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Starting Over

Page 4

by Erin Cristofoli

  He smiled and said, “Kate, we are going to get along nicely.”

  I extended a coffee toward him, which he took gratefully. “I wasn’t sure how you take your coffee. Do you even drink coffee?”

  Again he smiled, “I do drink it and take it black. Thanks.” He gestured for me to sit down, and I complied, relaxing into the very comfortable chair on the opposite side of the desk from him. He leaned back in his chair as well and looked thoughtful for a moment. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but I remember you saying that you didn’t have a boyfriend. Why is that?”

  I stiffened slightly at his unexpected questioning into my personal life. “I just moved here from Alberta. Clean slate and all that. Besides, there was no one interested in me there.” Why was it always in front of Ben that I ended up with a loose tongue? I placed my fingers over my mouth and shook my head slightly, disappointed that I had said so much.

  He shook his head in disbelief. “I don’t believe that for a second. I mean, you are a beautiful girl. Someone must have been interested. I know I would have been.”

  I blushed deeply, not sure how to respond to that. His words could easily crumble my defenses, and that made me nervous. I stood up and walked over to the wall of windows to look out at the beautiful view of the city while my mind revisited my earlier dream of being up against the glass.

  I watched Kate sip her coffee, her back to me. I couldn’t understand why she felt the way she did about herself or why she thought no one wanted her. Were the men out West all blind? She was stunning. Clearly, something had happened to her. But what? I couldn’t stop myself from walking over to where she was, standing just behind her. I watched her take a deep breath, and I did the same. “Kate...” I started, reaching to put a hand on her shoulder.

  But Kate cut me off, saying, “Ben, we can’t. I can’t. I don’t deny that I am attracted to you, but this job is my life. I need this and am definitely not interested in mixing my personal and professional lives.”

  I quickly retracted my hand and took a step back. I realized I wanted to know Kate better. “Actually, what I was going to say was that I’m here if you need someone to talk to. I don’t know why you left home, Kate, but I know you probably don’t know many people here. I could be a friend. I mean, we are close in age, right? And working together doesn’t mean that a friendship can’t exist, does it?”

  She turned to glance at me and sighed. “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. Yes, you’re right. We can be friends, I suppose.”

  I smiled back at her, the smile not quite reaching my eyes but I hoped she didn’t notice. “You didn’t jump to anything. I acknowledge the attraction to you, but friends I can do. Friends is all I want to do. Do you have plans tonight?”

  Kate shook her head, watching me warily.

  “Good, so then starting today, I am going to insist that as new friends, we work a little late, so I’ll order in some dinner for us. Then maybe we can get down to this damn project that is looming over me.”

  I saw Kate sigh and then nod her head in agreement, a small smile touching her lips.

  “Okay. I’m going to head back to my desk. Give me a shout when you want to get started,” Kate said before turning and heading to her office.

  I sat at my desk a long while, thinking about what had just happened. Had I only imagined that Ben was about to make a move on me? I wasn’t sure I believed him entirely about the whole friendship thing, but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. It’s not like I had to sleep with him for that, though I couldn’t deny that I’d like to. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. I couldn’t figure out what it was, but I liked him. Besides, I could use a few more friends in my life. Time would tell if Ben would be one of them.

  I worked studiously over the next few hours, with Ben calling me in for assistance here and there, mostly acquiring my opinion on how the presentation was looking or what I thought of potential ads for clients.

  There was a knock at my opened door. A quick glance at the clock on the wall told me it was already five o’clock. I looked up to find Ben lounging against the door frame, a smile on his face.

  “You were so engrossed in what you’re doing you didn’t hear me come up,” he commented.

  I looked at him standing there like that, all at ease, and my heart fluttered as my cheeks warmed. Describing Ben as hot was an understatement. He could melt an iceberg just by looking at it. I didn’t know what he looked like in casual wear, but I was positive that there was nothing sexier than Ben in a business suit.

  “Oh, yes, I know. Just doing some of the research you asked for. I have quite a bit to share with you, though I am not done yet...” My words faded as I noticed the look on his face, and a quiet chuckle escaped him.

  “You aren’t a workhorse, Kate. I insist that you take a break. We can go over all of your research, which I’m sure thorough, but it can wait until we get back from dinner.”

  “Back from dinner?” I was puzzled.

  “Oh, I know I said I would order in, but as I sat at my desk going over the same damn paragraph for the past hour, I realized that going to one of my favorite restaurants might be a nice idea instead. Do you like Indian?”

  “Uh, I’ve only had it once, but I did enjoy it,” I replied.

  “Excellent. Grab your coat and let’s get going.”

  Ben waited for me to grab my things, and with only the slightest touch at the small of my back, he led me to the elevators. That tiny, barely there contact was enough to send chills through me. We rode the elevator down to the parking garage, where he led me to his car.

  The sight before me stopped me in my tracks. “What kind of car is this?”

  “A BMW Z4 Roadster. I had the color custom-made. Electric blue I call it.”

  “Wow, I have never been this close to such a beautiful car before.”

  He smiled at me. “Well, hop in then. You can get even closer.” He turned the key, bringing the car to life, a quiet hum of the engine filling the car.

  “So where are you taking me?”

  “A place on Queen Street called Little India. It’s my favorite. Every time I crave Indian, that’s where I go.”

  He threw the car into reverse, easily maneuvering out of the parking space. “Hang on tight, Kate. I’m going to show you what this baby can do!”

  A sly grin formed on his lips before he winked and sped us out of the garage. We zipped down the street, and I couldn’t help but watch him. He was confident, and it was clear he enjoyed driving this fancy car as a small smile turned up at the sides of his mouth.

  While I watched him, a current coursed through me, the air thickened, and my breathing hitched in my chest. We stopped at a stoplight, and Ben looked over at me. Our eyes locked, and his gaze darkened, a smoldering look coming across his features, making me shiver. After a moment, I was able to tear my eyes away.

  Glancing up at the traffic light, I cleared my throat. “The light is green.” Ben flicked his gaze to the road and continued our drive.

  Little India was just the type of place I would have probably chosen if I’d passed by it on my own, and it surprised me that he would enjoy it here. Ben opened the restaurant’s door for me with a smile, gesturing me through. As I passed him, I felt his hand lightly on my back, inching me forward as he followed close behind.

  Little India had a wonderful atmosphere. Rich colors of yellow and red painted the walls, while crimson tablecloths covered the tables. There were also large, beautifully bold pieces of art framed on the walls of Indian women in incredible saris and beautiful landscapes.

  A waiter approached us immediately, a man with a kind smile on his face. “Mr. Hyde,” he said. “Welcome back. I hope you have been well. Would you like your usual seat?”

  Ben smiled warmly at the man. “Yes, thank you very much.”

  We were immediately directed to the table right by the front window, and I smiled; it’s the same seat I would have chosen. I wondered to myself why this was the seat h
e always sat at.

  “I like to watch the world walk by,” he answered my unspoken question. “While I am here, I like that time slows just a bit.” I smiled at him. The intensity between us in the car appeared to have lifted. “So tell me about yourself,” Ben asked.

  I shrugged. “There isn’t much to tell, really. I came here from a pretty small town, and now I’m here working for you. I only know one other person, my best friend, Jen, who is pretty much the opposite of me.”

  “Really?” He sat back in his chair, a skeptical look on his face. “That’s all you’re going to give me? I thought we were friends, Kate. You can’t give me anything else? Why did you leave home?”

  I sighed. I wasn’t really sure I wanted to divulge that much information to a practical stranger, but Ben was right; I was going to attempt to be friends with him, and that meant opening up – but only a little.

  “My dad died just before I left home. It seemed like a good time for a change,” I told him quietly, unable to meet his eyes.

  After a moment of silence, Ben lifted my chin with his finger to meet his eyes. “Kate, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened with your mom?”

  His finger lingered on my jaw, distracting me from my train of thought. I drew in a breath, and realized that we were both leaning in to each other over the table. I straightened up slightly before replying. “My mom and I haven’t ever really got along. As soon as my dad died, she made it clear that I wasn’t welcome anymore. And that brings me to working for you. Jen convinced me that coming here would be the best thing for me. It was time to move on.” Why had I told him all of that?

  “Lucky for me,” Ben muttered under his breath as the waiter approached our table.

  “Have you decided what you would like to order?”

  Ben looked at me. I could see the gears turning in his head. This conversation was not over.

  “It all sounds so good, but I’m not sure what to order. What isn’t too spicy?”

  Ben looked over to me. “Would you allow me to order then, Kate? In fact, I insist. We will have an order of the butter chicken, as well as a chicken korma and an order of pulao rice, please. Kate, do you like naan?” He waved his hand, as if to dismiss his last comment. “You really must try it. Let’s add on an order of the special naan as well as the Kashmiri naan, and two mango lassi please. Thank you.” He looked at me and added, “This way, we can share and have a little of everything.”

  The waiter quickly walked away, and I looked at Ben in disbelief. Not only were we out for dinner, but we were now going to share. He had taken the reins and made all the decisions for me.

  “Ben, that was a lot of food you just ordered. Who are you trying to feed, a football team?”

  He simply shrugged. “The food here is good. Very good. Whatever we don’t eat can be had for leftovers.”

  Again, I looked at him in disbelief. “I honestly don’t see you as a ‘leftover’ kind of guy.”

  Ben laughed. “I know, but I don’t go out all the time. I work a lot of long hours, and I have to eat sometime. There is a mini fridge in my office, by the way. Feel free to use it any time you like.”

  Our mango lassi arrived, and he raised his glass to me. “A toast. Here is to you, Kate. Thank you for coming to work for me. We already work really well together. Let’s also toast to us and to our new friendship.”

  I clinked my glass to his and took a sip of my drink. We sat in contented silence for only a few moments before our food began to arrive. As I suspected it would, our order completely filled the table, leaving almost no room for plates. Ben sat back and watched me. I looked back at him. Surely, he was hungry, or he wouldn’t have ordered so much.

  “Please, help yourself, Kate.” He gestured for me to begin.

  “Are you not having any? Please don’t tell me you ordered this all for me, because I couldn’t eat all this if my life depended on it.”

  He chuckled. “No, I am definitely going to have some, probably quite a bit, in fact. I was allowing you to go first, as you are my guest.”

  I could feel the warmth of a blush hit my cheeks. “Oh, thank you.”

  As I spooned a little of this and that on my plate, Ben broke off a piece of each naan he had ordered and handed it to me. When my plate was sufficiently full, he filled his own.

  “So tell me,” he began as I brought my first forkful of rice and chicken to my mouth. “Is it so odd that I would wait for you to be served first? Who have you been dating that this is a surprising gesture?”

  Blushing an even deeper shade of crimson, I responded, “I haven’t really been dating much as of late.” As soon as those words were out of my mouth, I regretted them. I did not want him to inquire as to how long it had been since I had been on a real date, nor did I want him to think I thought of this as a date. I frowned and popped a piece of chicken in my mouth.

  “You should dip the naan. It’s delicious,” he stated, watching me closely.

  We continued our meal, a little conversation here and there, some work, some personal. All the while, I noticed he wore a small smile. I began to think that maybe I had sauce on my face or something, to the point where I asked him.

  “Oh, no, Kate, I’m sorry. I enjoy watching you eat. Most women are dainty eaters when sitting with a man. I think it’s ridiculous, and find it refreshing that you are not one of those women.”

  I laughed. “Those women are most likely on dates and are nervous with the guy.”

  Ben’s gaze darkened slightly. “Yes, that would probably explain why you are able to enjoy your food.”

  His gaze at me made my stomach flutter. “Well, this is delicious. I am glad I’m able to enjoy it.” I smiled at him, trying to lighten the mood, but it seemed to intensify further.

  When we were unable to eat any more of the food, and the table had been cleared, the waiter approached with a take-out container, the bill, and a small bowl with two spoons, which he placed between the two of us. “Thank you so much for joining us this evening, Mr. Hyde. Here is a little dessert on the house.” He then quickly retreated. Ben placed his credit card on the tray without even flipping over the bill.

  “Have you had these before?” he asked me. When I shook my head, he explained. “These are gulab jamun, kind of like donut holes in sugar water.”

  He handed me a spoon, and as we each broke into the same donut, I couldn’t help but smile. They were amazingly delicious. I could see myself eating ten of them before becoming completely sick, and still feeling that it was worth it.

  When we were done and the meal was paid for, Ben grabbed our bag of leftovers and held open the door for me. We walked to the car, and he again held open the door for me as I got in. Ben started what I thought was our drive back to the office, but we were taking a different route. I began to wonder if we were actually going back to the office.

  “Uh, Ben, are we not going back to work?”

  “Nope. I’m taking you home for the evening.”

  I must have looked at him a little strangely, as my mind was wondering about his choice of words when he added, “What I mean is… you have been working long hours since you started with me, and I think you should work a little less for the rest of this week. In fact, I want you to take Friday off.”

  “You don’t have to do that, Ben. I don’t mind all the work. I like being busy.”

  He shook his head adamantly. “I know you do, but this isn’t up for debate. Besides, I will be out of the office most of tomorrow and all of Friday, so I want you to do the same. End of story.”

  I glanced over to Kate out of the corner of my eye. She seemed happy that I’d just given her the day off. The more time I spent with Kate, the more I wanted to pursue seeing her at Blue Velvet. I hadn’t yet texted her about meeting up because I had been trying to hold off on the inevitable. Maybe giving her the day off would allow her the opportunity to prepare herself for our follow up meeting, provided she was still interested, of course. I decided
to text her once I had dropped her off. I pulled onto a side street near her building, and she glanced over at me, puzzled.

  “How do you know where I live?”

  “I took the liberty of looking at your file today. I figured I would be driving you home and wanted to prepare the best route. Speaking of, how do you get to and from work, Kate?”

  “I walk.”

  I looked at her with concern. She walked. With her putting in early mornings and late nights, I began to feel uneasy. Safety had to be my first concern for my employees, and I was clearly failing at that now. “Do you have a license?” I asked her.

  “Yes, but I don’t own a car.”

  “Good. Monday morning, I am picking you up and we’re going to get you a company car. Tomorrow, I will have a driver pick you up in the morning and drop you off when you’re done for the day. I won’t have you walking at night.”

  She began to protest, “Ben, that really isn’t...”

  “It is necessary.” I cut her off. “You are a valued employee, not to mention my newest friend. As your boss, I can’t have you risk your safety due to the hours you keep because of me. As your friend, I don’t want you to get hurt. We’re getting you a vehicle.”

  Kate sighed beside me. “Well, thank you for a lovely dinner, Ben. I will have to go there again sometime.” She reached for her door handle, but I reached out to her, my fingers grazing softly against her silky skin, stopping her.

  “Just a second.” I climbed out, moved around to her side, and opened her door for her. Kate looked a little stunned as she got out from the car. Her heel slipped slightly on the curb, and I quickly wrapped her in my arms before she could fall. She blushed deeply, a rich crimson staining her cheeks.

  “Thank you,” she breathed airily.

  Had Kate never experienced general good manners from any she had dated? This woman was beautiful, and someone needed to treat her that way. Kate went to take a step toward her building around the corner but paused when my car beeped as I locked it. She continued to look confused.


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