Notable Quotes of Catcher McCall

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Notable Quotes of Catcher McCall Page 2

by C.J. Lanet

“My entire campaign platform is based on a simple premise – America first. Take care of the home front. Our economy is consumer drive with 80% of every dollar fueling domestic consumption. You know what that really means? We have reached a tipping point; any further increases will create so much pressure on our infrastructure, education and healthcare that there will be no means to pay for them.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “Karen, here’s a simple example. Let’s assume there’s a giant shopping mall with the best products at the lowest prices, but it is in the middle of nowhere. Building roads from all directions to it would be the answer. Right? Okay, who pays for the roads, not just construction but maintenance and management? Then you have the police and fire departments, local governments and hundreds of more cost related services just to support the giant shopping mall. Property taxes from the mall, sale taxes from purchasers and other revenue streams don’t cover the costs. So what does the local and state governments do? Raise taxes and borrow more money. But never cut or reduce services that support the mall. So there’s a gap between money out and money in. U.S. state debt surpasses $4 trillion and that number doesn’t include $3 trillion in deferments. Taxpayers don’t have a clue and even worse, Congress doesn’t care. If MIC needs a trillion dollars for a new weapons program, it’s done without Congressional appreciations and appears only as a line item.”

  “So why don’t people see this?”

  “Good question with no answer. Maybe it’s how the general public is being manipulated. All the noise that this country is free with abundant opportunities, but that’s just a big lie. We are not free. Our lives are controlled every second and everybody is on the clock, Not an ordinary clock but a money clock – ticking away and if you are not fortunate enough to possess it, you are not free and subject to the restriction placed on the less privileged by a government that doesn’t care, only tolerates. Right now, the government can tolerate. What happens if employment drops 25% and consumer spending contracts an equal amount? State and the federal government will take away your current freedoms, strict your movement, your ability to make choices, and legislate or imply certain actions illegal.”

  “I sorry to interrupt. What would you like for supper?”

  “See what I mean? Just your tiny question is the issue. Average citizen are so preoccupied to survive, they cannot afford to devote immediate energy because every minute is required to survive. Is that freedom?”

  Karen raises her hands as if signaling surrender. “Oh, Tessie is crying. Sorry, need to go. Dinner?”

  “Let’s go out.”

  With Philbert, I didn’t have to worry about money. For his daughter he’ll blow five billion larger just to have her shit in the White House toilet for the next four years. Money was merely a commodity to barter. Influence was the true marker. Back the right face and your “taking head” becomes president. Many of games were played, concessions bargained and the public never gained the truth. Obama understood the rule of compromise and became the echo of someone else’s words, a marionette on invisible strings dancing to a beat out of step with his conscience. Chameleons were influencing the thoughts of his time and in doing so have changed the future to the steps of the creator. Obama was only evil to himself since all presidents were basically tools in the systematic manipulation of judgment.

  “Since the end of World War II, containment was the foreign policy of the United States to prevent the spread of communism not in our country but abroad. The result was a Cold War, wherein the Soviet Union responded in kind to protect their communist influences in Eastern Europe, Chine, Korean and Vietnam. By détente and rollbacks the United States and the Soviet Union coexisted until Cold War ended in 1989 with the collapse and eventual breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. Today our defense budget and global military spending excesses $2 trillion per year in real dollars not the off-book and ledger omissions to placate Congress and the American people. Since 1991 our military commitments have increased each year and our foreign policy is to back up our $18 trillion economy. The United States has become the big bully on the block. We flaunt our presents in whatever form is necessary to sell our brand of national interest. Global governments deal with the United States out of necessity, not because they like us or trust us. Protecting foreign oil and other natural resources is our foreign policy.

  As president, I will material shift our foreign policy from offensive to defensive. All military contingents, diplomatic staff and personal will be withdrawn from all international sectors with 24 months. Military aid in any form to a foreign government or entity will be illegal. Only economic assistance will be available and supervision by the United States Agency for International Development USAID with oversight by an independent panel.

  The term “defensive” shall mean – protecting from any direct attack all territories of the United States, overseen directly by the federal government and not part of a U.S. state. The entire defense and military budgets will be devoted to only defensive protection and vigilance – USDPV. The U.S. Secretary of State will be sanctioned to submit its budget and appreciation to Congress each year, fully disclosed and made part of the public record.

  With the USDPV initiative, the United States will save the tax payers $1.2 trillion per year and still have the capacity to challenge and repel any aggressor.”

  “It’s not as radical as it sounds. Granted, American industry must adjust to substantially less military spending. Other sacrifices would also be necessary. Less military and international personnel, and global logistic support means fewer jobs and higher unemployment in the short term. With an outstanding public debt of $16 trillion and increasing at $5 billion a day since 2007, we need to act quickly or this thing called the United States of American will be relegated to the strap heap of history.”

  “Wouldn’t foreign powers like China take advance?”


  “Just like that? China is building a military machine and buying world resources. Philbert said they’re cornering large chunks of South American as if it’s a fire sale.

  “Treasury Department places our debt with China at $1.3 trillion. It would cost every American $18,000 to pay it off. No, China has too much to lose. Our national debt is larger than the total economies of China, the UK and Australia combined. Our foreign policy requires that we become a creditor nation.”

  “If we spend less on the military wouldn’t others consider us venerable?”

  “Perhaps. But, we’ll let the world know, that a provoked attack against the United States means instant annulations of the aggressor without debate or political noise.”

  “I’m Catcher McCall, ex-Army helicopter pilot and born right here in the U.S.A. Once I was proud to be an America. Somewhere along the line, I discovered that our country doesn’t belong to us. If you own a house and have mortgage on it – do you own that house? Hell no! If you don’t pay, someone can take it away from you. That’s what’s going on in our country. With $16 trillion … just hear it again … we owe sixteen trillion dollars to other countries, to other people. It would cost every American $18,000 to pay it off. Do you have an extra $18,000 to give to your country right now, to bailout the politicians, and whoever is in Washington that caused this mess? With your help we can get back our country.”


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