Capturing Sosimo

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Capturing Sosimo Page 14

by Sara Blackard

  With him firmly pressed against her side, all the pain and uncertainty of the last week fell away. Had he really come back for her? She almost couldn’t bear to hope, but the intensity of his expression and the soft words he’d spoken said he had. Air rushed into her lungs, leaving her lightheaded. He found a private alcove in the empty hall and tucked them into it.

  Her legs wobbled at the sudden stop, but she steeled them. She didn’t have time for weakness now. She closed the space between them, grabbed the back of his neck, and pulled him to her. She kissed him hard, full of the desperation and pain that had almost overwhelmed her. She wrapped her other arm around his shoulders and speared her fingers through his hair, drawing him closer.

  Voices echoed down the hall, and he moved them farther into the dark of the alcove, pressing her against the wall, never leaving her mouth. Sparks of joy flew from her head to her toes. Her brain might short-circuit with the sudden change in emotion. He was here. Her brain could melt, for all she cared.

  He pulled away and wrapped her in his arms, his face buried in her neck. He trembled as he pulled her closer.

  “Please tell me your kisses mean you forgive me.” His voice shuddered under her ear.

  She loosened her death grip on his jacket and smoothed her hands up to his shoulders. “Only if you forgive me for not telling you who I am.”

  He cupped her cheek with his hand and rubbed his thumb along her jawline. “I’ve always known who you are.” He took in all of her with his eyes, smoothing the back of his fingers down her cheek and neck. “You’re June Paxton, champion of soldiers, beautiful introvert who downs chewy candy by the bagful, the most intelligent woman alive.” He leaned forward and kissed under her ear. “You’re the woman who’s captured my heart, who challenges my thoughts, and makes me want to be better.”

  She flexed her finger and swallowed the lump stuck in her throat. “I’m not all that.”

  “You’re right.” He kissed her lightly on the lips. “You’re so much more. You’re the woman I want to marry, to take home to mi madre, to make redheaded babies with.”


  “I know we haven’t known each other long, but I can’t go another day without you, cariña. This last week just about killed me.” He leaned his forehead on hers. “Marry me, please.”

  “Sí.” She couldn’t say more past the joy clogging her mouth.


  “Yes, Sosimo Rivas. I’ll marry you, though your madre intimidates me a little.”

  He picked her up and whirled her around. The distant music picked up pace as if in celebration with them. How could life change from despair to everything she ever wanted in less than an hour? She squeezed him tightly as he placed her feet back on the floor.

  “Don’t worry. She’s gonna love you. Could we have a small wedding and marry soon? I don’t want to share the day with anyone but us and our parents.” He ran his hands up her back.

  “What about your friends and your siblings and all your family?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t want chaos at our wedding. Just you. They can all celebrate with us later.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “Great. I’ve got it all planned.” Sosimo beamed as he pulled her toward the ballroom. “Let’s go tell your parents.”

  He kept her mind whirling as he explained what he had arranged. It was crazy and impulsive and made her giddy with excitement. After filling her parents in, he held her close on the dance floor, swaying to the music long into the night, whether the tempo played fast or slow. It would have embarrassed June Paxton, making her want to hide from the knowing smiles and curious glances. But June-soon-to-be-Rivas no longer wanted to be the timid girl with sweaty palms and trembling hands any time she had to step from her lab. She was finally ready to firmly embrace who she’d become in Reagan, and with Sosimo by her side, her insecurities seemed to dissolve like sugar on the tongue.


  Sosimo paced at the end of the dock while he waited impatiently for June to join him. He still couldn’t believe he had pulled off organizing the wedding in two days. They could’ve had it at her parents’ place, but since Virginia didn’t have a waiting period, Virginia was where the wedding would be.

  He liked the fact that they would marry at sundown overlooking the Potomac. He paced back to the other side of the dock. If she didn’t hurry, the sunset would be over.

  “Man, you pace anymore and the end of the dock will fall off.” Cooper chuckled from where he leaned at the railing, calm like always.

  When Sosimo had found out that Cooper was a bonafide clergyman because of his baby sister wanting him to officiate at her wedding, he’d thought God had been smiling down on him. Now, he just wanted to push the infuriating man into the river. Since that would delay his wedding even longer, he contained the urge.

  “Mijo, I’m so proud of you.” His father, who had arrived with Sosimo’s mother the night before, threw his arms around Sosimo’s shoulders, stopping his pacing. “You’ve done something special here for a special lady. I’m so glad to be a part of this.”

  His dad motioned at the dock. Sosimo took it all in again. It had been a lot of work transforming the humble dock into a place worthy of June’s wedding, but it had been worth it.

  His father, General Paxton, and Cooper had all helped him while the moms had gotten June ready. He’d lined the walkway from the cottage with pots of fall flowers in varying reds, pinks, and oranges that reminded him of the many shades in June’s hair. They’d strung twinkling lights up and down the length of the dock from tall poles they’d attached to the pillars, ending at an arch of lights they’d stand under to exchange vows.

  The hope was that she’d step out of the cottage when the sun displayed its best show across the sky and the ceremony would end with the sky darkening and lights twinkling overhead. The real hope was that she wouldn’t regret not having a bigger wedding. They had covered the cottage windows facing the river with foil so she couldn’t peek. According to a text his madre had sent, they’d had to pull June through the cottage door off the drive when her curiosity almost got the best of her. Now, if she would only hustle so he wouldn’t ruin all this work by dragging her out here.

  The cottage door opened and shut just as quickly. His heart leaped into his throat. His madre rushed down the dock, a huge smile across her face. His heart settled back where it belonged.

  “She’s ready. Get set, mijo.” She kissed him quickly on the cheeks and shooed him to his spot.

  He stepped up to the arch, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants. Cooper smirked as he tucked his Bible under his arm. Sosimo straightened his tie and turned toward the cottage.

  His heart pounded in his throat as the door opened, and June walked out. He could tell the moment she took everything in by the way her shoulders tightened and her mouth dropped open. Her parents stepped up to both sides of her, and they escorted June down the dock to him.

  Her gaze darted from one place to another until it zeroed in on him, never swaying the entire walk. The simple satin dress she’d bought that day perfectly draped over her and shimmered in the setting sun. She hadn’t covered her hair with a veil. He loved the play of light in her wavy strands. She’d tucked some flowers from the vase he had left in the cottage around her head like a crown. She took his breath away.

  When she took his hand and stepped up next to him, tears sparkled in her eyes. “This is perfect.”

  The ants tangoing in his stomach stopped when he threaded his fingers through hers. “I’m glad.”

  Cooper started in with his, “Dearly beloved,” and Sosimo stared into June’s eyes. Her fingers didn’t tremble, and her smile shone confidently at him. As songbirds and the passing river serenaded their ceremony, years filled with love reflected in June’s teary gaze.


  Three weeks later, June stared at the house as Sosimo pulled into the drive of his parents’ house. She fanned her silk shirt, hoping her a
ntiperspirant didn’t fail her. She felt silly getting so dressed up with the beautiful top and calf-length skirt that flared when she spun. She’d hoped to make a good impression, but now was just uncomfortable.

  Her father’s voice came over the speakers of the car. “Son, thanks for the names of people to look into for the force I’m putting together to untangle this group Adam says controls the world or whatnot. Hopefully, we’ll be able to tear the organization down to dust.”

  “I’m glad I could help, General.” Sosimo put the car in park and turned off the ignition.

  “Rivas, I’ve told you to stop calling me that.”

  Sosimo laughed. “Sorry, sir. Old habit.”

  “Right. I’ll let you go. Tell your parents Claire and I say hello. Oh, and Junebug, keep that young man of yours in line.”

  “I will, Dad. Love you.” She bent forward and stared at the bright curtains hanging in the windows of the house. “Is it too late to fly back to Zeke’s island for a while longer?” She glanced at Sosimo, half hoping he’d say yes.

  Their honeymoon had been amazing on the private island Zeke had inherited from his grandfather. No one but the food delivery guy from a neighboring island had been in that small piece of heaven. When she added her Latin hunk of a husband, who liked to whisper sweet words in Spanish, the island tempted her to never leave. As soon as this visit finished, she’d look into how to buy an island of her own.

  “Cariña, it won’t be that bad.” He threaded his hand through hers and kissed her wedding ring. “Madre promised it’ll be a small gathering today.”

  “Okay.” June took in the calm he always settled over her.

  He kissed her on the lips much too quickly for her liking and got out of the car. As he rounded the front, she checked her reflection in the mirror. She rolled her eyes at the lipstick on her teeth and wiped it with a vengeance as Sosimo opened her door and reached for her hand.

  “Did I tell you I got a message from Zeke this morning?” He wrapped his arm around her waist and led her to the door.


  She only remembered him coming into the room of their suite with his phone while she changed her outfit for the fifth time. One look at her and he had dropped his phone on the dresser, and, well … her neck heated. She didn’t need to think about that now. He peered down at her, a satisfied grin on his face.

  She rolled her eyes. “What did he say?”

  “They’ve started the renovations on the old manager’s house at the ranch. There wasn’t as much that needed done on it, and the contractor thinks they’ll be able to finish, lab and all, within three weeks.”


  June still couldn’t believe Zeke wanted them to settle there. At first, she’d been hesitant, but the more she and Sosimo had talked about it, the more she saw the benefit. The lab would be more secure than if they found a place on their own, and he could still do the job he was made for—protecting those in need. While she’d never imagined herself married to a military man, she was humbled and proud of the man she called husband.

  “Stop staring at me like that, or I may just drag you back to the hotel and disappoint my madre.” Sosimo pulled her tighter to his side and kissed her.

  “Would that be so bad?” she whispered on his lips.

  He growled low and kissed her hard, just as the door opened and loud, rapid talking flooded the air.

  “Mija! Mijo!” Sosimo’s madre’s voice pulled them apart. “Ay, caraye.” She swatted Sosimo’s arm while pushing him aside and threading her arm around June’s waist. “Let the poor woman breathe.”

  June stifled a laugh as she smiled over Madre Rivas’s head. Sosimo rolled his eyes and rubbed his arm. June squeezed her lips together to keep from snorting out a laugh.

  “We just have a few of us here today. The rest will come for the party tomorrow.” Madre Rivas patted June’s side in a comforting move as they stepped through the door.

  Chaos erupted as more people than she could count crowded around to hug and kiss both her and Sosimo. More names and rapid Spanish flew her way than she knew what to do with, but the warmth and love enveloped her in a cocoon of happiness.

  When it seemed like the entire town had finally said their hellos and dispersed throughout the house and the back door, Sosimo wrapped his arm around her. “You all right?”

  She placed her hands on his chest and smiled up at him. “Yeah. You’re right. They’re wonderful.”

  “I’m not sure if I ever said that.” He scrunched his face up. “Annoying and overbearing, sí, but wonderful?”

  She swatted him on the arm, gasping in shocked indignation and stepping toward the noise in the kitchen. “Careful, I’ll tell Madre.”

  “No, anything but that.” He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back. “I’m glad you like them.”

  His kiss touched softly on her lips, like she was a cherished treasure. She finally felt found, that she didn’t have to be so alone anymore. No more living behind lies and shadows. As Sosimo pulled her to join his family, she knew he would always be her home.

  Don’t miss Celebrating Tina, the next book in the Stryker Security Force series.

  A K-9 handler determined to prove she belongs. A detective with an unwavering plan. Can they overcome their painful pasts and accept the gift of love?

  Tina West has spent her life feeling like she stood on the outside, but since taking a job at Stryker Security, life seems to be turning for the better.

  Tina never imagined when she took a job as a nanny she’d end up training for search and rescue. Yet, when her boss shows up with a retired military dog and the opportunity to train with him, Tina snatches up the chance to help those who are lost. If she saves enough people, maybe she could find meaning in a life that left her with nothing but a bruised heart and a tarnished picture of family. As holiday festivities loom before her, she wonders if she’ll ever shuck the regrets that haunt her dreams and keep her from connecting with others.

  Milo Bishop’s every move has been to take care of his mom and younger brother.

  Since his father’s murder, Milo has worked hard to make sure his mom and brother were provided for. He joined the police force straight out of high school, took night classes so he could move up to investigator, and put his life on hold until his brother graduated from college. But when he is rescued on Thanksgiving Day by Tina West, his well-laid plans take a sharp detour.

  When a series of kidnappings threaten to ruin the holidays, can Tina and Milo put aside their doubts and find the abducted children before it’s too late?

  Also by Sara Blackard

  Vestige in Time Series

  Vestige of Power

  Vestige of Hope

  Vestige of Legacy

  Vestige of Courage

  * * *

  Stryker Security Force Series

  Mission Out of Control

  Falling For Zeke

  Capturing Sosimo

  Celebrating Tina

  Crashing Into Jake

  Discovering Rafe

  It was a mission like any other ... until it blew apart around them.

  When the Army's Special Ops team is tasked with infiltrating the Columbian jungle and rescuing a kidnapped State Department family, the mission seems like every other one they've executed. But as the assignment unravels, not only is the mission's success at stake, but all the brothers-in-arms leaving the jungle alive hangs in the balance.

  Mission Out of Control is the prequel short story for both Vestige in Hope and the Stryker Security Force Series.

  About the Author

  Sara Blackard has been a writer since she was able to hold a pencil. When she's not crafting wild adventures and sweet romances, she's homeschooling her five children, keeping their off-grid house running, or enjoying the Alaskan lifestyle she and her husband love.


  FREE Stryker Security Force prequel

  Chapter 1

bsp; Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  Also by Sara Blackard

  Mission Out Of Control

  About the Author




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