Breaking Beauty (Twisted Tales, #1)

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Breaking Beauty (Twisted Tales, #1) Page 5

by Teresa Mummert

  My lip twitched, and I flexed my fingers, stretching the tape I’d had wrapped across my knuckles.

  “She had nothing to do with it,” I snarled. “It was about pride.”

  Marcus held up his palms to me. “I’m not saying I blame you. Someone fucked my bitch, I’d be mad too, but what happened in that cage was what we do. You can’t keep that shit in your head, man. You can’t let him win.”

  “He didn’t win. I’m still undefeated.”

  “You ended your career. He won.” Marcus shook his head again.

  “I ended his fuckin’ life,” I snapped, towering over him, the anger I felt that day still coursing through my veins.

  “Don’t end yours too. That’s all I’m sayin’, man.” He pushed to his feet, clapping his hand on my back in a half attempt at a hug. “I look forward to seeing you again soon.”

  I nodded before heading to the locker room to shower and get cleaned up for the night. I knew Marcus was right. What happened to Daniel was his fault. He asked for it. He egged me on. This is what we do. He played the game, hoping to throw me off mine, not anticipating how focused I’d become.

  But part of me, a very dark part of me, wasn’t upset at the way it had all ended. He had pushed me to the point of breaking. It was all a game to him, but he had destroyed my life.

  The Beast from the East had been a show until that day. Now he was who I’d become, and Mason was the lie.

  The club was just beginning to fill, and I walked through to make sure everything was running smoothly before slipping out of the main floor and unlocking the door behind my office labeled as a utility closet.

  I nodded to Devin as I entered the expansive room that was off-limits to the patrons of my club and was generally unknown because it used to house an old garage called West Wing Avenue Auto that went out of business nearly twenty years ago and had sat in disrepair until I purchased the club.

  This place was like stepping into the darker part of me. A dingy, ill-kept cavernous space that had once thrived. It’s here where I kept my secrets.

  “What’s new?” I asked as I sank down behind a large metal desk and flipped open a manilla file folder, my eyes landing on a picture of a young woman, bloodied and bruised.

  “That’s Anna Taylor, formerly Jessica Young of Baltimore, Maryland.”

  I grunted, flipping through the pages before picking up the before and after pictures, her long strawberry blonde hair now a chocolate bob with bangs that swept to the side. Her cuts and bruises masked by makeup as she forced a smile. I tossed them on the desktop and nodded to Devin as he sank down in the chair in front of me.

  “You want to meet her? She’s in three.”

  My eyes drifted to the numbered rooms along the left wall that used to house offices, and I shook my head. “Not necessary. Where is she headed?”

  “We have a place for her in Washington. She’ll be gone in two days.”

  I shook my head, rubbing my palm against my forehead. “We need better turnaround time, Dev. That’s too long.”

  “I know. I’m working on it. There was an issue with the girl in number one.”

  “What kind of issue?” I asked, leaning on my elbows as my eyes cut to that room.

  “She started crying when we tried to cut her hair, flipping out.”

  I held up my hand as I pushed from my seat and made my way across the room, the sound of my heavy boots scraping across the concrete, the only sound in the room. I knocked on her door, and after a few seconds, it pulled open, a young woman glanced out before letting it open enough for me to come inside. The room was narrow but had a single bed and a dresser with a lamp. The walls were painted a pale yellow to make it feel more like home.

  She backed up against the wall as I entered, a photo clutched to her chest. “What’s your name, sweetheart?” I asked, already knowing the answer. She was Amie Flack from Concord.

  “A-amie,” she stuttered before her eyes darted to the doorway. I took a step to my right, blocking her view of the old garage with my body and forcing her to look back at my face. She didn’t need to worry about anything happening outside of that room.

  “My associate said you didn’t want to cut your hair.”

  She shook her head, fresh tears springing from her eyes as she brushed her blonde hair over her shoulder. She reminded me of Annabelle, around the same age and build. Her lower lip wobbled as she struggled to keep from breaking down. But she didn’t need to fear me. This would be the last time we would have any contact if everything went according to plan. I pulled my wallet from my back pocket and dug out the fake I.D. I’d taken from Beauty, holding it out to her. “What if we just dyed it?”

  Her eyes went from my hand to my face several times before she reached out and took the card from my hand with shaky fingers. She stared at it for a long moment before nodding once. “She’s pretty.”

  “So are you,” I replied softly, taking a small step toward her.

  She shook her head, looking to the plush carpet below her bare feet as she held the card back out to me. I took it, nodding once before slipping out of her room and stalking back to the desk. I tossed the Identification in front of Devin. “Dye her hair brown. Don’t cut it. Give her brown contacts to hide her blue eyes.”

  “Get these rooms empty. As soon as they’re gone, burn the files. If we ever get raided, we’re fucked.”


  IT WAS THE THIRD NIGHT in a row that I had the large house to myself. Mason was always working or running errands, he usually slipped in late and was gone early. I didn’t mind. I enjoyed the peace and quiet and had developed my own routine over the last few weeks. I spent most of my time getting lost in books or cleaning. It was surprising how much dust could gather on items around such an expansive space.

  There was a knock at the door, and I hurried down the staircase, dancing to a song that had been stuck in my head for weeks. Pulling open the door, I was greeted by a man nearly as large as Mason. His hair was a short, chocolate brown, and he had a dazzling megawatt smile that practically glowed against his naturally tanned skin.

  “Can I help you?” I asked.

  His eyes narrowed for a moment like he was surprised to see me. “Is Mason home?”

  “No. He’s at the club, I think. He should be back soon.”

  He took a step toward me, and I instinctively stepped backward, allowing him room to walk inside. “You’re here all by yourself?”

  I followed behind him as his gaze went up to the second floor. He stopped as he entered the dining room and turned back to face me.

  “I didn’t catch your name.”

  “Hunter. And you are?”

  “Annabelle.” I stuck my hand out, and he took it in his.

  “I didn’t know Mason was seeing anyone. He’s always had good taste.”

  “Oh, I’m not,” I stuttered. “We’re friends. Roommates, really. I honestly barely –” I cleared my throat, letting my words taper off. I had a terrible habit of rambling when I was nervous.

  “Well, in that case, maybe you and I could go out sometime, and I could fill you in on all the juicy secrets about Mason.” He leaned in closer as he spoke before winking. “I know more than most about him.”

  I laughed nervously and pulled my hand from his. “Yeah, maybe. I haven’t been in town long, so it would be nice to have someone show me around.”

  “Cool. Mason has my number. You can get it from him. Let him know I stopped by, okay?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  I followed behind him and opened the front door. He stepped out before turning around to give me one last smile. “It was nice to meet you, Annabelle.”

  For the most part, I’d been able to avoid the hellish nightmares from my past by staying up as late as I possibly could, lost in a book. If I exhausted myself enough, my mind didn’t want to dwell.

  I only had three chapters left of my latest novel when I heard the front door. I shoved from my bed, and I walked to the railing that overlooked
the entryway. I was about to call out Mason’s name when I heard a female voice. I took a step back as I watched him place his hand on the side of her throat, looking down at her. He said something that I couldn’t decipher, but she seemed pleased to hear whatever it was. I was used to hearing women in the house at all hours of the night, but I was usually already in bed. This was the first time I’d caught a glimpse of Mason in action.

  Grabbing his shirt by the hem, he yanked it over his head. She gasped, or maybe it was me. The sight of Mason without his shirt on never got old, and he knew it. The man would walk around naked all the time if he could get away with it.

  He told me the other day that he hated having to wear his boxer briefs just to start the coffee in the morning. Part of me wanted to say to him he didn’t need to bother; I didn’t want to put him out. But Mason Locke was out of my league. Hell, we didn’t even play the same game, and the last thing I wanted to do was screw things up with the guy who’d taken me in when I needed help the most. But a little looking couldn’t hurt anything, right?

  My eyes went to his hands as he yanked down his zipper. The blonde ran her tongue out over her lips like a hungry animal. I rolled my eyes but didn’t retreat into my private space. How could I? This was going to be a better show than any romance novel could offer.

  The woman’s back was to me now, but I could see she was touching his chest, maybe running her nails along those intricate black swirls of ink across his body. My fingers twitched. I fidgeted with the bottom of Mason’s shirt that I was wearing, as I pressed up on my toes to get a better view. That’s when his hand slid around the back of her head, his fingers wrapping in her hair and he yanked hard enough to cause her to yelp.

  I put my hand over my mouth to keep from making a sound as she was shoved to her knees. His free hand slid below the waistband of his underwear, and he pulled himself free from the confines of the fabric. I didn’t have a lot of experience with men, but I knew that Mason had been very gifted when it came to his endowment. He gripped his shaft, stroking it slowly, and a shiver ran up my spine at the menacing way he looked down at her before guiding her mouth to take him in. She did so eagerly, moaning from deep in the back of her throat to let him know she was happy to take on the challenge of his size.

  His fingers continued to grip her hair tightly, controlling her pace. His voice was louder now when he spoke, his breathing ragged.

  “That’s a good girl,” he groaned, his hips rocking forward. She gagged, and he used his free hand to run the pad of his thumb under her eye to catch a tear. “Shhh...” he whispered to her. I couldn’t drag my eyes from his waist, the steady rhythm of him pumping himself in and out of her mouth, wondering what it would feel like to have someone his size inside of me. I was curious if it would hurt and if he would enjoy it more if it did. Judging by the way he is acting now, he would. “Fuck,” he growled, slowing her pace to prolong the pleasure. I wondered if I would enjoy it more too – pleasing him in such an animalistic way. I wet my lips, letting my mouth pop open, lost in the daydream. “Fuck,” he panted again. “You’re... killing... me... Beauty.”

  My eyes snapped up to his face that was now angled up toward me; his gaze narrowed, teeth dug into his bottom lip as he thrust harder. Holy shit. I was frozen, pinned by his glare. His eyes took in my legs, and I realized at that angle, he could probably see my panties under his shirt I was wearing.

  “Fuck,” he growled, and I felt heat radiated from my belly, pulsing between my own legs as he unraveled, cumming hard in what’s-her-name’s mouth.

  I inhaled sharply before stumbling backward, my back hitting the wall behind me. I scrambled to my bedroom door and slipped inside, closing it and twisting the lock on the handle. My heart was beating out of my chest.

  I ran into my bathroom and turned on the sink to splash cold water on my face, unable to look my reflection in the eye.

  Turning off all the lights, I slipped under the covers of my bed and forced myself to try to sleep.

  Eventually, I did pass out and was tormented by Mason’s haunting eyes looking up at me.

  By the time the blinding light of the sun poured through my window, a fresh wave of humiliation had washed over me. Maybe Mason already left to take care of business. Even if he didn’t, I could always say I woke from the noise of them coming in and was startled.

  There was a knock at my door, and I gasped.

  “I can hear you,” he called out.

  I rolled my eyes, groaning as I shoved the covers off my legs and traipsed to the door to unlock it.

  He stood on the other side, a smirk on his lips.

  “Can I help you with something?” I asked, folding my arms over my chest. I don’t know why I was pretending to be annoyed with him. He hadn’t done anything wrong. This was his place. But I felt like an idiot, and I knew he wasn’t going to let it go.

  “Morning, Beauty,” he ran the pad of his thumb over the apple of my cheek, and I pulled away from him, the image of him wiping away the mystery girl’s tear playing over in my head. “Just making sure you’re okay. Did you have a nightmare last night?”

  “I uh... just heard a noise... Couldn’t sleep.” I swallowed, my head bobbing like an idiot. “I’m fine.” Everything is fine. Please don’t make this weirder than it already is.

  “You know I’m here if you need me.”

  I nodded again. “You were... busy.” I blushed.

  He fought against a smirk, and I glared up at him.

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s morning now,” I added.

  He frowned before running his fingers through his hair. “I sent her home last night. I didn’t know you were awake, or I wouldn’t have even brought her back here.”

  “It’s fine. This is your home. You can do what you want.” It shouldn’t have made a difference if he sent her home or not, but for some reason, I did feel a little relieved that she hadn’t slept in his bed... and it was because of me.

  “It’s your home, too, ‘Belle.”

  “Mason, it’s fine. I don’t want you changing your whole life for me.”

  “I didn’t,” he made a face, shaking his head. “I didn’t scar you for life or anything, did I?”

  I giggle bubbled out of my throat before I could stop myself. I don’t know why Mason thought of me as some naïve little girl, but it was sweet that he cared he may have hurt me. It also let me know that I wasn’t even on the radar of someone like him.

  “Cadence told me.”

  My eyes widened, and I felt like my knees were about to give out from under me. “She told you what?”

  “She told me that you were,” his voice lowered like we weren’t the only two people in the house, “A virgin.”

  “She what?” I threw my hands over my face, shaking my head. “I am going to kill her,” I mumbled.

  He grabbed my wrist and gently pulled my palms from my face. “It’s okay, Annabelle. It’s not a big deal. I swear.”

  “Why would she tell you something like that? You were a stranger.” He looked away, and anger began to boil inside of me. “Mason? Why did she tell you that?”

  “She said you thought I was hot, and I would be a great first lay.” He shrugged. “Her words, not mine. She was wasted and just trying to help you out.”

  “First of all, I was drunk –”

  He held his palms in front of my chest and shook his head. “And that’s why I didn’t even try, Beauty.”

  “You’re a regular Prince Charming,” I muttered.

  “I wasn’t about to have you lose your virginity to a one night stand like me. You can do better. Trust me.”

  “I don’t want to do better!” I yelled so loudly it echoed off the walls. My face instantly heated as I balled my fists at my sides. “That’s not what I meant.” I rolled my eyes with a sigh as I slid by him and out of my bedroom. “You didn’t scar me for life, but it is amusing you think so highly of yourself that you could cause irreparable psychological damage with your giant cock,” I called over
my shoulder. He followed after me, grabbing my arm, and I spun around to face him.

  “What did you say?”

  “I said...” my courage began to falter now that I was looking him in the eye. “You don’t scare me.”

  His eyes narrowed, his tongue running out over his lower lip. “The part about my giant cock,” he teased, winking and causing my stomach to clench. “Say it again for me, Beauty. Tell me how you aren’t scared of my giant cock because it sounds like a challenge.”

  “Stop making fun of me,” I snapped.

  “You’re making it so easy,” he struggled to stifle his laugh.

  “Laugh it up... you, Cadence, the whole world for that matter... because I have a date.” I folded my arms across my chest as I glared at him. “Get your cheap shots in while you can.”

  “Oh, really? Who's the lucky guy? A character from one of those books you always have your nose buried in?”

  “Actually, he’s a friend of yours. Hunter.”

  “What did you say?” All humor had left his expression, and it felt like the air had been sucked out of the house.

  I straightened my back and raised my chin. I had his attention now, and I was going to enjoy every second of it. “He stopped by yesterday looking for you. He said he wants to take me out and that you could give me his number.”

  “Why am I just hearing about this now?”

  “Like I said, you were busy.”

  “No.” He stalked off down the stairs, and I nearly fell, trying to keep up with him.

  “What do you mean, no? You can’t tell me what to do, Mason.”

  He turned around to glare at me. “You can’t go out with him.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because he is just using you to get to me.”

  I scoffed, my skin feeling like fire. “You have got to be kidding me right now. Do you think that the only reason some guy wants to go out with me has to do with you? You can’t be this cocky.”

  He grabbed his crotch, leaning in so close his breath fanned across my lips. “You know I am, sweetheart. You want to see for yourself?”


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