A Bride To Herd

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A Bride To Herd Page 6

by George H. McVey

  Chance saw red for a minute, as he thought about Jed proposing to the woman hand-picked for Chance by his Aunt Viola. He couldn’t let that happen. He turned to Widow Winslow. “I don’t want her to marry Jedediah, but how do I stop them from courting?”

  She sighed “Why is it that you men are determined to be so stubbornly ignorant. You need to tell her you want to explore the match your aunt thought you would make together.”

  “But I rejected her and sent her to Crookshank.”

  “Yes, you were stupid, but once you admit it like you did to all us wise women she’ll forgive you and pretend it never happened. Or she’ll tell you that it’s too late and then you will have to either accept that she’s lost to you or prove that you are the man for her.”

  “So I should just tell her that I want us to court?”

  “That’s exactly what you should do.”

  So here he sat listening to the brides gossip and wondering if he’d actually be brave enough to tell Violet she belonged to him when they met after dinner. Yes, that’s exactly what he’d do and then he’d make arrangements to find another match for Crookshank. Maybe Jasmine, as her match was now on his way to prison. That would take care of the luckless woman and keep him from needing to find a new match for Jedediah. As the ladies all excused themselves and headed off, he smiled at Violet and stood. “You’ll join me in the office Miss Montgomery so that we can continue our discussion? There’s much we need to talk about.”

  “Of course Mister Redburn. Just let me run Myrakle’s tray up to her, and I’ll be right there.”

  Chance nodded and walked into the office. Ready to enact the advice given by the ladies auxiliary and let Violet know she was his personal match.

  Violet stood outside the doors to the office getting her pulse and nerves under control. As much as she wished that Chance would take her into his arms and declare his love and devotion to her, she had to be realistic. Nothing in his actions toward her so far indicated that he had any feelings for her. She needed to just accept that Chance Redburn was not going to be the match for her.

  She stepped into the office and closed the door. Before she could take more than a step toward the desk Chance had taken her into his arms, and she found his lips pressed against hers. He kissed her with a passion that surprised her, and she melted into him, her mouth welcoming his. Suddenly she had everything she’d wanted since she saw him at the depot. His kiss was like coming home, but then she realized she was courting Jedediah Crookshank and Chance was just her boss. She pushed away, her hand flying up smacking his face. “How dare you, sir. I don’t believe that you have the right to be taking such liberties with me.”

  She was shocked to see the look of confusion on his face. “I don’t understand. I thought you and my Aunt had arranged for you to come her to be matched with me.”

  “That may be so, but you matched me with Jedediah Crookshank, even when you knew that wasn’t what I wanted.”

  Chance rubbed his cheek and smiled a crooked little smile. “Well now I’m telling you that Viola was right you came here to be matched to me; so, you will be matched to me. We’ll begin to court tomorrow and in a few weeks we’ll announce that we’re to be married.”

  Violet couldn’t believe her ears. Here he was saying everything she thought she wanted to hear but instead it angered her. How dare he tell her what she would do. Who did he think he was? She’d lived independently for eight years as the school teacher in Greenbough and she didn’t answer to any man’s demands. If he wanted to court her shouldn’t he ask her? If he wanted to marry her, he would ask or he would be standing there as she walked down the aisle to a man willing to love her and ask her to share his life. “We will do no such thing Mister Redburn. I am not some possession for you to take control of. I’m a woman with feelings and my own thoughts. If you wish me to break my courtship to the man you matched me to then you will ask me. However, you’d better give me a very good reason to do such a thing. I deserve a man who wants me not one who pushes me on his friend then demands that I return to him now that he’s changed his mind.”

  Chance’s mouth dropped open in shock. “I thought that’s what I just did. Why are you being so stubborn about this.”

  Violet sputtered. “Stubborn? Stubborn!!! You think I’m being stubborn. You sir are an idiot. I’m not being stubborn I’m demanding you treat me with the respect I deserve. Did I come here to be matched with you? Yes, I did. I came to be matched to the man your aunt told me about, a man who cared about his employee’s enough to do everything to find them jobs when he couldn’t keep them on. A man who let his feelings direct his actions keeping his ranch cook even though it might cost him his dream. Not what you’ve been since I came here, a man controlled by his fear. A man who denies his feelings. I want to know Chance Redburn why should I let you court me? Why should I give a good and decent man like Jedediah Crookshank the mitten for you? Why Chance tell me why?”

  He stood there staring at her. She waited, and he just stood looking at her. Finally, she’d had enough and turned to open the door and walk out. Only to hear him say. “Because I can’t stand to see you with him. When he comes to get you, I want to punch his teeth out. When you put your hand on his arm, I want to grab it and pull you to me. You should let me court you Violet, because I can’t stand to see Jedediah court you. I was stupid. I read the letters you sent to Viola and I knew that the two of you were planning to match me and you. I got scared. I have nothing to offer you Violet. I don’t know if I can make a go of this matchmaking. I have no security to offer you, no fancy house or lots of money.

  “All I have to give you is me. A failed rancher. A untried matchmaker without a safe and secure future. You deserve more, better than I can offer you. Yet I can’t seem to stop myself from wanting you to be mine. That’s why. If that isn’t reason enough then walk through that door without another word and I’ll never mention it again.”

  Violet stopped and turned. “That’s all you had to do Chance. I’ll send word to Mister Crookshank tomorrow that our courtship is ended. However, I will expect you to arrange with Mrs. Winslow for us to have an outing so that we can begin to plan our future.”

  He pulled her to himself and wrapped his arms around her again. This time she allowed him to hold her. “You’ll break your courtship with Jedediah and allow me to court you?”

  She smiled. “Of course, Chance. I traveled across the United States for the opportunity to become your match. You didn’t really think I’d not see you herded into coral did you? You were always going to be mine Cowboy. It just took you long enough to realize it.”

  Then she pulled out of his arms and headed up to bed. She had much to thank God for tonight and she was ready to get started.


  C hance was walking around with a huge smile on his face. He’d done it, he’d let Violet know that he had been wrong to reject the match between him and her. Much to his relief and surprise she’d accepted his suggestion that they begin to court and get to know each other to see if his Aunt Viola had been right about them being the perfect match for each other. He knew that doing so would cause him extra work and that he might even have to return money to Jedediah Crookshank. However, nothing could wipe the smile off his face today.

  He walked into the kitchen to get his first cup of coffee to see his cook Beans and the Widow Long in a heated argument. “Look here woman. I get paid to cook in this house so I’m going to cook.”

  “I know what you get paid to do you old goat. I’m just saying that you aren’t doing the ladies any kindness by not allowing them to cook for their intendeds.”

  The cowboy cook was turning red with his anger. “I’m not interfering with their courtin’. If I’m cooking then they don’t have to worry about anything but spending their time courting their matches.”

  The Widow shook her finger at the cook. “Are you purposely misunderstanding what I’m saying Clarence McGruder? These women need to cook a few meals each for their matches. Men
want to know that their future wife can fix them a tasty meal. Yet all that happens here is they eat your cooking.”

  “Are you saying my food ain’t tasty? I’ve horsewhipped cowboys for less ya old biddy.”

  “I’m sure that your cooking is fine Clarence that isn’t the problem.”

  Chance decided that he needed to step in before one of them decided to kill the other. “What do you see as the problem Mrs. Long?”

  “The problem Mister Redburn is that these women need to be able to cook one meal or more for the house and invite their match to dine that night. This would allow the young man to see that his future bride could cook for their future family. As it is now none of the men know if their match can cook or not because Mister McGruder won’t allow them to cook.”

  Chance looked at Beans. “Is that true Beans? I thought the women were supposed to be helping you in the kitchen?”

  The old cook wouldn’t look at him. Chance knew what that meant, while the hash slinger was letting the women help in the kitchen he wasn’t letting them help cook. Like with the ranch hands he had them cutting vegetables or taters and cleaning up afterwards. He wasn’t letting them help cook.

  “Beans, you are supposed to be letting them cook and helping those that need it to learn the skills they need to prepare meals for their families.”

  “Awe Chance I told you I ain’t no teacher.”

  “Then perhaps I need to hire the Widow Long here to come in and teach them.”

  Beans head jerked up to Chance’s face. “You ain’t hiring no woman to come take over my kitchen.”

  “Good then it’s settled. I’ll have Violet start letting the women know that they are to cook one meal preferably supper and invite their matches to eat here that night. You will oversee what they fix and teach as needed.” Chance turned and looked at the Widow Long. “Will that suffice?”

  The older woman nodded. “As long as Mister McGruder follows through with the plan then yes.”

  “I said I would do it ya old busy body.”

  “Actually, Clarence you didn’t.”

  Chance left shaking his head and laughing at the two of them. There just might be something behind the two older people always butting heads like a couple of randy Bighorn rams. He’d meant to ask Beans to fix a picnic for him at lunch time so he could take Violet on an outing, but he’d just take her to lunch at the hotel restaurant. Yes, that is what he’d do. It would be a much better first outing than a simple picnic in the park.

  As Chance came into the parlor to head to the office for his daily time of quiet contemplation, he saw Jasmine sitting in the window seat still looking a bit lost and emotional. This was the kind of thing that he needed Violet for. As he started to step into the office pretending to have not seen the young woman, he remembered the way Violet had berated him for not allowing her to see his feelings.

  If Miss Hammond had been one of his ranch hands before everything went south, he would have reminded him that there were other women to be had. So, Chance turned and walked over to the woman and placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him with watery eyes. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about Colt anymore Miss Hammond. My aunt promised to help you find a match and we’ll find you one. Iffen that boy thought robbing banks was a good profession he wasn’t the right man for you. Both Miss Montgomery and Miss Estes think you are a special young woman, and I believe they’re right. We’ll find you the perfect match, so you just stay strong ya hear me?”

  The woman smiled up at him. “Thank you, Mister Redburn. I was feeling a little sorry for myself. I just can’t understand why this keeps happening to me.”

  “It just means we haven’t found the right man for you yet Miss Hammond. When we do find him, he won’t be put off by the occasional accident.” He patted the woman’s shoulder and then turned to go into his office to prepare for the day. Just as he opened the pocket door there came a knock on the front door of the house. Who in the world would be stopping by so early? Chance walked to the door and opened it to see Jedediah Crookshank all dressed up for a day in the office of the bank. “Jedediah, what can I do for you this morning?”

  “I’m here to see Violet, she sent me this note saying she needed to talk to me. That the matter was of the utmost importance.”

  Chance gritted his teeth before relaxing his jaw. As much as he wished that Jed and Violet never needed to talk again, he knew she needed to break their courtship. “I haven’t seen her this morning. If you want to wait in the parlor, I’ll have one of the women go and fetch her.”

  “Thank you. I don’t have long I need to get to the office.”

  Seeing the banker, Jasmine blushed. “I’ll go get Violet, Mister Redburn.”

  “That’s fine Miss Hammond, thank you.”

  Once she had scurried from the room Chance looked at Jed. “I’m going to leave you to wait. I need to get into my office and get the day started.”

  Jedediah waved him off. “No need to entertain me Chance. We are both busy men. I’ll be fine I’m sure Violet will be out soon.”

  Chance forced a smile. “I’m sure she will.” Then he turned and entered the office pulling the pocket doors closed behind him.

  It wasn’t long, about ten minutes, when the office doors where shoved open and Crookshank entered. Chance rose to his feet ready to defend himself if necessary, only to be shocked to see the banker smiling. “Well, it took you long enough you old saddle tramp. I thought I was actually going to have to stand in front of the preacher before you’d come to your senses about how you felt about Miss Montgomery.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about how everyone, but you could see that Violet is the perfect match for you. I’m happy for you buddy. Just don’t forget that you owe me a match as well. I did pay you already.”

  Chance rubbed his hands along his pants. “About that, I do have a bride to match in need of a suitor. It seems her’s got arrested yesterday.”

  Crookshank shook his head. “I don’t think so. I don’t think it would look proper for me to start courting the woman who was last courted by the man who robbed me just a day earlier. I’ll wait for the next group of brides you bring in.”

  Chance shrugged. “Well then I guess that will have to do.”

  The two men shook hands and Jedediah headed off to work without a woman to court. While Chance had gained the match specially planned for him by his loving aunt.

  Violet waited until Mr. Crookshank left and then she knocked and entered the office. Chance shoved the door closed and took her in his arms. She wrapped her’s around him at the same time and their lips sought each others out. As they were enjoying their first official kiss as a couple the door opened and Beans laughed as they jerked apart. “Well it’s about time ya put yer brand on the filly boy. I thought you’d gone plumb round the bend when you shoved her at ole moneybags.”

  Violet blushed at being caught in the arms of a man she wasn’t married to. “I should go see to the women. Is breakfast ready Mister McGruder?”

  “It is indeed missy, but you don’t need to stop sparkin’ with the boss on account of me. I can give him the list of supplies later and you two youngin’s get on back to what ya’ll were doing.”

  Violet turned even redder. “No, it wasn’t proper, but we both just agreed to court, and it felt right. From now on we need to make sure the office door stays open when we meet or meet in the parlor Chance. We wouldn’t want the women to think their matchmaker and his assistant we doing anything improper in the office.”

  Chance smiled at her. “Fine Violet, I’ll agree to that as long as I can kiss you every morning when we first meet. I don’t know that my lips would be able to wait for a proper outing and hoping Mrs. Winslow was inattentive.”

  Violet blushed, “Let me inform the women that you and I are courting, and a quick good morning and good night kiss will be acceptable.”

  Violet entered the dining room to see all the women sitting at
the table as she entered all talk ended. It was obvious that Jasmine had told them all that Mister Crookshank had come by to see Violet. The other women all just stared as Violet walked around the table until finally Abigail couldn’t stand it anymore and spoke up, “Did the banker ask you to marry him? Are you going to be the first one of us to leave?”

  Violet smiled as she sat and poured her coffee without saying a word. When she heard Abigail and Alice whispering she looked up at all the anxious faces. “Mister Crookshank and I have ended our courtship. I have an offer for courtship that I wanted more.”

  Cina looked up at Violet as Violet made her statement. As her roommate she knew the whole story how that Miss Viola had brought her out to match with Viola’s nephew, the new matchmaker. “Did he finally ask you then?”

  Violet couldn’t help but smile “Yes.”

  “Who? Who finally asked you? Who are you two talking about?” Abigail demanded to know.

  Just then Chance entered the room. “Me. I asked Violet to allow me to court her. It seemed only fitting considering my aunt brought Violet out here to do that very thing.”

  With that statement the table broke out in exclamations. Everyone wanted to know the whole story of why Violet had even been courting the banker. After the whole story had come out the women all seemed pleased that the Chance and Violet had worked everything out and were finally getting together.

  “I will ask that all you help us with the rumors that may abound. Seeing as how we’re courting and living in the same house. In a way each of you will be chaperones for us.”

  The women all nodded and then conversation returned to normal. Violet and Chance talked about what they needed to do to start looking for the next batch of brides to match as every day they were receiving more men asking to be matched. On top of that Violet was very concerned about both Myrakle and Jasmine. Myrakle still refused to come out of her room for more than a trip to the necessary, and Jasmine was without a match at present. The two were a priority for Violet and after breakfast she was going to go see if she could do anything for either of them to help them on their paths to happiness and married life. While Chance may be getting the reputation as the Bride Herder she knew that she would have to continue to smooth his attempts over as the assistant to the matchmaker and now his own bride to match.


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