Broken - Anniversary Edition (Broken Trilogy Book 4)

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Broken - Anniversary Edition (Broken Trilogy Book 4) Page 24

by J. L. Drake

  “You can always fall, Savannah, because I will be the one catching you.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Savannah!” I feel my shoulder being shaken roughly. “Savannah, wake up!” Cole whispers urgently.

  “Okay, I’m awake. What’s wrong?”

  Cole tosses clothes at me.

  “Get dressed,” he says, pulling on his pants. “Quickly, we don’t have time!”

  My mind scrambles as I tug at my clothes and slip on my boots.

  “Here!” He hands me my jacket. “Follow me.” He grabs my hand and opens the bedroom door, checking to see if it’s clear. “Come on!” He hurries down the hall. Why aren’t we using the back stairway?

  “Where are we going?”

  He doesn’t answer, stopping as he unlocks Abigail’s room. Abigail, June, and Sue are huddled on her bed, looking terrified.

  “Stay here, no matter what. Don’t open the door. I’m the only one with a key.” Cole holds my shoulders as he bends down to eye level. “You’ll be safe. Wait for me.” He kisses me then instructs June to lock the door behind him.

  “No, Cole, wait!”

  “Savannah, stay!” he orders.

  I look toward the women, feeling completely confused since I was woken out of a dead sleep. My mind is madly trying to come to terms with what is going on.

  “Come here.” Sue pats the mattress beside her. “Tell me, Savannah, when you guys were coming down the hallway, did you hear anything, see anything?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “I don’t think so.”

  “Oh, God, this is bad,” June cries. “I always knew this day would come, but now…” She reaches for her sister’s hand and starts to pray.

  “I don’t understand. What’s going on?” I ask.

  “The Cartels,” Abigail says in a strangled voice. “Mark said there are at least twelve of them.”

  “Oh, my God,” I say, starting to shake, “this is all my fault.”

  “No, dear,” is all June says.

  There’s a pounding on the door, and we all scream at once. Someone yells something in Spanish, then the door blasts open. Wood chips fly all around us, and we’re momentarily stunned before Abigail starts screaming at the top of her lungs.

  I see a black AK-47 rise out of the dust and flash three bright bursts of light followed by a thud.

  June flies to her sister’s side as two more flashes appear, and then June flops to the floor on top of Abigail. I feel Sue fling herself on top of me, pushing me back on the bed as her body gives four violent shakes, then goes limp. Her blood drains all around me, covering my face and hair as I struggle to get free. When she falls to the side, I see The American standing in the doorway, wiping his hands with a white handkerchief.

  “Time to go,” he says, like nothing has happened. Like he hasn’t just killed three people I love! I ignore him and rush to Sue, holding her cooling body in my arms as I try to bring her back, but she’s so pale.

  “Please,” I cry, choking on a sob, “wake up!” There is so much blood. The American grips my arm and pulls me toward the door.

  “I said time to go!”

  “No!” I scream. “Please!”

  “Savannah! Savannah!”

  My eyes open as I leap out of bed, still screaming for my friends. I run for the door when a strong pair of arms wrap around me. “How could you kill them?” I sob. “They’re my family.”

  “Savannah, stop, it’s okay. You were dreaming.” Cole’s chest vibrates against me. “It’s okay, it’s okay.”

  “Cole?” I whisper.

  “Yes, baby, it’s me.”

  “Cole.” I turn in his arms, sobbing into his chest and collapsing as he lowers me to the floor with him. I hold on to him for dear life until the nightmare wears off and I’m left to deal with its hangover. After a while, I finally calm. As I rest my head on his leg, his fingertips run along my arm, back and forth.

  “You want to talk about it?” he asks softly.

  I shake my head. Even the question brings on more tears.

  “Okay, when you’re ready, then.”

  After some more time goes by, I decide to ask a question that’s been bothering me. “If the house was to be attacked, is there a safe room?”

  “Yes, there is,” he replies gently.

  I let out a long breath.

  “Under the entertainment room, there’s another level. It’s where we kept York. There are four jail cells, and beyond that is the safe room. More like a safe floor. It’s huge—the size of the kitchen, living room, and dining room combined. It’s untouchable from the outside. If we ever were to get attacked, you would use the back hallway and follow whoever is taking you down to that room, where you will stay until it’s safe.”

  I shift to look up at him. “Would you come with us?”

  He plays with a piece of my hair between his fingers. “The captain doesn’t jump on the lifeboat.”

  A few more tears slip down into my hair. “But what if he has a reason to?” I counter, grasping for straws.

  “Baby, I know it’s scary, but I’ll protect you.”

  “I’m not worried about you protecting me, Cole. I worry about something happening to you.” I move to sit up, my head clogged from crying so much. I wrap my arms around my drawn-up legs and rest my chin on my knees.

  “This is my job, Savi, and I’m good at it. If it means anything, I’m not scared. It’s what I do.” His mouth twists as he looks at me. “What are you thinking?”

  I shrug, feeling tired, but now I’m nervous about falling asleep. “Sometimes I feel like this is one big dream. I mean, this kind of thing doesn’t happen every day. I feel like I’m stuck, helpless, and taking up the Army’s time and resources. I know this isn’t my fault, but it doesn’t make me feel less of a burden to you all.” I let out a long sigh. “I just want answers. I want to know who’s behind this whole thing. I want my life back.”

  “I know you do.” Cole pulls me to my feet and lays me back in bed. He wraps his arm around me, tucking me against his side. “You’re not a burden, Savi. You’re one of the best things that’s ever happened to this house. Not just for me, but for everyone.” He moves my hair out of his way and kisses the side of my forehead. “Try to get some sleep. You’re not alone. I’m here.”

  I close my eyes, counting his heartbeats until I finally pass out.

  Five Days Later…

  We walk hand in hand down the decorated street, strings of colored lights hanging in rows along both sides. Christmas trees stand outside every shop, beautifully trimmed with every imaginable ornament and decoration. Carolers dressed in historical costumes sing Carol of the Bells as they stand next to a hot chocolate booth. A horse-drawn carriage is pulling a family of four down the street, with sleigh bells ringing as they pass. Sue was not kidding. This town certainly is in love with Christmas. This is truly amazing. It looks like a scene right out of a Thomas Kinkade painting. I glance up at Cole, who’s looking very classy in his black wool button up coat and gray scarf. I search his face, trying to see if he’s here with us or thinking about what’s ahead.

  The tension in the house has calmed down some since Cole held a house meeting the other night after dinner.

  Keith could not confirm if it was Jose Jorge or not the day I thought I saw him in town.

  But like Cole said, there’s nothing we can do but be prepared. He was wary about this outing, but Daniel convinced him that we have to keep on living as long as we take the proper precautions.

  I had on a wig and glasses earlier, about to head out the door, when Cole stopped me.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Honestly, a bit funny.” I held up a piece of the wig. “I never pictured myself as a blonde.”

  He smiled and pulled it off.

  “I think if we’re careful enough, you won’t need this.” He chuckled adorably. “Here.” He tugged on a light pink knit hat. “That’s better.” He fingered one of my curls. “I
like the sexy-librarian glasses, though,” he jokes.

  I batted his arm but kept the thick rimmed glasses on. They really do change my appearance.

  Spotting Mark and Melanie walking together up ahead makes me smile when I notice she has linked arms with him, her fire red hair peeking out of her green hat. They look happy; it’s refreshing to see everyone enjoying themselves. We really needed this.

  I stop at a jewelry shop window—who could resist? I press my hands on the frame to get a better view. “Oh, it’s beautiful,” I whisper, the glass fogging briefly from my breath.

  Cole leans over my shoulder to see what has caught my attention. It’s a small crystal teardrop with a real snowflake preserved inside, hanging in the middle of a delicate chain. The way the crystal is set helps magnify the tiny flake.

  “Really does make it one of a kind.” He smiles as he says it.

  I have to laugh, thinking how true that is. We continue walking to meet up with the group since we’ve fallen a bit behind.

  Cole doesn’t seem to be in a hurry. He suddenly flinches, then mutters something. He stops and leans down close to my ear. “Please go with what I say next.” He shakes his head, then I hear what’s making him uneasy.

  “Well, well, Cole Logan,” says a long-legged blonde with unbelievably white teeth.

  “Hello, Christina,” he replies through clenched teeth.

  Oh, the bat-shit crazy ex!

  She glances at me, then down at our joined hands.

  “Who’s this?” she asks him, not acknowledging me.

  “This is my fiancée.” He smiles at me, and I play my part well by stepping up on my tippy-toes and giving him a rather long kiss.

  “You’re engaged?” She looks like a trout with her mouth hanging open. “Well, that’s a pity.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Yes, we are, and we have to meet up with the family, so…ah, take care, Christina.” He nods and steps around her.

  “Happy holidays, Serena,” I say sweetly.

  “It’s Christina,” she huffs behind me.

  We round a corner before Cole says anything. “Well…”

  “She seems nice.”

  He laughs and pulls me into him, giving me a hug.

  “So, your fiancée, huh?”

  “It’s not far from the truth, baby,” he mutters into my hair, but before I can get him to clarify exactly what he means by that, he’s tugging my hand in the direction of Zack’s restaurant.

  Dinner is just being placed in front of us when Cole’s cell phone rings.

  Mark looks worried as Cole excuses himself from the table and steps outside.

  “Could be anything,” Keith whispers in my ear.

  Watching Cole through the window gives up nothing, as his back is turned to me, so I can’t read his face. Twenty long minutes go by, and everyone at the table attempts to draw my attention away from Cole.

  Finally, Sue comes and sits in Cole’s chair and gets me to focus on her.

  “Hey,” she says, gently running her hand over my forehead. “Are you feeling all right? You look a little pale.”

  I shake my head and think about this morning. Actually, over the last few days I have been feeling a little strange, but it’s to be expected with all that’s been going on.

  “I’m stressed, and my stomach’s been a bit off.”

  Her eyes narrow, then she nods. “Have you been getting much sleep?”

  “Surprisingly, yes,” I reply. Minus the horrific nightmare at the beginning of the week, I have been getting lots of sleep. “I even took a few naps.”

  “Well, that’s good.” She smiles.

  I think I’ve convinced her I’m all right, but it makes me wonder how bad I must look. I peer out the window, but Cole is gone. Looking around, I see he’s not in the room. Just as I’m about to get up and search for him, he returns, putting an icy hand on my shoulder.

  Mark looks at him, and I catch some kind of emotion run across his face, but nothing happens.

  Sue gives him back his chair and heads over to her seat. She whispers something to Daniel, and his eyes flicker over to me.

  Really, guys, I’m all right.

  “Cole?” I say, turning my attention to him.

  “Savi, you should eat. Your food is getting cold.” He is studying my untouched plate.

  Seriously? You want me to eat?

  “Was that Frank?” Mark looks past me to Cole.


  “Are we being shipped out?”

  Cole glances around the table then shakes his head.

  What does that mean?

  “So, Mark, what are your plans for Christmas?” Melanie asks, breaking the tension.

  Mark takes a long, deep breath before replying. “Umm, I’m leaving tonight, actually, for my cousin’s cabin.”

  I stare at him, unmoving.

  “Oh, yeah? When will you be back?” she asks.

  “Not sure yet,” he says with a smile plastered on his face, “but when I get back, we’ll have to go on that ski trip we talked about.” He fidgets uncomfortably.

  I shove my plate away while Mark’s words hit me like a blow to the head. “Excuse me.” I rise from my seat.

  Cole stands and signals his mother.

  “Savi,” he says, sounding worried.

  “I just need the restroom,” I say, not meeting his eyes.

  Sue comes along, acting like she has to go too.

  My head is spinning. I begin to feel a little dizzy, and Sue helps me to the leather couch in the powder area of the restroom.

  “Here.” She holds a cool towel to my face as she sits next to me.

  “They got the call,” I whisper. “They ship out tonight.”

  Sue takes my hand and puts her fingers over the inside of my wrist.

  This is odd. “I’m all right. I just feel a little dizzy.”

  “Mmhmm,” she hums, continuing to check my pulse.

  “How do you deal with it?” I am desperate for some help.

  She sighs and lets my arm go.

  “It took a while to get used to it,” she says quietly. “I just found things to keep me busy until he came home. Luckily for you, you have me, Abigail, and June, until she goes home, and the rest of the house.”

  “I’m scared,” I admit.

  “I know.” She gives me a comforting hug. “So am I.”


  Cole is doing everything in his power to concentrate on the meal and the guests, but his conversation with Frank left him very uneasy. He nods to his father to meet him at the bar. They both excuse themselves and make their way over.

  “Two brandies,” Daniel orders as Cole runs his hand through his hair. “All right, son, what did Frank say?”

  “Blackstone is shipping out tonight at twenty-three hundred.”

  His father hands him his drink. “Target destination?”

  “Mexico City.”

  “That far south?”


  “Hmm,” Daniel says, rubbing his neck. “Are you thinking—?”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “Should I make the call to Agent Joel?”


  “Cole,” his father says, placing a hand on his shoulder, “we’ll protect her. I’ll bring in my guys and make sure it’s Fort Knox up here. You need to focus on this trip and do whatever it takes to get your head in the game.”

  Cole looks up and sees Savannah is back at the table.

  “I hear ya, Dad.”


  I watch as Mark says goodbye to Melanie. I feel torn, wondering which side I would like to be on. Maybe there’s something to being kept in the dark about their work. But at the same time, not knowing would kill me. Oh, Christ, I’m my own worst enemy.

  I feel Cole come up behind me, and he slips his arm around my waist and ushers me out into the cold air. Sue and Daniel decided to spend the night, and say goodbye to the guys before they leave.

  When Cole bro
ke the news to Paul and John, I was surprised by their reactions. They acted as if they were just given an updated weather report. I, on the other hand, am feeling tired—very tired. I lean into Cole, wrapping my arm around his waist.

  “You cold?”

  I shake my head. The Christmas thrill I had earlier is long gone now. I wish the holiday would pass so I don’t have to think about the fact that our first Christmas together will now be spent apart.

  We all walk quietly back to the cars. Cole’s body language has changed. He seems like he’s lost in thought. I want to ask him what’s on his mind, but that seems silly considering they’re shipping out in four hours.

  The ride home is painfully quiet. Cole holds me close, stroking his thumb over my hand.

  I can tell he’s scanning the horizon. I wonder if he ever gets tired of being alert all the time.

  Cole grabs my hand after I hop out of the truck. “Take a walk with me?”


  He holds my hand and leads me to a path in the woods. We walk in silence, with only the sound of the snow crunching under our boots. Arriving at a clearing on the top of a hill, we look down at the lake. The moon is bright, and it casts a shimmering trail through the ripples in the water.

  “Wow,” I murmur, not wanting to break the mood. “It’s so pretty.”

  “Savannah?” Cole says quietly.

  I turn and find him staring at me.

  “I want you to be extra careful when I’m gone. No trips to town, no running off into the woods. Please, keep someone with you at all times. Promise me?”

  I nod; I understand how serious this is.

  He steps toward me. “I need to be able to focus while I’m away. I need to keep a clear head.”

  “I promise, Cole. I do understand. Don’t worry, I won’t run off, I—”

  “I’m in love with you, Savannah.” Oh. “I couldn’t go away this time without telling you. This is a first for me. I’ve never felt or said those words to any woman before.”

  My eyes brim with tears. “Cole.” I clear my throat. “I hate that the first time I’m saying this to you, you’re leaving me, but…I love you too.”


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