Capturing Sosimo

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Capturing Sosimo Page 9

by Sara Blackard

  She kissed him quickly two more times before pulling away. His gaze focused intently on her mouth. She beamed at him, and he swallowed before tearing his eyes from her lips. The clearing of a throat behind her made her jump away from him.

  Cooper had a smug look on his face as he crossed his arms. June’s cheeks heated as she slid into the booth.

  “Have you looked at the menu yet?” Her voice trembled in embarrassment. Playing it cool had never been her forte. “I’m thinking tonight calls for something extra greasy and carb laden.”

  Sosimo glanced around, then sat next to her, though he kept some distance between them. When he pushed his foot up against hers, heat radiated through her. She couldn’t help the ridiculous grin that stretched across her face. She moved the menu closer to her face to hide her expression from Cooper across the table.

  “Greasy carbs sound good.” Sosimo tapped his finger on a bacon cheeseburger with onion rings on his menu, making her stomach growl in response. “I called Zeke to update him on tonight’s development.”

  Cold splashed through her body, replacing the warmth. “Yeah.”

  “They’re gonna look into it.”

  “That’s just it. I’ve been thinking about it nonstop, and there’s no way they should’ve been able to find us there. Anal doesn’t describe how I’ve been about that place.”

  “Don’t worry, cariña. We’ll figure it out.” He squeezed her hand.

  “You two lovebirds ready to order or what? I’m starving.” Cooper waved the waitress over. “Chicken-fried steak with the works, please.”

  The waitress nodded as she scribbled, then glanced at June.

  “I’ll have the bacon cheeseburger with onion rings, please.” June handed her the menu.

  “Can I have the biscuits and gravy with eggs over easy and hash browns?” Sosimo’s order made her question her choice.

  “Sure thing, hun.” The waitress smiled as she grabbed the menus and headed for the kitchen.

  June looked up at Sosimo. “I’ll trade you an onion ring for a bite or two off your plate.”

  He brought his hand up to her cheek and softly rubbed under the cut. “You can have whatever you want.” He cleared his throat, darted his gaze at Cooper, and dropped his hand. “Does it hurt?”

  She shook her head. “It’s fine.” She lowered her voice though there were few customers there. “What are we going to do?”

  “Zeke is calling our friend Lena Rebel to come pick us up. She just retired from the Army, literally landed last week, so no one should be able to connect us.” He sighed and squeezed his hands together on the table. “We’ll stay at her place tonight.”

  “Could someone in your company have gone to the dark side?” Cooper asked.

  “Maybe, but I keep all my inventions secret until they are under contract. Only then do I bring everyone at the company in.”

  “So many secrets.” Sosimo’s voice fell flat.

  He didn’t know the truth of that statement. She hated them too, the need to watch every word. She wanted to tell him everything, felt the desire building in her chest. She peeked up at him. His cheek flexed as his jaw clenched, causing the words to catch in the back of her mouth. He cleared his throat as the waitress brought their food. She stared at her plate, trying desperately to decide if she should tell him or not.

  He bumped her shoulder with his. “We’ll figure it out. You don’t have to do this alone anymore.”

  “I don’t?” She forced the question through her dry throat.

  “No, cariña.” He touched the back of her hand. “I’m not leaving you until this is figured out.”

  Effervescence rushed through her like she’d just chugged three energy drinks. Her body zinged like static electricity as she turned her head to face him, needing to see the truth in his eyes. His gaze held an intensity she’d never witnessed before.

  He broke away, glancing at Cooper, then focusing on the table. “Let’s eat. Then after a good night’s sleep, we can see if we can untangle any of this.”

  She pulled away and reached her shaking hands for her burger. The relief of having him here to help overwhelmed her, and she attempted not to cry. She hadn’t had help since she started her new life almost ten years ago. Since bawling in her fries wouldn’t improve their situation any, she took a bite out of the sandwich. As the saltiness of the bacon and cheese hit her mouth, her body relaxed into the comfort. They would figure this out and get her invention to the right people. Then when they succeeded, she would formulate a plan to keep Sosimo close, no matter the cost.

  Sosimo glanced around the dark neighborhood as he followed Reagan into Lena’s house. The drive hadn’t been long, but Reagan had lain with her head across his legs and fallen asleep almost immediately. The entire ride had him combing his fingers through the tendrils of her hair that refused to stay in her messy bun. Would he be able to keep her safe?

  “I only have one spare bedroom.” Lena tossed her keys onto the kitchen table.

  “No worries. I’ll just crash on the floor.” Sosimo threaded his fingers through Reagan’s as she leaned into his side. “Cooper can have the couch.”


  “No buts, cariña.”

  “Bossy.” She glared at him, though her stifled smile ruined it, and she followed Lena down the hallway.

  Sosimo leaned against the back of the couch. If he sat down, he’d probably fall asleep. His eyes scratched with each blink. When was the last time he had been this tired? He couldn’t believe they ended up in a city where they knew someone. Being here, he could relax a little more. Or at least try to.

  “So you and Reagan?” Cooper stretched onto the couch, a smirk on his face. “That was some pretty intense kissing. Is that why you keep putting me on guard and giving me the night shift? You wanted time to smooch.”

  “Smooching? Who’s been smooching?” Lena came out of the hallway carrying a tote.

  “Sosimo and Reagan.” Cooper wiggled his eyebrows.

  Lena whistled. “Sos, she’s hot. You sure you can handle that caliber of woman?”

  “Whatever.” Sosimo rubbed the back of his neck, then shrugged. “She’s amazing. Smartest person I’ve ever met. I should keep my head on straight, but there’s just something about her that makes me want to either whisk her away and hide out forever or take her down to meet mi madre.”

  “You’re in trouble for sure if you want to take her to your family. Your mom would line up the pastor the minute you walked in the door with her.” Cooper tsked, crossing his arms under his head.

  Sosimo cringed. His mom was still a little bitter about him leaving the church when he found there was more to his faith than just his parents’ religion. “She’d want a priest, but wouldn’t make too much of a fuss when I refused. At least, I hope she wouldn’t.”

  Sosimo chuckled as warmth spread across his chest. The thought of her doing that didn’t have him running for the hills. More like he wondered how soon Reagan could go with him. Yep, he was a goner.

  “I recognize her from somewhere.” Lena’s words pulled him from imagining Reagan in his parents’ home.

  “¿De veras? Where?”

  “That’s just it, I can’t really place it. I don’t think I’ve met her. Maybe I’ve seen a picture of her before.” She shrugged and slapped the tote she held against Sosimo’s stomach. “It’ll come to me.”

  “Well, she invents for the military. Probably a press release or something.” Sosimo grabbed onto the tote before it fell to the floor.

  “That’s probably it.” She pointed to the tote. “My brothers insist I keep clothes for them here for those times they swing by. There’s probably something the two of you could wear so you could wash your clothes before you leave.” She stepped backwards toward the kitchen and waved her hand below her nose. “Hate to break it to you, but you two Joes stink.”

  Cooper laughed and lunged up from the couch for Lena. “This is manly musk, woman.” He cornered her and wrapped her in a bear
hug. “You know it attracts you like bees to honey.”

  “Ugh.” Lena quickly darted under Cooper and leaned against the kitchen island. “That may be attractive to you Navy boys, but to those not stuck in a tin can, it’s called B.O.”

  Sosimo laughed. Lena always had been easy to joke with and quick with shooting men down. That was until Ethan Stryker had stolen her heart. Sosimo hadn’t seen her since he got out of the Army. Grief still seemed to pull at the corner of her eyes that had always sparkled with joy and grit before. She was a tough one, for sure, not calling it quits when Ethan died in that horrible mission.

  Sosimo nodded his head at her across the room. “Thanks for letting us crash here.”

  “I’m glad I’m able to help.”

  “What are your plans now that you’ve retired?”

  Lena’s shoulders slumped, and she looked away. “Not sure. I moved here when Ethan was still alive, so …”

  “I’m sorry, Lena.”

  She shrugged. “I’ll find something.”

  “Semper Gumby,” Cooper said as he pulled sweats from the tote.

  “Man, you know we don’t speak Jarhead.” Sosimo punched him lightly, and Lena laughed. Sosimo looked at Lena. “You should think about joining us out in Colorado.”

  “Zeke’s been talking to me about it. I’ve been turning him down, but now—” She rubbed her hands together. “Sounds like it could be fun. Better than hanging out here. Unless Cooper’s signed on. I don’t think I could hang out with the likes of him for long.”

  “Hey, I resent that.” Cooper pouted. “Besides, Zeke and I have been discussing other plans.” He stuck his tongue out. “I’m showering.”

  Lena rolled her eyes. “Child.”

  Sosimo rifled through the tote and pulled out a shirt and sweats.

  “Go change.” Lena motioned toward the hall. “You’ve got my room. I’ll take the recliner. You need the beauty sleep more than I do.”

  Sosimo nodded, lifting his hand in thanks as he crossed the room to the hall. He tucked into the bedroom that had the door open and pulled off his shirt. His finger got caught in a hole in the material. What in the world? He smiled as he rushed out and knocked on Reagan’s door.

  “Come in.”

  “I forgot to show you something.” He shut the door behind him and handed her the shirt.

  One of her delicate eyebrows rose as she took the garment. “You want me to look at your filthy shirt?”

  He rolled his eyes and ripped it out of her hands. Turning it to the hole, he pointed. “Look. That looks like a bullet hole to me.”

  Her gasp brought the satisfaction he’d been looking for. Her hand covered her mouth. Man, he could kiss her. She yanked his arm and started twisting him to see the armor suit. He cringed at her rough handling.

  He turned so he wouldn’t get wrenched around anymore and pointed to where he remembered the impact. “There, cariña.”

  Her hand rubbed along his back, shooting a trail of sparks across his skin. “It worked.”

  Her hoarse whisper sent goosebumps where the sparks had been. She’d done it. This would save so many lives if he could just get her to the right people.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and put all his pride and hope into his kiss. He pulled her closer, diving his hands deep into her soft locks she’d let down. He needed to be close to her, to anchor himself to this connection that coursed through his body. She returned his kiss with equal fervor, cupping her delicate hands on his cheeks like she wanted to hold him there. He angled his head so he could claim more of her. He wasn’t going anywhere. After what seemed like years and seconds at the same time, their kisses slowed to one long embrace of the lips.

  “Ay, caray.” Her whisper echoed his feelings exactly, and he smiled against her lips.

  He ran a shaky hand down her back. “Boot up your computer. I’ll go get out of this so you can analyze it.”

  She nodded, skimming her hands down his cheeks and behind his ears. “Be quick.”

  She tugged lightly on his hair, sending another shock wave through him. Her light kiss turned into more until several minutes later he threaded his fingers through hers, still buried deep in his hair. He moved their hands between them and kissed her knuckles.

  She huffed, looking thoroughly put off. “Go, but hurry back.”

  Sosimo rushed to his room and changed into the clothes Lena had given him. He twisted the armor suit in his hands, looking at where the bullet had hit. There wasn’t a single mark on it. He crossed the hall to Reagan’s room to find her sitting cross-legged on the bed, engrossed in her computer.

  “So?” Sosimo tossed the suit on the bed and sat down next to her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. “It’s here. It recorded everything, and with the system now communicating flawlessly, soldiers’ base command will be able to monitor health while in the field. It’s even equipped with a defibrillation system to give the wearer a jolt if their heart rate flatlines.” She went back to her computer and pointed at the screen. “This is your heartbeat. What’s amazing is that your heart didn’t really pick up much until about an hour and a half ago and just a couple minutes before you took it off. Either there’s a glitch in the system, or I’m not reading this correctly.”

  He leaned over and tucked her hair behind her ear. “That’s no mistake.” He kissed below her ear. “That heart rate increase is all because of you.”

  She swatted him on the arm and went back to evaluating the data, a blush pinking her neck. “Right here must’ve been when the bullet impacted.” She trailed her finger on the screen. “See how there’s a spike on the graph?”

  He nodded his head. “That would’ve been about right. I got hit right after we got out of the house.”

  She turned to him and started lifting his shirt. “Let me see where it hit.”

  Sosimo laughed low, glad the suit didn’t record his rocketing heartbeat. “For a minute there, I thought I was gonna have to tell you I’m not that kind of guy.”

  “Good, because I’m not that kind of girl either.” She paused and looked into his eyes, her expression urging him to believe the truth of her words.

  He kissed her softly on the lips and pulled away. “Is there a bruise?”

  “No, nothing. Just the bruise from earlier. What did it feel like when the bullet hit?”

  Sosimo skootched back and rested against the headboard. “It felt like someone had punched me in the back. With no one around, I knew it had to be a bullet. But the impact wasn’t hard, not something that would throw me off or knock me down. It only alerted me that they had seen us.”

  She moved next to him, pulling her computer onto her lap and leaning against him. “I’m so glad I had you try that on.”

  She shivered, and he put his arm around her. He was glad she had too. Otherwise their grand escape would've gone down with him bleeding out in the field after he demanded that Cooper get her out of there.

  He closed his eyes and leaned his head against hers. He had to get her to the SEP. This invention would be a game changer for the US military. The tension eased out of his body with the tapping of her fingers on the keyboard. After this crazy road trip finished, he wanted to take her home to meet his madre.


  They were running fast, so fast that June’s legs burned. The forest yanked at them, insidious hands slowing them down. They broke out of the darkness into the moonlight of an open field. Goosebumps skittered across her skin like a million bugs.

  “No.” She didn’t want to go into the telling light. Didn’t want to become exposed.

  Sosimo glanced back at her as she pulled on his hand, slowing him down. “Come on, cariña. We just need to get to the other side.”

  She nodded, but her feet weighed a hundred pounds each. His forehead creased in concern only to widen in shock. He dropped her hand and touched his chest where blood ran from an open wound. Another bullet hit, piercing the armor suit and throwing him b
ackward. She reached for him as she screamed, but he fell into a gaping pit. Her fingers skimmed his before he disappeared into the dark.

  June jerked awake, ramming her forehead into her computer. Pain exploded across her face, bringing tears to her eyes. At least, she thought the pain from smashing her face into the screen, and not the dream, caused the tears. Oh, please let her not be bawling in her sleep.

  Sosimo shifted where he’d accidentally fallen asleep next to her while she had analyzed the data. She squeezed her eyes shut and rubbed her head. Not the best way to start a fresh day. She hated when she fell asleep with her computer in bed. It always seemed to end up bad.

  The residual fear of the dream caused her to shiver. Warm arms wrapped around her, a chuckle vibrating against her cheek. Would she ever stop making a fool of herself in front of this man? Probably not.

  Another knock, not a gunshot, banged on her door. “Hey, man. Zeke wants an update.” Cooper’s deep voice rumbled through the door.

  “All right, I’ll be out in a sec.” Sosimo pushed her crazy bedhead hair out of her eyes and brushed his thumb across her forehead. “You okay?” He did a poor job at hiding the laughter in his voice.

  “Hazards of falling asleep while working.”

  He kissed her on the forehead and got off the bed. She couldn’t believe they had both fallen asleep. She waited for the embarrassment to come, but only the effects of a well-rested night remained.

  “Come out when you’re ready. We need to figure out what we do next.” Sosimo backed toward the door.

  She nodded absentmindedly as she glanced around the room. Her brain still tried to recover from the nightmare.

  Sosimo smiled widely. “You’re adorable when you’re confused. I could get used to seeing this side of you every morning.”

  Before she could reply, he vanished out the door. Her heart pounded violently in her chest. Had he just said what she thought he did? She went over his words again in her head. She nodded unconsciously as hope and warmth invaded her chest. She forced the feeling down. He hadn’t declared his love or anything.


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