The Staff of Ira

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The Staff of Ira Page 21

by Carl Sheffield

“Yes, the man bought a ticket to Denver, I think.”

  I asked, “Only one?”

  The clerk said, “That’s right, only one.” The fox tried to outsmart the hound again. I know now what I must do, go to New Mexico. I got up early, bought a ticket to Roswell. While waiting for the bus, I thought I saw that man again. I was glad to go aboard the bus and leave this place. I should go back to England. The bus left at six o’clock. It took several hours to ride across Texas and New Mexico. Rolling into the depot, I got off the bus and looked around. I thought I saw him again.

  How can this be? Who was this man? I thought it’s not worth it, I’m being watched. Why? By who? Surely, not the Willards. I sure would like to know where they are. I went to a small inn, got a room for the night.

  Roswell was no different than any other town in the west. In fact, it was the same. Coming from my room, I caught the smell of cows.

  Walking to the office, I said, “Old boy, I have a picture, mind taking a peak?” Showing him the photo.

  The clerk replied, “Yes, I know who they are. Stayed here maybe a week ago. I spoke to them on several occasions, they said they were on vacation.”

  I said, “Old chap, do you know which way they went?”

  “I didn’t see,” he said.

  I asked the clerk, “Do you know the man standing there?” Pointing to the man I had seen several times.

  Replying, he said, “Poko, he works for Mr. Sams. He is a strange man.”

  I asked, “How’s that old boy?”

  “Ah, ain’t nothing,” he said. “I’ve talked to him a time or two. Everyone said he’s from Mars.” I wondered, could he be one of these slimy aliens?

  I questioned him, “You believe that, do you?”

  The clerk answered, “Mister, anything around here is possible. I mean with all those light in the sky, strange people walking around. I’m told in Carlsbad, there’s one in the hospital. They come looking for a teacher, found him, beat him to death. It is said they beat him because he would not tell them who someone was.”

  I asked, “Was it this Mr. Sams?”

  Replying, he said, “I don’t know, don’t care. I mind my own affairs.” I walked back to my room. The man I saw in Amarillo was at my door.

  I said to him, “Hello, might hot.” He looked at me, I could see he was not all there. I believe he was an Indian. I’ve never seen one, just in photos.

  I asked him, “Might I be of service?”

  He replied, “Sams said they leave the town now. If you follow on, bad for you.”

  I told him, “Of course, I’m following. You can’t tell me what to do.”

  He said again, “Sams said, go.”

  Reaching to his side, he pulled a knife. “You go now,” he said. I bloody ran to my room. I can’t believe it. I’m a bloody sworn inspector of Scotland Yard. Oh but, I was scared. Who was this Sams? I stayed in my room the rest of the day. It was the late afternoon, I got hungry. I opened the door, he was not there. Was he waiting for me somewhere? The only place to eat within walking distance was a small place called Torres tacos. I kept to the far side of the dusty street, walking in, I seated myself.

  “The food was good. I was having a coke when a tall, slender man appeared. He was a well-groomed man. He looked to be a man of importance. I would say he was fifty. This man walked to my table.

  “Inspector,” I looked at him.

  “Why? Yes, old boy?”

  “how did you know?”

  “Well, let’s just say we have mutual friends. I’m Mr. Sams. Inspector, you met Poko yesterday, again today. You see, we have a problem.”

  “Oh, no sir, we have no problem. I’m after two people who escaped from England. I will have them back by weekend.”

  “What did the Willards escape from?” I asked. “I think the only thing they escaped from is you, hounding them for twelve years.”

  “Wait a minute,” I said.

  I made a wave with my hand, “You thought they were aliens from another planet. What I’m saying inspector is go home, leave the Willards alone.”

  “Why Mr. Sams, it sounds as if you are threatening me?”

  I mentioned, “People are found in the desert every day, sir. If you have family in jolly old England, if you wish to see them again, go home.”

  “Well, I must say, the authorities will hear of this.”

  “Inspector, that’s good. There’s two coming in now.” Two U.S. Marshal walked through the front door. The inspector darted from that table fast, ran to the Marshall.

  “Sir, this man has threatened me and my life.”

  “You are, sir?” the marshal asked.

  “I’m an inspector with Scotland Yard from England. I have followed this couple from England to here.”

  The Marshal asked, “What did they do?”

  I said, “Uh, well, they’re aliens, from another planet.”

  The Marshals looked at each other. “What did you say?” The marshals laughed. The Marshal looked at Sams. “Sir, did you hear that?”

  “Oh yes, officer. Maybe you should call Maybrook.”

  I asked, “What the bloody hell is Maybrook?”

  I said, “Inspector, it’s a hospital for people like you.” I picked up my hat, paid my check.

  Mr. Sams whispered as the inspector walked by. “Inspector, please leave the Willards alone, I mean it.”

  From the outside of my room, there was noise and strange sounds. I took my watch from the pocket, it was three a.m. I was sitting on the bed; someone knocked on my window. I opened the window, a scary man stood looking at me. Reaching through the window, pulling me through. I screamed; there was no one to hear me, no one came to me. I thought, after all these years, I’ll die here in this bloody place. I suddenly wish for England.

  I was blindfolded, carried to the desert. I saw the man. He was big, dressed in black, with a Dimond and a star. There were several more of them, what did they want with me? I bet Mr. Sams did this to scare me. Well, he proved his point. Whoever they were, it was my belief they were not from Earth, I know this. I was seated in a chair, my blindfold ripped off. The man showed me a photo. He asked, “You know this man?” When he spoke, I knew they were not from Earth. I told him I didn’t know him.

  The man asked, “You look for someone?”

  From the inside pocket, I took a photo, showed it to them. “There, from another world, not here.”

  He asked, “Where are they now?” I told him I was not sure, maybe here in Roswell, Artesia, Carlsbad, I wasn’t sure. I need to find them.

  The man asks, “Why do you say they’re not from here?”

  I said, “Look chap, there is a planet called Boldlygo,” well, they stopped, looked at me. “Try Denver. let me go, I’ll find them.”

  The man told me, “No, you’re not going anywhere.”

  “Look, old boy, I believe they’re in Carlsbad.”

  They said, “Then you come with us to Carlsbad.” They never left me alone; someone was always with me, always.

  I thought to myself, what have I gotten myself into? Who were these people? What did they want with me? I bloody wish I was back in England. I wish I was anywhere but here. I sat in a chair, waiting to see what would happen. I eased to the door. Checking the door, it was unlocked. I eased open the door, looked outside. There was no one around, or at least I couldn’t see anyone. I walked into the front room. I thought, why did they leave? They have never left me alone since they took me.

  Outside was a mighty dust storm. Peering out the window, there it was. Oh, God what was it? Falling to my knees, crawling to the other room, no! I kept shouting no, no. A light was shining brighter than the one in the clearing so long ago.

  “It’s them!” I screamed. That was the last thing I remembered. Three days later, I woke up in a hospital in Carlsbad. A policeman was in my r
oom. Looking around, I thought where am I. The officer stood from the window.

  “Good morning sir, how do you feel? I found you wandering in the desert. It is a very bad place to be lost,” the officer said. I told him I hated this bloody country.

  “Sir, my name is Henery. I’m the local police here. Would you tell me who you are? Sir, why were you wandering around in the desert?” I told him I was from Scotland Yard, I am an inspector.

  “Well sir, how is that supposed to mean something to me?”

  “For God’s sake man, haven’t you ever heard of Scotland Yard?”

  “No sir, I can’t say I have. I know a lot of yards, I just don’t know a Scott.”

  I told him, “The sun has baked your bloody brain, old boy.”

  “Well, that could be. I’m not the one in bed,” he replied. I started out the window as the policeman started to leave.

  “Oh yes, there is a Mr. Sams here to see you.”

  I jumped up from the bed. “You keep that man away from me, I mean it. That man is pure evil.”

  “Look, Mr. Sams is a pillar of this town. You watch what you say. You could find yourself in the desert again. Mr. Sams is harmless.”

  “You just keep him away from me,” the inspector said.

  I said, “Well, let’s talk about how you got here. We find you have a room in Roswell. The clerk said you tore out a window and part of his wall.”

  I said, “That’s a bloody lie, it wasn’t me. It wasn’t me. It was a big man. Sams put him up to this.”

  “Tell me, inspector, what did the man look like?”

  I thought for a moment, “Well, when he pulled me through the window, I was blindfolded. I passed out from fright. I remember riding in a vehicle; it was the smoothest ride I ever had. I was taken to a small house somewhere. There was a big dust storm, they left, then I woke up here. The men were all dark skin like the Indians, dark hair, all dressed in black.”

  The police said, “You were abducted by aliens, flew in a spaceship. What you saw was them leaving in a cloud of dust. You’re not the only one to see this. Sir, did they tell you what they were looking for?”

  “They wanted the people I’ve been following from England,” I said.

  The police asked, “Who would that be?” I told him, they called themselves the Willards.

  “The Willards, that nice couple.”

  “Officer,” I said, “That nice couple came here to meet their son. Where are they now?” I told the inspector they looked at some land that did not work out, then bought a car, left several days ago for California. A knock on the door, I looked at the policeman to see the doctor. I told him to come in.

  The policeman said, “He has been talking to me, doctor. He was abducted so that’s why he was in the desert.” There was another knock on the door, it was Mr. Sams.

  The inspector screamed, “Keep that man away from me. He has threatened me several different times, sent people after me, told me to leave the Willards alone. What I don’t understand is how did he know I was following them?”

  I asked the Inspector, “Why were you after them? I’m the local police here, I checked with every branch of law there is, no warrants on then. You don’t have any hold on them. Sir, if you proceed in flowing them, I will place you in jail.”

  The inspector asked the doctor, “May I go?”

  Doctor Jones said, “Yes, you may have a headache for a day or two. Drink lots of water.” The inspector got up, dressed and left for Roswell.

  Mr. Sams said, “I’ll give you a ride.” The inspector declined. The inspector caught a bus, never to be seen again. Henery told me all about the inspector at the mobile later.

  The evening had come to the desert, everyone came to my mobile for dinner. We had our meal outside. I told them in one week we will be gone.

  Lori said, “Tyler, you were right. There’re eight people at the hospital. They said one morning, something called them here.”

  My mom spoke up, “There’s twenty-two at Doctor Jones’ house, staying in the barn.”

  Lori asked, “Should I tell them, the ones at the hospital if they should go to doctor Jones house?”

  I told her, “No. If they leave, they will go to Roswell. Remember we’re not the only ones here, they could be Palatonian. I’ve told the ones at the barn if they come for supplies not to talk to anyone, just get what they need and be gone. Some said they were moving on, they were here to see the ship. I told them if they leave, we may never come back.”

  Everyone told me they understand. My mom cooked a pot roast with help from Lori and Pam. Jay, I really didn’t know what to think of him. He and Pam were like kids, always picking at each other.

  Sitting in the shade of the poplar trees, a breeze blew that didn’t help much. Mom had the windows and doors open. The men were talking about the planet, I tried to tell them all I could.

  Jay asked several times, “What would be expected of him when we arrive there?” I really didn’t know what to tell him.

  I said, “That will be up to you and the council. You will be asked if there is something you would like to do. Council asks all humans. You have native blood, I’m not sure.”

  Pam said, “You said you were born here.”

  “I wasn’t born here. I was born in New Jersey.”

  Pam said, “You know what I mean.”

  Jay said, “Look Pam, my grandmother and father was born on Boldlygo. They came to the United States. My mother was born, then me. What is strange is how did they know to tell me to come here? How did they know it would be here?”

  I asked Jay, “Did your mom or dad have powers?”

  He said, “I’m not sure what you mean.” I showed him.

  “Whoa! man, no, not that I’ve seen. Show me that again, Tyler. I noticed I was always ahead of my class, nothing like that,” Jay said.

  Mom said, “You shouldn’t show off, Tyler.” Mom put the food out. I swear old Lee eat so much, he just dug in.

  Old Lee said, “No meat there. I’ll take it.”

  My dad said, “Move over, Lee.”

  I told them, “When you arrive, Omega and Kira will greet you. A meal will be in your honor. You will see what I’ve been talking about. Meals will be of fruits, vegetables, bread. Bread is not like this, it is better, made from a root we call breadroot.

  Henery stopped by asked, “Tyler, is everything good?” I told him it was.

  I asked Henery, “Will you join us for dinner?”

  He said, “Yes.” I told him my mom was a very good cook. Pam and Lori were talking, they said they were going tomorrow to give their notice.

  Lori said, “I’m going to the bank. I’ve sold everything. I’ll place the money in my account, I’ll stay with my dad.”

  Pam said, “I’m still not sure.” Pam told us she asked Jay to stay with her here. He said he was going home.

  Doctor Jones said, “I quit the hospital today. Tyler, I’ll be at my home.” He looked at my folks. “Of course, you are welcome to stay, Mr. Willard.” I told them time was counting down it won’t belong. I told Doctor Jones he would find several boxes in his barn. They’re going home with me.

  He replied as he started to leave, “That’s fine, Tyler.”

  “Tomorrow I’ll come out. we’ll talk more,” I said.

  The morning came with the smell of the desert in the air. It was the smell I have become to love. Yet it still was not the smell of my world. The air on my planet was as pure as you could get. Old Mac at the station had sent several to the farm. They’ll be fine, they can sleep in the barn. I thought there would be more. I thought this would be good, in and out.

  The days went on. Lori stopped by the mobile today. She said she stopped by the station. “Tyler, there were several people looking for something.”

  Mac asked, “What are you looking for?” They said the
y were not sure, something told them to come here. Mac looked at me, I nodded. He sent them to the barn. My mom did not come in for dinner, so we did what we had to do.

  Old Lee asked, “Where is your mom?”

  He said, “Damn it, boy, I like her cooking.” The daylight left with the sunset. The warm night was coming to the desert again. I stared at the sky. To the west, a light streaked crossed the sunset. Two military planes come close to the object. I thought as I watched the object disappeared into the Earth’s sky, the air force was again left behind. I thought it was Palatonians.

  Lying in bed, I opened the curtains. The morning came with the heat rising. By ten o’clock, it was hot. I will be glad to get the hell off this planet. It was always a beautiful day and night on my world. Old Maoke saw that long ago. It was just paradise all day every day. There was nothing in our atmosphere. Someday, maybe I’ll be there again. This time, maybe with my April. I wanted to see her so bad. Maybe she will see I love her.

  I lie in bed for over an hour. Lee was sitting on the stoop having coffee. He was coughing less since he had stopped smoking for six months now. Lee had put on some weight; Lori was happy. I had gotten up, placed the coffee on the stove; it had begun to boil when Henery drove up.

  He said, “Tyler, I smell it boiling.” I told him he had a good nose. It has just started to boil.

  “Morning, Lee,” I said.

  Old Lee said, “Morning, boys. Hell, let’s go blow something up today.”

  I asked Lee, “What do you want to blow up, Lee?”

  Lee said, “Hell, why not that damn ship that’s over the ridge?”

  “What?” I said.

  Lee said, “I saw it land this morning. I started to take that weapon, blew it up.”

  I asked Henery, “You see anyone in town?”

  Henery replied, “No.” I told Lee to bring out the weapon, we’ll ride over there.

  Henery said, “Yeah, let’s go.” Lee brought out the weapon.

  Henery asked, “Where did you get that?” I told him it just showed up one morning.

  “Have you fired it?” Henery asked. I told him Lee did.

  Lee jumped up. “Let’s go.” We drove down the drive. Lee showed us where to go. The driveway was long and dusty. Before the main road, we met Jay and Pam.


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