The Brat Submits: First Time Taboo with Man of the House (Bad Boy Daddy Book 1)

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The Brat Submits: First Time Taboo with Man of the House (Bad Boy Daddy Book 1) Page 1

by Cherry, Lulu


  Bad Boy Daddy Series



  Lulu Cherry

  Copyright 2018 Lulu Cherry

  All rights Reserved

  No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All characters in this book are over eighteen years old.

  No one is related by blood.


  The knock caused me to spill my tea. I nearly burned myself.

  I'd just sat down at my kitchen table which doubled as a desk for me. I'd just opened a thick book on probability and statistics.

  I was only eighteen but I was in my second year of college. Nobody could study like me.

  I spilled the tea right on my textbook. I quickly reached for a towel and tried to dry it off.

  The next three knocks came so suddenly and rapidly that I jerked my hand and spilled even more hot tea.

  I suddenly felt scared. Who would knock on my door like that?

  I picked up my smartphone. I considered dialing 911 right from the get-go.

  Four more rapid knocks. Whoever was doing this was goddam strong.

  Shit. What if this was some kind of joke or something. I was in the sorority at school. They could be up to something.

  I had no way of knowing until I checked. Nervous, I got up and went to the door.

  I had a small, one person apartment. The door wasn't far from the table.

  More rapid knocks. At that rate my neighbors might be calling the police.

  I wanted to put my eye to the eyehole. But damn if the whole door didn't shake every time I tried.

  I doubled checked to make sure the chain was secure. I knew it was a stupid thing to do. But I opened the door.

  "Let me in." Said the voice.

  My whole skin crawled. There wasn't anyone in all the world I hated more.

  "Eat shit and die." I said.

  Then I tried to slam the door shut. It was too late. He barreled into the door. The chain didn't hold. The door burst open.

  I got slammed backward and took a bad fall. Immediately I was trembling. What the hell was he doing?

  The asshole ignored me. He stepped into the apartment. Then he looked back out into the hallway. Right and left.

  He sighed and shut the door. He looked down at me. He offered a hand.

  I should have bit it. But I just brushed it aside.

  "Asshole." I said.

  I started crying. Don't think I'm weak. I'm not.

  If I'd had a knife in my hand I'd have stabbed it right in his foot. But I didn't have a knife.

  I did have my smartphone though. Only I'd dropped it in the fall. I reached for it.

  The asshole kicked it away.

  "What do you gotta be like that for?" He said. "Who do you think pays for that thing? Huh? Who do you think pays for this fucking apartment? Or your fucking college tuition."

  "Fuck you!" I said.

  The asshole just shook his head. He went over to my smartphone and picked it up. He dumped it in his pocket.

  He kept an eye on me as he went to the kitchen. He placed a leather bag he'd been carrying on the table.

  He then went to the refrigerator and opened it.

  "Where's the goddam beer?" He said.

  He pulled out an unopened pack of hard cheddar cheese. He threw it onto the table next to his leather bag.

  Then he looked around at my cabinets. He guessed correctly where the liquor was. He helped himself to a bottle of vodka and a small glass.

  He sat down at the table. He reached in his jacket for a knife. That's when I saw it. He was bleeding.

  The asshole was bleeding. Go cry me a river. I hoped he bled out. Right there. While I watched.

  Hell. If he was bleeding out then I was glad I hadn't called 911.

  He sat on the floor. I thought about the odds if I made a run for it. Probably not good.

  The asshole took his knife and cut the cheese in half. He pulled the plastic wrapping off. Then stabbed a big chunk with his knife.

  He filled his small glass with vodka until it spilled out. Shit. He got vodka on my textbook.

  He downed the entire glass of vodka with barely a wince. He picked up the knife and took a bite out of the cheese it was stabbed into.

  He let out a big sigh. He hadn't taken his eyes off me once.

  "I just need twelve hours. Three o'clock tomorrow morning. Then I'm gone. Out of your hair. Maybe forever this time. That's all. I swear it."

  I just looked at him like he was a piece of dog shit I'd stepped on.

  Then I decided to make a run for it. To hell with the odds. As I sprinted for the door I screamed.

  "Rape! Rape!"

  I was not worried about rape. It was one of the few things Daddy would never do. But it was a short easy word to scream. It would get the attention I wanted.

  I had my hand on the door. I was opening it. I thought I might just make it.

  But the asshole was there. He slammed the door shut. Nearly on my hand. Then he was grabbing me. He was cupping his hand over my mouth.

  He dragged me back to the kitchen. I picked up the towel from the table. It was wet with tea and vodka.

  He got ready to stuff it into my mouth. Then he thought better of it.

  "Do I really need to do this?" He said.

  I glared at him. I hoped that looks could kill.

  "I'm going to take my hand away from your mouth. You're not going to say a word. Got it?"

  I didn't scream this time.

  The asshole found some rags. He quickly twisted them into small ropes. He then tied me to my chair in the kitchen.

  "I've got a test tomorrow." I said. "I have to study."

  Daddy gave me a lopsided grin.

  "I'm sure you'll ace it." He said. "I'll be gone before then."

  "What'd you do this time?" I asked him.

  He made sure I was tied securely. He then went to his leather bag. He opened it and showed it to me.

  Freshly minted hundred dollar bills. All in neat bundles of a hundred each. He might have had a million dollars in that bag or more.

  "Who'd you kill to get that?"

  "You know me." He said. "I only steal from the bad guys."

  Daddy then left me for a minute. He opened the apartment door and looked out into the hallway. Right and left. Then he came back.

  "You yell 'rape' and no one comes." He said. "Isn't that typical?"

  Yeah. Like he was some big hero, himself. He always had an inflated opinion of himself. Why did Mom have to marry him?

  Daddy always could read my mind. So he said:

  "And how is your mom?" He said.

  I just glared at him some more.

  "Who's your Daddy? Huh? Tell me that." The asshole said.

  "You're not my daddy. You never were." I said.

  "We're not blood. Fine. I got it."
He said. "But I took care of you didn't I? You and your mother. I took care of you both."

  "You fucking terrorized us. You put us in danger again and again." I said.

  I was crying again. I'm not weak. I just had issues. Who wouldn't with a daddy like him?

  "I kept life exciting." He said.

  He shrugged. He went back to his cheese. He poured himself another glass of vodka. It spilled out on the table again.

  Then he took off his jacket. He unbuttoned his shirt. I saw it then. A long knife cut across his chest. It looked messy.

  He saw me staring at the wound.

  "It's nothing. A miss really. I won't even need stitches."

  He poured some vodka on it. And that time, he did wince.

  About an hour later the asshole had actually cleaned up. He'd patched up his wound. Now he was actually cleaning the kitchen table.

  He was paging through my statistics and probability textbook.

  "You really understand this shit?" He said. "What is all this crap? What's it say?"

  "It says the most likely outcome here is that you go to jail for a long time." I said.

  Daddy smiled again. He had a wicked smile. That he had a rugged kind of handsomeness made everything worse.

  It would have been easier to hate him if he'd been ugly.

  Another couple of hours went by. I got thirsty. I didn't want to say anything. But the asshole noticed.

  He poured me a cup of water. He brought it to me.

  "You wanna drink?" He said.

  "No." I said.

  He rolled his eyes. He put the glass to my lips. He lifted it.

  I drank despite myself.

  Daddy reached out. He touched me on the cheek. I didn't know if I wanted to throw up or...if I wanted him to touch me a little more.

  Yeah. Our relationship was fucked up. I'd had the hots for him for a long time. It was just a physical thing.

  You should have seen the asshole. The guy was solid and compact muscle. And utterly capable.

  He once told me that in a fight if it's not over in a few seconds you've done something seriously wrong.

  And that was just the thing. Not only was Daddy strong, tall, and ruggedly handsome, he was capable.

  He could handle guys three times as heavy as himself. And I knew for a fact he'd killed before. Never in cold blood. Never because he'd wanted to.

  But he knew how to kill another man and he'd done it. Wasn't that enough?

  But he'd always melted me like butter. I could never be near him for any reasonable amount of time and not start melting like chocolate on a hot day.

  I should have turned and bit his fingers off when he touched my cheek. Instead, I sighed. Damn, I swooned.

  Then he looked at me with that lopsided grin.

  "You like that." He said.

  "Fuck you." I said.

  He looked at me quizzically. He was such an asshole. In all the years I'd been crushing out on him, he'd never even noticed.

  What? Was it because I was eighteen now?

  True. I was no longer the little wispy fifteen-year-old I'd been when he'd left. I'd been a late bloomer.

  But now I could turn heads with my good looks and figure. Now the asshole finally noticed me.

  He leaned in closer to me. He examined me.

  I want to say that I spit at him. That I lured him in and bit off his nose. But I can't.

  Nope. The closer he got the more I melted. And he saw it alright. The next thing I know his lips are on mine.

  And I loved it. I swooned. My mouth opened and his tongue slipped in.

  How did it feel? It felt like I'd slipped into an adolescent fantasy. It felt like a dream.

  It was a slow wet kiss that dragged on. I would have brought up my arms. But then again I was tied up.

  Daddy placed both his calloused hands on my face. That kiss just went on and on and on.

  Did we kiss until the night came? I don't know. It was dark when we stopped.

  But maybe it had been dark already. Or maybe not.

  I said. "I do hate you. But I missed you too."

  He sat back at the kitchen table. He eyed me thoughtfully. He studied me.

  "You're a lot like your mother. Prettier." He said wistfully.

  My mother had loved him something fierce. But I knew without doubt she was done with him now. Too much water under the bridge.

  I wanted to be done with the asshole too. But I wanted to fuck him something fierce as well.

  "We still got time before you go." I said.

  He smiled at me. Asshole.

  "Time for what?" He asked.

  I shook my head. He wasn't much for brains was he?

  "To fuck." I said.

  That actually caught him off guard. Idiot. Hadn't we just been kissing for approximately forever?

  Daddy used his whole hand to point to himself questioningly.

  "Yeah. I wanna fuck you." I said. "I've wanted to fuck you since I was old enough to think about it. I figure with you and your million dollars you're going to be gone for a long while this time. So let's do it."

  The asshole had to think about it.

  "Even if we fuck, it doesn't mean you're not an asshole." I said. "You are."

  He nodded.

  "Fair enough." He said.

  He finally got up and came in close to me again. I melted. I swooned. I couldn't really help it.

  Basic biology.

  His lips met mine again. Oh. Yeah. I needed to fuck him. Bad.

  "How do I know I can trust you?" He said.

  "I'm fucking melting here. And you're going to ask if you can trust me?" I said.

  "Uh-huh." He said.

  "Tie me up and do it." I said.

  "What?" He said.

  "You heard me. Tie me up to the bed. Is that not kinky enough for your twisted mind?"


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