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The Dark Elf

Page 8

by C C Morgen

  “We should try to find something to eat before anything else happens,” Eric held his stomach from making any more noise. “The kitchen is at the other end of the castle. Should we raid it?”

  My stomach churned louder. “Yes. That’s the best idea you’ve ever had in that lewd mind of yours.” I pulled the hood on my back over my head to cover my scar and ears before we left the atrium.

  We walked down the long corridors into a large ballroom that had a skylight in the ceiling and stained-glass windows. It was beautiful with the colors of the rainbow reflecting on the white marble floors. Eric appeared mesmerized gazing around the room.

  “Now, this is the life Ali,” he said in amazement. “Who would ever want to leave this place?” He looked at me. “This should remind you of home… Am I right? Right here can be your second home.”

  “It is beautiful,” I complimented the pointed arches in the halls and the gothic feel of the large space, and the beautiful white marbled gargoyles built into the high wall. “My family doesn’t have such frightening statues though. Beautiful women are my grandmother’s favorite things to decorate her palace with.”

  Eric pointed his axe at me. “Don’t make me jealous of your life.”

  “Whoa there! It’s not my life anymore, remember?”

  We continued to walk the long halls without the guards giving us trouble as we passed them by. They huddled together in large groups in a spacious dining area with multiple chairs and tables placed throughout the room. They set food on an enormous table for the soldiers to get their fill. It amazed Eric and me with the wide selection of fruits, cheeses, and meats organized so everyone can get what they want and bring it to any of the smaller tables. There was ale, wine, milk, and water served along with the heavy meals.

  “This is the life.” Eric salivated at the mouth. “Should we intrude?” He whispered, not sure, if outsiders could eat with the rest of the soldiers.

  Then a blonde-haired man, sitting at the corner bench caught our attention. “You there,” he called out. His attire appeared too refined to be a soldier. The silver ring on his hand, led me to believe he was of a higher status. His black polished leather boots clacked while approaching us. His eyes green as emeralds, catching my gaze, while bowing his head in a formal curtsy. “I’m lord Derex. You two must be the warriors that aided us during that terrible invasion from the enemy.” He glanced at me directly and avoided Eric. “You must be the Dark Elf the lords have been gossiping about. You have become the talk of the Empire.”

  “I’m Alucard,” I bowed my head in return. “I wasn’t aware that I had much attention.”

  “Oh, but you are quite popular,” he answered. “You saved the daughters of our dear council member from the horde—Injured in the heat of it. Now you are here and standing before me, well and rested.” He circled around, evaluating me. “I do apologize; I’ve never seen your kind before. This is quite exciting. Intriguing… You are so thin, but strong enough to strike down a Ghoul.”

  “Ali is a fine warrior,” Eric said. “Her skill with the bow and sword is better than any soldier here.”

  “That’s absolutely possible,” Derex admitted, still staring at me in amazement. “She sure is more skilled than our guards. The king is looking forward to finally meeting you at the ceremony, including the Princess Armenia.”

  “The Princess?” It puzzled me why would the Princess want to meet me. “Is it really that rare to see a Dark Elf? It’s hard to believe that I have this much attention just wanting to help.”

  “By saving the next heir to the council seat was your greatest gift.” Derex laid his arm on my shoulders, guiding me to the food. “We welcome you with open arms. The rewards will be tasteful and satisfying, I assure you. You can have whatever you want. There is plenty of gold and jewels to carry. Endless food and drink; a warm roof over your head, comfortable beds, with whoever you want to lie with you. No one will deny if you ask.”

  “Are you serious?” Eric eyes wide as a child, being offered sweets.

  “Of course,” Derex answered. “My father and the other council members have set it all into motion.” He had his finger over his lip. “Just act surprise when the decree is made at the ceremony. I wasn’t supposed to spill out the surprise.”

  “Lord Derex! Do you know why a horde of Ghouls attacked in the first place,” I asked, being curious. It seemed like the Ghouls were relentless to get ahold of Claudia and Angelica more than me. I noticed they even tried to get to the council member, surrounded by the soldiers.

  “It’s not for certain why the attack happened in the first place, especially in broad daylight, during our weakest hours,” he answered. “However, we have our suspicions, but it hasn’t been confirmed yet.”

  “… Weakest hours?” I asked, wanting to know what he meant by that statement.

  “Demons are at their weakest during the daytime,” he answered. “We are defenseless since we can’t use our full power. During the evening hours, the horde would have never made it near the castle. You haven’t yet to witness the full strength of a Demon in the night. Claudia and Angelica are not weak damsels in distress either. They must have been overwhelmed to be saved from death for the first time. Surely they were embarrassed.”

  “That’s great they are that strong,” I said. “I’m not really the knight and shining armor kind of warrior, anyway.” An image of last night with Angelica, holding me in her arms flashed in my mind. “Besides, we all have our moments of weakness.”

  “I kinda like a confident woman that can protect herself,” Eric added.

  Derex laughed. “You two will fit in perfectly here. You have a personality I like.”

  “Eric has the personality,” I said. “I stay far-far away.”

  “Ha-ha.” Eric gave me the evil glare.

  Derex gestured to the entire food table. “Enough silly conversation. Enjoy all the delicious food. Just so you know, the cooks are fabulous here.” He backed away from us. “I have to get back to the grand council room and prepare for today.” He bowed his head. “I bid you two farewell for now.” Then he exited the dining hall with a group of guards walking ten paces behind.

  “What a strange individual,” Eric suddenly blurted out.

  “He seemed nice and well mannered,” I said.

  “Something about that lord feels off,” he added. “Maybe it’s my imagination.”

  I glanced back at Derex, disappearing down the long-stretched halls. “He has a darkness that lingers around him. Reminds me of someone.”

  “Reminds you of who?” Eric asked bewildered by my response. “Nothing. I’m just ranting.” However, the truth was he reminded me of me, and the hate that stirred inside myself. The dark embrace of rage towards the man I want to kill. I can recognize that intent in anyone. Who do you want dead, Lord Derex?

  “Are you alright, Ali?” Eric noticed me mentally wandering off.

  The trance over me broke, and I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and chomped on it. “I’m fine. Let’s eat before they demolish everything when our brothers awake.”

  The morning was loud when the five awoke and devoured every ounce of food in the dining hall, drinking more ale and wine to ease their hangovers. Eric and I explored the castle under the watchful eyes of curious Demons. We found the bathhouse at the south end of the castle and took rest by getting cleaned up. The inside was a steam room with burning rocks under a fire. The servant threw water on it, creating a hot steam that was soothing on my skin.

  My muscle relaxed to the strong scent of oils mixed in with the mist. Sweat dripped from my naked body next to Eric. I learned a long time ago to bathe nude with the men. It no longer seemed to bother me to be unclothed in front of them.

  Eric leaned back against the wall, staring at the nude servant girl, in charge of throwing water on the rocks. Her dark hair long down her back nearly reaching the curved shape of her behind that looked firm enough to grasp. “I can enjoy a life like this,” he basked in content. His coc
k became fully erect at the sight of the girl, standing in front of us. Her eyes dark and mysterious as the night, staring our direction.

  “Ugh, you’re thinking about fucking her aren’t you?” I said.

  He winked at me. “You know me well sister.”

  “There’s a hot spring outside,” I said noticing some were heading out into a garden and another pool of water near a waterfall. I could hear it splashing against the rocks in the background. “I leave you to do your thing. Don’t scare her too much with that large thing. Monstrous.” I grinned.

  “You know you dream of this,” he winked.

  I stood up and left the room, catching in the corner of my eye, Eric walking up to the girl, making sure his stiffness caught her attention. I laughed to myself and made my way to the hot spring. Maybe my body is broken, because such sensations and thoughts never cross my mind. I haven’t even had sex with another since Phyla. Makes it feel lonely now seeing most enjoying the company of a lover.

  The warm water of the steaming pool was relaxing against my pale skin. Demons were in the water got out at the sight of me. They stared awkwardly at either my pointy ears or the scars on my body. I laid my head back against a rock at the edge of the hot spring, trying not to take notice to their curious glares as I closed my eyes. The sound of the waterfall splashing against the rocks drifted my mind off, deep into my memories.

  Ali? My mother’s voice entered the dream of being in the throne room. The dark throne right before my eyes with Phyla and Pharah in their hound form sitting beside each other. Their fur black and gray ash that stank like cinder burning in a hell fire. The twisted black chair was as I remembered with the wings of the Harpy carved at the top with crimson black colors of the feathers, which brought fear to all realms. And sitting in the chair was my grandmother with worry in her hazel eyes as she tapped her long fingernails on the wooden arm. Her legs crossed in a refined stance in her long black silk dress that glimmered in the light from the arched windows in the throne room.

  “Ali?” The mother I loved called out to me. “Ali. You remind me so much of your father it’s like he’s never truly gone.” She snapped her fingers once. Phyla and Pharah move to sit next to the throne near my grandmother, where she sat silent, casting her eyes to the side. Luna leaned against the back of the throne, not looking at me to show her true expression. My mother waited for my response, tying back her dark wavy hair with my father’s silver bracelet into a ponytail.

  “I’m leaving, mother,” I finally announced.

  “I see,” she had a glare of disappointment. “I already knew you wanted to leave the moment I gave you the choice. You are free to live your life as you please. Just as your father wanted.”

  “You know where he is—please mother.”

  Luna gasped fearfully to my plea, knowing whom I referred to. My grandmother grabbed her hand through the gap of the chair tightly.

  “What makes you think I want to lose my only daughter to unnecessary revenge?” My mother turned her back towards me. “Do I look like I want a dead daughter after losing a dear friend?”

  “What does it matter mother?” I asked. “I’ve chosen not to join the family. I’ll not be reborn into a Harpy. Let me have this.”

  “Spoiled are we now,” she sneered at me. “Luna has spoiled you too much. I said no—and that’s final on the matter.”

  “Why?” I asked. “Why deny me my revenge? Did you ever love my father at all? Doesn’t it anger you at all what happened?”

  “The only thing that angered me is that scar you kept instead of letting Amphis fully heal you. Because of your decisions, it has reminded me every day that my only daughter nearly died at the hands of my friend. That’s the only thing that sent me into a rage, not your father’s death. Your father died honorably protecting you. Damn me to the pits of hell if his honor is soiled with vengeance. I respect him enough to let it be.” She took a breath and shook her head in annoyance. “You are not ready to fight him. You fear your own nightmares. What makes you think you’re strong enough to fight the man that was stronger than your father was? Luna knew this, yet still, she indulged your fantasy… Vowing to train you until you are strong enough to kill her own son. Luna can still love. That’s why she cannot look at you right now. She doesn’t want you to die at the hands of him. He will not hesitate to kill you—it doesn’t matter if you are my daughter. Alucard resides inside you. That’s enough reason to end your life.” My mother’s last words was, “You need to let go of all the pain before it ends in vain.”

  I awoke still in the water that was making my skin wrinkle. My lineage ends in vain perusing the cure to my fears. The nightmares will never stop at this point. I can never let go of my past.

  The thought of my mother’s words lingered on my mind at the ceremony in the great hall. Streams of gold silk were hanging from the tall ceiling. They had laid a black runner out across the white marble with gold flakes on the floor as the men and I followed the rug to the king.

  He sat on a dark-painted throne made from human skulls, welded together to make the shape of a chair. His hair black and long, with black eyes that terrified me to glance at them for too long. Everyone was in all black attire, in leathers and expensive silk and linens. The women in alluring long dresses, low cut at the chest with gold and diamond jewelry that sparkled in the light beaming in from the large arched windows. Next to the king was a beautiful young girl with hair yellow as the golden dress she wore to stand out from the ladies in the room. Her attire glimmered against the dark contrast of the black flags she stood against. She bowed her head at us along with everyone. The king stood to his feet as we knelt before him.

  “Welcome my dear friends,” the king greeted the audience. “We have all suffered a great tragedy. Someone has sent the act of war upon us. In our most vulnerable hour, these warriors, standing before me, helped defend the castle and protected our own from the heavy force. The Ghouls have multiplied rapidly during the years. Whoever has rallied them together will be sorted soon enough. The lives lost yesterday will be answered for.” The king glared straight at me. “My dearest friend and council member nearly suffered the loss of her own daughters. The Horde trapped them in the west barracks with an army of Ghouls at their door. A warrior came to their aid on her own and took on the horde. Protected the girls with her own life at stake. She succeeded. Our dear Claudia and Angelica can continue to live their lives, marry, and have children of their own. Because of this good fortune, and thanks to the Dark Elf, we lost no lord yesterday. The first we have ever seen in this region for over a century. You there,” He pointed at me. “Step forward.”

  Eric shoved me forward. The crowd’s eyes widen to the sight of me, which made me tug my hood more, to cover my scarred face. My legs trembled as I walked to the king. The nerves in my body made it hard to take a single step. Even my heart was pounding hard, making me lose my focus.

  I stood about five paces away from the king and didn’t get any closer. I was so scared my hand shook when he looked at me with his dark eyes. Skin pale, his fingernails black. Dark veins streaked around his eyelids, down his cheek, lips nearly white as his skin.

  “No need to fear my child,” He comforted, noticing how nervous I was. His incisors were long as he talked, like that of a vampire. “You are in a safe place. No one will harm you here. Not without my orders.”

  “Remove your hood,” Eric whispered loudly for me to hear.

  I took a deep breath and pushed back the hood to reveal my ears. The audience gasped at the sight of me and faint voices echoed in the crowd, and then went silent at the sight of the king glaring at them.

  “What’s your name warrior?” he asked.

  “Alucard, your majesty,” I answered. “My name is Alucard. Only heir to the Dark Elf general, Alucard.

  He clapped his hands together once in excitement. “You have the bloodline of the war generals. This is quite fascinating. It’s only luck you would arrive at our door.”

  “I was o
nly doing what was right, your majesty,” I answered, looking at him with no longer any fear. “I’m only glad I could help.”

  The king bowed before me. “You have mine and the entire council’s humble gratitude for your sheer courage. My daughter Princess Armenia, the council, and I have allowed you to enjoy our hospitality here in the kingdom. You and your brothers at arms may enjoy everything we offer. Anything you so desire—you shall have at my decree. Stay as long as you wish. No one will deny you here.”

  “Thank you, your majesty.” I bowed my head once again.

  The king then after dismissed everyone to drink, eat, and mourn for the loss. The men had rushed off to find wine and ale. However, I sneaked off with the rose behind my back, looking for Angelica in the crowd. When my eyes found her. She had her long dark hair tied back in a high ponytail. Her long dress fit the curves of her body, which mesmerized me. The eyeliner darkened her eyes, when I saw her in the distance. Her lips painted red like the rose I wanted to give her. My hand naturally went to my chest as if I was trying to grasp my heart that leaped out of control.

  Angelica met my gaze for a second then she avoided it and walked away, into the halls. I darted after her, trying to follow her. Suddenly, Claudia leaped in front of me.

  “Where are you going, Elven girl?” She blocked me from catching up to Angelica.

  “Excuse me, milady,” I said politely trying to get by.

  “What’s the rush?” she said. “I never got to thank you properly.” Claudia glanced at her sister disappearing in the corridor.

  “There’s really no need to thank me,” I answered, eager to have her move away. She pressed against me with her body. “You’re in no hurry, are you?” She pinned me to the wall, leaning hard against me to the point of me feeling her breasts. “Why are you being rude right now?” Her voice didn’t sound serious, yet she was keeping me from Angelica on purpose. “Don’t you see a lady wants your full attention?”

  “My apologies, Claudia,” I said. “So, we finally meet formally.”


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