Join the Club (SWAT Generation 2.0 Book 7)

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Join the Club (SWAT Generation 2.0 Book 7) Page 5

by Lani Lynn Vale

  He hitched me up higher against him then, and his hand moved that last half an inch.

  His fingers were now touching my back entrance.

  We both froze.

  Or maybe just I did.

  When he went to move his fingers, I whined.

  “No.” His hand stilled before he could move it so much as a millimeter. “Leave it.”

  He left it.

  But he also didn’t move that hand again.

  He just left those fingers there, teasing my entrance, applying pressure, but not actually moving.

  It was worse than his slow thrusts.

  “Bourne,” I pleaded. “Please. Please. Please.”

  Reaching forward, I yanked his mouth to mine by latching onto his hair.

  He came willingly and I felt him smile against my frustrated lips.

  “If you don’t start moving…” I threatened.

  “You’ll what?”

  “I’ll scream,” I growled. “Please.”

  He started to move again, this time in a much more frantic pace than before.

  Thrust. Thrust. Thrust. Thrust.

  His hard cock entered me roughly, pulled back, only to return just as hard.

  My orgasm that was at a simmer on low, became a rolling boil on high.

  The orgasm of the century was imminent, and he knew it.

  “Not yet,” he ordered.

  I laughed right into his mouth. “Right now.”

  “Not yet.” He pushed his fingertip into my asshole.

  I wasn’t sure if he’d meant to do it, or if he’d just done it in reaction to my statement.

  Whatever he did, I came.

  I came hard. Long. Fast. And I was pretty sure that he’d have to carry me out of here.

  My senses were stolen, and I might or might not have screamed.

  Luckily, it was covered by a boom of thunder.

  The lightning that followed illuminated Bourne’s tortured expression.

  Seconds after the flash receded, I felt him pull out of me.

  Hot splashes of his come hit my wet entrance and coated the outside of my pussy. One stream hit my clit, and I swear to all that’s holy, I saw stars.

  Momentarily disoriented, I was unsure what to do with my hands.

  And my head was swimming.

  My nerve endings were firing.

  And I just knew that the last five minutes—or however long we’d been having sex for—had changed my life.

  The wetness between my legs proved it.

  “We’re just going to write this off as a one-time thing,” he breathed, his cock still flexing against my inner thigh. “Okay?”

  I licked my lips and accidentally touched his lips with my tongue.

  “Okay,” I replied breathlessly.

  The man had literally just given me the best orgasm of my life, in the corner of a dark room. An occupied by about a hundred people room.

  And I was telling him that it was okay that we’d done it. And that it was just a one-time thing.

  As he sat me down, I reached out and grasped the table ledge. My fingers brushed against the beer bottle that I’d knocked down while putting my cake down earlier.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.



  I was wet with him.

  I needed to go because I didn’t know what state I was in from the waist down.

  My fingers found purchase, and I nodded my head into the dark.

  “I’m ready,” I whispered, moving my fingers forward and wrapping them around the glass in front of me.

  I kept the beer bottle.

  Chapter 3

  Sometimes I just look at him and bad things come out of my mouth.

  -Delanie to Dillan


  One week later

  I was outside watering my plants when I saw a weed that needed picked.

  Bending over at the waist, I reached forward, being sure to hold the water hose out wide at my side and plucked the little devil out of the earth by the roots.

  “Die,” I said to it as I plucked it and tossed it over my shoulder.


  I squeaked and whirled around with the water hose swinging in a wide arc.

  Seconds later, I was drenching Bourne with it.

  He lurched backward and whipped off his shirt, wiping his eyes with the saturated shirt, and said, “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  I had my hand over my heart as if it would help stop it from beating out of my chest.

  “Son of a bitch,” I breathed as I looked at him. “What the hell? Why would you just come up behind me like that? You’re lucky I didn’t have a shovel!”

  His eyes narrowed. “You would’ve hit me with it?”

  I shrugged and tossed the water hose down, then moved to the wall where I quickly shut the water off.

  “I would’ve. It would’ve been on pure instinct, though. Ask Dillan what happened the last time she snuck up on me and I had my curling iron in my hand,” I said as I turned back around, my hands on my hips.

  His eyes took me in, and I realized what I must look like.

  I’d been working the dogs all afternoon in the heat.

  I was wearing what could be considered Daisy Dukes.

  My once blue jeans that were now considered way too short to wear anywhere but at home were riding up high on my thighs. My white wifebeater tank top was shucked up on my belly, exposing my stretch marks, and I had a red and white bandana in my hair holding it all in place.

  I was a hot, sweaty mess and the last person in the world I wanted looking at me right now in this state was Bourne Pena.

  Yet, there he was.

  Looking hot as hell in his jeans, work boots, and shirtless.


  I licked my lips and tried to keep my eyes focused on his face, but I had very little self-control when it came to Bourne Pena.

  Like, nil if I was being honest.

  “I’ll do that,” he murmured, his eyes raking over me.

  They dilated, and I swallowed hard, wondering if this was how it was going to be for us from now on.

  I knew what he felt like inside of me, and all I could think about right then was having him back where I wanted him most.

  He must’ve read the thoughts on my face because he cleared his throat and said, “You have something around the side of the house you need help with?”

  “Umm,” I hesitated. “No?”

  He looked over his shoulder and I could see his sister, Priscilla, in the yard.

  She was flipping through a magazine as she walked back toward her front door, obviously just having gotten her mail.

  “Yeah,” he said. “I think you need help.”

  I frowned at him as he gestured for me to precede him around the house.

  The moment we got there, he had me pressed up against the rough brick wall, and his mouth was on mine.

  “Watched you for fifteen minutes picking out weeds,” he growled against my lips, shoving my shirt up to expose my breasts. “Weeds, dammit. You’d water the flowers, see a weed, and bend over. Rinse and repeat. For fifteen minutes. Ask me what color thong you’re wearing.”

  I licked my lips, which happened to be very close to his, meaning I licked his, too.

  He growled and shoved my shirt and bra up around my throat, exposing my breasts to his hands.

  “What color?” I asked breathlessly.

  He dropped his mouth so that he could run his tongue around my nipple.

  “Pink,” he growled. “Hot. Fucking. Pink.”

  He was right.

  After the incident—as I now liked to call it—I’d started wearing much sexier under clothes.

  Which was why, right now, I was wearing a hot pink thong with a matching hot pink bra.

  You could see it through the white tank top.

  I thought it was kind of

  Apparently, it turned Booth on.

  Go figure.

  I latched onto his hair, holding him close, and mewled.

  “I have ten minutes until I have to leave to go get Asa off the school bus,” I gasped. “If you’re going to do this, you better hurry.”

  He grinned wickedly, twisted me around, and bent me over the outdoor couch that I had in my back yard.

  Seconds later, he was yanking my shorts down without unbuttoning them and slamming home inside of me.

  I moaned at the feel of his hot, hard cock inside of me.

  My hands clenched onto the wicker arm, and I held on for dear life as he fucked the hell out of me.

  This. This was what I wanted out of our first encounter.

  Him out of control. Me, taking him hard.

  Unable to do anything but feel.

  “God, Bourne,” I cried. “Yes.”

  He clenched his hands onto my ass, and I could practically feel the burn of his eyes as they traveled over where we were connected. I wished I could see what he saw.

  “Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he said desperately, his voice strained.

  I heard his breathing change and knew he was close.

  Which was a good thing, because in another two strokes, I was going off like I hadn’t had an orgasm only hours earlier as I thought about him.

  I was, unequivocally, irrevocably, in need of Bourne and his penis.

  I’d honestly thought about it, over and over, since the night that we’d shared a dark corner together.

  I’d masturbated.

  I’d daydreamed.

  I’d replayed our encounter over and over and over again.

  But nothing, not a single damn thing, could compare to the real thing.

  The way he filled me up perfectly.

  The way his hands felt on my body.

  The way he sounded and smelled.

  The way he talked to me as if I was everything he’d ever wanted.

  All of those things felt like everything I never knew that I needed, and everything that I wanted.

  “Baby,” he growled.


  One word.

  But it was enough.

  I came hard.

  Stars burst behind my eyes as I threw my head back and came.

  He growled, too, and once again I felt him pull out before he came inside of me.

  The wet splash of his come on my back had me clenching on empty air.

  And when he was done, he growled as his fingers drug their way through what he’d left on my back.

  “Need to clean you up,” he said as he grabbed his shirt and wiped it across my back.

  I swallowed hard and bit my lip as he so carefully cleaned me.

  “God, you’re so beautiful,” he rumbled.

  The telltale sound of Asa’s school bus sounded at the end of the road, and reluctantly I stood up and hiked my panties and shorts back up, this time being sure to unbutton my shorts first.

  I liked them. I didn’t want to break them.

  If they elicited that kind of reaction out of Bourne Pena, then I’d be wearing them all the freakin’ time.

  I carefully grabbed the shirt from his hand and tossed it into the pile of dirty clothes that I’d used to dry my dogs with earlier. “I’ll give it back to you.”

  That was a lie.

  That night, after having washed it, I put it on and decided that I’d never be giving it back.



  Three days later

  I wasn’t sure what made me stop by my sister’s place.

  I had a feeling she wouldn’t be home, and I was fairly sure that she was at work and had been for hours.

  Yet, I still pulled my cruiser off the road in front of her house and got out.

  I walked to the door, even though I didn’t see her car in the driveway, and knocked.

  I wasn’t the least bit surprised when she didn’t answer.

  When I turned around to head back to the car, my eyes automatically went to the house across from Priscilla’s and I stopped when I saw her on the front porch.

  She had a mug of coffee in her hand, and she was sitting on the bottom step with her feet planted in the grass.

  Her face was illuminated by not just the porch light above her head, but also the e-reader that was in front of her face.

  I licked my lips and started walking her way.

  My original intentions were to smile, wave, and get back into my cruiser.

  I was on shift, after all.

  But then she stood up and I saw the full length of her nightgown.

  It was white, long and flowing, and literally looked like something straight out of a 1950s film. It covered her from collarbone to her ankles. It didn’t hug her curves at all. There really was nothing special about it.

  But it was see-through.

  With the light at her back lighting it up, I could see her shapely legs, her generous hips, and the curves of her unbound breasts.

  I could also see that she wasn’t wearing anything, not anything at all, underneath it.

  I swallowed hard and started walking toward her, knowing that once again, this was going to turn into something that I was sure she likely didn’t need.

  The moment I stepped onto her property, she started running.

  I caught her when she threw herself into my arms, one arm banding tightly behind her back, and the other going underneath her ass.

  Before I could so much as tell her this was a terrible idea, her mouth was on mine.

  I moaned into her mouth and twisted, going back the three steps that would place her against my cruiser.

  The moment her back hit the metal, her legs came up around me, and I was helping her by shoving up the material of her nightgown.

  Things went fast after that.

  Our kisses went animalistic as I thought better of where we were—we were on a dark street with only three houses on it, one of which being hers, and one being Priscilla’s, and the next not being anywhere near either of them—but I was still fully dressed in my uniform and on shift.

  So I shifted us, my hands smoothing up the expanse of shapely thigh, until I caught Delanie’s ass in both hands.

  The next move was to march fast into the house.

  Since I knew that Delanie had just gotten home from a trip—which might or might not have been the reason I’d decided to visit Priscilla tonight—I didn’t worry about Asa catching us because he was with Booth.

  Delanie’s sister, on the other hand?

  “Dillan asleep?” I asked against Delanie’s mouth.

  “Yes,” she said as her mouth moved down the length of my throat, touching her lips to the only available skin that my uniform allowed.

  I flicked out the lights anyway, and the moment that I got close enough to the couch, I collapsed onto it with Delanie on top.

  Her warm breasts pillowed against my face when I slouched down, causing a soft moan to slip free of my mouth.

  “I want to taste them,” I growled.

  She unbuttoned the three buttons on the front of her gown and slipped one of her breasts free.

  I leaned forward and popped the nipple into my mouth, slowly circling the turgid tip with my tongue as I worked my cock free of my pants.

  She lifted up to give me more room, pressing her breasts hard against my face.

  I held my cock up straight and then guided her hips back downward.

  She engulfed me in one smooth slide. Her pussy taking the entirety of my cock from tip to hilt.

  She was so tight, hot and wet that my eyes crossed in reaction.

  Her hands went to my face and she pulled her nipple away from me, only to replace it seconds later with the other one.

  I sucked the peak into my mouth, flicked it with my tongue, and Delanie started to ride me, momentarily popping her nipple free of my mouth.

I didn’t know how this kept happening.

  All I knew was that I’d seen her, she was staring at me as if she knew exactly what I wanted, and we were on her couch.

  Her hot, voluptuous breasts were pillowing on my chest as she slowly rode my cock.

  Up and down. Slow and easy. Exactly how I found that I liked it when it came to her.

  I loved to feel her glide over me, pulling me into her body slowly so that I could feel every single inch of her more fully.

  I wasn’t saying that I didn’t like fast sex with her. I just loved slow. Loved that this way, I could get lost in her slow, erotic descent and ascent.

  I growled and sucked her neck, hands clenching on her hips as her wetness started to coat me fully. God, she felt like a slice of heaven that was all for me.

  “Unit 21, this is dispatch. We have a 10-59 at 3883 Willowbrook Lane,” dispatch called.

  I paused, knowing that I needed to respond or they’d keep calling.

  And I really didn’t want anyone to say anything more, so I placed my hand over Delanie’s mouth, gave her a look that clearly said ‘be quiet’ and depressed the button on my mic. I kept Delanie moving, though, urging her on with my hand on her hips. A little faster now.

  “10-4. Unit 21 en route,” I said.

  I was proud of myself for not sounding breathless.

  My balls were drawn up, and I could feel the edges of my orgasm flirting at the periphery.

  “Touch your clit. I need you to hurry.”

  She must not have heard, or if she did, she ignored me, continuing her slow erotic pace.

  I couldn’t have that.

  I really did need to go.

  Which was why seconds later I flipped her over onto her back and started to fuck her harder, my hand going to her inner thigh where I stretched a finger out and slowly flicked her clit.

  She gasped, her entire body jolting with the touch.

  I grinned down at her.

  “What’s a 10-59?” She gasped, her legs up by her ears as I took her hard and fast.

  I didn’t want to say.

  If I said, it might very well turn her off, and God, her pussy was clenching on my cock so deliciously that I never wanted to stop.

  I didn’t answer and instead lifted my hips slightly and took her from a different angle.

  She came then, hard and fast, pulling me right along with her.

  It was only a few seconds later that I reluctantly pulled out and yanked her nightgown down so she didn’t make a mess all over her couch.


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