The Dark Elf

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The Dark Elf Page 3

by C C Morgen

  "What do you mean?"

  "Don't play naïve, we both know how she is. She's deceitful and conniving—to point out the jealousy she has over Eric and I being friends."

  I burst out laughing, thinking of how Angelica herself had acted jealous about the princess and I being friends not too long ago.

  "Why are you laughing?" Armenia groaned. "I'm being serious about this."

  "Does she have a reason to be jealous?" I eventually asked still snickering.

  "No—we are just friends, that's all." She had serious eyes. "He loves her greatly. He would never abandon his commitment to her—I just worry for him."

  "Eric is a formidable soldier," I explained. "He has never made a bad choice about his life and he can handle himself well."

  "There's one thing I don't understand.” She got closer. "I've known Eric for a long time before Claudia fell in-love with him a few months ago, and never once he has declared his feelings through a love letter. He never indeed had a romantic bone in his body—yet Claudia falls in love with him after reading a note delivered to her signed by him. From what I discovered, it was the most passionate, love-fluttering letter written yet for a Demon with the darkest of soul! The content sealed and left behind for her in a basket; full of crimson rose petals outside her room with a single lit candle. That doesn't sound like our Eric now, does it? To be sincere, he doesn’t acquire the wits needed to figure out such an idea."

  "Maybe you underestimated him," I redirected my eyes, as if someone has caught me.

  "True—but only a complex soul could conjure something as romantic as that." She touched my shoulder, making it known she knew I was the one who helped Eric plant the love seed between him and the stubborn Claudia. "Eric has an incredible friend looking out for him. I've known for a long time now you are the passionate one out of the seven warriors. You have done an exceptional job keeping it a secret, but not from me. You're quite the charmer under that hood of yours. Doesn't matter about the scars on your face and if those eyes have only experienced misery, someone can love you just as everybody else. And the women here glance at you regardless of your race and status. Besides, Eric told me you troubled the dreams of that poor author."

  "He did, huh?" I'm not surprised that he would spill my secrets to a friend. "I simply provided him a concept. It was his idea to give the poor man an enormous nose. The work was composed fairly well, actually."

  "You're a valuable friend," Armenia stated with no sign she was insincere. "Few would be as helpful with someone else's love life."

  "I have nothing to lose by supporting him, princess."

  "To create what you wrote to Claudia, you must seek something—maybe to be loved as well."

  "I have no desire for matters like that in my life," I shut her down.

  "Oh Ali—you are sincerely in denial," she shrugged and rolled her eyes. "What's life without love? And speaking of love what's the story with you and—Angelica?"

  "Don't know what you're talking about," I grunted.

  “Good-heavens, I’m not naïve, Ali. These eyes are not blind when I've seen you two many occasions together. I observed you from the terrace this morning and I'm sure Claudia noticed too. Have you even acknowledged the way she looks at you? She gazes at you in a lover’s daze when you are not looking. Believe me—she's in-love with you."

  "She's just a close friend, nothing more," I announced, feeling the lie within myself.

  "I know she has been teaching you magic for three years now," she declared. "You know—she does it to win your attention."

  "I suppose that's her reason for being so nice."

  Armenia looked elsewhere in a sentimental longing. "It must be unpleasant for her." Her words struck my heart like a rock to wake me up. "To not have your complete attention. Not to mention, constantly bearing the attempts to maintain the connection. Keeping your honest feelings locked away so you will not run in the other direction. To repel the feelings that rise. It's painful after a long time." She snapped out of her trance and forced a smile. "But then again, she hasn't truly accepted you, since she still hides your friendship from everyone, even her family. I've known Angelica long before you. She will never ruin her status and the respect of her family over love. I'm afraid that's one of her many flaws along with Claudia and how they were raised, being the fourth highest bloodline. It can be a cursed responsibility to bear. Then again, you both have your flaws, so I can see she will make a fair companion for you if you so choose. I'll support you no matter your lover or your status."

  "It's not my intention to cause her pain." Sadness rushed into me. "I can't give her what she wants right now. It tears my heart, and it sways in directions hard to control. The sword is the only balance I have." I clenched my fist.

  "You need to open your heart more and take the risk. Love cannot be controlled… It's meant to spin out and go crazy. It is love."

  "That doesn't change a thing. I am a warrior chosen by your father to protect you, his only first-born heir to the throne. Furthermore, I've seen the pain widows and widowers experience, losing their companion in battle. I don't wish that on anyone. To carry that kind of burden of losing me one day is not what I want my lover to experience while I'm still weak like this, not being an immortal being."

  "You are noble, Alucard," Armenia complimented. "Now, I know why Angelica gives me the evil eye. You should consider giving her the opportunity of being with you. It's her decision to choose what burden she wants to carry, because regret is the hardest thing to heal from Ali. Not fulfilling her love is painful than losing you in death. It aches me to say this—since time is precious and it may end for you any day now, serving my family, you should at least live your life to its fullest. Enjoy the pleasures of things offered to you. Angelica is beautiful and powerful, who has eyes only for you! What does that tell you?"

  "Maybe you're right," I admitted in defeat.

  "I know you care about her. Otherwise, I wouldn't have insisted on this matter."

  "I'll take it into consideration," I answered. "Thank you!"

  "You are so stubborn," Armenia rolled her eyes again at me.

  "I appreciate the advice, princess," I bowed my head. "I regret to end this conversation early, but I promised Lord Derex I would meet him in the dining hall this morning."

  "The Mortem family Lord Derex." She appeared surprised. "I didn't know you were associated with him. Since when?"

  "He and I have a mutual understanding of things.”

  "Well—I bid you farewell for now," she hugged me goodbye. "Please stop by whenever you can. I missed you. We haven't spoken like this in a long time."

  "I apologize, your highness. I will see you again soon. You have my word."

  "I'll hold you to that promise,” she said, bowing her head.

  I bowed my head once again and then went over to the door. "Thank you again, your highness—for the talk. Maybe you're right. I need something more than what I have right now. I appreciate your friendship."

  "No, Ali—thank you. We'll talk later."

  After that moment of comfort with the princess, I left the room and made my way down to the dining hall on the lower floor. Derex waited for my arrival at our usual table in the corner of the room, which already had a bowl of assorted fruits and a plate with cheeses, and chalices of wine set and ready to drink. His blonde hair, slicked back as always, wearing the finest black attire offered to a higher hierarchy of Demons, and on his left middle finger, a silver ring with an eye engraved on it; in the center a rare black diamond forged from the pits of hell. His ring was the key to pyramid gates to the place of torment. His emerald eyes met mine at the end of the room as I walked towards him.

  "I was thinking you forgot about me," he greeted with a charming smile like always. He stood up like a gentle-demon and waited for me to sit across from him. Then, he sat back down, getting comfortable again with his wine in hand.

  "It has been a busy morning."

  "Couldn't sleep again, I see," Derex read my
tired face like an open book. "Your eyes look drained."

  "As always. The story of my life." I picked up a grape from the bowl and ate it. The juice was sweet in my mouth. "They're ripe today."

  "Fresh pickings as always my dear." He tried one after I did. "Never liked them sour. The sweeter the better."

  "We are not talking about your collection of lovers, my dear friend."

  "Ouch." He pretended to act hurt by my words. "You know I have to have my varieties."

  "Haha—love your collection as much as you want," I picked another grape from the bowl. "But I prefer the fruits."

  "I'm glad to see your spirit is better," he laughed. "It takes time to ease your emotions after so many disasters." He pours more wine into his chalice from the pitcher on the table and then into mine.

  "Emotions are nothing but a distraction. You know this well." I had a sip of the sweet wine that blended well with the sweetness of the grapes.

  "Ah—Angelica tested you again." He figured out my morning discouragement. "You failed, didn't you?"

  "I didn't see her coming." I ate a piece of cheese and washed it down with more wine.

  "Don't worry too much about it. The power will come to you naturally soon enough," he assured me that learning magic requires patience. "You can't rush magic, or you'll just end up being sloppy. To allow sloppiness is to allow mistakes. When you make a mistake, it can cost you your life—especially with black magic." He sipped the wine from his chalice. "Mmmm—this is an excellent year." He smelled the aroma, swayed the chalice around to stir the liquid, and then took another sip to enjoy. "It takes years to master that kind of power—and not being immortal it takes a toll on your physical body. When you are too frail, it becomes difficult to learn the dark arts and handle the energy. If you remained as you are, there is no need to master the craft. You will die if you try."

  "That doesn't scare me," I didn’t care if I lived or died. "I don't fear death."

  "You have so much potential my friend," he said. "You could become an immortal any time you choose. Your mother still awaits your return, am I right?”

  I guzzled the wine. "As much as you think it's necessary, I'm not ready for my mother." The rage built up in me, turning my eyes black with anger.

  "Ah... I see you still hate her," Derex noticed my blackened eyes.

  "That never changes."

  "As your most trusted friend here in the Demon faction, I can only tell you this." His tone became softer, yet serious. "Having this much hate and anger is not healthy. You need to balance your emotions to focus on the goal at hand. I need you to be at your full potential soon. After that—we all get what we want."

  "Don't worry—when the time comes, I will be strong. Just remember our deal."

  "I haven't forgotten," He crossed his arms on the table, leaning closer. "What you want, I'll have real soon—and the other thing you were worried about, it's taken care of the moment you fulfill your end of the bargain."

  "You are too kind," I said.

  He laughed. "You would make a radiant Harpy. Attitude and all."

  "Keep your voice down about that."

  "Oh, my dear. My kind doesn't care you are an heir to the Harpy Clan. The stronger my ally the better."

  Then, my attention reverted to Eric strolling into the dining area, escorting Claudia by the arm. Derex grinned in amusement as he watched them catch all the attention of the room. "You are honestly letting him have that gorgeous woman."

  "He wanted her," I stated, forcing my attention back onto the food and wine.

  "You are too kind." Derex watched them kiss at the table across the room. "Claudia is supposed to be yours. Why haven't you taken her?"

  "I don't want her," I answered bluntly. She caught my sight once again, giving all her attention to Eric.

  "But she's your twin flame," he pointed out in disappointment. "You two were meant to live side by side. Why else go through all this… You have been there for them for three years now, and nothing to take in return? She is divine."

  "She's spoiled." I glanced at Claudia again as she and Eric locked lips, making it seem uncomfortable to be around them. "Eric likes spoiled women."

  "Do you know how rare this is ... To come across your twin in the same lifetime and you honestly don't want her?"

  "That's right," I answered again in a blunt lifeless tone. "Anyway, she's too self-centered to notice me as her twin. I only know this because I'm sensitive to energy. If she hasn't noticed me by now, I won't acknowledge her. Anyway, she will be happier with Eric."

  "Oh, but why?" Derex pouted over a missed opportunity to bed Claudia. "She's every immortals dream—she has broken more hearts than I could ever break. As of right now, Damien wants her, Tobias, and Poseidon. I pity them all for trying. Especially now she's marrying a mere warrior." Derex noticed Angelica gazing at me from a distance. She quickly turned her eyes away when he caught her. "Oh, I see now. You want the younger sister." His voice became too loud and embarrassing to where I blushed and hid my face under my hood. "Oh my, it embarrasses you." He laughed hysterically. "We are all matured beings here. No need to be shy about it."

  I remained silent and focused hard on eating cheese and drinking wine.

  "I see now," Derex calmed down. "Angelica is your type of mate." He glanced at her, looking off to the side, trying not to look this way. "She's avoiding eye contact. Why didn't I see this before? My-my—I have to admit she is a stunning sight."

  While listening to his admiration towards the sister, I lifted my head to look at Angelica, leaning against the wall near Claudia and Eric. "She's the most beautiful woman in the Underworld." I gasped at her lustrous curved body more alluring than ever in her tight clothes. It only took a split second for her eyes to capture me with the seductive glare every time she entered my thoughts. Our eyes met for a brief moment and I knew without delay what my mother went through when she fell in-love with Amphis. The irresistible sensation to love and lust over the woman that captured our hearts. "My mother lost her heart to a woman like Angelica. She loved her so much and then betrayed so crudely. Her heart turned black—and her spirit became dark as the darkness itself. My mother if given the power would most likely kill Poseidon. He always cheats on Amphis and always wants another woman like the princess or Claudia; it's no wonder why my mother had so much rage. Betrayal in my family is a common curse with the women we love. I fear the same betrayal my mother endured. Therefore, I hold back from loving anyone, because I'm just insecure. I'll fall into darkness just like her and become consumed by the rage that follows."

  "Ah ... Poseidon's wife is the sole cause of your family's turmoil," he asked.

  "I don't think so," I answered. "I love Amphis as a second mother. She has been there for my mother in the shadows, watching over her and me. When my father died, she was there to hold me when my mother could not. She even did what I wanted. To heal me but leave these scars. These marks have given me motivation to become stronger. To avenge my father. That was my journey some time ago, now everything has changed." Then I glanced again at Angelica, staring at me.

  "Well then, I guess I have to warn the other Demons she's hands off," he peaked at Angelica again and she quickly shied away.

  "I'm sure she has many suitors wanting her hand."

  "Believe me, I have a few friends that had already asked," he admitted. "She denied all. I can see now why—she only has eyes for you. You have graced her too much with your charms."

  "I’m considering, asking her."

  "Are you thinking of making her your bride?"

  "She and I are linked already, mind, and heart—why not make it official?"

  "Well, my friend—don't hold off too long," he suggested. "She might just forget about you and move on."

  On a sheer whim I stood up.

  'Whoa-whoa—where are you going?"

  "What do you think," I replied with a side grin.

  "Don't tell me you will write her a love letter."

  "It's the only way
I know how to express myself," I answered.

  "Oh, I don't care too much for sappy love letters," he crossed his arms, not happy that I was leaving.

  "And what's wrong with letters," I said. "My twin over there seemed to enjoy what I wrote."

  "Yes, that's true. However, the trouble with that is—she thinks Eric wrote it."

  "Ugh—I'll catch up with you another time, Derex," I said while walking off. "Enjoy more of your wine before midday."

  "Fine! Get going, Shakespeare—woo her with your words then," he said. "I'll be intoxicated before midday just so everyone knows," he said louder for the room to hear. "Thank you for your audience."

  Words exploded in my mind of what I wanted to say. The memories of us rushed to the pace of my legs. What should I say with this love I feel?



  ALI LEFT THE DINING HALL while Derex made a scene, being obnoxious so he could be the center of attention. I foresaw nothing less from the lord of Hell. It's disconcerting that he spotted me peering at Ali. He glanced my way once again and winked one eye at me and raised his chalice, flashing a devious grin as if he were insinuating something. Even so, Ali seemed to act weird earlier. I wonder if he had everything to do with it.

  Claudia acted less fixated on Eric and her attention strayed to Derex, gulping his wine alone, and leaning off to the side in boredom. She rose up abruptly. "Pardon me, my love. Sister! I have business to discuss with Derex for the moment. Don't enjoy too much without me." She left us at the breakfast table and strolled over to him. He stood up and bowed like a nobleman as my sister took her seat where Ali just sat, across from him.

  I seated on the other side of the table to confront Eric, puzzled over why Claudia needed to chat with a lothario like Derex. "That's odd," I exclaimed. "I've never known my sister to speak with Lord Derex, she positively hates him!"

  "Claudia has a business arrangement with him," Eric answered while gnawing on a hunk of bread. "Lord Hell over there has been expanding his roots to most of the high lords here in the citadel."


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