The Staff of Ira

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The Staff of Ira Page 31

by Carl Sheffield

  Tressa said, “Hell no, but it’s wonderful together.” Tressa and I laughed out loud. We left the tea house, walked down the street.

  I asked Leah, “What’s that all about?”

  “My love,” Leah said, “Tressa said chocolate was wonderful. I asked her if it was as good as sex. She said hell no, but it’s good together.”

  Dorn looked at me. “Do you think it’s good together?” I told my husband, “You will need to bring some from the ship to find out.” Leah whispered in my ear, “I’ll tear you up, I’ll make you scream.” I thought humans, I don’t understand their humor.

  The Veronian ship returned to King Ba. The captain gave his report.

  Ba said, “Then let’s make our way home. We will wait for the arrival of the other planets.” On his home world, Ba has sent the message to his home of Valoria. He wanted ships, lots of them. Ba landed his ship one week later. In council, the captain told Ba he wanted nothing to do with the war.

  “My King, you don’t know how strong they are. You alone saw what they can do. If you attack, there won’t be anything left this time.”

  Ba said to his captain, “I’ll crush them like a stone.”

  “King Ba, I have served in the Valorian air force for over one hundred years, under your brother. I am sorry for his death. For the time I have served, I’ve heard of these people. There are things that have happened, I can’t explain. You would be smart to forget them. They’re great fighter, with powers beyond that of anyone I’ve seen. If you go, they will destroy you.”

  Ba sat for a few moments then said to the captain, “If you want nothing to do with this then leave, not only my presents leave the planet. Walking around the room, I want no one as you with me.”

  The captain said, “I have no way off this planet.”

  Ba answered, “Call one of your friends from Boldlygo. Maybe they will come for you.”

  The captain excused himself, went to his ship to remove his belonging. Walking to the ship, two sentries stood with weapons.

  Standing firm, the sentry stated, “Captain, you are to remove your personal belonging. We have been given orders to ensure you do this.”

  I asked, “What about my crew?”

  “They’re still on board. Go retrieve your things, leave here you coward, you’re a disgrace.” Walking into the ship, the crew heard the talk of the sentry.

  “Sir, what do you wish?” They asked.

  I asked, “Do you think if we lift off we could go to space before they blast us?”

  The pilot replied, “Take care of the two outside. I believe we can.”

  “Then do it,” I said. “Go to the controls. I’ll call when ready.” It only took a moment to go to the sentries. I took them out, called to the crew, “Let’s go now! go to Plano.”

  The Valorian captain wanted no part of the war. He was a strong-willed being. The ship left the surface with no resistance. They expect us to head straight to Boldygo, this I’m sure of.

  Traveling through the mist of space, I asked, “Are we being followed?”

  The pilot said, “No.” I told him to go to hyperspace. Coming out of hyperspace just outside of Xon, there were four ships all over us.

  “Valorian ship, what is your intention?” I told them, “We must speak to their King Fax, most urgent.” A command was given to follow. Fax had arrived the day before he had heard Omega’s demand. Fax sent a sentry to bring the captain to him. In the great room as Fax had called it, he and the captain talked for several minutes.

  The captain told Fax of the buildup of ships. He said others were coming, the fleet was growing. I want nothing to do with this. I have no reason to fight Dorn, I find him a respectable person.

  Fax asked, “How many ships do they have in their fleet?”

  The captain replied, “There’s at least twenty, maybe more. They will be coming with ground troops also. King Fax, Ba wants those stones. He’ll do whatever it takes to retrieve them.”

  Fax asked, “What do you want me to do?”

  “Sir, go tell Dorn, tell them not to leave the planet with the ships they have. I’m leaving sir, unless you will grant me exile here.”

  Fax said, “I will not go against the natives of Boldlygo.”

  “Then I must go to the Moon of Corning,” the captain said. “I’ll wait there for the word of the war that is coming.”

  Fax said, “When you arrive on the moon, tell Quad what is happening here. Tell him not to send ships.”

  The captain said, “As you wish.” The captain left for the moon, I left for Boldlygo.


  One thing I was never good at was sleeping in, as humans say. Natives of my world don’t require much sleep, yet when we do sleep, we sleep. I let Leah and Shasta sleep. I made tea, went to the lab.

  April called, “Dorn, Fax has asked for landing instruction.” I told her to give him the staging area. I thought it strange that he would return so quickly. I met him at the port. Coming from the ship, he gave his greetings.

  “Morning, Dorn,” Fax said as he exited the ship. “We must see Kira and Omega.” I sent the sentry to the sleeping quarters of Kira, with a message to meet in chambers as soon as possible. Fax has come with a message. In chambers, Fax had already started talking, telling of the encounter with the Valorian.

  Ren stood. “Fax, what did you tell him when he asked for exile?”

  Fax faced Ren. “I told him I would not go against your wishes. The captain said he would need to find some place to go. I told him to try the Moon of Corning. I told him to see Quad on his arrival, tell Quad not to send ships here. The captain said they would come with twenty ships, they would have a ground invasion also. The captain said Ba wanted the stones. He also told me he wanted it all, the city and the palace.”

  I feel they will not come to my planet. If he does, I’ll fight until I can’t. Omega looked at me.

  Omega asked, “Dorn, what do you think?” I looked at Fax then to Omega.

  I told Fax, “Take your ships, go home.” This was not his fight.

  Kikki said to me, “Dorn, remember the Earth voyage when I was in trouble, the help you gave?” I told her I do.

  Kikki said, “It became our fight that day.”

  I told Kikki, “Your planet is like ours. You have never seen a war.”

  Fax said, “Dorn, I assure you my troops are ready.”

  “That’s it Fax, if they’re placed here, there’re so much of our planet that has never been discovered. We have sacred things we don’t allow to be disturbed.”

  Fax said, “If they come by land, they won’t care.” Fax left. I went home. Leah met me with Shasta. “I’m going to the falls, word has been passed. No one leaves the city, Leah.”

  Leah asked, “Then why are you leaving?” I told her I must go to the falls; maybe I can call to Ira. Just maybe when they hear my call, they will come.

  “They?” Leah asked.

  “Ira and Kayla,” I said.

  Leah asked, “May I come with you?”

  I said, “Take Shasta to Candance, tell her we will be gone for several hours; we’re going to the city.” Leah and I walked the trail to the Marder-to-go’s. Hand in hand, talking as the path always showed some interest. Leah with her little games made the walk seem faster.

  I had not been to the falls since I left my son, what seemed a lifetime ago. I wish to see him, I have missed his childhood. My son left a little boy, I’ll be sent a young man. Some will say the leaving of Zin was unreal. Zin will come home to us a man full of knowledge and wisdom. I feel he will be all-powerful.

  The falls were beautiful, they always are. Thinking back on my life, all the planets I’ve been, most have falls but none compare to this. In my world, I love it even more since I met Leah. Now with the love of my son and my daughter I cherish, I would do as Leah. I would do anything to protec
t them, even kill.

  Nothing can fill the feeling as a family. I’ll always give thanks for meeting Leah, knowing she will always be there. The power she has over me, the love I have for her, I love her so. I know in my heart we will always be together just as we’re now, sitting hand in hand by the water, waiting.

  Leah asked, “Dorn, what are we doing here?”

  I answered, “I’m not sure what we were doing.” Leah told me of the portal they were always looking through. Since the first time the Centaurians come here, they were always searching the skies for something. I truly wish it was over. This war, I feel it will take us and consume us all. Give them the stones I say, even as I said it, I knew this would not stop. They would still come.

  Leah said, “My love, your thought is strong.” I told my wife we must destroy these people.

  “Leah, I find it hard to say that it’s them or us. I’ll take us.” Leah looked at me with a look of disbelief. She said, “I’ve been waiting for you to say that. It will happen.”

  Standing by the water, I told Leah, “Let’s walk down the stream.” We walked beside a small bush that never seemed to grow. Leah fell asleep under, long ago.

  I asked her, “Do you remember this place?”

  Leah said, “No, why should I?”

  I said, “See the bush? You slept under it for two days. When you woke up, you thought you had only slept twenty minutes.” She took my hand, looking as her eyes filled with tears.

  “Yes Dorn, I do remember. It’s where I left my son. The bush is still the same size.” Leah took my hand as she fell to the ground pulling me down with her. The grass was so soft under her. I knew what she wanted, under different circumstances I would have done what she wanted to do. I could have laid there with her forever in my arms. I knew what was on her mind.

  She looked at me with those big blue eyes. She said, “Oh well, you missed your chance today.”

  I told her I was sorry. “Are you mad at me?”

  Leah said, “No, my love. I know you’re troubled. Let’s go.” I started calling for Ira and Kayla. I got no response from them. Leah kneeled to the ground to pick a stalk of Sweet Grass.

  A voice spoke, “Leah, not here. The Sweet Grass is prohibited to pick.”

  Leah asked, “Dorn, what did you say?”

  I looked at her. “I said nothing, Leah.”

  Leah asked, “You didn’t hear that? If you didn’t speak, who did?”

  “I heard nothing, Leah. What did you hear?”

  “The voice said the Sweet Grass is prohibited to pick here.” I told her we were close.

  She asked, “How do you know that?”

  I said, “Remember your reading of the ancient city? The Sweet Grass shall not be cut here to eat.”

  Leah replied, “Your right, I do remember reading that. Maoke and the Unicorn were on a walkabout.” Leah and I stood for several minutes, listening. Waiting, we both heard the next voice. “My son, I or your mother cannot come to you. We see the troubles to come.”

  “Then why can’t you stop it?” I asked.

  “My son, you know we cannot interfere, we have told this on several different occasions.” I fell on my knees, so did Leah.

  Leah and I said, “Then we will be destroyed by the outsider. They will take this planet, this paradise, consume it, stripe it.” Leah waving her hand, showing them.

  Kayla said, “Leah, believe in yourself. You, Candance, Ellie, April, Marie, and Tressa, you are as powerful as Mya herself. Go back to the palace. Everyone must work together; you have a short time.”

  I asked Kayla, “What is a short time?”

  Kayla replied, “Two months Leah, now go. Leah, you girls need to be with Tressa. You learn how to use the power you have.”

  “I’m not a teacher, Kayla,” Leah said.

  Kayla replied, “Leah, you are more powerful than you think. Just use it.”

  “Kayla, may I ask about my son?”

  Kayla said, “Soon Leah, soon.” A small wind blew, Kayla’s voice was gone.

  Dorn did spoke to Ira. “Father, can’t you help in some way? The people, I can lead. My daughter Kira, with husband Omega, you made them a king and queen. It was written, all our people, our race, I am afraid for them.”

  Ira said, “Dorn, what is destroyed, we can rebuild. Whoever dies will live again. We live on a planet filled with love. Son, it took generations to build this. We are blessed by the Busies’ and the Unicorns’ magical power. Go back to the palace, do as Kayla has asked. You will not have a problem.”

  A voice whispered in my ear. “Father, I will come to you tonight, I promise.” A faint breeze blew Leah’s hair. A voice on the wind seemed to say fear not. It was a voice I’ve never heard before.

  I asked Leah, “Did you hear the voice?”

  Leah said, “Yes Dorn, I heard the voice; it startled me. It was no one I’ve heard before.”

  I looked at Leah. “It wasn’t Maoke?”

  Leah said, “My love, I’ve heard the voice several times. It was not Maoke.” She smiled and walked on.

  I asked, “Then who was it?” Leah told me she had no clue, yet the voice is strong.

  The suns were setting behind us as we crossed the courtyard to the palace. Shasta was on the floor with Charlie. I’ve never seen two children grow so fast, my son grew fast. I reached for my daughter.

  Kira asked, “Father, why were we not told she had powers?”

  I said, “I was not aware of this, Kira. Leah did say something of this, yet I’ve never seen it so how could I say?”

  Kira looked at Leah. “You miss, why did you not say anything?”

  Leah said, “My queen,” Kira hated it when I did that. “I did not want to say anything, we have enough problems.”

  Kira asked, “What kind of news do you bring us?”

  I said, “Ira told us not to worry.” I looked at Leah as she stood. Leah bowed to Kira, she hated that.

  “Kira, Kayla said we had enough power of the six to take on anyone. Where is Tressa?” I asked.

  Kira said, “She is at her home, Leah.”

  I asked Kira, “Will you send for her?” Kira sent a sentry to Tressa. I told Kira what Kayla said. Tressa arrived with Brad shortly after. Walking to the front, Dorn stopped Brad, told him to stay back. Leah told Tressa and the other girls what Kayla had said. For the next two months, we must work together for the coming events.

  Tressa smiled. “I know we’re powerful, a little training won’t hurt. I must protect my family, my people.” Looking at Kira and Omega. Kneeling before her mother and father, Tressa took Kira’s hand. “I also must protect my child.” Standing up, a glow came from her, a glow she shared with everyone. I felt a feeling I’ve never had.

  I asked Leah, “What is happening?” She told me Tressa is showing her powers. A voice sounded throughout the palace, a voice I’ve never heard before.

  “Tressa,” the voice said, “Use your powers wisely. Learn how to harness it. Focus on the things you can destroy. Then and only then, will you be successful.” Tressa opened her eyes.

  “Who was that?” Candance asked.

  Tressa replied, “It was Mya.” The voice left with a small breeze through the window. Everyone’s hair blew as the voice faded.

  April said, “Wow! what was that?”

  Kira stood. “Tressa, come with me.”

  Tressa told her mother, “I’m not a child, mother.”

  “Tressa, come with me please, all of you girls.” I walked over to Omega.

  Omega asked, “Dorn, is she going to have a child?”

  I told Omega, “I’m not sure. This is the first I’ve heard. She is of age, Omega. I suppose we will find out soon.” Omega and I cut a Simon, waiting for the girls to return.

  Omega said, “First my son, now my daughter.” Omega turned to Brad.

  Omega said with a stern voice, “come here.” Brad was scared to death.

  Brad said, “Sir, I tried to stop her, I really did. I told her to wait for the ritual; she would not.”

  Omega said, “Do not apologize for my daughter, she is of age. If not you, it’s someone else.” Omega looked at me. “Tell him what is to be expected of him.” I told Omega I already have.

  The girls were with Kira when all broke loose. Everyone was running and screaming.

  I looked at Omega. “Are we under attack?” A sentry ran to the door.

  “Omega, Dorn, come quick.” Omega and I ran to the courtyard. An animal was walking the path. I could see it was a Unicorn. On the Unicorn’s back was a being I’ve never seen before. It was a humanoid being. The being was getting closer. One-hundred feet before the palace, the Unicorn stopped. I thought, what a marvelous animal. Sliding to the ground from the animal’s back, a wisp of the wind, the Unicorn was gone. The being walked toward us.

  Omega said to me, “What do you make of this?”

  I said, “Omega, if I’m not mistaken, that is a Busie. The girls thought we were under attack. Running from the palace to the courtyard where we stood, the Busie came into the courtyard as the girls come to us.

  Leah came to my side then she bowed. “Dorn, it’s the Great Bota, I met him in a dream.” Some of us have only read of him in the archives.

  Bota said to me, “Lady Leah, was it a dream?”

  I stood straight. “Everyone, this is the Great Bota.” Some of you have heard of him.

  Of course, Candance asked Leah, “How do you know this?”

  Leah said, “Candance, if you weren’t such a bitch, you would know.” Bota took my hand. “Lady Leah.” Ozo dropped to one knee. Bota told him to rise.

  Bota said, “I know who you are. Ozo, your father was with me hundreds of years. He was an honorable man. Maoke gave him the first ship I constructed for his service as a captain.”

  Ozo said, “I still have the ship, Bota. My father spoke of you for many years.”

  Bota asked, “You say you still have the ship?”


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