Starting Over

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Starting Over Page 8

by Erin Cristofoli

  We found an open spot and returned our attention to the instructor, who was demonstrating what we had to do. With a blow of his whistle, everyone around us began the exercise. Kate looked at me and I shrugged. One go at this would be OK, right? We began to circle each other.

  “I have no idea what I am doing,” Kate muttered, more to herself than to me.

  We continued this dance for a moment longer before I decided to make my move. I lunged and she yelped, managing to avoid my attempt. She quickly returned the attempt, knocking me off balance so that I fell onto my back. A small look of satisfaction spread across her face. Her eyes twinkled and her smile was cheeky, but her triumph was short lived as I pulled her on top of me and quickly rolled over on top of her, effectively pinning her to the mat. She made a feeble attempt at struggling to get away before giving up, relaxing her limbs against the mat. I stayed where I was, looking down at her with what I knew was a smug look on my face.

  God, she was beautiful. She was sweaty, and her hair a little wild but dead sexy at that moment. A wide-eyed expression covered her face when I realized that my hard-on was pressed against her thigh. I quickly hopped up and pulled her along with me.

  Clearing my throat, I mumbled, “I think we should get going.”

  She nodded silently before following a few steps behind me to the locker rooms.

  I walked over to a sink and braced my hands against it, hanging my head. How could one woman leave me so completely powerless to control myself around her? She made me feel like a horny school boy. I looked down; my cock was straining against my shorts. I couldn’t very well leave the gym looking like that. Thankfully, the room was empty. Shedding my clothes on a nearby bench, I walked down the row of shower stalls and picked the one at the end. The hot water steamed down on me, a steam cloud forming. I closed my eyes and started to picture what Kate might be doing in the room next door. Visions of her under a steady stream of water, touching herself, flowed through my mind. Unable to wait any longer, with cock in hand, I began stroking myself, fueling my desire. I could feel my release building. With one final thought of Kate reaching her own climax, I shot my load against the shower stall wall, accompanied by a loud groan. It took a minute before my sight returned to normal and I could manage to leave the stall on shaky legs.

  When we met back at the entrance a short time later, Kate kept her gaze averted and hopped into the car that I had waiting for us. Heading toward her apartment, we sat in silence for a short time. As we neared her place, I felt like I needed to say something. I did not want to scare her away from working with me. Never before had I had such a great assistant, and I did not want to lose that. It wasn’t as though I could ever offer her anything that a girl like her deserved – love, affection, a future. Besides, she had made it quite clear she wouldn’t go past platonic with me.

  “Kate, I feel like I should apologize.” I started to reach for her, but stopped short. Though I wanted to comfort her, I wasn’t sure my touch would have that effect on her.

  She looked at her hands in her lap. “You don’t need to apologize for anything.”

  “Yes, I do. I made you a promise that I wouldn’t come on to you, and I meant it. I won’t touch you. My physical attraction to you is something I can’t help, though. I hope you will forgive my occasional lapse in self control.”

  She thought for a while, her eyes far away and pained. As we pulled up to her apartment, she murmured, “If we weren’t coworkers...”

  I sighed. “I am glad we are. If we weren’t, you would end up hurt, and I don’t want to be the one to hurt you.” I stepped out of the car and helped her out. “I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Kate.”

  “Goodnight,” she replied softly as she turned and walked through the door.

  I heaved out a breath and got back in the car. In spite of what I had just told her, I couldn’t deny that I still wanted her. It was more than that, though; I enjoyed her company. Things were getting too fucking complicated, and I was horny as hell.

  My mind spun in circles on into the night... again.

  I received the next text from Sir on Wednesday. He had simply written:

  Meet me Friday at 9 pm at the Club.

  Wear your mask.

  My stomach instantly began turning in knots. I was excited to see what would happen next, but at the same time, I knew that Sir had gone pretty easy on me. Would that change immediately? Would he no longer have the same tolerance for my hesitation?

  Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how one looked at it, I really didn’t have a lot of time to think about it much more than that. It had turned out to be a very busy week for Ben, and therefore, I was slammed with work. I carried out all my regular responsibilities, along with a bunch of new jobs, to ensure he was ready for all his meetings. How, I don’t know, but I managed to stay on top of everything, and I had to admit it to myself that it made me do a secret little happy dance inside.

  On Thursday afternoon, Ben was out of the office in meetings. While taking a break from organizing the giant mess on my desk, I reluctantly texted Jen to see if she would let me borrow some of her clothes for Friday’s ‘meeting’. She of course jumped at the chance to dress me, which made me cringe.

  I left work relatively early for a change and headed on foot to Jen’s place. It was quite the walk, but the weather was nice, albeit a bit cool. I felt like it would do me good after being practically tied to the office for days.

  Halfway to Jen’s, my cell rang and I looked at the caller display – Ben Hyde. I quickly answered, figuring he needed something work related. Nope.

  “Kate, I thought we agreed you would use the car service. You sound like you are outside. Shouldn’t you be home already?”

  Why did he care so much? “I’m going to my friend’s place, Ben. I’ll be fine. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  “Yes, but you promised me.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I just felt like walking, and so I wouldn’t be walking in the dark, I even left earlier than I normally do. My friend’s place is only a few minutes away.”

  He sighed. “Can I stay on the phone with you until you get there?”

  “Sure,” I said with a smile.

  After a few minutes of quiet, he let out s sigh. “So what do you and your friend have planned for tonight?”

  I smiled. “I’m going over there to borrow some clothes. She has a much bigger wardrobe than I do.”

  “You need clothes?” he asked me, sounding confused.

  I couldn’t help my responding laugh. How could I explain to him without really getting into the details of it all? Doing my best to keep it simple, I told him, “I have a date of sorts, and she has a lot more clothes that are appropriate for a night out.”

  He was quiet for a moment. “A date, huh? I thought you didn’t have a boyfriend.” I could tell from his voice he had a smirk on his face.

  “I don’t have a boyfriend. I just see him on occasion. Honestly, I’m not even looking to date.” I was getting exasperated trying to explain this. Sighing heavily, I gave up.

  His hearty chuckle came rumbling through the phone. “Just pushing your buttons, friend.”

  I reached Jen’s apartment after what seemed like forever, and as soon as I opened the front door, I mumbled, “I’m here. You don’t have to worry anymore.” The last thing I wanted to do was have Jen hear me and jump to conclusions.

  “Okay, I won’t keep you any longer. Please text me the address you are at, though, and a car will be there to take you home.”

  Again, I sighed. “Ben, I honestly don’t know how to deal with this. It isn’t necessary. In fact, it’s all a bit overwhelming.”

  “I’m sorry, Kate. I really am only trying to provide the means to keep you safe, and you have to be the most stubborn woman I know. I am used to getting exactly what I want, but with you, quite frankly, it’s like butting heads with a mule. You are alone in this city, for the most part, and there are plenty of questionable people out there. Is
it wrong that I want to make sure you are safe?”

  I walked over to the window, fully aware that Jen’s eyes were boring a hole into my back from curiosity. So much for ending this conversation quickly. “But it’s too much.”

  “Not for me it isn’t. Kate, I can afford to do this, and I want to.” He let out a little laugh. “I could have offered to come and pick you up myself, but I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea with my intentions, innocent as they are. So... text me the address?”

  I shook my head and stared out the window. “All right. Thank you.”

  We ended the call and I quickly sent him the text before turning to face Spanish Inquisition Jen.

  “So... who was that?” she asked me with a smirk on her face.

  “Ben, and don’t you start. I just came here to get some clothes, not to face you and all your questions. There is nothing going on. He wants me to have a safe trip home when it’s dark out. That’s all. End of story.”

  Jen held her hands up before her in surrender and laughed. “Okay, okay, okay. There is no need to get all upset. I was only going to tease you a little, but I see that it’s a sore spot for you. Maybe you should sleep with him already so you can relax and untwist those panties of yours.”

  I shot daggers through my eyes at her. “I don’t need to untwist anything, thank you very much,” I grumbled at her.

  Jen shook her head at me. “Uh huh... You are wound so tight you don’t even realize it. There is clearly something going on with you two, regardless of what you think. Admit it, Kate. It bothers you that you are attracted to him and totally want to fuck him, doesn’t it?”

  “Of course it does!” I blurted out. The silence that followed combined with the triumphant grin on Jen’s face was enough to crumble my defenses. I knew I wanted Ben, and badly, but I still wasn’t going to let myself give in to my desires. I couldn’t.

  “See,” Jen said sweetly. “That’s all I was trying to get at. I just wanted you to stop lying to yourself.”

  I sighed and sunk into the couch beside her. “It doesn’t change anything.”

  “But Ben isn’t necessarily like every other guy you have known. He seems like he actually cares.”

  “No, you’re wrong. He’s attracted to me, yes, but anything above that is him trying to keep his employee happy so I will work hard for him. He even admitted he would hurt me if we ever let anything happen.”

  “He did?”

  I nodded. “So, can we drop it now?”

  Jen looked at me for a moment, almost acting as if she wanted to say more, but she kept quiet and finally just nodded. “Let’s go find you some clothes suitable for your mystery man.”

  I waited impatiently for Kate to arrive. Before arriving at the club, I had already decided that it would be the last time I met with her. I highly doubted that I would be feeling much like following through on this plan later, but I was bloody well going to stick with it. This woman was driving me crazy, and there was no way I could let things continue. I had worked this all out over the past two days, but even so, everything about her drew me in.

  I realized I had been pacing, so I walked over to the bar in the foyer, needing a stiff drink or five to settle me. I hadn’t been this turned upside down since... NO! I couldn’t compare the two. SHE was a complete bitch. Kate could never fall into the same category.

  Another five minutes I waited there, staring into my drink, pondering the dilemma I had on my hands. I glanced up and there she was.

  My God, Kate looked stunning as usual, but tonight was different. Her outfit was something her friend had directed her to wear, not at all her style. She had dressed in a dangerously low cut emerald green halter top and a mouthwateringly short skirt that was ruffled and flirty. Her skirt was so short I could see a hint of the lace at the top of her nylons. I swallowed hard, my breathing becoming more labored, and was forced to readjust my instantly hard cock in my pants.

  I stared into her eyes until she blushed and lowered her eyes to her entwined fingers. Once I reached her side, I took her hand in mine, bringing it to my mouth for a soft kiss. I swear I heard her sigh.

  “You look amazing, Kate, as always. Now, just a reminder… You are mine here. Do not question me. Tonight, I will punish you well for your errors. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” She nodded slowly.

  I led her into the main room. We wove our way through to the back; I had to veer her away from the hallway that led to the elevators. “I have something else in mind for tonight, Kate.”

  Keeping her pulled close to my body, I led her to one of the empty rounded booths that lined the one wall of the club. Each booth was surrounded by a sheer black curtain that one could pull across. We would still be visible to anyone who took the time to look, but I figured maybe this would be enough to keep Kate calm and yet still very much exposed. Drawing back the curtain, I motioned for her to take a seat. In the middle of the circular seat was a low oblong coffee table, just up above knee height.

  I pulled her close to me and kissed her hard, enjoying the feel of her body melting into me. The waiter would be over in a minute to serve us, and I wanted to make sure Kate was in position. I brushed my lips against her ear and whispered to her, “I want you to get up on the table there and kneel before me.”

  She immediately slid away from me and onto the table.

  “Perfect. Spread your legs apart for me. I like this outfit, very sexy. Too bad I won’t get to enjoy it much longer. Run your hands over your breasts, Kate. Make your nipples hard. I know you aren’t wearing a bra. I want to see them through your top. Beautiful. Now, I want you to look up.” I gestured to a little bar hanging from the ceiling. “Do you see that?” When she nodded, I continued. “Good. Take your shoes off and then stand on the table. That bar is for you to hold on to for balance.”

  She stood slowly, and I could see the questioning look in her eyes.

  “Now, beautiful girl, I want you to strip for me, starting with your top.”

  She froze for a moment. Well, that just wouldn’t do. The thought of punishing her sounded like fun to me, and instantly, thoughts of what I could do to her began running through my head.

  “Did you not hear me, Kate, or do you want to be punished?”

  “No, Sir,” she said shakily. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t hesitate again.”

  I sat back as she slowly undid the buttons that held the lower half of her halter together. It was sweet torture watching the fabric hang down loosely over her breasts.

  “Come on, baby. Strip for me. Tease me with those hips. Now listen, the waiter is almost here. When he moves the curtain aside and comes in, I want you to drop your halter to the table. I want him to see what is mine.”

  She nodded, not completely confidently, but she could have refused. Progress.

  The waiter appeared, and Kate reached up for the bow behind her neck. The green fabric fell softly to the table, and her eyes lowered to her fingers. The waiter cleared his throat, his eyes fixated on Kate’s now exposed breasts. I placed our drink order with the waiter, and I could tell that he was reluctant to leave. I couldn’t help but smile.

  As I looked back to Kate, I became aware that there was a slow sensual song playing throughout the room. Kate began to sway her hips to it.

  “Do you know how sexy you are?”

  She blushed deeply. “I can’t believe I’m half naked in a room full of people.”

  “It turns you on, though, doesn’t it? She nodded slowly at me. “Look at me, Kate.” Our eyes met. “Don’t be ashamed.”

  I slid myself to the back of the booth, so Kate’s back was to the opening. “Would you like to feel how turned on our little game is making me?” She nodded and bit her lip. “All right, but before you get to do that, I want you out of that skirt. Now.”

  Her fingers slid into the waistband and then slowly, almost teasingly, her skirt slid down her hips and joined her shirt on the table around her feet. I grabbed both and placed them beside
me. The nylons she wore were irresistible. Leaning in, I licked around the edge of lace, across her thigh. She gasped audibly, fueling me further, but I refrained. I wanted to push Kate a little further.

  “Kneel down for me again, Kate. Yes, legs a little apart. Beautiful. But I want you on your hands and knees on the table.”

  Kate looked over her shoulder. “Sir, that would expose me to the rest of the room.”

  “Are you questioning me?”

  “Oh, no… no, no. I’m so sorry. It’s just that I haven’t done this before and I’m nervous.”

  “You have defied me, Kate, and you will be punished. But first, I want you to do as I asked. Hands and knees. Now. If you don’t listen, I will tie you up.”

  Kate assumed the position on the table and looked up at me, contrite. “I am very sorry, Sir. I hope you can forgive me.”

  Ignoring her plea, I watched her, looking down the line of her body, starting with her beautiful hair. Her long sleek back continued into beautiful full hips, ending with a hot as hell ass. I roughly pulled open my belt and popped open the top of my fly. Kate would have to do the rest.

  “Bring your head over here. I want you to undo my fly using only your teeth. If you can manage that, I will consider being lenient on you for your punishment. Otherwise, I won’t hold back.”

  Kate lowered herself so her mouth was at my zipper. I had to stifle a groan when her hot breath brushed against my shaft. She managed to get the zipper down a little bit, when there was a sudden clinking of glasses.

  The waiter was staring at Kate’s almost exposed pussy. “That’s it, baby. Do you feel my hard cock pressing against your mouth? You are doing very well with that zipper. Almost there.” I grabbed our drinks and dismissed the waiter that needed something else to do.


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