nod and shuffled across the floor. He fell against her, pressing himself against her front, his head nuzzling beneath her breasts. She sighed, but there wasn’t much of a choice and she tugged the blanket about themselves. She hunched over the stunted creature, her breasts resting against the back of his head.

  The wind howled beyond the four walls. The fire began to crackle and burn, its light slowly filling the room. Dana sighed, huddling against the gertling’s back, instinctively seeking out the heat of another body. Even as their shared warmth spread through the house and settled Dana found herself reluctant to move at once. The gertling sighed, his shaking stopping.

  Dana winced suddenly, her half healed cuts flaming as feeling slowly tingled through her nerves once more. The gertling sensed the motion and tilted back his head. “Woman okay?”

  “Fine,” she said softly. “Just…. The cuts from the…” She swallowed. “The ghoul.”

  The gertling nodded. “Me have medicine for,” the gertling said slowly. “Me could give.”

  Dana sighed and shrugged, her blanket shifting around her. “I suppose I may as well. Can’t very well afford to get sick now.”

  The gertling smiled and pushed back from the blanket. She shrugged the cloth off, oddly missing the feel of the gertling’s body against her. She touched her shirt and slowly tugged it free, exposing her bra-cradled breasts and the soft, pale curves of her form. She winced, the slight hurt of her scratches again flaming through her.

  The gertling reached into his loincloth and drew out a small stoppered container. He opened it, globbing the fluid within onto his fingers as he reached out and spread it across one of the wound on her waist. She sighed, already relaxing as the cream seeped into the redness of the wound, spreading slowly through the spot like a warm balm, banishing the pains of the ghoul’s grasp.

  “Oh,” she sighed softly. “That’s good.”

  “Woman like?”

  “I do. And you can call me Dana. I suppose.”

  The gertling nodded quickly. “Me Girki.”

  “I remember,” she said softly, looking back on that terrible night. After a moment, she said, “Girki? Why did you speak up like that? You must have known what would happen.”

  For a moment the gertling was silent, spreading the cream over her sides and arms where the scratch marks were worst. “Me know not all humans cruel,” Girki said. “Me know once human woman. She huntress, buy me from human owner. He cruel. Made Girki dance in cold. Other humans laugh at me and owner beat me when mad.”

  Dana winced. She knew of such entertainers. They weren’t too common in her small village but now and then an exhibitor came by with some sort of monster in their menagerie. She had never thought of the creature as intelligent, but now she felt a hot flush of shame at the memory.

  She felt the gertling’s hands leave her. “Any scratches?” he asked.

  “There are some…” Dana reached down and pulled up her bra, baring her soft breasts. Her nipples were still hard from the chill, tender and tingling now from the warmth.

  Girki swallowed, staring at her generous tits. He nodded and dipped his fingers back into the strange jar, lifting his hand and delicately spreading the cream onto the many scratches which painted her soft teats. Dana bit her lip against the sensation, stifling any noise she might have made.

  The experience was like night and day compared to what she had endured at the hands of the ghoul. Unlike the clawing toxins the monster had infested her with, Girki’s touch was gentle, the cream warm and soothing the sharp tingles in her sensitive breasts. Slowly, she began to relax, allowing the gertling to work. His hands gently moving over her pale orbs, leaving faint, sensitive tingles wherever his hands went. She sighed, relaxing despite the feel of his knobby, inhuman hands. She gasped as his fingers brushed her nipples, stroked the underside of her firm breasts. A place where the ghoul had not touched her.

  Instantly the gertling pulled back his hands. “Me sorry. Me not meant to-“

  “It’s okay,” Dana said softly. “It’s okay, Girki. Just, keep at it.”

  The gertling nodded and resumed his work. Dana found herself relaxing, despite just what it was that was tending to her. She sighed, settling down. And as the gertling’s touch wandered across her breasts, soothing away the tingling pleasure of the ghoul’s touch, something else began to take its place.

  She knew this sensation far more intimately. The inn had never been a whorehouse, but when the lumberjacks or rangers or other men handsome, daring and knowing what they wanted came through, Gorvin had not objected to her swinging her hips a little more. Dropping the odd husky word. And should that man see f
it to go with her upstairs into her private room, well, she was hardly complaining. And Girki’s strokes were impossible not to compare to the ghoul’s touch. That violation of his claws, his toxins instilling in her a sinful desire she couldn’t stop.

  Dana watched as the gertling worked, soothing her hurts, the stunted creature trying not to stare at her youthful curves. But he was a man in many ways, and like all men, she saw the betraying signs of his desire in the little gertling. The slight shifting of his loincloth and the furtive glances of his eyes. It felt strange. Naughty to be sure. And yet, oddly appealing. It made her feel in control. Powerful and braver than she had known since that terrible night in Havishar.

  “Girki,” she breathed. “I think you’ve covered my breasts quite enough.”

  The gertling snatched back his hands. “Yes. Yes, me done,” the little monster said quickly.

  “Good. Because, there are a few other spots…”

  The gertling looked back to her as she slowly stood. Then his jaw fell slack as she slid down her skirt, revealing the delicate pink folds of her quim and her soft, shapely thighs. More red marks covered her thighs and around her mound.

  “Please, Girki. If you don’t mind.”

  The gertling swallowed and dipped a shaking hand into his jar of ointment. He slowly brought up his hands and ran one along a scratch running down her inner thigh.

  Dana sighed, relaxing further as the gertling worked. The tingling of the ghoul’s touch faded, and in its place, a gentle warmth flowed through her body. She felt at ease. More relaxed than she had since that terrible night. A soft moan escaped her lips, her hips gently moving as Girki worked, something that had the gertling flushing as he tried to keep his hands centered only on the pink cuts.

  Inevitably, his hands moved to her mound, and Dana gave a soft moan as the gertling stroked just along her snatch.

  “Sorry,” the gertling squeaked. He tugged back his hands but she caught them before they could escape.

  “It’s okay, Girki. It’s okay. Just keep going,” she breathed, guiding his hands back to her mound.

  The gertling glanced up at her, and she smiled softly, a smile that turned a little wicked at the sight of his loincloth tenting. She pressed his hands against her groin once more, and after a moment, the gertling began again to massage the cream into the many scratches about her pussy.

  Dana closed her eyes, simply enjoying the feel of his touch. Her nipples sparked with sensitivity and her pussy dampened in arousal.

  “Mmmm. Girki,” she moaned softly. “I think that’s enough there.”

  The gertling nodded, but didn’t take his hands away at once, enthralled with the sight of her pink pussy and the dewy arousal that shone there. “Okay…”

  “But there is one other place,” she said, reaching down and taking his hands. Girki looked up at her as she gently drew his hands forward and around her generous hips. She pressed his knobby fingers against her soft bottom, where a number of scratches lingered. Her breath hitched, for this naturally tugged the gertling nearly flush with her front, his head just reaching her waist, his hot breath washing over her damp mound.

  “Yessss,” she moaned softly as Girki began to massage her ass. “Just like that Girki. It feels… so much better. Mnnn. Ah. And, ha… there is… one other spot.” She pushed her hips forward, her quim brushing against the gertling’s bony chin.

  “Yes, woman,” the gertling breathed.

  “Dana,” she sighed. “Call me Dana.”

  “Yes… Dana,” Girki said. He tried to move his hands, but she held them against her bottom.

  “Ah. No. Your hands are busy, Girki,” she said, her eyes twinkling with amused pleasure.


  “You have a tongue. Don’t you?” she asked impishly.

  Girki stared at her. Then, he slowly smiled, his wide mouth no longer filling her with loathing but with an amused sense of anticipation. Girki leaned in and let his tongue slide up her pussy, tasting her.

  “Ah!” Dana gasped, hips twitching, ass tightening at the sudden sweet sensation. Girki started to pull back but she immediately grabbed his head. “Don’t you dare,” she breathed, resting his face once more against her pussy. “Keep at it, Girki.”

  The gertling nodded happily and resumed his efforts. Dana moaned as the monster’s long tongue slid inside of her, tasting her sweet juices with every hint of enjoyment. As he lost his uncertainty, the gertling’s efforts became ever more eager and confident. His hands continued to maul and shape her doughy ass appreciatively.

  Dana’s breathing deepened with every lash of his skillful tongue. How strange, she mused, that a creature, one of the monsters who had invaded her home, killed all she knew, would now be here, pleasuring her. Strange, but far from undesirable. She rolled her hips against his lapping tongue, pleasure coiling in her stomach like molten fire. Her breasts heaved. She took her hands from Girki’s, lifting her teats and playing with the shapely orbs as the gertling licked her out.

  “Ohhhhh yes. Ah. That’s it Girki. That’s it. Fuck! K-keep licking me. Oh gods keep doing that. Mnn. You… ah… you’re good at this, Girki. I’m… ah… I’m not your first.”

  The gertling shook his head, but didn’t offer an explanation. His tongue was far too busy, and she was far from complaining. She felt her peak thumping nearer, growing in heat like a volcano deep into her stomach, nearing her explosive climax.

  “Yesss. Oh fuck Girki. Yes. Yes! I’m… I’m close Girki. I’m so… I… mnnnnn!”

  She came with a cry that send shudders of pleasure wracking her pale form. The gertling licked and nuzzled her mound, trying to catch as much of her juices as he could.

  Panting, head spinning, Dana’s hips shook and slowly let her collapse onto her knees on the floor. She sagged there a moment, her generous breasts heaving, her heart pounding with ecstasy.

  Girki pulled back, panting, his face damp with her juices. “Dana like?”

  She giggled, pressing his head between her soft breasts. “Dana liked very much. Ah,” she breathed, reaching between them and grasping his stunted cock. “And looks like you did too,” she teased, stroking his warty shaft appreciatively.


  “Lie back, Girki. It’s my turn.”

  The gertling fell back as she eased forward, stretching over the stocky creature like a hungry cat. Her hand moved up and down his cock, running over the bumps of his shaft. “Oh Girki,” she said softly, her copper hair brushing the gertling’s legs as she leaned her head down near his cock. She met his startled eyes as she slowly ran her tongue up his shaft.

  “Mnnn,” the gertling moaned.

  Dana smiled, her hips slowly swaying back and forth, the blanket over her ass shifting softly with every movement. “Mmm. Your cock is so tasty Girky,” she moaned.

  “Oooh,” the gertling groaned, clutching the floor.

  Dana giggled and raised her head, her soft lips slowly enveloping his shaft, moving down, her tongue swirling around the bumps of his cock. The taste stung her tastebuds, but she didn’t mind. It felt oddly liberating to do this. She felt strong. In control.


  “Mmm,” she moaned, running her lips up and down his tiny cock. She reached between his legs and cupped his balls, fingering them in the way she knew some of her lovers had enjoyed deeply. By the squeaks and moans of the gertling she knew he was as well. Dana started to bob faster, relishing the movement and the sounds coming from Girki. Her fingers stroked the taut flesh of his ball sack, feeling his seed churn.

  “Me… ah… mnnnn!” Girki cried out, shuddering as he came. His seed pumped into Dana’s startled mouth, but as the bitter, oily taste surged onto her tongue her throat immediately began to work, swallowing every pulse of his hot cum.

  Girki moaned, collapsing onto the floor. Dana pulled back, gasping, her tongue flicking across her lips. “Mmn. Thank you, Girki.”

  The gertling laughed raggedly. “Me like Dana mouth.”

bet,” Dana said, laughing. Once she started she found she couldn’t stop. She shook with her laughter, nearly doubling over. Girki watched her, blinking in confusion though he was smiling too.

  Dana hiccupped, trying to control herself. She shook her head. “Oh fuck. I’m sorry Girki. It’s… it’s just this whole thing. I didn’t… I didn’t think this would be where I’d be two days ago. Oh gods,” she sighed, wiping her hand across her eyes.

  Girki sat up, watching her. “Dana okay?”

  She smiled weakly. “Oh. I think I’ve been better. But… But I suppose I am. Yes. I think I’m okay right now. Ah,” she said, noticing the gertling’s cock was still hard. “And it looks like you are too.” She reached out, giving his spit slickened cock a lazy stroke. “Looks like you’re very okay. Aren’t you?”

  Girki moaned. “Mhmm.”

  She smiled, warmth blooming in her chest. “Well Girki. Since you still seem so hard, how would you like me to satisfy you next?”

  The gertling hesitated. “Me… me maybe take ass?”

  Dana’s eyebrows flew up. “Girki! How bold. I haven’t had a man who’s been brave enough to take me there.”

  “Because if me not take cove, can’t breed,” the gertling quickly said.

  Dana gave the gertling a sceptical look. “Hm,” she said. “Well, since you’re being so considerate…” She rose onto her hands and knees and turned about, tugging back the blanket to reveal the cream slathered cheeks of her heart shaped rump. She gave her ass a teasing shake. “Come on Girki. Give it a fuck.”

  Girki nodded eagerly and pressed forward. She shivered as his hands came to rest on her soft bottom, gently parting her cheeks and baring the wrinkled star within. The gertling leaned in and slipped his tongue along her crack.

  “Oh!” Dana gasped, shivering at the strange sensation. “M-mmm. Girki! No one has… oh… that’s… that’s so d-dirty. Mnnnn.” She bit her lower lip as the gertling eagerly licked at her tight backdoor, her ass tightening instinctively even as the stunted creature continued to lap at her crack. “Ohhhh Girki!”


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