Enchanting Spring

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Enchanting Spring Page 6

by Viola Grace

  “Oh. Well, that’s a good thing.” She rubbed her face and realized that she had just covered her face with popcorn butter. “Oh, hell.”

  He laughed. “I think that staying here tonight is probably for the best. I promise to keep my hands to myself.”

  She blinked and stared at him. “You promise?”

  “I do. I won’t make a move.”

  Petal nodded. “Okay. I am wiped out. It has been a helluva day. At least, this way, I will be at work on time.”

  He chuckled. “I will charge your phone and get you settled. You can wash up and get settled. I will grab you some clothing for tomorrow.”

  He was true to his word. He walked her to the bedroom, provided her with a Victorian-style nightdress, and showed her to the bathroom. He left her alone, and she took the spare toothbrush and floss and got rid of most of the popcorn fallout.

  Her hair was loose for some reason, and she didn’t really have enough strength to braid it before bed.

  She walked back to the bedroom and folded the sheet back, crawling in and settling against the pillow. She dozed off and jerked awake when he returned to the room. He spoke softly. “Go to sleep. Your clothes are on the chair near the foot of the bed.”

  She nodded and sat up. “Are you coming to bed?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, and I must say that I thought the muslin gown would reduce your appeal, but it just makes you look adorable.”

  She blushed and pulled the sheet over her. She closed her eyes as he got into bed next to her. He settled on his side of the bed and said, “Good night.”

  “Good night. Thank you for a nice night.”

  He chuckled. “Thank you for coming.”

  She sighed and relaxed. Sleep rushed in on her, and she dropped off.

  She was fricking cold. Petal woke up and reached for her sheets when she found nothing. She rolled to her side and saw the light-weight cover over Darius. She smiled, working closer until she was pressed against him, pulling the sheet over her.

  He grumbled and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her in tight. She got the warmth she wanted, and he got a cuddly toy. It was all even.

  She inhaled his scent and settled back into sleep.

  She was dreaming of bright sunlight when she woke, and her nose was pressed against a bare chest. Petal eased away from him and looked up. Bright green eyes were looking down at her. His voice was rough. “Good morning, Petal.”

  “Good morning, Darius.”

  He smiled and ran a hand down her back. “Will you handfast with me?”

  She blinked. “What is that?”

  “It is sort of like a promise ring. It binds us and will let you do things like see through glamours.”

  “That sounds useful.” She chuckled.

  “It will also let you communicate with forest creatures and help you get flowers to bloom with a touch.”

  “You are really selling this.”

  He grinned. “You have already trusted me enough to spend the night with me.”

  She snorted. “A dangerous prospect in and of itself. You are a cover hog.”

  He chuckled. “Only when you are out of my reach. Once you are with me, I am content.”

  Petal’s arms were between them, and she patted his chest. “I have noticed. I also think you just need heavier blankets.”

  “But why? All I need is you.” He stroked a hand down her back and back up again. “So, will you? The handfasting?”

  “What do I need to do? I am looking for something with minimal effort here.”

  He rubbed his cheek along hers. There was no stubble.

  “How is it that you don’t have any facial hair? It is unusual.”

  He shrugged. “I can grow it. I just don’t have a reason to unless it is something you enjoy?”

  She paused. “You would go beardy for me?”

  He grinned. “I most definitely would.”

  She blinked away tears. “No one has ever offered to change anything for me. I... don’t know what to say.”

  “Ah, for the handfasting, I will arrange the clothing and the site; you just have to show up and speak from the heart.”

  “That’s it?”

  “That is it.”

  She looked at him suspiciously. “You know, I am going to look up handfasting the moment I get to my phone.”

  He winced. “Fine. It is an unofficial wedding. It will link us together and help me to help you when those little disasters try and strike you. Healing will be faster, I can find you if you are in distress, and you can call me if you need me. And you will be able to communicate with the animals of the forest.”

  She chuckled at the last offer like it was the free prize with purchase. “So, I take you, and I get to talk to jackalopes? Sold.”

  He grinned. “I think it is a fair deal.”

  She nodded and leaned up for a kiss. He joined her, and the kiss was just getting interesting when her phone sang its morning tune, and then, it did it again.

  Petal pulled her head back. “It is going to keep alarming until I turn it off.”

  He grumbled. “I don’t want to let you go.”

  “I will handfast with you. So, when do you want to do it?”

  “I thought we were about to do it.” He mumbled but let her go to disarm her phone.

  Petal turned off her alarm and noticed her text message. She looked at the unknown number, and she dropped her phone when she saw the words, Where are you?

  Darius was at her side in an instant. “What is it?”

  He picked up her phone, and the image was still displayed. It was her bedroom, and the jacket that she had put on the foot of her bed was still there. It was taken while she was with Darius.

  “I think he has a camera in my house. I can’t find it, but I think it is on my bookshelf.”

  Darius was still. “He is watching you?”

  “Yeah. I get images now and then. I bring them to the police, but they just tuck them into my file. I am pretty sure if I turned up dead, they might know where to start looking.” She shrugged.

  “He is hunting you. Taunting you.”

  “Yeah, I think he is also messing with my credit somehow, and he is definitely messing with my car. I just can’t keep trying to catch a phantom. It saps my soul.”

  “Do you mind if I deal with this?”

  She was bemused. “I have never had anyone try to stand between me and trouble. I don’t want to hide behind you.”

  He snorted. “You have been a target long enough. I just want to investigate.”

  “As long as you don’t put yourself into danger. I have no idea who is doing this or what is he is up to.”

  “I will investigate. I promise to let you know if things change in any way.”

  She blinked. “You are seriously going to do this?”

  He grinned. “Leave your phone with me for one day. I will see what I can manage.”

  Petal sighed and gave him the access code. It was a relief that she didn’t have the communication device with her. She needed a break from it.

  “You seem remarkably unworried for a woman being tracked.”

  “I am tired. I am tired of reporting it to the police, tired of wondering who is watching from where. I get dressed wearing a sheet and get undressed the same way. Being able to get out of bed and head into a bathroom without worrying about where the cameras are is a nice way to start the day.” She looked at him and smiled. “Speaking of that, I am going to take a shower.”

  “I could wash your back.” He looked at her hopefully.

  “Uh, would we make it to work on time?”

  Darius made a face. “No.”

  She giggled again and headed to the bathroom, turning the lock carefully. Better safe than surprised with a backrub while she stood on a slippery surface.

  She tied her hair up and went to take a cool shower to stop the reaction to being pressed against him that had been roaring
to the surface. Just being next to him made her want to crawl all over him, but since that is what he was used to, she had to control herself. They had a few things to get through before she was willing to hand herself over to him in her world. Her world was a lot more complicated than his, but he had made an excellent start.

  She finished scrubbing and lowering her temperature. She dried off, got dressed, and started braiding her hair up. She caught her soft smile in the mirror and promised herself that she would get her hair cut to a more workable length. Right after the handfasting.

  Dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved tee with a deeper neckline than she would normally wear to work, she stepped out with her nightgown over her arm. “Um, where should I put this?”

  He held out his hand and draped it at the foot of the made bed. He was already dressed, and his hair was damp.

  “You took a shower?”

  He chuckled. “There are two.”

  “Oh. Right.”

  “Petal, I want a list of items that you must have from your home. I would prefer that you not return to your home until this person is found or at least identified.”

  “I am not going to stop living because of him.”

  He walked up to her and put his hands on her shoulders. “You already have. I am asking that you start living.”

  She looked up at him, and a knot unravelled in her chest. “We have an hour before we are due at work. So, breakfast?”

  He kissed her quickly and nodded. “Breakfast.”

  They headed to the kitchen, and she sat while he made her an omelette, and her phone kept chirping and burping on the counter. It was a relief to have the thing out of her hands. It was the plague of the modern age.

  She clapped her hands when he slid the food in front of her, and he grinned. She took the first bite and moaned happily.

  His eyes got dark, and he went to work on his own food. “I am counting the hours until you will make that sound when I have you in my arms again.”

  She blushed. “Oh. That.”

  She continued eating for a while, and then, she smiled and watched him. “Me, too.”

  He whirled, and his eyes were glowing hot. She finished her plate and carefully set her hands down on either side instead of bussing her spot.

  He got to his omelette before it scorched, but it was definitely tanned when he sat next to her. “That comment was appreciated.”

  She chuckled and leaned her head against his shoulder. “If we weren’t working on the start-up for the greenhouse, I would gladly spend most of the day in bed with you.”

  The words were out of her mouth and surprised even her. He chuckled, and she got the coffee that the machine had finished belching out.

  A quick search of his well-stocked fridge provided the coffee cream.

  He grabbed the honey jar, and he put a dollop in his coffee. He raised his brow, and he put a dollop in her cup and stirred it. When it was done, he held out the spoon, and she closed her lips around the hot-sweet metal. He withdrew slowly, and she could swear that she saw his breathing shudder a little.

  She licked the honey from her lips. “So, is consistent foreplay a thing now?”

  He leaned over and licked the honey from her lips. “Yes.”

  Her eyes went wide, and she exhaled. “Oh. Okay.”

  He chuckled and pressed his forehead to hers. “This is going to be a very long day.”

  “Yeah, I remember that as well.”

  He looked up in surprise, and then, he laughed brightly.

  It was time to get ready to go to work.

  Chapter Eight

  Petal had a good morning starting edible flowers and getting nice and filthy.

  Audra was grinning at her. “You look perkier today.”

  “Yeah, I finally had a good night’s sleep.”

  “Is that it?”

  Petal paused. “I think I had a date?”

  “I love that you aren’t sure.”

  She counted out the seeds into every grow pack. “Well, he picked me up from my place, we had dinner and watched a movie. I fell asleep on him, and he put me to bed.”

  Audra wagged her eyebrows. “Nothing else?”

  “Yes!” Petal raised her finger. “I brushed my teeth.”

  Audra snorted. “Of course, you did. Well, who are you going out with?”

  Petal paused. “Well, you are helping him, so you might know better than I did.”

  Audra blushed. “He told you?”

  “Yeah, with my trust issues, honesty is an important thing.”

  “Oh. Right. So, your purse in the breakroom isn’t singing today.”

  “He has it; he is working on tracking my stalker.”

  “Is that guy still following you?”

  “Yeah. He was upset that I wasn’t at home last night. He has a camera or broke into my place and took a picture of my bedroom.”

  “Damn. That is creepy.”

  “I agree. If Darius wants to spend a day digging around, he is welcome to it.”

  Audra grinned. “Well, speaking of dates, mine will be here in a few minutes. We are going someplace quiet for lunch.”

  “I haven’t met this mystery man of yours.”

  “You will soon. Don’t worry about it. Probably Monday.”

  “Why the secrecy? Do I know him?”

  Audra shook her head. “No. I just didn’t want you to put me before you when it came to focusing on romance. You are not getting to this point easily, and I don’t want you to have any trouble with it before you commit.”

  Petal paused. “You are so sure that he’s the guy for me?”

  Audra nodded. “I am positive that he is. You light up when you think about him. Your skin has a soft glow just from one evening with him. You look relaxed, and I know you didn’t have sex because I gave him a lecture about that.”

  Petal blinked. “You did what now?”

  “I had a chat with him about modern mores and the benefits of gaining some points of commonality before luring a woman into bed.” Audra smiled. “My fella was there to back me up.”

  “You had a sex talk with Darius?”

  “I did. It was more of the rules of modern seduction.” Audra snorted. “My guy was laughing through the whole thing, but Darius was paying close attention.” She looked over Petal’s shoulder. “Speak of the devil.”

  Darius came in with a box and set it on the worktable. “These are the plants for the farmer’s market tunnel.” He smiled. “Now, why am I the devil?”

  Audra took the box and cut it open with the ease of practice. “I was just saying that we were talking about you.”

  He leaned against the counter. “Were you now? Petal, your face is on fire.”

  She turned and picked up the next batch of trays. “It must be from planting chilies.” She smiled and flicked him a glance.

  He nodded. “Are we still on for lunch?”

  “Yup.” She kept her head down as she continued to work but watched him from the corner of her eye.

  “Good. I am working on the experimental menu, and I welcome your feedback.” He smiled. “See you in an hour.”

  She looked up to watch him go, but he planted a kiss on her lips quickly before he left.

  She blinked, and Audra laughed. By the time Petal focused again, he was nearly out the door.

  “Wow. He has quite the effect on you.”

  Petal spoke in a voice that was half an octave too high. “What do you mean?” She resumed packing the loose soil into the trays.

  “I mean that I am happy I don’t have any witnesses when I am with my guy.”

  Petal looked up and laughed. “I look forward to mocking you at my leisure.”

  Audra snickered, and they worked for the next forty-five minutes. “Right. Go and wash up. You don’t want a jalapeno seed appearing during your lunch.”

  “Oh. Good point.”

  She walked over to the hose and scrubbed up
with the hose between her knees. It took her a solid five minutes to wash up, and her hands were frozen when she finished, but she dried her hands on her shirt before walking to the door and heading across the newly gravelled lot to the teahouse.

  Petal entered the teashop, stepping in and calling out, “Hello?”

  She listened and heard his voice from the hall past the restrooms. She paused by the open door, and he smiled as he continued to listen to the man on the speaker. “You are correct, Your Highness, there are devices broadcasting from her home. Her neighbours have mentioned that a lot of cable services are entering and leaving several times per month while she isn’t there. They thought it was odd, but the area is mostly seniors.”

  Darius nodded. “Thank you, Sergeant McCaffey. Is this enough to escalate into an investigation?”

  “I am working on it, but these things don’t normally take off until an actual attempt has been made on her life.” The sergeant sighed. “I will have wards put on her home and see if the local patrol can go by and take a look.”

  “Thank you. Can you let me know what you find?”

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  “Thank you. Lady Black thanks you as well.”

  “Thank you, Sergeant McCaffey.” She spoke softly. “This has been preying on my mind for some time.”

  “Understandable. You are lucky that it hasn’t escalated sooner.”

  “Sergeant, it has escalated several times. I have a pile of police reports inches thick. I can send them to you if you like.”

  “Really? There isn’t much of a paper trail here.”

  She winced. “I just need a printer. I got them, scanned them, and saved them. My computer has been hacked a few times, but I have kept the copies. I check on them every few weeks and make sure that they are still intact.”

  “That would be helpful. Something seems to have deleted the majority of your file. Even your address isn’t correct.”

  “Oh. Right. Okay, I can fix that. Do you have an email address where I can send all of this?”

  The sergeant rattled off the address, and Darius wrote it down. He then said, “And here is my personal one and my number. I want you to send it via every format available. Even fax it if you can.”


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