Eternal Flame - Book 6

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Eternal Flame - Book 6 Page 14

by Chrissy Peebles

  “You dare not try that by yourself, Sarah.”

  “If I had had these powers then, I never would have let him take me the way he did. I just... I felt so helpless in that temple after I thought he had killed you. He barked out orders, and I obeyed, like a zombie.”

  “You didn’t just mindlessly obey. You escaped by setting the curtain on fire and creating a distraction.”

  “I know, but right before that, I agreed to be his...whatever he wanted me to be so I could save Liz. I didn’t mean any of it. I just said it to buy us some time. If I had had these powers then, I could’ve just kicked his ass.”

  “Back on the island, he said—”

  “You mean the fake Ethano?” I asked.

  “Yes, the fake one that had your memories that White Coyote created. Ethano said you kissed him. Did you?”

  “Yes, but it meant nothing, and I never went any farther with him. I never would.”

  “He will pay dearly for all that he has done to you...and to me.”

  I sighed, then looked at him. “Thanks for asking and not just invading my thoughts.”

  “I do not wish to ever purposely invade your privacy. Some things just present themselves, which is how you learned about my father. I can’t control what the bond does, but I do not intentionally dig into your past. I respect you, Sarah—mind, body, and soul.”

  I kissed his lips. “Thank you, Victor.”

  He hugged me, and I embraced him tightly.

  “It’s hard to believe what my life has become. I went from paranormal researcher to an immortal with unspeakable powers. I still think back to the old Sarah, the adventurer who traveled around the country, looking for sasquatch and all sorts of other odd things. My gosh. Back then, I was tracking people like us. In the beginning, I studied everything, from ghosts and UFO’s to Big Foot and all unexplained phenomenon. When I knew I was on to something with my sister and another dimension, I concentrated all my efforts there, and it paid off.”

  “I’m so glad you found my world,” he said. “I can’t imagine what my life would be now if you hadn’t stepped through that portal door.”

  “If Liz wouldn’t have disappeared, I never would have found you.”

  “What would you have done with your life?” he asked.

  “Well, I wouldn’t have married Frank, that’s for sure.”

  He laughed. “Frank is a very obnoxious man.”

  “Yes, he is. He just came into my life at a time when I was very sad and lonely, but I think my life would’ve taken a different turn. I wanted to be an anthropologist, a person who studies people and the past, or maybe an archeologist. I would’ve traveled around the world and visited old civilizations. So see? I would’ve still appeased my adventurous side. Even though archeology is not all Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark.”

  “I did enjoy that movie very much, but I still do not understand his fear of serpents.”

  I giggled. “I made you sit through it a few times, didn’t I?”

  “What I won’t do for the love of my life.”

  I laughed and nudged him. “I’m glad you got the chance to come to my world and experience it firsthand.”

  He kissed my hand. “It makes your life all the more real to me and helps me to understand you better,” Victor said. “It has been a true pleasure to share this time with you.”

  “And now you’ll be able to explain it to Alexander.”

  “Yes, I can tell him all about your Harrison Ford.”

  I laughed and looked deeply into his eyes. “I don’t regret not becoming an archeologist. Normal life is overrated, don’t you think?”

  He laughed. “We’re anything but normal.”

  “I know, and I wouldn’t change that for the world.”

  “I can’t imagine being apart like that, you out there excavating sites, looking for treasures, and me stuck in Tastia, entrenched in war.”

  “And little would I know my one true love was waiting for me in another dimension.”

  “It’s difficult to fathom. I’m just glad that you stepped through that portal and made me the happiest man of all time.”

  “You didn’t feel that way at first. You practically strip-searched me and kept barking out orders to your men. You scared me to death.”

  “If only I could go back, I’d tell you I’d been waiting for you for hundreds of years. I’d treat you like the queen you deserve to be.”

  “So no jail time?”

  He brushed a strand of hair from my eyes. “My biggest regret is that I threw you into that dungeon. I can never apologize enough for my foolish behavior.”

  “Neither of us knew what fate had in store, Victor. It’s water under the bridge.”

  “What bridge?”

  I laughed at his short knowledge of modern-day clichés. “Never mind.”

  “Truth be told, I fell in love with you the second I laid eyes on you.”

  I cupped his face softly. “I couldn’t deny how handsome you were. You took my breath away, that’s for sure.”

  “Love is the only force that can melt the ice off a dead, black heart and make it beat again.”

  “Oh, Victor, that’s so beautiful. Our love has helped us conquer all, and it has carried us to where we are today,” I said, staring into his eyes, sparkling like sapphires.

  He lips lowered against mine, and he rewarded me with a deep, passionate kiss. In all my searching for unique and special things, I was so glad I’d found the one my soul was forever in love with.

  “Help!” Liz screamed from inside the house, breaking me from my love trance, and my heart lurched with fear.

  Chapter 19

  “Alexander!” Liz screamed.

  My heart raced as I leapt up the stairs, three at a time. I rushed into the bedroom, along with five other immortals who had heard my sister’s panicked cries.

  “What’s going on?” one of the men asked.

  I looked around the room but didn’t see Alexander. I couldn’t think, couldn’t function, couldn’t even move. My baby! Wh-where is he? Has he been...kidnapped? I desperately looked at Liz. “Liz...Alex?” was all I could squeeze out of my constricted throat.

  “Don’t panic,” she said. “He’s here. He’s just...”

  “Just what?”

  “He’s, um...invisible.”

  I looked at her, dumbfounded. “What!? What did you do to my son?”

  “Don’t worry, Sarah. We’ll get him back.”

  I felt around the crib until my hands ran over his solid form. I lifted him into my arms.

  “What’s wrong?” Mom asked, running in. “Where’s the baby?” she asked, her eyes darting furiously around the room.

  “Mom, Liz made Alexander invisible!”

  Liz’s eyes widened in fear. “Not on purpose.”

  Victor rushed in and touched Alexander. He closed his eyes and concentrated deeply, and Alexander suddenly reappeared.

  “Alexander, my beautiful boy, are you okay?” I said, clutching him tightly.

  “I’m sorry,” Liz said.

  “How dare you practice on my son like that?” Victor said.

  “You’ve got it all wrong, mister. I just picked him and he just...disappeared. It was an accident.”

  “It’s the residual energy,” Charles said.

  Victor shook his head. “No. Liz didn’t let go all the way. An immortal with hundreds of years of experience never would have made such an error. Perhaps they shouldn’t be dabbling with powers they do not yet understand.”

  “I said I’m sorry!” Liz said.

  I peered at him. “So if we hang on by even just a thread, we can make something or someone else invisible?”

  “Yes,” Victor said sternly.

  “Maybe Victor is right. Maybe these powers are dangerous for you two to be toying with, until you know more about them,” Mom said. “You said yourself that they are not like anything you’ve experienced before.”

  “We’ll be fine, Mom. Practice makes per
fect, ya know. We just have to experiment with them,” Liz said. “We’ll get a handle on it. I promise.”

  “But at what cost?” my father said. “You made your nephew disappear!”

  “Nothing will happen to my son, not on my watch,” Victor said assuredly. “However, you must get your new powers under control and learn how to use them responsibly and properly.”

  My father, clearly disturbed by the whole thing, escorted my mother out of the room, with the immortal bodyguards in tow.

  “I agree,” Liz said. “We can’t be fumbling around against Ethano and his men. We need to know what we’re doing.”

  “The visions work differently now too. I’m not sure I’ll ever figure those out,” I said. “I took the role of the bridal attendant. It was like I was in her body but was powerless to help her.”

  “I’m sure we will understand them in due time,” Victor said.

  I nodded.

  “Jackson has learned a few new tricks,” he said. “Charles and I are meeting with him tonight.”

  “I wanna go too,” I said.

  “Hey! You’re not gonna have Superpowers 101 without me either!” Liz chimed in.

  Charles shook his head. “No. This is only for Victor and me. What Jackson will show is us only for...experienced immortals.”

  “I am experienced,” Liz argued.

  “No, darling,” Charles said. “You’re newly turned, merely a decade old, a babe. And your sister has only been immortal for a couple years. Just stay here and help your sister look after Alexander. He must be protected, at all costs.”

  “I didn’t mean to do that to him,” she said, her voice quivering with guilt.

  “I know, my love, but what if you had done something...worse?” he asked.

  “Fine,” she said. “Go, but you had better promise to teach me something new. I know we can’t do the more sophisticated magic, since I’m no David Blaine or anything and I’m just a baby or whatever, but I want to do some cool things too.”

  “I will show you everything I can,” Charles said. “I always share with you, do I not?”

  “I suppose.”

  After Charles and Victor left the room, I said, “Liz, don’t listen to them. We’re not babies. We took on those blue-ringed immortals and the police and escaped.”

  “You’re right. So...are you ready to practice?”

  “Let me feed Alexander and get him settled, and then we’ll try some things for a couple hours. After that, me and the kiddo are gonna have some cuddle time on the couch.”

  “You’re such a good mom,” she said. “Parenthood comes naturally to you.”

  “I consider it a great privilege to be Alexander’s mom. I want to be the best mom I can be.”

  “You already are. Parenting is the most important job ever, and you treat it as such. I know it’s a huge job.”

  “Have you thought of having one of your own?”

  “Well, I think I’m ready. I really can’t wait, but we’ll start trying for a family in a couple years, after we get the kingdom back. Last thing I need is morning sickness while we’re battling Ethano. I mean, he already makes me puke, but still.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I can’t wait to be an aunt, and I’m gonna spoil your child rotten.”

  “Don’t worry,” she said, grinning at me. “I intend to do the very same with Alexander.”

  Chapter 20

  Weeks went by, and Jenna helped me plan what was sure to be the best wedding I could ever have imagined. She was so patient with me as we went over every small detail. She truly wanted to make my day special.

  When the big day finally arrived, I was in awe. I felt as if something special, magical, miraculous, and powerful was about to happen—something so much more amazing than mere wedded bliss. “I’m so nervous,” I said.

  “You don’t need to worry,” Liz said. “Jenna has taken care of all the details. It must be nice to have a wedding planner.”

  “Yeah, she’s been great, but I’m still nervous.”

  “Why?” Liz asked. “This isn’t the first time you’re marrying Victor, and you’ve certainly been in front of crowds before. Need I remind you of all those lectures you used to give at those conferences?”

  “I know. It’s just...well, I’ve been imagining the perfect wedding day since I was a little girl.”

  “Trust me, you’ll have it today.”

  “Are people arriving?”

  “Yes. Do you remember Edith, our third cousin or aunt-once-removed or whatever she is? She’s about a century old or something and still wears way too much hyper-blue eyeshadow, smeared clear up to her ears.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, I remember her.”

  “She just pinched my cheeks, like I’m four years old.”

  I laughed again. “She can’t help it. You’re just so adowubble, wittle Wizzie,” I said, reaching for her face.

  “Hey! Stop that! Anyway, a lot of the relatives are giving me the third degree, asking where I’ve been all these years.”

  “What’d you tell them?’

  “I just said that I was abducted. Then I pull the trauma card and tell them I don’t want to talk about it. Makes ‘em just uncomfortable enough that they leave me alone and drop the subject.”

  “The few I’ve run into have asked me about my amnesia.”

  “Yeah. Well, I guess we just have to stick to the stories we made up. I’ve repeated them so many times that I’m actually starting to believe it myself.”

  The door creaked open, and a man walked in.

  “May I help you?” I asked suspiciously, since I’d never seen him before.

  “It’s great to meet you two,” the man said. “I’m a journalist for The Washington Times, and I have a few questions for you.”

  “A journalist? How dare you interrupt a family event like this?” Liz said, crossing her arms and glaring at him.

  Ignoring her rant, the reporter asked, “Do the police realize you are back, and have they arrested your kidnappers?” he asked my sister.

  I put out my hand, palm up. “Go to sleep!”

  He fell backward, onto the sofa.

  Liz laughed. “Wow. That oughtta come in handy when Alexander reaches his terrible twos. Instant naptime!”

  “That was one of the first moves I ever saw Victor do,” I said. “I was with my research team and Frank, and he just held his hand up and made them all pass out. It’s cool now, but I wasn’t too happy about it the first time I saw him do it. In fact, I was pretty livid.”

  My mom pushed the door open. “It’s almost time, girls,” she said.

  “Okay,” I said.

  “Oh my gosh,” my mom said. “There’s a man sleeping on your couch!”

  “Liz, what did you do?”

  “Me? Why do you always blame me?”

  I looked at the reporter. “Ah, him? He had one too many.”

  “Sarah?” my mom asked. “Who is he and what happened?”

  “I knocked him out, Mom. He was a really annoying reporter.”

  “Will he be okay?”

  “Of course. I didn’t knock him out literally with a bat or something. I just used my powers and helped him go to sleep.”

  “We’ll tell anyone he’s a drunk who needs to sleep it off,” Liz said.

  “You girls,” my mom said.

  “Trust me,” I said. “He’ll be fine.”

  Liz moved the couch to the other side of the room, and then spun it around so nobody would see the sleeping man.

  My mom walked over. She looked at me, and tears began to well. “You look so beautiful. I-I’m so thankful I get to be a part of this.”

  My father walked in and was speechless, but his proud smile said it all. When Mom handed him a tissue, he wiped his eyes and sniffled.

  “Don’t cry, Daddy!” I said. “Liz worked so hard on my makeup, and you’re gonna make me ruin it!”

  Choked by emotion, he still couldn’t speak. He just came over and hugged me, followe
d by my mother, and it was a heartachingly beautiful moment I would never forget.

  Beth peeked in, with a big smile on her face. “It’s time for the bridesmaids and the matron of honor. C’mon, Liz!”

  Liz smiled and followed her out.

  “Hey, dad, how did everyone take the switch-a-roo?” I asked.

  “They were shocked when I explained it. I told them the truth.”


  “That you have many dangerous enemies right now, and we had to do it this way for your own safety. Nobody minded at all and they were actually quite excited to see Sarah Larker walk down the aisle.”

  “He got a little nervous explaining in front of so many people,” my mom chimed in.

  “I did not,” my dad laughed. “All right. Maybe a little, but I did great.”

  My mom smiled. “Yes he did.”

  “Great. I’m glad it all worked out.”

  I walked out with my parents. As my mother went to take her seat, I couldn’t help but feel the love Victor and I shared. The processional started, and the wedding party entered.

  “That Victor’s a keeper,” my dad said, finally finding his voice again.

  “That’s good hear. You never approved of any of my boyfriends growing up...and I know you weren’t fond of me being involved with all this supernatural, immortal stuff.”

  “I’m just dear old Dad, honey. Who am I to argue with fate? Victor makes you happy and takes care of you, and that makes me happy. Anyone can see how much he loves you. That’s all I ever wanted for my baby, for a guy to love her with all his heart. I have no doubt that Victor adores you, and I wish both of you a happy, glorious life.”

  “Thank you, Dad. You have no idea how much that means.” As the words tumbled out, so did a fresh batch of uncontrollable tears. I could tell that my dad was truly happy for me, and having his blessing meant the world.

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly as “Canon in D” began. The doors opened, and I saw my jawdroppingly handsome groom waiting for me at the end of the flower-speckled aisle. A wave of emotion swept over me as I gazed upon Victor’s astonished face when he saw me in all my bridal glory for the second time. It was quite a challenge to hold it together. Victor had the biggest smile on his face. He was the man I would spend the rest of eternity with, and his beautiful smile told me how lucky I was to be able to walk into his arms; he would hold me forever. He looked so polished, so manly, so confident and smooth. He was utterly irresistible in his trim, tailored tux that showcased his muscular body and athletic physique, and his red boutonniere was the perfect adornment, fit for a king. I couldn’t stop staring at his powerful shoulders, his thick mane of black hair, and his chiseled face. He was tall, dark, and handsome, and—most importantly—he was all mine.


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