The Dark Elf

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The Dark Elf Page 7

by C C Morgen

  I left the chambers in a long clean black nightgown with a black shawl around my shoulders to keep me warm from the chilling breeze that blew down the corridors. It was dark and silent as I made my way outside. The night was cool while exiting the castle and I strolled passed the guards in the courtyard who were wide-awake, and more aware than usual. They nodded their heads as I kept walking towards the iron gates of the garden. The cobblestone path was slipperier than usual as if it drizzled earlier; creating a mist of steam that rose up from the ground.

  Something seemed off when I walked further into the rose garden, far beyond the entrance. I heard sniffling like there was someone other than me here. The sound was coming from near the old oak tree in the center of the flower garden.

  It was too dark for me to see whom it was, so I crept silently while listening close to the sound of a girl’s cry. My hand touched the base of the tree, feeling the gritty bark as I braced myself, leaning to the side to see a hooded figure, sitting on the ground with her back against the trunk. It was Ali with tears streaming down her face. What was she doing here?

  “Ali.” My voice startled her, where she slid away from the tree and stood fast to her feet. “Calm yourself. It’s just me.” I stepped out to be more visible. Tears swelled her eyes and cheeks flushed red. “Why are you crying?” She looked at me in silence.

  Suddenly, she began to breathe uneasy and had trouble taking a breath. I pulled her by the arm and sat with her on the ground. Her body trembled as she fought my grip and gasped, trying to take in the air. I held her close to my chest where I sensed the stress on her heart. It thumped erratically from whatever anxiety she was under. The more she held her cries the more trouble she had breathing.

  “Cry as much as you need,” I said in a comforting tone. “It’s just me and you here.”

  Her body quivered and tightened until she let herself go, giving into my arms. The wetness of her tears dripped down my skin as she sobbed profusely. I said no more and just let her release all the stress through her emotional sobs. I held her as tight as I could, rocking her back and forth like I would a child. She was suffering so much that I never realized, how vulnerable she really was, even though Dark Elves are strong-willed against raging emotions. She differed from what I heard about. Maybe she’s more Demon than what Agnes claimed her to be.

  “Ali—I’m sorry you’re in pain,” I said while having her head on my chest. “If you so desire, I can do something that can comfort you right now.” She nodded her head under my chin. “Please keep still, it might sting a little.” I unbuttoned the hood, attached to her shoulder strap and removed it. I exposed the back of her neck, and the skin was clean looking to feed on. My lips grazed the surface, tasting the essence of her soul. I sensed a black energy within her that was giving her anxiety. My top incisor grew longer as I pierced the skin on the back of her neck and tasted the blood in my mouth. She was sweet as a ripe strawberry. The purity of her energy was delicious unlike any I’ve ever tasted. I sucked out the black energy with one slurp that tastes like bitter dark chocolate flowing into my body.

  The memories of an Elven man that died flashed before my eyes. I could see it like it was my memory; so vivid and painful. I saw the wolves that gave Ali her scars; and that red-haired man whose grin engraved itself in my mind as he enjoyed the kill.

  At the sight of it all, I couldn’t help but shed a tear for a girl who had endured so much. She slid down my arms and fell asleep on my lap. Her body relaxed to her lungs breathing normally again and her heart had slowed and become a steady beat. She had finally stopped crying with her face at peace, but still flushed red. Her ears were even bright red as the blood on my lips. My fingers grazed the tip of her pointed ear and she made a slight moan.

  “A sensitive spot I see,” I whispered, having a smile after hearing her cute, childlike voice. I licked my lips. The leftover taste in my mouth was familiar. Like a Succubus with the exotic pheromone, laced in her skin. “Half Dark Elf and a sex Demon. My sister was right—that’s an intriguing mix.”

  Ali woke up to my voice. “What’s intriguing?” She sat up in a haze. “What did you do to me?”

  “Nothing much—I just swallowed the energy that was making you sad,” I answered. “It’s only a temporary relief for right now. All the emotional pain will grow back, eventually. So, I hope you feel better than before.”

  “I do, actually,” she touched the back of her neck. “Thank you.”

  “Sorry,” I apologized. “I’m an energy vampire, so I tried to be gentle since I do bite.”

  “That sounded too sexual,” she laid back on the grass. “I feel great right now though.”

  “Sorry for that too. I discharge a venom that gives my victims a momentary bliss while I feed.”

  Ali glanced at me. “You remind me of someone.”

  “Really—anyone as beautiful as me?” I asked, joking around.

  “She’s beautiful,” she returned with honesty as her eyes side-glanced me.

  “Oh, how do she and I compare then?” I gave her a devious look this kingdom has known me for, flirting intensely by laying on my side next to her, grazing her neck with my fingertips. I wanted to play with her some more like this, since the horrible day seemed to disappear within her soft toned voice.

  “She has a gift that gives a similar euphoria as you do. It has an aftereffect that causes people to be quite tranquil,” she answered, setting her gaze upon the flowers in the dark, as if she was wandering off into a memory.

  “Oh...So this isn’t your first time,” I urged. “… Experiencing ecstasy from a charming creature.”

  “I’m afraid not.” She pointed to her scars. “She’s a water healer. It wasn’t the best of times back then, but she healed me after being saved from a pack of Werewolves. They attacked my father and I in the cold northern mountains. She wanted to heal the marks fully to make them disappear, but I begged her as a child to leave me with the scars.”

  “Why?” I was curious about her story since the visions still played in my mind about the wolves and the pain of their claws.

  “The marks on me—I wanted them there. They were deep at first, but not too bad. My body matured well with training over the years, so they now look less revolting. The marks help me survive, knowing I was once a defenseless child. I’m stronger now than I was back then.”

  My attitude quickly changed from playful to serious. “I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I hope you forgive me for this. Sometimes when I feed off a specific energy in someone’s body, I can see the source behind it. You suffered from a lot of emotional trauma from your father’s death. I saw flashes of your memory for a moment while feeding.”

  She glared at me with stern eyes. “Well, it can’t be helped, I guess. You helped me twice already. Just don’t pry anymore unless I give you permission to do so. Do we have a deal?”

  “Deal...You seem very relaxed now,” I giggled. “I appreciate you accepting me so well especially since now you know I’m a Demon lord. It’s rarely I have casual conversations like this unless it’s with Claudia.” Her eyes appeared confused by my words. “You probably know little about the Demon Empire. Therefore, I might as well tell you before anything else happens tomorrow. I don’t want you to feel discouraged, because I owe you my life. Dark Elves and Demons stopped associating with each other a long time ago because of our old ways. We enslaved Fae and did awful things during our expansion in the Underworld. Some things still cannot be forgotten. All Elves have a grudge against us. Many actually stopped associating themselves with the Demon race entirely. In return, we became prideful creatures under a refined hierarchy. We actually don’t consort with lower beings, because of the amount of influence and control we have over the Demon population. Demons like Claudia and I... would be looked down upon if we befriend or love someone of non-equal level to our status here. Therefore, I don’t want it to surprise you if the other lords treat you poorly. It wouldn’t matter if you save the entire kingdom, they’
ll still just see you as someone below them.” I suddenly see the disappointment on her face. “Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy this right now; and I don’t want you to think differently after hearing this and knowing I’m an energy Vampire. I’m glad you’re not bothered by me biting you and taking your energy.”

  “My mother is half Demon,” she answered. “Being around her and her habits for so long there’s nothing that bothers me about you. At least you didn’t try to kill me. As for the hierarchy and how I might be treated, it doesn’t bother me. Lord, royal or average, you all have no comparison to how my mother is and how many she has killed based on her privileges.”

  “I don’t kill my victims,” I said to break the assumption she was brewing. “I’ve killed no one for my needs. Only on the battlefield or to protect myself. Never while feeding. Does your mother kill all her victims?”

  “Kill is not a good enough word—more like a massacre,” she answered with anger in her tone. “She had drained an entire village in one night before she conceived me. It’s a hunt with no satisfaction when she goes out to feed. I know what she does to her victims. She takes lives even when she is not hungry. You...I will be honest. After everything that happened today, you are actually a relief compared to what I’m used to. The kindness you have shown me tonight is precious to me. Thank you. I’m sure you will not be like this tomorrow if you need to keep up appearances. It’s just a relief to find out not all Demons are like my mother. And they can be as caring as you.”

  “Who is your mother?” The thought was revolting by the heartless Demon her mother seemed to be. “Do we know her?”

  “I’m afraid not,” she answered. “My mother doesn’t live in the Underworld.”

  “She doesn’t come here?”

  “Not at all,” Ali had a look in her eyes that said the questions bothered her. “You would know if she was here.” She answered vaguely in a way as if her mother might be someone well-known. Although, I didn’t want to get any further into it.

  From the corner of my eyes, a blue glow radiated from the roses in the garden. The glittering sparkles took shape around us and floated upward. Ali’s eyes widened at the sight of the blue sparkles forming into butterflies, fluttering their wings. They flew around us, sprinkling diamond dust on the petals of the flowers, and up into the night sky.

  “Moon Butterflies,” I uttered.

  “Beautiful!” Ali watched them fly away like moving stars across the land, spreading in all directions.

  “I forgot they are in season.” I stated. “They only come out every three years to roam the Underworld and bless the coming future with good fortune.” I glanced at her as her eyes found mine once again. “You are here in good time. Not everyone gets to witness such a sight.” The blue lights dimmed, and it was dark once again in the garden where only the moonlight allowed us to continue to see each other’s face and her golden eyes that shimmered before me.

  In the end of the event, Ali stood to her feet and reached out her hand. “Well milady, it’s too late in the evening to be out here on your own. Let me escort you back safely.”

  I gripped her hand as she helped me up. “Why thank you honorable warrior.” I kissed her cheek where she blushed. “Please do take care of me well.” She extended her arm, and I intertwined it with mine as we made our way back to the castle.

  The night air was different now with Ali walking back with me. It was more refreshing with the breeze brushing through my long hair. She appeared less depressed and wore a crooked smile, glimpsing at me here and there. I would see from the corner of my eye, her glancing at me when she thought I wasn’t looking. She never once tried to look anywhere else but at my eyes. To think this might be our last time together this close. She would eventually leave our kingdom and most likely forget about me. Didn’t seem like the mercenaries she traveled with would stay in one place for too long. I wonder if she would stay if I asked her to. We have only just met, but it seemed like I’ve known her forever. This comforting calmness around her, it’s something I haven’t experienced before. Even the sound of her voice makes me happy. Will this be farewell, Ali?

  We stopped near the front gate of the garden. She took my hand and kissed the palm. “Milady. This is where we part ways.”

  “It seems so,” I answered not wanting the night to end. “I hope you find peace in your dreams tonight. If you need anything, come and find me.”

  “I’ll be fine, milady—thank you for the offer,” she said. “I don’t want to trouble you much anymore. After the ceremony tomorrow, I would like to see you again. If you don’t mind?”

  “Of course, my savior.” I curtseyed. “It would be an honor.” I readjusted her hood and tugged it over her head. “Good luck sneaking back in.”

  “Not even a challenge,” she answered with pride to her stealth skills.

  “I forgot Dark Elves are quiet on their feet,” I said sarcastically. “Just don’t fall scaling the side of the castle.”

  “Yes, milady,” She bowed her head. “I’ll try not to break a bone.”

  “You better be in one piece tomorrow,” I snickered. “Get going.”

  Ali met my gaze one last time then disappeared in the shadows before the guards could spot her. What made it interesting, watching her, was that our defenses were poor if she could slip by without difficulty. I will have to report this to my mother in the morning. The castle cannot be that easy for her to sneak around.

  I walked back into my chambers where Claudia sat up in the bed waiting for me. Her eyes bloodshot and sweat dripping down her face. She had a tinge of fear in her eyes as if a night terror haunted her sleep.

  “Sister—where have you been?” she asked in worry. “When I awoke, you weren’t here... I got scared.

  I sat next to her and pushed her down into the bed. “Everything is all right Claudia. I just couldn’t calm down after today.” I caressed her face and kissed her forehead. “You need to go back to sleep. I’m not going anywhere for the rest of the night.”

  She grabbed onto my arm and hugged it. “Please, don’t leave me like that again.”

  “I won’t,” I said to assure her. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” Then I thought about how Ali described her mother. “Claudia.”

  “Huh,” she moaned with her eyes closed, snuggling into me.

  “Do you know of a Succubus who has killed many in one night? Possibly, have taken the lives of an entire village? Has there been any rumors of a Demon like that?”

  “Only one, sister,” Claudia answered half asleep. “The Dark Princess. The Harpy Queen’s daughter. The entire kingdom fears her, including the king. I’m surprised you didn’t know that, silly… You should pay more attention to other realm affairs.” She moaned and fell asleep again.

  The shock of her answer sent a wave of sickness in the pit of my stomach. Ali’s mother is a Harpy. The very creature we fear above all.

  The happiness of our night faded into the darkness with the thought of her standing with the Harpy clan. The image of her smile disappeared into the blackness as my rage grew. I hated the Harpys more than anything did, which now meant I have to hate Ali just as much.

  Our friendship was now over before it had even begun.

  You are my enemy, Alucard…



  THE EVENING ENDED WHILE WATCHING the sun peek over the horizon of the mountainous peaks. A slight chill from the north cooled the morning with frost on the trees. The Fairies flew around the garden, opening up the flower buds to the morning light. They bloomed shades of purples and blues in contrast with greens along the cobblestone path, leading to a rose garden.

  In the old oak tree, the Fairies sang in motion along the leaves, sprinkling diamond dust above me. “Excuse me,” I called out to them. “Can you help me?” I’d hope they would, even though it was a busy morning to wake up the plant life in the garden.

  A blue Fairy approached close to my face with a welcoming smile, lips dark blue like a blue
berry. The form of her body was thin and had long flowing hair that glowed a bright neon blue, wings flapping as fast as a firefly. “I apologize for disturbing all your hard work. I was hoping to give a gift to a special person today. Can you please create me an everlasting rose? It would mean a lot if you can help me thank the lady with the prettiest rose in the garden.”

  The Fairy nodded its head and then flew into the field. Her magical dust sprinkled over the petals, blooming all the roses. One particular rose stuck out from the rest. It formed beautiful and big at the touch of her hand. She sprinkled more enchanted dust over the entire flower until it shimmered a light that created diamond dust, releasing from the petals. She plucked the rose, by snapping the stem and flew it over to me. The everlasting rose sparkled in the palm of my hand as she handed it over.

  “Beautiful, “I said admiring its serene beauty. “Thank you for your help.” I bowed with my fist over my heart. She nodded her head then flew back into the trees with the rest of her family, preparing for the day. “I can’t wait to give this to her,” I said aloud in the garden. As much as I didn’t want to admit to myself, it was as if I finally found a friend here in the Underworld other than the men that snore in the atrium after arriving back to the musty scent of dirt and sweaty body odor.

  Eric sat in the corner by the entrance, sharpening his axe while waiting for the rest to wake up. “Where did you go this early in the morning?” he asked, sliding the blade on the whetstone. “Don’t you ever sleep?”

  “If I could live without sleep, I would,” I answered with a wide grin on my face. “I’m rested enough, Eric.”

  “Someone is overly excited this morning.” He noticed the change in my mood. “Did something good happen that I don’t know about?”

  “Nothing really, just wanted to get some fresh air before the day started.” I hid the rose in my quiver of arrows.

  Suddenly, our stomachs rumbled at the same time.


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