Firefighter Wolves Shifters (A Paranormal Romance Series Boxset)

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Firefighter Wolves Shifters (A Paranormal Romance Series Boxset) Page 45

by Brittany White

  So, I still live, he thought, figuring he must have dozed off after his and Alicia’s wedding night. But for how much longer? he wondered, knowing whatever Rebecca Carnegie had injected him with would finish him off soon enough.

  But wait, my body doesn’t feel like it’s on fire, he realized. And that’s not all he discovered. Despite being achy, he could sit up easily and he felt better than he had since everything had happened with the Carnegies. In fact, now that he was more fully conscious, he felt like he’d just woken from the most peaceful, restful sleep of his life.

  “He’s awake,” someone said softly, and Jason turned to see his parents, sitting with Alicia, just beside his bed.

  Alicia smiled and rose from her seat. She leaned over Jason and kissed his lips, before straightening to ask, “How are you feeling?”

  “Surprisingly well. Did they increase my pain meds?

  Alicia laughed and her smile bloomed into a full on grin. “They cured you.”

  “What? How?” Jason asked, sitting up.

  “I made a deal with Rebecca Carnegie. I’d help her escape if she told me what she injected you with.”

  Jason’s eyes widened and he stared at his wife in shock. “You did what? Alicia, I love you and I’m glad we’ll get to spend our lives together, but you shouldn’t have done that. I can’t imagine the hell Rebecca is going to raise once she recruits more allies.”

  “It’s okay,” Alicia said, taking his hands. “Grace saved my ass. I’m so lucky I confided my plan to her before helping Rebecca escape. As I was arranging everything with Rebecca, Grace went up to the main floor of the station on the pretense of distracting her mom and the rest of the officers of duty. Instead, my crafty best friend told Captain Alcott what I had planned, and together the two Alcott women hatched a plan. Grace waited in the parking lot for me and Rebecca to leave, followed us, then radioed the rest of the force with our location. They drove around side streets to avoid us and set up an ambush point. Thinking I was about to free her, Rebecca told me what she’d poisoned you with, and I let her out of the car. Only, unknown to both of us, a squad of officers were hiding in the trees nearby, ready to reveal themselves and rearrest her. Thanks to Grace, Rebecca Carnegie is currently being transported to the Massachusetts Correctional Institute.”

  Jason’s eyes widened as Alicia told him the story. He couldn’t believe his luck. He was cured, and Rebecca Carnegie was out of their lives forever.

  “Thank you. Thank you for saving me,” he said, bringing Alicia’s hands up to his lips and kissing her knuckles.

  “You should be thanking Grace for ensuring my plan didn’t turn into a disaster.”

  “Oh, I will. I’ll pay for her and Derek to have their honeymoon in Disney World,” he said, grinning. “But please, don’t be too hard on yourself. You acted out of love to save me.”

  “I did, and I’m not ashamed to say I’d do it all again if it came down to it. I can’t live without you Jason.”

  “It’s a good thing you won’t have to then,” he said, reaching up to kiss her. Their lips met and Jason’s veins filled with a different type of fire - the fiery passion of being with his mate. He was about to slip his tongue into Alicia’s mouth, when someone coughed behind her, and Jason remembered his parents were in the room. He broke the embrace and leaned back in his bed, looking around Alicia to his parents. “Hey, Mom and Dad,” he said.

  His parents laughed and approached the bed as Alicia moved aside to make room of them.

  “Oh mi precioso bebé,” his mom said in Spanish, kissing Jason all over his face.

  Behind her, Jason’s dad chuckled. “Let the man breathe, Gabriella.”

  “Kenneth, our son could have died; I’m allowed to be pleased to see he’s fully cured.”

  “And I’m glad to see you too, Mamá, but Dad is right, I kind of can’t breathe.”

  Gabriella straightened and moved her hand, stroking Jason’s long dark hair, while his dad stepped forward to embrace his son. “It’s good to see you, boy.”

  “It’s good to see you too, Dad,” Jason replied, wrapping his arms around his father and hugging him like he was five-years-old again.

  After greeting him, his parents settled back in their seats and Alicia joined them. Jason felt like his heart was about to burst with happiness seeing his parents and wife sitting together.

  “I’m sorry you couldn’t be at the wedding,” he said sheepishly. “It was kind of last minute.”

  “We’ll forgive you, as long as you promise as soon as you’re out of the hospital, you and Alicia will come back home with us for a while, so we can all celebrate,” his mom said.

  Jason looked at Alicia, who nodded, and he said, “We’d love to.”

  Gabriella grinned and took Alicia’s hand. “I always wanted a daughter. Welcome to the family.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Sullivan.”

  Gabriella shook her head and laughed. “You’re Mrs. Sullivan now, please, call me Gabriella.”

  All Alicia could do in response was laugh and squeeze Gabriella’s hand. Jason’s heart soared seeing his parents accepting Alicia so readily. He knew, given time, they’d grow to love her as much as he did, and he couldn’t wait to spend time with his new wife at his family’s ranch in Texas.

  Jason spent a pleasant afternoon chatting with his parents and Alicia. He and Alicia filled his parents in on what had been happening since Rebecca Carnegie had arrived in Lenox all those months ago. His father insisted he should have been called on to help.

  In return, Jason’s parents told them what had been going on with the Port Aransas pack, who - compared to the Lenox shifters - had been having an easy time, with the only drama coming in the form of a young wolf-shifter challenging Jason’s father for his position as alpha. Kenneth Sullivan had won the fight, of course, and the younger shifter had since calmed his temper and had started following instructions more often.

  Jason chuckled, being reminded of how Derek had challenged Ben when Rebecca Carnegie had first started causing trouble.

  “Have you seen Derek and Grace since you’ve been here?” he asked his parents.

  “Yes, we’re staying in my old room at Shadowbrook,” his father answered with a fond smile. “We’ve had dinner with them most evenings. Grace is a lovely young woman. We’re honored to be welcoming her into the family too.”

  Jason smiled, pleased to see his father still considered Derek family, and now by extension, Grace too. He couldn’t think of a better mate for his brother and was honored to consider Grace his sister.

  Eventually, Jason’s parents said they were heading back to Shadowbrook for the evening. They offered Alicia a ride back, but she said she was staying a little longer to spend some time with Jason. His mom gave Alicia a knowing smile as she left, which caused Jason to blush.

  Once his parents had left, Alicia joined Jason on the bed, pressing her lips to his. “I think we’re going to be travelling a lot once they release you from hospital. My parents want us to visit too, and so does Grandma in Springfield.”

  “We’ll go on an extended honeymoon,” Jason said, pulling her closer.

  “Sounds perfect. I’ve been granted an extended leave of absence before transferring to the Lenox Police Department.”

  “You’re transferring?” Jason asked, surprised. They hadn’t discussed what they’d do now that a death sentence wasn’t hanging over his head.

  “Yeah, after everything we’ve been through the idea of working on a small town force is very appealing,” Alicia replied with a smile. “Besides, now I get to be here with Grace, too.”

  Jason tugged her onto his lap and kissed her forehead. “Thank you. I’m glad I don’t have to step down as alpha, but I would have if you’d have asked me to move to Boston.”

  “I know,” Alicia said, snuggling against Jason and resting her head on his chest, “and I appreciate it. But I meant what I said, I’m quite looking forward to being on a small town force. After dealing with Rebecca Carnegie, I�
�ve had enough drama to last a lifetime.”

  Jason laughed. “Ain’t that the truth? But didn’t you get into trouble for helping her escape?”

  “No, Captain Alcott said I had a lapse in judgement caused by grief, so she wouldn’t report my actions. As far as anyone is concerned, Rebecca never escaped, and simply had a change of heart and willingly told me what you’d been injected with.”

  Three days after Jason woken in the hospital, recovered from his poisoning, he was released and returned back to the Shadowbrook Estate, where his parents and the pack insisted on having a party to celebrate his recovery, his and Alicia’s marriage, and act as a farewell for the newly married couple.

  Jason was remaining alpha of the pack, but had nominated Gavin to act as a temporary leader, while he and Alicia enjoyed a month long honeymoon. Their honeymoon plans included visiting her parents in Boston, his parents in Texas, and spending some time alone in Hawaii, before they returned home to begin their life together.

  The main hall in Shadowbrook had been decorated with brightly colored banners, streamers and balloons, and Brenda had outdone herself by preparing a massive feast. After eating their fill of delicious food, the pack gathered so Jason could make a speech.

  “I’m so happy to be standing here in front of you all today,” he began, looking around the assembled group that included his packmates and their mates, his parents and even a handful of officers from Alicia’s task force that had been adopted into the pack, like Jeremey Collins and Julia Sloan. Sitting at the front on a comfy chair was Lana bearing a round baby-bump. She’d recently had her twenty-week ultrasound scan, where she and Ben learned they were expecting a baby boy, who would be named James in honor of Ben’s late father. Behind Lana and Ben stood Harper and Josh, looking as in love as ever, and sharing the expectant couple’s excitement for the new baby. Not only would they be Aunt and Uncle to little James when he was born, but Harper had recently revealed she too was pregnant, meaning James would soon have a cousin who was only a few months younger than he was.

  As Jason’s eyes drifted from Ben and Lana and Josh and Harper to Derek and Grace - who were busy planning their forthcoming wedding to be held in a few months - Jason could see the future forming before his eyes. The Shadowbrook pack were safe and had made new allies that would protect them for generations to come. Soon they’d be welcoming new members in the form of James and then Josh and Harper’s baby, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before he and Alicia, and Derek and Grace, had children of their own.

  While he wouldn’t be around for a few weeks while he and Alicia travelled and visited family for their honeymoon, Jason knew the pack was in safe hands with Gavin watching over things in his absence.

  For all they’d lost, for all they’d sacrificed, Rebecca Carnegie had lost. She and her family were rotting away in the Massachusetts Correctional Institute, while the Shadowbrook pack thrived and forged new relationships with the humans of Lenox and those further afield. As alpha of the Shadowbrook pack, one of Jason’s duties when he returned from his honeymoon would be to meet with Pittsfield Governor Steven Templeton and other alphas from the state to work out rules and regulations so no one could rise up against wolf-shifters again like the Carnegie family had tried to. With the help of Captain Rogers, the shifter-packs were taking steps to integrate with the humans around them so everyone would be safe and protected.

  All those months ago, Rebecca Carnegie had returned to Lenox to complete what her family had started one-hundred years passed, by claiming the Shadowbrook Estate from the pack, and moving to wipe the shifters out. Her plan had failed, and though she’d murdered and injured members of the pack along the way, in the end all she’d achieved was making the pack stronger.

  Looking at his gathered pack, their mates and their human friends, Jason felt like he’d started to accomplish something. He was forging a legacy that would make his parents - and grandfather - proud and would have a lasting, positive impact for all shifters for generations to come. And through it all, he had the most beautiful, courageous woman by his side.

  Jason looked down at his and Alicia’s entwined hands, their titanium wedding bands glinting in the light. The metal was like their bond - unbreakable.



  Alicia stood on the pier at Port Aransas beach park, the waves crashing around her, as the sunlight beat down on her face and the gulls flew above. The breeze coming off the Gulf of Mexico helped cool the sweltering Texas heat a little. Having never visited Texas before, Alicia wasn’t used to the humidity and was glad she was wearing a spaghetti strap sundress and flip-flops. Beside her, Jason sat on the edge of the pier, dangling his feet in the water.

  It was their second day in Port Aransas, visiting his parents at their ranch near the Port Aransas Nature Preserve. They were due to have dinner with Kenny and Gabby (as Alicia had come to call them, with their blessing) soon.

  They’d spent the previous two weeks in Boston visiting with her parents in her old family home. They’d even taken a trip to Springfield to visit with Alicia’s grandmother, Janaee, who’d instantly fallen in love with Jason.

  “Well, isn’t he a handsome young man,” Grandma Janaee had said, regarding Jason steadily. “If I were fifty years younger I’d be after him myself.”

  Jason had laughed and replied saying, “And if I wasn’t already married to your beautiful granddaughter, I’d take you up on that offer.”

  From that moment on, Jason and Grandma Janaee had gotten on like a couple of old friends. Alicia’s parents had taken a little longer to warm up to her new husband, mostly because they were concerned about how soon after meeting that Alicia and Jason had married. It had also taken them time to adjust to the news that Alicia was moving to Lenox to be with Jason and would be working for the police force there. The hardest part had been telling them all Jason could shift into a wolf.

  “I knew shifters were real,” Grandma Janaee had hooted upon learning the supernatural beings existed. “No one would believe me when I told them I saw Jasper the forest ranger turn into a wolf and go running through the woods.”

  “Would that be Jasper Clarke?” Jason had asked. He was learning who the alphas were in each different town and city of Massachusetts so that he’d be fully prepared for his new duties when they returned to Lenox.

  Grandma Janaee had smiled. “That's the one. Do you know him? Am I right, is he a wolf-shifter too?”

  “He is. He’s on my list of alphas I’ll be visiting to discuss improved safety for all packs,” Jason said.

  This, of course, had opened Pandora’s box, and Jason and Alicia were flooded with questions from her parents and grandmother.

  “How many packs are out there?”

  “Do they all have an alpha?”

  “Can females be alphas?”

  “Why do you need to discuss improved safety?”

  Alicia and Jason had given her parents and grandmother brief details on what had happened with Rebecca Carnegie, not revealing too much so they didn’t worry them. By the end of the impromptu question time her family seemed more accepting of Jason, so Alicia felt that was a positive start, at least.

  They’d left Boston with Alicia promising she and Jason would visit regularly once they were back from their honeymoon and settled into a routine at work.

  Their time in Port Aransas with Jason’s parents had been vastly different, even though they’d only been there for one night so far. Gabby and Kenny had welcomed Alicia into their home and treated her and Jason to a stunning meal at a pier-side restaurant on the first day that’d been there. That morning, they’d met with Kenny’s pack, who’d also been very welcoming, hailing Alicia and Jason as heroes for ensuring the Carnegie family were arrested and couldn’t hurt any more shifter-packs.

  After lunch with the pack, Alicia and Jason had gone for a walk along the beach, enjoying some time alone together, before dinner with his parents and the whole pack later that day.

  Slipping off
her flip-flops, Alicia sat down next to Jason and dipped her feet in the water. “I wonder what your mom is making for dinner?” she asked idly, lacing her finger through his.

  “Knowing Mom something extravagant to welcome her new daughter, no doubt,” Jason replied with a laugh. “Derek and Grace will love this when it’s their turn.”

  The couple laughed thinking how their friends would soon be newlyweds themselves and receiving all the attention.

  They sat together a little while longer, enjoying each other and the ocean around them, before they had to head back to Jason’s parents’ ranch for dinner.

  When they arrived at the ranch just outside Port Aransas Nature Preserve, it was already a hive of activity, with Kenny’s shifter pack there too. Kenny and an older man named Scott were out back barbequing, as the rest of the pack sat around on lawn chairs watching them and drinking beer. Inside the house, Gabby and a variety of women prepared side-dishes, with the matriarch holding court.

  When Gabby caught sight of Alicia and Jason, she bustled over, pulling Alicia into a hug and then introducing her to the other women.

  “Everyone, this is Jason’s wife, and my new daughter, Alicia,” she said, handing Alicia a glass of wine.

  Alicia gratefully took a sip and watched from the corner of her eye as Jason made his way outside to spend time with the men.

  For the next thirty minutes Alicia sat on a bar stool at the counter, sipping her wine, as the women around her chatted and prepared food. She tried to offer her help, but Gabby insisted - as Alicia was the guest of honor - that she should sit and relax.

  So Alicia did, and instead of cooking she chatted to this woman and that, as they told her who was their mate in the pack, how long they’d lived in Port Aransas, their children’s various achievements at schools, and everything else they thought it necessary for her to know.

  Eventually, the women moved outside with the wine and the side-dishes, and they all gathered around patio tables to eat. Alicia was reintroduced to the pack, most of whom she’d met earlier.


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