True Love: The Story About Choices

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True Love: The Story About Choices Page 4

by Jonathan Hendricks

room.  She pretended not to notice until after her shirt was completely off for about five seconds.  After that she pushed Josh out of the room, feigning embarrassment and surprise.

  Josh stood outside, shaking the memory out of his head and then walked over the shaggy carpet and into his room to get his backpack.  Meanwhile Macy had already gotten changed and was readying herself for the terrors of school.  They rendezvoused downstairs and headed out the door together.  They only had to walk a couple of blocks to school and did so with minimal talking.  When they did arrive at school they headed off to the lockers.  Macy had claimed the empty locker next to Josh's as her own and they walked briskly off to class.  Before they arrived at class, they ran into Morgan, who was at her locker. 

  "Hey Morgan!" Josh said cheerfully as he planted one on her cheek and Macy gasped "Oh yeah! I haven't told you, Macy.  This is Morgan.  She is my girlfriend and the sweetest person in the world.  Morgan, this is Macy.  She is a childhood friend and will be staying here for a while," Josh explained.

  "Well, it is nice to meet Josh's childhood friend," exclaimed Morgan, trying to be nice to her.

  "It’s nice to meet you too!  I am really surprised that Josh didn't mention you!" Macy said with gritted teeth, trying ever so hard to keep out the sarcasm and envy.  After that they walked to class together.  And at lunch, they all sat at the same table, Josh and Morgan kissing every once in a while, much to the annoyance of Macy.  When she arrived home, Macy knew that she would have to do an evil, but seemingly necessary, thing.  Macy would have to get Morgan away from Josh, along with some help, of course.  Macy knew that there had to be at least one girl that Josh had broken the heart of.  'Oh yeah!' thought Macy 'What about that "bitch" Rachel?'  Macy ran and stole Josh's phone, dialing Rachel's number with an evil smile on her face.

  "It’s nice to have you all here," said Macy calmly and slowly to make sure that Rachel and Elyssa heard every word.  They were in Macy's room, not 30 feet away from where Josh was.  They were going to plan what to do.  "I know that most of us here want Josh in our pants, but to do that we have to take Morgan out of the picture.  But before we decide what we should do, I think we should decide what we can do," said Macy thoughtfully.

  "And what do u suggest we do for that?" asked Elyssa.

  "Come here," whispered Macy.  She then explained her plan to them.  It was a plan to test what they could do together.  It was a plan they could, and would execute, then and there.

  Josh was on his computer, looking at some stuff on his favorite website,  He was checking Love Hurts by strawberrygurl98, School of Players by lil-lilly, and Live to Kill by wordman131.  He enjoyed reading those even though two of them were not as popular as they should be.  Suddenly his door burst open, filling his room with Macy, Rachel, and Elyssa.  Elyssa and Macy pinned him against the bed, each grabbing an arm and a leg.  "What the fuck?" shouted Josh, but everyone else was out of the house.

  "Don’t squirm," smirked Rachel.  She leaned in and kissed him on the lips.  He struggled to swat her away, but the other girls had been busy hand-cuffing him to the bed.  He was completely helpless against them.

  "Ummm, girls.  Can you let me go?” pleaded Josh.

  "Sorry, no can do," replied Rachel.

  "Macy, why are you with them?  I told you that Rachel was a bitch!" said Josh, angered by the situation.

  "I knew that this would be the best way to get you Josh.  Rachel is just a heart that you have broken.  Couldn’t you see the jealousy in my eyes today when you were with Morgan?" explained Macy to Josh.

  "Less a broken heart, more a broken arm for me! Why don’t you just let me go?" asked Josh, practically begging.

  "Nope, this is how we are testing the water for our alliance," answered Macy "Now just sit tight and wait."  Macy walked up to him and ripped off his shirt and then grabbed the place where the sun doesn't shine with the other.  After that they completely stripped Josh and Macy and Rachel took turns harassing him.  When they were done, they left him like that for the night.  He practically froze before he got to sleep.  The next morning he found Macy above him, giving him a blowjob.  When she saw that he had woken up she continued what she was doing for five more minutes and then unlocked the chains.  Josh got ready for school and left, without a word to Macy.

  Josh groaned as he comprehended what had just been told to him.  "A vacation? Up in the snow? Do I have to go?" complained Josh.

  "Yes, you have to go.  Your dad, Macy, you, and I are all going, together.  We are just going to be there for the weekend, but there will be a lot of fun!" explained Josh's mom eagerly "And you also get to bring along one person of your choosing."  Josh's mom knew he would pick whoever's lip gloss was smothered all over Josh's lips the night he came home late from the movies, and then she could make sure that he wouldn’t break her heart.

  "Really?" Josh perked up "Got it. Thanks mom!"  He scrambled upstairs and grabbed his cell phone.  He called Morgan and told her as much as he knew.

  "That is so cool! Me and you out in the cold together.  Maybe the lodge will have some mistletoe so that we can have an excuse to kiss in public," Macy said, and Josh could almost hear her grin through his phone.  Then he remembered Macy would be there and he remembered a couple of nights ago when she and Rachel had raped him.  It is understating it to say that Josh was completely terrified by that memory, and did not want to continue talking to Morgan at the moment.

  "Yeah, so I'll call you later, bye." Josh said into the microphone before he pressed his finger against the red button to hang up.  He started packing but knew that he would have some more things to pack when this time tomorrow came because he will have opened all of his Christmas presents.  He was pretty sure that he was getting a PSP, just like he had asked for.

  A couple days later Josh was on the road, in the car, next to both Macy and Morgan.  He had put his new PSP away to pay more attention to Morgan.  At first they just talked, then Josh had hung some mistletoe above them in the car, and they started making out.  It had been about five minutes of it before they stopped at the hotel/lodge.  They dropped off their baggage and decided to play in the snow until their room was ready.  They all were dressed up in layers, gloves, coats, and hats, but it was still freezing cold to them. 

  Josh's dad drove until he found a nice, snow covered trail that seemed to lead to a nice patch of snow.  When they got out they discovered that the snow was soft, slippery, easy to fall in, but extremely hard to get up from.  In fact when Morgan fell, Josh had to help her up because she could not get into more than a crawling position in the snow.  When they were walking up the trail, Morgan had her head on Josh's shoulder, they were holding hands, and it seemed like a winter wonderland.  But then Macy broke the happy couple up and Macy and Morgan drifted forward, away from Josh.

  Josh, from then on, brought up the rear of the group, admiring the sheer magnificence of the snow.  All of a sudden he caught his foot on a tree root and twisted his ankle.  He fell to the ground, writhing in pain (as Batman turned back, into Bruce Wane.  But Chuck saw through his clever disguise, and crushed Batman's head, in-between his thighs.  THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN REFERENCE!).  He could not get up, but when he looked up and saw the others far ahead of him, he knew he had to do something.

  He slammed his hand into the ground and slid his knee forward.  He did the same thing again and again, in a process we call crawling.  His gloves were not meant for snow and the snow stuck to it, leaving his hand almost as cold with the glove as without it, almost.  He soon found that if he punched the ground at a slight angle, he could move faster.  He set his head down, as if to charge like a bull and raced forward, fists pumping and knees sliding.  With his head down though, his hat fell off.  He couldn't hold on to it with the snow magnets that he called gloves, so he bit down on it and continued going.  The material didn’t taste very good to him, so he curled his tongue up inside his mouth.

er what seemed as hours of short bursts of crazy outrage, Josh was extremely tired and cold.  His head throbbed after each of his speedy periods of time and he was starting to see little flecks of light swim around everywhere around him.  What used to be a winter wonderland was now a freezing death trap.  He cursed the world as a more intense head pain blasted and he was left unconscious.

  Josh's mom turned around and expected to see Josh and Morgan sucking face, but was greeted with Macy and Morgan cat fighting.  She looked behind them but could not see Josh anywhere.  "Where is Josh?" asked Josh's mom to the person most likely to know.

  "I don’t know," replied Morgan looking all around her.  Realizing that Josh must have fallen behind, they all ran back down the mountain.  After ten minutes they saw Josh's unconscious body, covered in new snow.

  "Oh my god!" gasped Morgan.  They all picked Josh up and drove to the hotel.  There was a nurse at the hotel, who worked in room 18, according to the guest services assistant; so they raced down to room 18, carrying Josh the whole way.  Soon enough the heater was on to max and three blow dryers were coating his frozen body with warm air.  Josh soon defrosted and woke up shortly after he was rid of the snow.  The only two who

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