Captain Stellar

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Captain Stellar Page 20

by R J Sorrento

  When the Ferris Wheel came into view, he prepared to land. The pier teemed with crowds, gawking and gaping at the hostage situation with no regard for their own lives. Their phones were out as they recorded live footage and posted selfies of themselves with Rita and the other recruits in the background.

  Cal shook his head as he focused his eyes on the wheel. A short teenage boy sat at the controls of the ride, a seemingly slight and insufficient guard. Cal wondered which one was the strongest. Maybe the girl? He wished he could remember all that Fernando and Margo had warned him about. There was an invisible girl, too, but he had no way to keep an eye on her. Rita stood beaming a few feet away.

  Cal landed near one of the police officers who was helping to hold back the crowd from the wheel.

  “How’d you do that?” the officer asked.

  “Old party trick.” Cal adjusted his helmet. No time for backstory. He lowered his voice. “You need to get these people out of here. There’s a bomb on the Ferris Wheel.”

  “A bomb?” The cop’s voice cracked.

  “Keep your voice down. And get them out of here before it’s too late.”

  The officer hurried over to his partner, a tall slender woman with black hair in tight braids. She nodded as he spoke in her ear, his protruding belly almost touching her hips as he leaned in to warn her. Her eyes widened as he spoke. She took her megaphone to gather the crowd and evacuate them to safety.

  People slowly followed instructions, reluctant to miss out on the excitement. The remaining officers followed her lead and guided the large group of bystanders back. No one else knew about the bomb, so the people trudged along. At least the risk for panic and trampling was reduced.

  Cal watched the stocky cop follow the back of the group, his partner out of view in the lead. Before they were out of sight, the officer turned around to salute. Cal nodded to him.

  The only other people who risked their lives to stay were the media. Cal had seen flashes of light from the cameras of the reporters when he landed. It wasn’t shocking to see they had stayed to capture the spectacle before their eyes. His only surprise was that they hadn’t ambushed him yet with questions.

  Cal turned to face Princess Freeze. She stood with hands on her hips, flanked by a few of her teenage students. Their eyes betrayed them, showing their fear. Yet they stood strong, eager to fight.

  “Let’s not go easy on him,” Rita instructed, winking at Cal.

  Cal ran headfirst toward the shortest teen, the one who had been guarding the controls. An easy first target.

  “Use all your strength, Rob!” Rita readied her hands, curling her fingers. “Show him no mercy!”

  Cal slammed into the teen with a painful thud. The boy’s body had become strong as steel, his skin silver. “What the…?”

  Fernando had told him that one recruit was exceptionally strong, but he hadn’t expected it to be the smallest one. His chest ached from the impact, but he breathed through the pain.

  Rita scoffed. “You shouldn’t underestimate us.”

  Cal watched Rob smile at the look of pride on Rita’s face.

  “If you’re taking us down, better make it quick. Time’s running out.” She pointed to the Ferris Wheel where Cal spotted Dominick pounding on the glass of the top pod. Cal could not hear his father’s shouts for help, but with the crowds dissipated, he could hear a foreboding, relentless tick of a timer.

  “Is that…?”

  “Yes, the timer. It’s getting a little impatient. This poor little bomb wants to tear everything to shreds.” Rita clapped her hands together.

  “Not today, Princess.” Cal widened his stance, preparing to take flight again.

  Kendra, one of the students Fernando had warned him about, came out from behind Rita. She reached out her hands and shot small fireballs from her palms.

  “Dr. Almighty’s been busy, huh?” Cal dodged her fireballs, but one singed his uniform. “What do they call you? Hellgirl?”

  Kendra grimaced.

  The fabric of his uniform did not catch fire. Cal blessed Margo under his breath as he shot up into the air.

  What mattered most was the rescue mission. He soared higher to reach the Ferris Wheel. Princes Freeze and her crew could wait. Those puny fireballs couldn’t touch him at this height. Cal reached the pod and his stomach flipped as he gripped the door. Don’t look down. He pried open the door and burst through the opening.

  “Cal!” Valerie hugged her son, her body shook as she held him.

  “I can only carry two at a time if I’m going to land without crashing.” Today wasn’t the day to test the limits of his super strength, not while he was carrying precious cargo.

  Valerie shivered, but her voice was strong. “Take Jin and Nessa first.”

  Cal took Jin by the hand, avoiding his eyes. This was not how he planned to see his ex again. The guilt weighed on him; he hated being the reason Jin was tangled in this mess. Jin squeezed Cal’s hand, his palm sweaty. Nessa jumped onto Cal’s back and held onto his chest with all her strength.

  “Get me off this thing, Cal!” Her voice quivered as she buried her face in his back.

  He picked up Jin with ease, something he could do even before his powers, and held him. Cal tightened his arms around Jin’s middle and made sure Nessa was secure against his back. Cal dropped out of the pod, causing Nessa to scream in his ear, before lifting in the air to begin his first rescue flight.

  He flew with great speed, high enough to be out of the way of traffic and danger from the recruits but low enough for an easy landing. A park with plenty of green space caught his eye. He began his descent, landing in a kneeling position and resting Jin on the grass. Nessa rolled off Cal’s back, collapsing as she did.

  “I have to go back for the others,” Cal told them, already out of breath.

  Jin and Nessa sat on the grass, eyes dazed.

  “Thank you.” Jin glanced up at Cal, searching for his eyes behind the blue visor of the helmet.

  “I have to go.” Cal stared back at Jin. He wanted to say more, but the ticking of the clock echoed in his head.

  “Wait a sec, did that dude just carry you guys in the air?” a teen with a backward cap called over. He paused from playing a game on his phone on a park bench.

  “Yes, he did,” Nessa answered. “And he’s about to fly again, so take your eyes off that screen if you don’t want to miss the coolest thing you’ll ever see in real life.”

  The teenager nodded as he put his phone in his pocket. His face lit up as he watched Cal lift off into the air.

  “Holy shit!” The young man jumped in the air. “That dude can fly! No one’s ever gonna believe me.”

  “The entire world will know about him, don’t you worry about that.”

  Cal smiled as he heard Nessa’s praise and cheers from the young man on the ground below. His enthusiasm pushed him to go beyond his limits, even as his body felt the strain of the overuse of his powers. He had never flown such a distance in a short time. He had also never carried anyone while flying.

  “There.” Rita spotted him as he returned to the pier to make his landing. She threw icicles sharp as knives at him, but they bounced off his uniform.

  “Kendra, your fire!” Rita bellowed.

  Cal ignored her threats and made his way up to the pod again as the balls of fire whizzed past his shoulders. Her reach was improving. Cal had to move faster.

  Sucking in a few deep breaths, he re-entered the pod. “Mom, Gary, let’s go.” He reached for them and Gary pushed Valerie into Cal’s arms, prepared to climb onto his back.

  “I’m your father, Cal. Take me first!” Dominick jumped onto Cal’s back, pushing Gary out of the way as Cal slid out of the pod with his mother in his arms.

  Cal wanted to scream at his father. Typical Dad. His body grew weaker from overusing his energy.

  “I have to land near the Ferris Wheel,” Cal shouted, competing with the whipping of the wind. He had to be strong enough to come back for Gary.

>   “Why are you landing us so close to the bomb?” Dominick screeched, his voice cracking.

  “Do you want me to crash in the lake? I’m losing steam…I have to land here. Now.”

  He felt Dominick dig his fingers into his shoulders.

  “I need to take a breather, and then I’ll get you and Mom far away from here. I promise.” Cal landed.

  Rita giggled, waiting at the base. “You’ve been ignoring me, Captain Stellar. I don’t like that.”

  Cal stood in front of his parents, shielding them. He turned his head toward his mom. “Go.”

  “I can’t leave Gary. That ice woman told us there was a bomb on the wheel.” Valerie’s eyes welled with tears.

  “Call Gary, keep him calm until I can get back up there.”

  “You’re too late, Captain.” Rita pointed to her wrist. The ticking of the timer continued to sound. Echoing around the wheel. Pounding in Cal’s head.

  Cal reached within and gathered all his strength. He squatted as he prepared to take off again.

  “I’m surprised to see you’re here all alone,” Rita interrupted. “It’s too bad Magenta and Funesto couldn’t make it to the party.” She cackled. “I would have enjoyed putting them in their place once and for all.”

  Cal’s face flushed red. “Leave them out of it, Princess. Your fight’s with me.”

  Cal grabbed Princess Freeze and shot up into the air. She struggled to get out of his grasp without falling to her death. She raised her hand and shot ice in his direction.

  He dodged a small icicle with a quick twist of his head. He grabbed her extended arm, ready to fire, and aimed it at the teenagers down below. Cal captured her students’ feet in large jagged blocks of ice. He hoped their frozen feet would hinder them long enough before they started their counterattacks. With a dull thud, he landed hard on the concrete. The force of the landing knocked Rita out.

  He slid out from under her limp body. Grabbing her wrist, he found the pulse strong. It would not be long before she regained consciousness.

  “Cal, listen,” Gary’s voice on the speaker of Valerie’s phone perked up Cal’s ears. He rushed to his mother’s side. “Get yourselves out of here. I’ve been keeping track of the time. There are about four minutes left until this whole damn thing blows up. Get yourselves to safety. Take care of your mother for me.”

  Cal fought back tears. Gary was right, but he didn’t want him to be. “No, I won’t leave you,” he whimpered. He heard his mom’s sobs as she shook beside him.

  “I’ve had a decent life. It got even better when I met Valerie. Don’t worry about me. I’m begging you. Go. Keep her safe.” Gary’s voice was unwavering.

  * * *

  At the lab, Fernando watched the seconds tick by on Dr. Almighty’s computer screen. He swallowed hard, his mouth parched.

  “I guess Captain Stellar won’t be able to save everyone.” Ted smiled as the news anchor reported that one hostage remained in the pod.

  “No matter what happens tonight, he won’t bend to your will so easily.”

  “If I have to break him, so be it,” Ted growled.

  The cameras panned to Cal, tears rolling down his cheeks. Fernando’s heart cracked to see him suffer, as he stood in the lab helpless.

  “I won’t watch this anymore.” Fernando gritted his teeth. He ripped the black leather gloves from his hands and dropped them to the floor. He narrowed his eyes at Ted. Took a few steps closer. “Stop the timer.”

  “No,” Ted spat. “Never.”

  Fernando took another step.

  “What are you doing?” Ted stepped away from the computer to give himself distance from Fernando’s bare hands. “I’ll set the bomb off now. Your precious Cal will be killed in the blast.”

  “Let’s see how almighty you are.” Fernando stood only an inch from Ted now.

  “Fernando, please,” Ted’s voice cracked.

  “No, don’t you dare call me by that name,” he sneered. “You killed Fernando a long time ago. I’m Funesto.”

  He wrapped his large hands around Ted’s neck.

  Ted’s screams for help were silenced as his throat tore apart and bled. Layers of skin disintegrated one by one. Funesto watched as Ted broke down into pieces. Within seconds, the man who had held him captive for ten long years was nothing but ashes and dust.

  “What have you done?” Margo cried. Her heart ached. She made the sign of the cross to herself, fearing her brother’s soul had been lost for good.

  Vinnie trembled, his eyes trained on Fernando’s hands and the pile of ashes at his boots. He released his vines with a snap and fled the room. Margo slid down to the ground, free from the vines and from Dr. Almighty’s captivity.

  Funesto rushed to the computer. One minute remained on the screen as it ticked down to the seconds. Fifty-five. He clicked on the timer. Forty-nine. The timer stopped.

  He exhaled and sank to the floor, his energy spent from using his power at full force. He splayed his fingers, studying his hands; they were covered in Ted’s remains. Closing his eyes, he imagined calm blue eyes and a deep gentle voice. Cal was safe.

  * * *

  At the Ferris Wheel, Cal’s shoulders slumped. He prepared to bring his parents to safety before the bomb went off. He took one last look at the pod where Gary stood tall as he awaited his end.

  Then the ticking stopped.

  Cal prepared himself for the blast, shielding his mother and closing his eyes. He pictured Fernando’s deep brown eyes. Clenching his fists, he waited.

  And waited.

  The bomb did not go off.

  He had never believed in miracles and although he hoped there had been divine intervention at play, he figured that wasn’t the case. Someone must have stopped the timer.

  Cal no longer needed to protect his mother but he dropped to his knees. His heart sank, knowing Fernando and Margo must have been the ones to stop the bomb. Had they paid for it with their lives?

  “The bomb has been stopped.” Cal turned to the press, sounding less victorious than he had intended.

  The reporters murmured and buzzed upon hearing his words. More cameras flashed as Cal got up. Miserable instead of relieved. Valerie stood beside him, squeezing his hand. He saw tears in her eyes.

  Better get Gary. Cal gathered up what remained of his strength. He pushed himself beyond his limit and boosted into the air to fly to the pod a final time.

  “You did good, man.” Gary gave Cal a half hug. Cal wrapped his arms around him and squeezed.

  “So did you,” Cal whispered.

  “Now get me out of this thing. Almost pissed my pants.” Gary let out a nervous laugh. “I’m terrified of heights.”

  Cal pointed to his back for Gary to climb on. “Ready to fly?”

  “Sorry if I vomit on you, man.”

  Cal chuckled as he stepped into the air, trying to avoid a sharp drop as he descended, landing Gary next to Valerie and Dominick.

  “Smooth landing, Captain.” Gary saluted him. “I’m only a little nauseous.”

  Cal smiled and his mother pulled him into an embrace.

  “I’m so…I’m so…you can fly?” Valerie squeezed him.

  “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you more soon.”

  “You did well, son.” A police officer who had stayed behind approached Cal, patting him on the back. “I’ll take the others you captured to the station. And I’ll need you to come with me to answer a few questions. Well, a lot of questions.”

  Before Cal could respond, the reporters swarmed him like bees seeking nectar. He squinted as their camera lights flashed. The officer was pushed to the side but continued to wait for him. The questions from the press came at rapid speed, and Cal didn’t know which one to answer first.

  “What’s your superhero name?”

  “How long have you had the ability to fly?”

  “Are you single?”

  “Do you have other superpowers?”

  “Are you from another planet?”

sp; “Who designed your costume?”

  Cal laughed as the questions kept coming, shielding his eyes from the relentless flashing lights. He looked over at the police officer who had given up on him for now. The cop was on his radio to call in for backup, as he began cuffing the teens. Rob had tears in his eyes and Kendra’s chin dipped to her chest.

  “I can’t stay,” Cal addressed the media. The group fell still and quiet. “My friends may be in trouble, so until next time.”

  “Won’t you answer at least one of our questions?” A journalist asked, an eager smile on her face, as she held out her microphone.

  “Sure. But only one,” he warned the crowd who remained silent, hanging on every word. “My name is Captain Stellar.”

  The buzzing of the reporters had grown to shouts and demands, wanting to learn more about his name and his abilities.

  “And with that, I have to go.”

  “Where are you going?” Valerie reached for him, but the group was too dense of a border.

  “They need me. I’ll be home soon, I promise.” Cal shot up into the air, running on fumes.

  The silence as he flew back to Almighty Labs was a welcome change from the boisterous crowd, but it offered no distraction from his fears of what he might find at the lab. Flying wasn’t his best option, as his body grew weaker by the minute, but it was the quickest way to help Fernando and Margo.

  He knew Dr. Almighty didn’t have superpowers, but he had access to bombs and weapons. Cal shuddered, picturing Dr. Almighty harming Fernando and Margo. Losing Fernando was something he would never be ready for.

  Cal landed in the parking lot of Almighty Labs with a thud. His fatigued body made him clumsy. Like his first day of training. Filling his lungs on a deep breath, he stood up. He entered the open warehouse and sprinted down the long, winding maze of corridors until he reached the tech room.

  He found Margo on the ground crying and assumed the worst. “Margo!” He shouted and ran to her side. “What happened? Is it Fernando? Where’s Dr. Almighty?”

  Margo wiped her eyes. “He’s gone.”


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