Notable Quotes of Catcher McCall

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Notable Quotes of Catcher McCall Page 4

by C.J. Lanet

“My message is simple, quickie version for my favorite sidekick. … We live in a small world that’s getting smaller. With over 7 billion people worldwide, the population will hit 12 billion by 2050. Scientific consensus holds the pressure on resources will threat our ecosystem and cause major part of society to protect their perceived interests at the expense of others who may not be fortunate enough to fight back. If global humanity attempt to match what the citizens of the United States consume, we would need seven more planet Earths by 2050.”

  Seated at the long table in the library with matching yellow pads and pencils in front of them, I said:

  “We all know the situation. Before us is whether to go forward or pack it in. … Allow me to spell out my position before any comments, okay? Losing Bob to an early heart attack and the freak accident are signs that maybe we should pause for a moment and assess what’s the objective. I decided to enter the race on the simple premise that change was needed. What America has become is not what the founding fathers planned. The momentous changes in the emerging 21st century have not been fully understood by Congress or the president. I do not want my words to sound like another speech, just to establish a point of reference.

  “The president today is just a cheerleader, and even worst, a puppet to the real owners of our country. The average citizen is merely a spectator, allowed to participate within a fixed set of rules at the caprice of unknown forces. Two decisions are required today. First, as president can I make a difference, and second, will the American people as a whole sacrifice to bring our national debt to zero with the programs we propose?

  Syd Armistead, international affairs expert and adviser said, “US foreign policy cannot continue as is. Can it be changed in our generation? Without you Catcher, I don’t think so. We’re trapped with conflicting objectives and all of them are being chased by big money. The military with all its facets cost the US taxpayers $1.4 trillion per year. In the numbers are enormous profits for MIC – the military industrial complex. I’m 71 years old and my time is short. American to me is what it was. I’m not going to be around when it fails because of its debt obligations or the unconscionable sacrifices the average citizen will be forced to accept. Not for me, but the generations to follow will look back at these times and wonder how stupid we were. Like the great Roman Empire, you look at the events now and you shake your head to the insanity it was and wonder why it lasted as long as it did. Can you image – 1101 years? As communication technologies speed up the timeframe for maintaining empires or their equivalent shrinks, which in simple terms mean 1101 years is only 300 years in today’s time. Each culture thinks it’s exceptional. USA is no different. It will fail because of stupidity. No one has your spunk, your balls and your courage to make constructive change for society as a whole. Yes, I wish that time will allow me to see you save us. My vote, go for it; you’re time as come.”

  On and on it went without a clear resolution. The meeting’s discourse failed to address the second part of my concern - Will the American people as a whole sacrifice to bring our national debt to zero with the programs I proposed? Only when Jessamine spoke did I get the true picture of the American psyche.

  “Look, I want to enjoy all the privilege of have my ass kissed as First Lady. I make no qualms about it and have already expressed my views to most of you. The average America is an asshole. They watch too much television, expose their lives on the Internet and spend money because the neighbor next door does. You take a dollar from their wallet and they scream bloody murder, but they’ll go out and spend two hundred dollars on something they don’t need or have the cash to buy. American lives on someone else’s money. That’s not going to change. I’m luckier because my father is very rich and he spends a lot of money on me. If he ever stopped I am like this country, I will get it, beg for it, steal for it, borrow for it. Let’s face it; a pernicious government has given us our collective lifestyles. Catcher, make my First Lady and stop of this bullshit.”

  In retrospect Teagarden gave the only grounded, cogitative response.

  “In America we have an identity crisis. Betrayal, predictability, fear, aggression, absurdity, selfishness, racism all rule the left side of our brains, while the other side is confidence, prudent judgment, cautions, hope, love. The conflict divides us just as the county is unable to decide. Most of the world see us as bullies and are afraid to go against our wishes, while the average citizen embraces our benevolent nature. The truth – we make good choices only when we’re threatened, and bad choice when we experience guilt because of our opulence.

  “Only catastrophes motivate people. They cry for change, but will not act to do anything out of fear of losing out. Our society is complacent and talks a good game and that’s it. Catcher, America does not want you, they only think they do. Big everything will stop you by whatever means possible.

  “You intent to be the next president of the United States is a major risk to the status quo and forces our democracy to take sides. From the outset, the country was founded on liberty, not democracy. The economic and social changes you propose shaft responsibility and the management of power. Transfer of power to the poor from the rich on the simple premise that majority is supreme has never worked. History has records thousands of failures. Choosing wisely is the true safeguard of democracy. A poor democratic country, which has not monetary wealth to distribute to its people is not democratic but autocratic.”

  “Can I speak?”

  “Most certainly. Mr. McCall.”

  “My entire policy in all its facets is to reduce the deficit and balance the yearly budget. It’s not my intent to transfer power to the poor, or anybody. Sound fiscal responsibility is the agenda. Our country is obligated under current law to mandatory payments for Medicare, Medicaid Social Security and other social programs. The present value of these deficits and unfunded obligations is $46 trillion. By my calculations these programs will significantly exceed tax revenues over the next 25 years. How do we pay for this? Don’t say foreign borrowing.”

  “Your argument has merit, and government must address a sound monetary path, but not now. We cannot change the economic dynamics of the country. Foreigners own 51% of our debt, with China, Japan and Brazil major holders. The exposure to financial or political risk is great if foreign banks stop buying Treasury securities. Your program, though well founded, will cause immediate financial and political confusion. This cannot happen. … You will withdraw you candidacy and retired from politics.”

  “That if I don’t?”

  “You will win the election and become president. That fact is a given less a catastrophe or withdrawal. No further attempts on your life will happen before the election. Voltaire said, ‘the ideal form of government is democracy tempered with assassination.’ You will be assassinated in public view on January 20th, the date of your inauguration.”

  I laughed. “That’s absurd! You are going to kill me in plain view?”

  “John F. Kennedy was killed on national television. The first day of trading on New York Stock Exchange after his death the market went up. Within three months everything was back to normal. Johnson reversed all of his crazy ideas, and the rest is history. There’s no such thing as public opinion, only public perception. So, what will it be, Mr. McCall?”

  “My policies will survive …”


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