Captain Stellar

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Captain Stellar Page 13

by R J Sorrento

  “Oh, sorry, I…nothing for me.”

  “Really? I’m usually the one prying the drink out of your hand.”

  “Yeah, man, I figured we’d do shots tonight. Since this one won’t touch the hard stuff ever since she got into law school.” Dayvon wrapped an arm around Nessa. “Don’t wimp out on me now.”

  “Not tonight. Sorry.” Cal grabbed a slice of jámon ibérico from the plate. He closed his eyes as he took a bite, transported to the Vazquez apartment as he chewed the savory slice of ham. He pictured Fernando at the stove, preparing breakfast, his tight black t-shirt hugging his slender, muscular frame. Cal opened his eyes, trying to shake the image from his mind.

  “I’m gonna visit Jin at his place. He’s only a few blocks away. Sorry to bail but I’ve been avoiding him lately.”

  “We’ll walk with you.” Nessa stood. Dayvon rolled his eyes but stood to join them, setting money on the table to cover the bill.

  “Thanks.” Cal smiled a little.

  Outside the bar, Nessa walked next to Cal, putting her arm around his shoulders. “What’s been going on with you?”

  Cal considered Nessa’s question. He didn’t know how to explain the lab, his training, the offer from Dr. Almighty, his three superpowers…how his heart was torn in two. He did not want to burden the people he cared for, it was his alone to carry.

  “Cal?” Nessa repeated.

  “Don’t want to put you in danger,” he answered, keeping his voice low.

  “I knew there was something heavy. I’m your best friend, I can help you.”

  “If anything happened to you or Jin, I don’t know what I’d do. I have to deal with this on my own.” It was a scary thought to be so alone in something.

  “But you’re not alone, just remember that.”

  “Ness, two o’clock. Those two dudes look like trouble,” Dayvon warned as he scanned the streets. He took her hand in his as they walked closer to Jin’s apartment.

  Nessa eyed Cal. “Let’s go down a different street.”

  Seconds later, the young men in hoodies, high and menacing, cornered them. “Hands up! Give me your money,” the taller one ordered.

  Cal noticed a flash of red hair under his hood. Fear clouded his mind. He pushed through the haze and ignored his sweaty palms. So much had changed since the night of the meteor shower. He didn’t have to run now.

  “I don’t think so.” Cal stood firm, his arms crossed against his chest. His heartbeat pulsed in his ears. But the terror seemed to work to his advantage, feeding his strength. Maybe he had avoided fights for years because he didn’t think he was strong enough. But he was powerful now. He could protect his friends.

  “Dude, what the hell? Listen to the man, he’s packing.” Dayvon put his hands up. “I don’t wanna get shot tonight and end up some Chicago statistic.”

  “Your friend’s right.” The redhead pulled a gun from the front of his jeans. “Now hand over the money, and no one gets hurt.”

  Cal’s eyes widened at the sight of a gun. It looked small, but the size didn’t diminish its power. He stood his ground anyway. “No.”

  Nessa stared at Cal, as she sucked in a breath. Her body seemed to be frozen beside him.

  “I don’t like his attitude. Just shoot him,” the other teen said to the redhead, checking for bystanders or cops. The street was quiet, enough distance from the lively restaurants and bars that they could probably get away with it.

  “No! Just take my purse! Please!” Nessa shook her bag toward the teens. But they only chuckled, ignoring her pleas.

  “Dude, you asked for it.” The redhead grinned before pulling the trigger.

  Nessa shrieked as Cal shot up into the air. The bullet whizzed underneath him, as he flew above the muggers, their mouths gaping wide. The redhead dropped his gun. Hovering above them, Cal smashed their heads together with a crack before he landed.

  The teen muggers collapsed on the ground. Knocked out, but still breathing.

  “Holy shit! What the hell was that, man?” Dayvon’s jaw dropped. He stepped back as Cal walked over to the muggers. He had to make sure they would stay down.

  “Wait, were you in that video? With the car and the little girl?” Dayvon blinked. “I thought it was a publicity stunt for some comic book movie. I never thought your timid ass would be lifting that car.”

  Cal stood with his head down, panting from the adrenaline and the sudden landing. He had won his first fight, but he didn’t feel heroic. Dayvon looked scared half to death, as much as he tried to act tough. Besides, Cal had not expected to use his powers so soon, especially out in public for everyone to see.

  “You’re welcome,” he sputtered.

  Dayvon took Nessa by the arm, pulling her away from Cal. “We’re getting out of here. Last thing I need is for cops to show up and think I did something. Let’s go.”

  Cal stood alone as Nessa and Dayvon headed back to the bar.

  “I’m sorry,” Nessa turned to mouth her apology as Dayvon dragged her away.

  “Just as well.” Cal continued on his way to Jin’s apartment. He couldn’t blame them for wanting to get away. He had protected them, but Dayvon seemed more afraid of Cal than the muggers. Was this how it felt to be a hero?

  His hands were on fire and his palms were a mess of blue and purple bruises. It had hurt to hold back the force of his power, but Fernando would have been proud. He had managed to control it, use it in degrees.

  He couldn’t turn back now, with only half a block to go. He needed to see Jin. Spending time with him might help get Fernando out of his head. As much as he tried to forget the sensual kiss, there were reminders everywhere, from Manchego cheese to ice cold pitchers of sangria. There had to be a way to forget Fernando.

  Cal glanced at his watch when he reached the front door of Jin’s apartment building. It relieved him that Jin even wanted to be near him, considering Cal had been avoiding his calls and text messages the past week. But Jin had always been patient with him…

  On his way to communications class, he spotted a man with jet black hair and striking dark brown eyes decorating a science club bulletin board. He struggled to reach the top.

  “Need a hand?” Cal approached.

  “Very funny. The tall white dude coming over to help the short Asian guy. I’m 5’10” by the way.”

  “It’s not that.” Cal blushed. “I’ve seen you around. I think we have Philosophy together. Jin, right?” Cal stepped back, surprised by his volatile reaction. Jin had always seemed so quiet and serious in class.

  “Yeah, I’m Jin. And you are?”

  “Cal Bolden. Nice to meet you.” Cal offered his hand and Jin shook it.

  “Guess you could help me with the top border. If you still want to, that is.”

  “Cool,” Cal grinned. “I, uh, just finished working on one of these for the LGBTQIA club.”

  “Really?” Cal saw Jin’s eyes light up, but then his chin dipped toward his shoulder.

  “Yeah, it’s a good group, if you’re ever interested in going to a meeting with me.” Cal had lost control over his speech. He had never even hit on a guy before let alone invite one to a queer club meeting.

  “What do you mean by that?” Jin avoided eye contact with Cal.

  “Look, I’m usually pretty on the ball with this kinda stuff,” Cal boasted, hoping his assumption about Jin was accurate. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

  “You’ve got some nerve.” Jin went silent as he stapled the bottom border to the board.

  “Sorry. I meant no harm,” Cal reassured him, still not convinced that Jin was straight. “Maybe I can make it up to you. Dinner? Tomorrow night? You pick the place.” Cal placed a hand on Jin’s shoulder, his inhibitions dissipated now. He noticed a flush creeping up Jin’s neck.

  “You like bibimbap?” Jin moved away an inch.

  “I’m more of a burger guy, but I’d love to try it.” Cal removed his hand, noting Jin’s discomfort. He regretted his boldness, but it seemed that he hadn�
�t turned him off.

  Jin grabbed a pen from his shirt pocket and wrote his phone number on a piece of paper. “Call before you pick me up. I’m at the O’Toole dorm.”

  Cal beamed. He took the paper and kissed it before sliding it into his back pocket. “See you tomorrow.”

  Jin rolled his eyes, but Cal noticed him looking at his mouth. He mirrored the smile forming on Jin’s face before walking away.

  * * *

  “Hey,” Jin said in a neutral tone when he opened the door for Cal. “Come in.”

  Cal followed him into the living room and sat down. Jin took a seat on the secondhand sofa, remembering when he had asked Cal for help choosing furniture for his apartment. After a long day of browsing, Jin had settled on a sofa and coffee table. What Jin remembered most was the warmth and comfort of falling asleep beside Cal on the sofa while streaming their favorite show.

  “How’s photography school?”

  “It’s cool. I’m learning a lot.” Cal paused, shifting on the sofa. “It’s hard, though. I’m under a lot of pressure.”

  “Maybe you’ll understand the pressure I’m under,” Jin pointed out. “I can’t party every night with you.”

  “I shouldn’t have been bugging you about all that. I just wanted to spend time with you, that’s all. Like we used to.”

  Jin was quiet for a moment. As much as he wanted to bring up moving in together, it didn’t seem like the right time. He didn’t think he could bear another excuse from Cal.

  “I’m glad you’re here.” Jin spoke just above a whisper, wishing he wasn’t feeling so vulnerable. He glanced over at Cal, his hands bruised and his button-down shirt torn. He touched Cal’s shirt, tapping the tear along the sleeve with his fingers. “What happened here?”

  Cal shook his head. “It’s nothing. I tripped on a beer can and fell on my way over here.”

  Jin thought of the video of Cal rescuing a little girl, tearing off a car door like it was paper. He wanted to say something, but if he was wrong, Cal would think he was crazy. But when he wasn’t busy doing homework or studying for an exam, the video was all Jin could think of.

  “Your hands are swollen.” Jin’s fingers brushed against Cal’s wrist.

  “I’m fine, honest.”

  Jin held one of Cal’s injured hands and pressed it to his lips. Cal looked as though he wanted to confess something, his expression somber. Jin wasn’t ready for the truth, so before Cal could speak, he took Cal’s face in his hands and kissed him. He closed his eyes and felt Cal sigh into the kiss. Jin slid his hands down Cal’s broad shoulders and slid them under his shirt, stroking the warm smooth skin of his lower back. He felt Cal tense before he broke off the kiss.

  “What’s wrong?” Jin’s dark eyes were hazy, yearning to taste Cal’s lips again.

  He saw Cal avoid his eyes, staring at the wooden coffee table instead. “I should have told you the truth.”

  Jin took in a sharp breath. “About what?”

  “I got mugged on my way over here.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?” Jin looked down at Cal’s hands. “Did you fight the guy off?”

  “Two of them.”

  “I’m glad only your hands and shirt took most of the damage. This has always been a safe neighborhood.”

  “I’m just…I need to go home and rest.”

  “You can stay here with me tonight. I’ll pull the bed out from the sofa if you don’t want to sleep with me.” Jin’s chin dipped to his chest.

  “It’s not that.” Cal had never turned Jin down before. Even when they both had the flu in college and could barely talk, he had welcomed Jin into his dorm bed. “My mom’s car is about five blocks from here. I can’t leave it overnight. Besides, she’s been on my case ever since-”

  “I’ll call a cab. You shouldn’t walk alone to your car at this time of night while injured.”


  Cal held Jin tight as they watched for the cab out the small front window. When it pulled up, Cal pecked him on the lips and rushed out the door.

  Jin stared through the glass as Cal stepped up to the cab. He squeezed his eyes shut. All he could see was Cal rescuing the trapped little girl.

  * * *

  Sitting in the cab, it burdened Cal that Jin didn’t know the whole truth. He hadn’t told him a complete lie; he was developing new skills, just not in photography. But the lies were stacking up and Cal was getting crushed under their weight.

  Kissing Jin reminded Cal that he had missed him, the familiarity of his lips against his own. At first it felt nice when Jin had rubbed small circles down his back as he kissed Cal’s jaw. But when Cal had felt Jin reach under his shirt to touch his lower back, where Fernando’s hands had burned him, Cal almost lost his composure. Jin’s hands on the burns made him wonder how it would feel to have Fernando’s hands on his back again, and what the tingling would do to him.

  Cal didn’t know how to confess that to Jin without hurting him. He didn’t know how to say that a beautiful man with destructive hands never strayed far from his thoughts. No matter what he did to forget him.


  Chapter 19

  Margo threw on hot pink yoga pants and a tank top to match, wondering why she bothered to make an effort. There was no one for her to impress at Almighty Labs. The recruits were getting younger by the week, and the only men around these days were her brother and Ted. But at least she could look good for herself.

  She glanced at the clock. Already behind schedule. Dr. Almighty made it clear that they needed to be more involved if they wanted to get paid. As much as she hated to admit it, she was comfortable with their lavish lifestyle. Being showered with the best had eased the pain of missing home these past ten years.

  Margo stepped into the kitchen, expecting to see Fernando making breakfast as usual, but it was quiet. Fernando had left a plate of waffles, covered with a crisp white towel. She frowned as she lifted the towel. The waffles smelled delicious, but where was Fernando? Hopefully he had not left without her.

  She walked down the hall to knock at his door when she spotted him on the guest room bed. His back was to the doorway, his gloves on the blue bedspread. With his head bent down, he held one of Cal’s shirts. She watched as his fingers traced over the cotton fabric of the shirt. Her heart sank, feeling his pain, and she stepped forward to be closer to him.

  “Fernando?” she called, breaking the silence.

  He jerked, turning to face her. “Knock next time, Margo.”

  Margo blushed. She had not meant to embarrass him. She knew how her brother felt about Cal and she wanted to tell him her worries about Dr. Almighty. Instead, she was silent, because no matter what she said, Fernando would do what he thought best.

  “Vamos, hermanita.” Fernando’s face softened when he saw fear in her eyes. “We don’t want to be late.”

  Margo nodded and followed her brother to the training studio in silence, too preoccupied with the thoughts in her head to speak. Fernando’s feelings for Cal had made him all the more passionate. Joy came easy. Anger was even easier.

  * * *

  “Oh, you’re both here.” Rita feigned a smile. “I’m so glad.”

  “Enough small talk.” Fernando narrowed his eyes at Rita. It was obvious that Rita enjoyed being in charge of the recruits, but she was a fool to think that one week on her own would be enough to earn Dr. Almighty’s praise. “Let’s train. That’s what you’re here for, no?” He turned to the new recruits.

  A group of young men and women nodded, a few more enthusiastic than the rest. Fernando scanned the group. One young man with blemishes on his cheeks and forehead looked diminutive next to a stocky tower of a man. Two of the young women were also contrasts of each other, one with curves and the other lean with defined muscles in her arms. He hadn’t been out recruiting for Ted the past two weeks, so he recognized no one in this new group.

  Ted was slipping in his recruiting choices. They looked nothing like superheroes.

��Show us what you can do.” Fernando paced the studio.

  One by one, the new recruits showed off their special abilities. One of the young women threw small fireballs while the athletic girl turned invisible. The tall stocky man could shoot vines off his fingers, which he wrapped around Rita’s arm.

  “Vinnie, I don’t think that’s necessary.” Rita shook her arm out of the vines’ tight green embrace.

  “Oh, sorry, Princess Freeze.” Vinnie’s deep voice did not match the awkward blush that spread across his face and neck. “I’m still learning how to aim.”

  He released the vines to free Rita’s arm as they snapped off his hands. The vines fell to the ground. Rita rubbed her arm, red from the pressure on her skin.

  “Learn from your mistakes,” Rita warned.

  “Yes.” Vinnie bowed his head. “I promise to do better.”

  Fernando rolled his eyes as Rita relished her power trip. She seemed to enjoy embarrassing the young man. She had no idea how to teach. With a week under his instruction, Vinnie could be unstoppable.

  “Is that your real name? Vinnie?” Fernando interrupted.

  “No, it’s my superhero name. I thought it would go good with my new ability. Vinnie Vines?”


  Vinnie smiled. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Let’s keep going. I want to see everyone this morning.” Fernando clapped his hands to get the group’s attention.

  The shortest young man took a reluctant step forward and showed how his body could turn to steel. He was silent and looked to Fernando for a response.

  Fernando rubbed his jaw, noticing that Ted had been varying his research. The new recruits had different powers than the usual.

  “Let’s continue with the exercises we started last week. After they have a break, Funesto, you can challenge them,” Rita suggested.

  “Fair enough, Princess.”

  Margo nodded in response to Rita’s idea. All she could do was worry about what Dr. Almighty would do if he found out the truth about Cal.

  “Okay, ready?” Rita turned to the group.

  Fernando and Margo observed the new exercises Rita had devised. The girl with fireballs fought hard against Rita’s icicles, melting them before they could reach her body. Vinnie had ensnared the invisible athlete, despite aiming for a different recruit.


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