The Staff of Ira

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The Staff of Ira Page 18

by Carl Sheffield

  Lee jumped up. “Damn it, boy, we are blowing something up. That’s the one you gave me to hide when that general was here.”

  “Does everyone remember when I said, people would start showing up? My parents come with a young man, his name is Jay. His grandparents were from Boldlygo.”

  Pam announced, “Here we go again. Wait, let’s make some popcorn.”

  “Look,” I said, “I’ve told you this over and over for two years, still you don’t believe. I’ve told you people would start showing up. Well, they’re the first. Wait until next week.”

  Pam said, “The next so and so on.”

  Lori said to Pam, “You still don’t believe?”

  “Oh my God Lori, not you too,” Pam said.

  Lee called from the stoop. “Tyler, a car is here. It’s that Sams guy. He has three people with him.” We were talking about this when Jay walked in the mobile. The first person he saw was Pam. She never spoke a word for what seems several seconds.

  Pam was looking around at us. “What just happened?”

  I said to them, “Let me introduce you to my father and mother. This man is Jay.”

  In a low voice, Pam asked, “Mr. and Miss Willard, do you believe what your son has told us?” Never taking her eyes off Jay. Staring into his eyes, she asked Jay, “Where did you come from?”

  Jay replied, “New Jersey. My grandparents were born on the planet Tyler has told you about.”

  Pam asked, “You really believe that bullshit?”

  Jay replied, “I do. I also believe a ship is closer than we all think.”

  Pam asked Jay, “Are you married?” Jay told her not anymore. Jay started telling his story from New Jersey to the time he met my folks. Pam sat listening.

  “So, you just put her on a train, sent her back?” Pam asked.

  Jay said, “I did just that.”

  Pam said, “You know, that’s bullshit.”

  Jay said, “She really didn’t want to go.”

  Pam said, “You gave up your wife for the unknown?”

  “It’s not the unknown, it’s Boldlygo,” Jay said.

  “Damn, I couldn’t have said it better, Jay,” I said.

  Jay asked Pam, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Like what?” Pam said. Tyler said something, trying to get Pam’s mind of Jay.

  Pam said, “I feel like I’m in a trance.” Jay smiled as he saw Lori.

  “You believe, Lori?” Jay asked.

  Lori replied, “I do now.” I made coffee. Mom walked outside talking to the girls. I was happy they made it. Dad was telling Henery of the inspector.

  Henery said, “He would be no problem. If he shows up, starts anything, I’ll lock his ass up.”

  The coffee was made. I took it out to everyone. Sitting outside between my place and Lee’s, we had our coffee. Dad and mom kept asking me questions of Boldlygo.

  My dad asked, “Tyler, where will we live when we arrive?”

  I told them there are two places to live: Kira village or the city. Kira village was named after our Queen, Dorn’s daughter. “Mother, your living habits will change.”

  She asked, “How will that change?”

  “First, there is no eating of meat.”

  Dad mentioned, “You have cows there.”

  I said, “No cows, no horses only… well, never mind. You will never see one.”

  “One what?” Everyone said at once.

  “A Unicorn,” I said.

  Pam said, “Bullshit, it’s only a myth.”

  I’ve said, “There’s no eating meat, no killing animals, not even fish. You will need no money, no luggage, no weapons such as guns or knives. When you go to shops, all you want is there. How it gets there? I can’t say. Dorn calls it Boldlygo magic. Go to a tea house, its free; just order. If you have money, go to the bank, open an account, take the book with you. Someday, someone may come back.

  You have five days before Dorn comes. The weekend of Labor Day. Doctor Jones house will be perfect for transfer. There is no traffic away from town; Dorn can land in behind the trees. I’ve researched all of this, it’ll work.”

  Later in the day, mom, Lori, Pam cooked an old English meal. She made potatoes, squash casserole with beef; I had the vegetables. I told them again no meat when they arrive on Boldlygo. Pam spent the day with Jay, talking still. After all this time, Pam could not believe what she was hearing.

  Jay asked Pam, “Do you work?” Pam told Jay she was a nurse at the hospital.

  “Lori and I have been there for six years. I went to college in Santa Fe, New Mexico then Roswell. That’s where I met my friend Grady.”

  Jay asked, “Where is he?”

  Pam said, “He’s dead. He was from a planet called Vernon. I thought it was all bullshit. I still think someone is pulling my leg.”

  Jay said, “If you’re going, you need to give your notice. If you don’t, they may look for you. That could mess things up.”

  Pam looked at Jay, “You want me to come along?”

  Jay smiled. “Sure, why not? Could be fun.”

  Pam said, “Then, tomorrow, I’ll give my notice. You want to stay with me?”

  Jay said, “That would be nice.” Jay told Tyler his plans. After dinner, mom and dad went back to Doctors Jones.

  I told them, “If someone comes, I’ll send them to you. You will oversee the gathering. Until tomorrow, I love you, mom.”

  I told my mom when the people come to her, if they have luggage, tell them it must stay here. Everything they need will be there for them. Henery took mom and dad to Doctor Jones’ house. Pam and Jay left. Lori went to her dads then later, she went home. Lee came back to my mobile; it was getting on to dark. I saw a light on the horizon. I was scared for my parents. The light left the sky; it was an airplane landing.

  I asked, “Lee, you want to take a stroll to the desert?”

  Lee asked me, “Tyler, why do you want to be tramping around in the desert? The only thing out there is old sagebrush.” I reached in behind the door, took the weapon out, the one we took off the Palatonian.

  Lee smiled. “You going to take that? Hell yes, I’m going. What are we going to blow up?”

  “Lee, what is with you?” I asked.

  Lee replied, “Hell boy, I’m having fun. I’ve had more fun since you come along than I have in my whole damn life. I’m having more fun than a rat in a cheese factory.”

  Lee and I walked about a mile into the desert, behind the park where we lived. I bought two cans; I threw them out in front of us.

  I asked Lee, “You want to go firs?”

  Old Lee smiled. “How do I do it?”

  I told him the best I could. “See, you push that button forward, aim fire.” Lee did as instructed. A blue streak came from the end of the barrel. Old Lee hit the can; it disintegrated. Old Lee started jumping around.

  “Damn it boy, let me shoot it again.”

  “Sure,” I said. “Go ahead.” The same thing happened again.

  Old Lee asked, “Damn it, boy, can I have one of them when I get there?” I told him we didn’t have ground weapons.

  Lee asked, “Why?”

  I said, “Can you see that tree?” It was a small tree, about three inches. I palm my hand, closed my eyes, broke it in half.

  “Son of a bitch,” Lee said, “Remind me never to piss you off.” I shot once it was dark. Aiming at a tree, I shot the weapon, blowing the tree in half.

  Lee looked at me. “Damn show off, that’s what you are. I’ve heard about people like you. Damn asshole!” We walked back to the park. Lee hid the weapon in his mobile while I made coffee. Walking across the yard, a car drove up; it was Doctor Jones.


  Another day in paradise had come to our world. I was lonely for my husband. I lie awake several minutes in b
ed before I stood. I felt my baby move. “Whoa!”

  I said, “You take after me, little spunky.” I walked to the window, looking at the staging area, thinking this is where my husband leaves his ship. The general George Washington, I named his ship. Thinking of all the times my husband stays on Earth, I’ve only remembered him speaking of three people: Christopher Columbus, George Washington, and an Indian woman called Winter; Omega was a descendant of hers. I’m still not sure why this woman laid so hard on his mind. I do know the stories he tells of her and the others.

  From my room, I heard something from the stoop. Listening, I could hear someone crying. I left my quarters, went through the chambers to the stoop; it was Kira. Kira was facing the valley with her hands over her face. I placed my arms around her.

  “Oh, Leah,” she said, “I miss her so much. I feel something I’ve never felt before.”

  I asked Kira, “Tell me what you feel. Kira, Tressa is a big girl. She is strong; she has Dorn with her.”

  Kira asked, “Leah, don’t you miss Zin?”

  I told Kira, “More than you could imagine. Kira, I’ve told you, Kayla did something to me. I’m not sure what it was. I know in my heart I miss him, in my mind I don’t. I can’t really explain it. Kira, you know I love you and Omega. I love every living being on this planet. I’ve learned to be open-minded. Zin is with Ira and Kayla. Someday, Zin will return to me as Tressa will return to you.”

  Kira embraced me. “Leah, I always feel better when I talk to you.”

  I grabbed my stomach. “Ochs.”

  Kira asked, “What is it?” I told her my baby kicked me hard.

  “See, even she knows what I’m saying is true.”

  “Leah, I know I’m partly human. Sometimes I think I’m very stupid when it comes to humans. My daughter, she is more human than Aries. Tressa acts human, always joking. I remember when she was small, someone would say something about the queen. Tressa would jump up, push her chest out, dance around. She would say, ‘I’m the mighty Kira, Queen of all Boldlygo.’ Then she would go dancing around. We don’t express emotions as that; Tressa does. Aries never does, always serious-minded. I told her they’re different people.”

  I told Kira as Omega walked up, “Maybe she got it from Omega’s side.”

  Omega said, “I have been listening to you. Really, I never knew the humans.”

  I said to Omega, “If you want to know of them, ask Dorn when he returns.”

  “Yes, I suppose my father would know,” Kira said. “Leah, thanks for speaking to me.” I told her, anytime.

  I asked Kira, “Would you grant me, Ellie and Candance to meet with the people of the city? This is their palace, most of them have never been inside of it. I love them, they love us.” I told her, “They respect you and Omega more than you would believe. They know and see you are very powerful.”

  Several natives were at the chambers. One of the natives stood, as she bowed. “My queen and king, please do not fear to let your children come to the city. Please do not fear to come yourself. You will see how much you are truly respected. There are so many of the humans and natives that have never seen you, either of you. My King, how long has it been since you were in the city.”

  Omega looked at me. “I’m not sure,” he said.

  The female said, “You are the great grandchild of Winter.” Omega’s head snapped up. “The last time you were in the city was when you were a small child Kira, not since you befriended Xon. That was a time long ago. Ren, Ira, Kayla, would walk the streets.” Everyone’s eyes were on her as she contained to speak.

  “Yes,” I said. “Kayla, she was the first Queen of Boldlygo. I was her handmaiden. Kayla loved the city; she was always there. Winter, your great-grandmother, she was looking at Omega. She loved the city; she would come to my shop for tea. Winter was the first human to give birth to a half-human child. She had twelve children. She watched them grow, then for some reason went back to Earth. Some are still here.”

  Omega has this day found out more about his ancestors than he had in the hundred thirty-four years of his life.

  Omega stood. “Your age is?”

  The native said, “Six hundred and fifty, my king.”

  Ellie said with a whisper, “Damn, I hope I look that good.”

  The native looked at Ellie. “Tell me, child, what do you see when you look in the mirror?”

  Ellie answered her, “A young woman.”

  The native told Ellie, “What you see now is what you will see seven hundred years from now if you remain on the planet. After your one-hundredth birthday, if you leave, you will age. If you stay gone very long, you will die. This goes for all humans. This goes for Dorn; if he stays on Earth for more than one of your Earth years, he too will die. My queen, he is your father, is this correct?”

  Kira said, “Yes.”

  “When he returns from Earth, never let him go there again,” she said.

  “Well, hell I was for that,” I said.

  “Take Tyler, he is young,” she said.

  Kira raised her hand. “You know Tyler?”

  She replied, “Yes, and his sister Marie. She will become very powerful with this council. She is a member now. She will have the mating ritual with my grandson Zar, the pilot of Dorn’s ship.” Well, this was news to me.

  I asked her, “How do you know this?”

  “Zar will tell her this. I know he will take the change to become human. I’m fine with this. Zar’s mother and father, I’m not so sure.” I told them he was in good hands with Mea and Mekon. I’ve known Mekon well for a very long time.

  The suns were going down; the night was coming. For whatever reason, Candance and Ellie were on the stoop. They were calling to Aries and Mi. It was comical to hear them. I caught a glimpse from the corner of my eye. It was a ship! I screamed; they all ran to me.

  “Omega, Kira.” All I could do was point to the light. Mi ran for the lab and called the Xonian ship. Candance, Ellie and I tried to shield the palace. It was too late. The ship had fired, the round hit the staging area. The second round was fired but the shield reflected it. Two ships came from stealth. Mi told them to take out their engines and forced them 23to land. That is what they did.

  The ship was forced to land, in the staging area they hit. Twenty-seven come from the ship. Sentries took them into custody. Lowering the shield, Mi and Aries went to the ship with our ships hovering overhead. Exiting the ships, the sentries carried the crew to the hanger. Mekon, Mea, and Omega came in. I had sent a sentry to the palace for the Staff of Ira.

  Omega and Kira asked, “Leah, what are you going to do?”

  I smiled, “Watch me.” Everyone was standing around with a Staff in hand. I stepped closer.

  I asked, “Who is in charge?” No one replied. “Who is the captain?” I asked.

  “We will not talk to a female,” one said.

  Kira, with a taunting voice, said, “Are you sure?”

  “Silence female!” one of them said.

  Kara looked at me. I took the Staff, slammed the ground. The ground trembled just like Ira did.

  “You’re a bunch of low life scum. You’re not worth being killed by a female. Maybe I should have a rock fall on you. You’re no warrior.” They all stood and looked at me. They thought they were the best. Learning soon that out of twenty-seven, only three stood.

  “We are all captains,” one said.

  “Yes, captains of cowards,” I said. I took two steps closer. “You’re not man enough to take me. If you wish, you can try one more time before I end this. Who is in charge?”

  The captain called, “You are.”

  “Where are you from? Why did you fire on my family?”

  The captain said, “I will tell you what you want to know. I will not speak to a female.” That was the last words he ever said. I hit the Staff of Ira to the floor once more,
and he was gone.

  The others said, “We are from the galaxy of Zoop. It is written, this planet is doomed”.

  I looked at Mekon, “Can you look at their ship.”

  Mekon said, “Sure, Leah.”

  Mi asked, “What are we to do with the other?”

  I told Mi, “Kill them all. You want to talk to a female? Have a problem being killed by one. Aries, you want the honors?”

  “Look,” the one captain said, “We know who you are, the whole universe knows. The Palatonians, the Centaurians, all have placed a bounty on you.”

  “What? I don’t understand,” I said, “Is that how you passed by our sensors?”

  We were in stealth; no one was there. When your ship passed, we came through. He said, “My King will not like this.”

  I said, “You don’t need to worry about that.”

  Omega came forward. “I am Omega king, this is my queen,” Omega said, “Leah.” That’s all it took for me with a wave of the staff they were no more. Kira came to my left side, Omega on my right.

  I looked at Mekon. “Does anyone know the power of this staff?”

  Omega said, “Leah, I just wanted your attention.”

  “Oh well, they were looking; I gave it to them. I guess we’ll never know who they were.” I looked at Kira. She had a smile as big as the sky.

  Kira said, “The staff, I’m not worried about. I wonder how much power you have. Leah, my father said it’s best.”

  I asked, “What was that Kira?”

  Kira smiled. “Leah, sometimes you scare me.” The staff in my hands, I stretched it forward. I’m tired of people coming here trying to hurt my family.

  I looked at Mekon. “Let’s have a look at that ship.” I gave the staff to the sentry.

  He bowed. “Leah, he said you did well.”

  I thanked him. “You know what to do with the staff. Find me several men you trust; have them to guard the staff. They will be known as the guardian of the staff.”


  Mekon entered the ship; he was looking at the ship’s log. I walked to him.


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