Starting Over

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Starting Over Page 5

by Erin Cristofoli

  “I’ll walk you to your building, Kate,” I told her firmly. This time, she had no arguments for me.

  We walked quietly to the front door of her building where we paused. Her building was in a sad state; bricks were deteriorating and crumbling, creating a mottled brick and white paint effect. I felt my anger rising. Why was she living in this place? If it looked like this outside, what would it look like inside? I bit my tongue as we stood outside the front door, a thoughtful look clouding her face, as if she were battling with herself over something.

  “Would you like to come up for some coffee or something? I don’t have much at the moment, but you are welcome to it, if you like,” she finally said after taking a deep breath.

  I was torn. I shouldn’t want to spend more time with her, but for the first time in a long time, it was nice to have someone like Kate to hang out with. I could see on her face that it had taken a great deal of effort to even ask me. Would she be offended if I didn’t come up? Or was she hoping that I wouldn’t? I couldn’t tell. Maybe this was a good chance again to prove to her that I wasn’t going to put the moves on her, even though I was very much thinking about that.

  “Thanks, Kate. That would be nice.”

  We entered the lobby and waited for the elevator, and I quickly realized the inside was as bad as the outside. Paint was chipping away from the walls, and floor tiles had long ago broken, leaving the floor uneven. I ground my teeth together. Such squalor! Surely she could find something better than this.

  As we walked to her door, Kate stated, “I know what you are thinking. It’s not some swanky, posh place, but I came here on short notice and there wasn’t much available nearby.”

  She led me inside, and I was completely taken aback at the state of the space. I looked around and noticed the dingy, depressing beige paint was peeling in numerous places. I would never understand why landlords always chose beige over any other color on the spectrum.

  My jaw began to tick as Kate showed me around the tiny apartment. First up was the tiniest kitchen I had ever seen, that didn’t even have a full-sized stove or fridge. The living room was next, which barely had room for the love seat and chair she had in it. How could someone live like this? She motioned to the two doors on the one wall.

  “The bathroom is on the right, my bedroom on the left,” she explained, a slight flush appearing on her face. Her bashful reaction at mentioning her bedroom peaked my curiosity.

  “Do you mind?” I gestured to her bedroom door. I had always been a firm believer that a woman’s bedroom could tell you what kind of lover she would be, whether she was sweet and innocent or a Kama Sutra tigress. Looking at her, I waited for permission.

  Kate’s jaw tightened, but then she nodded. “Sure.”

  Wasting no time, I barely held back the urge to throw the door open and carry her inside with me. The nasty beige walls continued from the rest of the apartment. Kate’s bed was a black wrought iron frame, and though it couldn’t be more than a double, images immediately flooded my mind of Kate tied to the bed with me teasing her until she begged me to fuck her. She had red and silver throw pillows on top of a black velvet comforter. Black curtains matched the bed, and little accents of silver surrounded the room. I couldn’t get over just how ridiculously small this room was. Only a small dresser and night table fit with that bed. Kate clearly had style, though it was stifled with her special restrictions. The item that captivated my attention the most, though, was the photograph above her bed. It was a dark artsy piece, and I had to look at it closely to realize it was a portrait of a nude woman wrapped black satin. I swallowed hard. Wow, just wow. I looked between Kate and the picture, stunned that this quietly beautiful woman had such a piece of art in her bedroom.

  “That’s quite the piece of art you have there, Kate. Wow. I, uh, never would have pegged you to have such a sensual picture of a beautiful woman on your wall.” I could feel my arousal growing the more I looked at it. It was what Kate said next that caused my blood to really start pumping.

  “That’s me, actually.” She practically whispered it, so I wasn’t sure I had even heard her correctly.

  My breath caught in my throat. “What was that you said?” My cock painfully strained against my pants for her, again with no hope of relief.

  “Yup, that’s me.” Kate blushed a deep shade of red and stared at her hands as I groaned.

  I turned to her and couldn’t help reaching out to tip her chin up so her eyes met mine. “You shouldn’t be embarrassed, Kate. This picture is amazing.”

  We were only inches apart, Kate looking up at me with her rich brown eyes. I cleared my throat to hide the painful grunt that escaped me. Then taking a step back, I quickly headed toward the love seat in the living room.

  Kate followed me, a confused look on her face. “Ben, what’s the matter?” she asked quietly, sitting beside me.

  “You haven’t done anything wrong, Kate. I’m sorry. I, um, I think I should go.”

  “Uh, okay...” She looked hurt, and I was sorry for that, but I needed some distance.

  I stood and watched as her eyes focused in on the bulge in my pants, which was at perfect eye level. “I have to go. I’m sorry, Kate. I just can’t be in the same room as you after you let me see that sexy-as-fuck picture. If I stay, I will end up doing something you made clear you don’t want, and I really do want us to be friends. So on that note, Kate, I will say goodnight. See you tomorrow.”

  I practically bolted out the front of the building and to my car, where I sat for a couple of minutes to catch my breath. I couldn’t put off messaging Kate any longer. Immediately, I pulled out my personal cell phone from my pocket. I had two that allowed me to separate business from pleasure, and tonight, I was going to put the personal one to good use. After scrolling through my contacts until I reached the number that Kate had given to me at the club, I quickly typed out a message to her.

  Kate, I've been thinking about you.

  I want to finish what we started at the club.

  Meet me Friday


  Now, all I had to do was wait to see if she would respond. I could only hope. In the meantime, I needed to do something about my current erection. I drove to Blue Velvet, but when I pulled into a parking spot, I couldn’t actually make myself go in. A strange feeling came over me, and my mind kept returning to Kate. Maybe once I got her in there, I would get over my obsession and be able to get back to normal. I had gone from going to the club almost every night to having gone only maybe three times in the past two weeks. Fuck me. The anticipation of what I was going to get to do to her was going to make me as sexually savvy as a schoolboy. Then she would be disappointed, and so would I for that matter. Shit!

  I drove home feeling unsettled. I must have checked my phone twenty times to see if she had responded. When I got home, and had still heard no response, I decided to find some relief. Jerking off was not my most favorite way to find release, but you do what you have to do sometimes. First off, I shed my clothes in the living room. I always enjoyed and preferred to be naked. If asked, I would admit that I had an exhibitionist side to me. Not that I went out of my way to expose myself on a regular basis, but in the right situation, like the night I met Kate, I would have no issue with it.

  I stood at my large living room window as I began to stroke myself, wondering what Kate was doing at that moment. Turning away from the window, I wandered through my apartment, making my way in to the kitchen. I poured myself a drink and downed it, then glanced at my phone on the counter beside me. Nothing. My hand picked up speed, my desire rising, and I could feel an orgasm coming fast. I looked around for something to catch my cum in, when my phone dinged beside me. As I looked down at the message and read the words, I lost it and shot my load all over the kitchen floor. Shit!

  Ben had flown out the door like he was on fire, but not before making it clear that the bulge in his pants was a direct result of me. What shocked me most was that he hadn’t tried anything. My view of him cha
nged right there, and I felt myself relax. He wanted to be friends, and he respected my decision to not pursue anything with him. I was happy but I couldn’t help feeling little disappointed at the same time. I tried to shake that feeling. It would be for the best to keep my distance.

  I shook my head and headed to the bathroom, deciding a hot shower would do some good in helping me wind down. Turning on the water, I cranked up the heat. The room began to steam up as I stepped in, the water beating a hypnotic rhythm against my tired shoulders. I heard my phone buzz on the sink, but the pulsing water felt too good to leave for whoever it might be. I must have been in there for the better part of an hour before the water began to cool and I reluctantly decided to get out, my fingers well pruned. Stepping out of the shower, I shrugged into my huge plum terrycloth robe. It had been a long day, and I eagerly climbed into bed and snuggled down amongst the pillows. I grabbed my phone and saw the red flashing light, reminding me I had received a message. The message was from Sir.

  My hands started to shake, and I could feel the butterflies start their flutter deep in my stomach. He wanted to meet me Friday. I had the day off, so I would have plenty of time to prepare. Why the hell not? It could turn out to be a memorable evening. Why did I feel though like no amount of time beforehand was going to prepare me for that mystery man?

  I placed my fingers on the keys of my phone to reply, but wasn’t sure what to say. I decided on simple.

  Okay. Where and what time?

  9:00 pm at the corner of Queen Street and John Street.

  Dress in something sexy and remember your mask.

  My cock has been aching for you.

  Yes, Sir.

  My mouth went dry. How could simple words get me all worked up? I would bet he knew exactly what he was doing to me.

  Friday evening had finally arrived, and I was pretty sure my stomach couldn’t knot itself any further without killing me. For the pretty low-key kind of girl that I was, an hour spent on primping was a completely foreign regime for me to follow.

  I had been rummaging through my dresses for over an hour. While I had plenty of work attire, I had very little that I would consider fancy or sexy even. I took one last look in my closet, and way in the back I came across a dress I had forgotten all about. In truth, it was a dress that I had borrowed from Jen many years back and had forgotten to return to her. I slipped in on. Perfect. I admired myself in the little black, figure-hugging number that had a high square neckline and stopped just at mid thigh. It rose slightly when I moved, and I knew it would leave me fidgeting all evening, but there wasn’t another choice if I wanted to be on time. I turned. The back of the dress had a dangerously low scoop and dipped just to the dimples of my low back, catching a glimpse of the string of my thong. I gave my hips a little shake and giggled to myself, beginning to like the idea of letting loose for a night. As I pinned my hair up into a messy French twist, I couldn’t really figure why I bothered with make up since I would be wearing a mask, but I applied a pale pink lipstick anyway to go with my already applied eyeliner and mascara. I slipped on my best pair of strappy heels, grabbed my mask, jacket and purse, and headed out the door.

  After hailing a cab and giving my destination, I noticed the cabbie gave me a once over in his rearview mirror, but my head was elsewhere, staring at the city passing by outside. The butterflies grew in my stomach, and I began to question my decision to go through this. What was I thinking, agreeing to such a risqué evening?

  All the contradicting thoughts swam in my head, and I almost told the cabbie to turn around and go back, but as I opened my mouth to speak, the car pulled over to the curb. I had reached my destination whether I was ready for this or not. After paying the cabbie, I placed my mask on before stepping out into the cool air. It helped clear my head. I pulled my coat a little tighter around me and just stood there, not sure exactly where we were supposed to meet.

  It felt like forever that I stood there alone in the chill of the evening air, and I continued to lose my nerve. Finally, I came to the decision that I wasn’t going to go through with it after all, but as I turned to walk up the street to hail a cab, I heard a thick, deep voice.

  “Don’t even think about leaving me hanging, Kate. I don’t take kindly to being stood up.”

  I jumped, startled by the sound of his voice behind me. Feeling him approach, I shivered noticeably as he slid an arm around my waist, his hand resting on my stomach.

  “I am excited to show you a little bit of my world, Kate. Come with me. Let me show you. Let us finish what we started.”

  He slowly turned me and looked into my eyes. I couldn’t look away from his intense gaze that left me tongue tied, so I nodded mutely. He held out his arm for me, and I slid mine through his and we began to walk.

  I wasn’t sure where we were or how we got there, but it wasn’t long before we were outside what looked to be a closed down warehouse aside from the two bouncers outside the door. I looked warily at the building, fear creeping into my thoughts. Was I just another stupid, naïve woman that you hear about in the news being led to my death? Sir pulled me forward before any protests could leave my lips, and after only a moment longer, we walked through the door and were greeted with a large entry hallway with a coat-check. Sir released my arm and left to check our coats, allowing me a moment to feel out my surroundings.

  The walls were covered in charcoal damask wallpaper with white accents. The room was adorned by dimly lit wall sconces and scattered, well-placed pieces of erotic art. I walked around the room looking at the art, having never seen anything quite so stimulating and erotic. Some forms were more artistic, while others were raw acts of lust. My own picture paled in comparison to these pieces.

  I paused in front of a large photograph depicting a man grabbing a woman from behind, his one hand caressing her breast, the other hand between her legs. The woman’s head was back against his shoulder, her expression a combination of heady lust and maybe a touch of love. I shivered. To feel that much emotion must be overwhelming.

  “That could be you if your heart desires.” I jumped slightly at Sir’s words; I hadn’t heard him walk up behind me. He stood close enough that I could feel his breath on my neck as he murmured in my ear. “You’re jumpy tonight, Kate. We must try and remedy that.”

  His voice was like liquid honey, gliding around me and making me feel weak in the knees.

  I turned to face him. “That’s all right. I’m not sure I will be staying,” I responded.

  His demeanor changed immediately. “Need some encouragement to stay?” he asked with a sly smile, sensing a challenge.

  I swallowed and broke eye contact with him, looking to the ground to clear my thoughts. Maybe, just maybe, I was in a little over my head.

  I looked at Kate and my cock stirred. I watched her, eyes to the ground, and my need for her took firm hold, her beautifully submissive side shining. Her hair was up, giving me full view and access to her long neck and that sexy tattoo. But it was her dress... That dress had my mouth watering and a painful tent growing my pants. I had to restrain myself from running my hands up and down her sexy curves before I knew for sure that she was interested in doing this my way. Once I got her consent, which I had no doubt I would, there would be no holding me back from taking what I wanted. The back of Kate’s dress… Wow. I couldn’t help but stare, as did most of the other people lucky enough to catch a glimpse. She had the most fabulous creamy skin, and it dipped so low, I ached to lick the dimples above her tight ass.

  I put a finger under her chin and forced her to look at me. “Let’s get a drink, shall we? You can explain why you decided to accept my invitation to come here.”

  She nodded quietly, and I led her to the bar and picked two seats at the end, relatively away from prying eyes, and awaited her answer.

  “I was curious,” she said after a moment’s hesitation. “I wanted to know what this club was about and who you were.”

  “Any thoughts on that?” I asked, feeling a little unco
mfortable by her comment. Kate shook her head, and I relaxed a little. I wasn’t ready for her to know just yet.

  Kate blushed. “You remain a mystery to me.”

  I laughed. “I invited you here because this is where I am most comfortable. This club suits my lifestyle. Would you like me to show you around?”

  She nodded shyly, so I stood and walked her to the curtained doorway leading to the Central Room, taking her hand in mine in case she decided to run. The instant electricity between us was impossible to miss. I heard her gasp and I smiled to myself; this was going to be fun. I watched her intently as she took the room in, but I imagined it would be hard for her to grasp it all at once.

  There was another large bar against the wall to the left of us. Opposite the bar was a decently sized, slightly elevated stage. The wall in front of us was lined with booths, some with tables, some without. Scattered around the center of the room were various types of apparatus-- some tables and chairs, and even a few swings bolted to the ceiling.

  Kate’s mouth was slightly parted, and I couldn’t resist leaning in and whispering in her ear, “You haven’t seen anything yet, angel. Is this too much for you? Because I think this is exactly what you need me to give you. Or do I have it all wrong? Do you want to leave?”

  The main room was huge and very lavish. Richly patterned, dark maroon wallpaper adorned the walls, along with ceiling to floor black velvet curtains. But it wasn’t the decor that had me completely stunned. It was the amount of masked people scattered around the room in various states of undress and passion, some doing things I had never even thought about.


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