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Antares Page 2

by Yvonne Nicolas

  As Alexis glared into her cattish gaze, a feeling of familiarity flared in her thoughts. She saw her, not as the irritating nuisance standing before her, but as a girl, small and innocent. Mother stood next to her, holding her hand.

  A name came to Alexis’s thoughts and found its way to her lips. “Nefertiti?”

  She smiled. “Hello, sister.”

  Shudders coursed through Alexis’s arm, making her handshake. The weapon rattled in her unsteady grip. “You’re lying.”

  “Then why haven’t you killed me yet?”

  “Good question.” Alexis drew the blade back, prepared to deliver the death blow.

  As expected, her adversary lifted her own weapon, blocking the strike. A clang rang out as the steel shafts met. She shifted with the sweep of Alexis’s blade.

  With her free hand, Alexis unsheathed her dagger.

  While evading one threat, the cat woman unconsciously moved toward another. She spotted the dagger late. She went low, clearing the length of the sword and running from the other. She was quick, but not quick enough. The blade’s sharp tip slid through her shoulder guard.

  Releasing an animal-like yelp, she flipped onto her hands and spun her legs like a propeller.

  Alexis was forced to backpedal. If she would’ve stood her ground, she would’ve caught a foot to the face. “Whew. A few inches up, a little further in, and your head would’ve been mine.”

  Cupping her bleeding shoulder, she dropped down to one knee and sneered. “You cleared your thoughts.”

  “Seems to be the only way to beat you.” Alexis studied the dagger’s tip where cat’s scarlet lifeforce smudged the blade. It was brighter than normal, almost glowing. “Especially since you like to poke around in people’s heads. Can’t dodge what you don’t see coming.”

  Grinning, she stood. “You are deadly indeed. No wonder he didn’t want me talking to you.”

  “Nice try with the mind sorcery.” Alexis bent over and wiped her blade on the cape of the fallen soldier near her. “I almost fell for it. Good thing I’m not your average knight, you lying bitch.”

  “Fine. I’m a liar. Or maybe I’m not.” She shrugged. “Who knows?”

  “Who cares?” Alexis snapped back, sliding her dagger back into its case.

  “What’s in the canal, Alexis?”

  Alexis narrowed her glare. The mere mention of that damn canal had her nerves spiking.

  Her cattish grin grew wider. “Don’t you want to know why you’re drawn to it? Don’t you want to know why the child chose you?”

  A clamorous din rushed down the corridor, shattering the stillness. Screams and clashing swords created a symphony of death.

  With a graceful leap backwards, the cat woman distanced herself. She landed on all fours. “General thinks that exposing you to too much will be traumatic to your mental stability. Should we prove him wrong, sister?” She took to the wall, avoiding the bodies in her path, and bounded down the corridor.

  Unable to move her legs, Alexis stared after her. Conflict shrouded her heart. She didn’t know what to do, or what to believe. The images that woman put in her head…It didn’t feel like manipulation, it felt like forgotten memories. She squeezed her eyes shut and rattled her head, making her puffy hair wave about. She looked down at her wrist-com. All she had to do was tap the emergency button. The troops would move in and her nightmare would be over.

  Or would it?

  The Federation was hiding something. Of that, she was certain. Question was, what were they hiding? If she made Tristan and his cronies’ presence known, she would never find out. Dammit! On the other hand… She looked around at the fallen soldiers. Sorrow pricked at her heart. If she didn’t stop all this bloodshed, many more people would die.

  “I’m tired of being the chosen one.” She sprinted down the hallway, following the nimble feline’s path. She kept close to the wall to avoid tripping over any soldiers. A few times, she stopped to collect more weapons—a pair of shuriken here and a short sword there. It all fit into a utility belt she’d swiped from the dead. She even ran across a laser pistol, which was a lucky find considering purple coats didn’t carry pistols.

  “Damn, how big is this castle?” she grumbled, rounding another corner. Felt like she’d been running forever. “If I get lost, I’mma kill his ass twice.” She came to a T-intersection.

  She could either go left or right and both paths were shrouded in darkness. The symphony of a vicious exchange echoed from both. It was like surround sound. Her head swiveled from one path to the other. Which way?

  Suddenly, there was an odd quiver in her heart. It pulled her to the left. “To the left it is then.” The sensation grew stronger the further she went. Thankfully, the bodies became less. She came to the end, rushed around the corner then slid to a halt. Her heart stopped.

  Oh my God!

  Surrounded by a sea of dead, Tristan stood in the center. One dim flame haloed his powerful form. He had an arm looped around the collarbone of some poor sap. His face was buried in the crook of the man’s neck.

  Facing her, his victim’s mouth hung wide as his eyes rolled up into his head. His twitching feet dangled from the ground. His skin went pale right before her eyes.

  She knew that man. She’d only seen his face on the big screen during briefings for their missions. That man was a primo, a councilmember.

  Alexis couldn’t move. She couldn’t even swallow the gasp lodged in her throat. All she could do was stare as Tristan held the man in a deadly embrace.

  Tristan slowly lifted his face. His irises gleamed in a shade of scarlet. He unhooked his arm and allowed the man to slump to the ground, which added yet another body to the pile around him. Blood oozed from the corners of his mouth as he gifted her with a boyish smile.

  “Breathe, Queen.”


  Book 2

  The Cross Knight Chronicles


  Yvonne Nicolas

  Chapter One

  My Monster

  Is this a nightmare? It has to be!

  “No,” Alexis whimpered on a trembling gasp. “What have you done?”

  Death permeated the air! The bodies of military soldiers littered the massive hall, some mutilated and others drained. Pools of blood flowed out over the marble flooring, matching the crimson splashes along the walls.

  Tristan stood there, surrounded by the dead, his lips stained red. Specks of crimson dotted his face and shimmering silver hair. The scarlet glow from his eyes rested on her.

  At his feet, the councilmember lay, no longer struggling to breathe. The little life he had left had been snatched away by the creature who stood above him.

  Why did he bring me here? Why would he force me to witness this?

  “Tristan…” She repeatedly muttered his name, hoping he would tell her to wake up. That this was all just a bad dream. “No, Tristan.” But he didn’t. Why would he, when he was the creator of this nightmare?

  As he stood there, posing as the centerpiece of death, not one sign of remorse resided on his beautiful face. In fact, a spark of savage determination flashed in his demonic eyes.

  The bloodshed wasn’t over, which meant more people would die by his hand.

  A shudder of rage rushed down her spine. Her heart thundered rapidly, her breathing escalated. She clutched the sword in her grip, squeezing it so tight, the leather-wrapped hilt bit into her palm.

  “Lexi.” He licked the blood from his lips. “I told you if you knew, you would hate me…”

  If I could hate him, I wouldn’t be in this fucked up predicament.

  “…That’s why I wanted you to stay in the room.”

  No matter how much I love him, I have to stop him. I have to…

  Leveling the blade, she scrambled back. She tried to gather her thoughts enough to speak, but the words wouldn’t come to her. Why? She knew he was a vampire. Hell, if he was like the other nightwalkers—mindless, blood-thirsty demons—she could deal with that. But no, he was so
much worse than just a vampire. He was a calculated and level-headed, a cold-blooded killer.

  He’s a monster!

  The scarlet faded from his gaze, giving way to his hypnotic, greyish-blue irises. “You’re right, I AM a monster.” His voice filtered through her mind, increasing her panic. “Fortunately for you, I’m YOUR monster, so what I do next is entirely up to you.”

  “Damn you, Tristan.” Tears burned her eyes as she crouched low in a battle stance, sword cocked for the kill.

  His lips tilted in a smirk. “Do you find satisfaction in trying to damn a creature that’s already damned?” Unbridled power flowed off of him in smoky waves.

  The difference in their strength was ever so clear. Tristan was stronger than her, in a league all of his own. She didn’t have to clash blades with him to know that. Surely the meal he got from the councilman, and anyone else he sucked dry, increased his vampy force. Still, she had to at least try to release him from this dark life.

  Frowning, he shook his head. “Don’t do it.”

  But I have to. He would slaughter more people if she didn’t.

  A burst of fiery resolve stormed through her body, fueling her intent. With a leap forward, she sprinted toward him. Air rushed across her face as her feet barely touched the ground. Like before, when she was tussling with the cat-girl, she moved way faster than she should’ve been able to.

  Unstirred, Tristan remained the centerpiece of the kill zone. Then suddenly, he disappeared.

  A gust of furious wind rose in her path. With it, a gale-force rushed into her. She was shoved off her feet and hurled into the air. The sword left her grip. Unable to stop her forced flight, she folded her arms over her head and braced for impact. Then something unexpected happened. Instead of hitting the wall, her body was suspended mid-flight.

  What in the hell? Am I floating?

  Before she could make sense of what just happened, she was dropped back onto the floor, right on her ass. She quickly climbed to her feet. A bout of vertigo leaped on her.

  “Dammit.” She stumbled to the side, struggling to remain upright. She sucked in sharp puffs of air, attempting to reclaim the breath that was stolen from her when she was pushed by whatever the hell that was just now.

  Sound blinked out, then it came back with a screech. Two sharp brays of a blade cleaving through flesh reached her ears. A strangled grunt followed.

  Palming her head, she stared in confusion at the scene before her.

  Crouched in an attack stance, Tristan held his sword out. His hair flared like the feathers of a peacock, making him look like he was moving when he wasn’t.

  Muscles bulging, a man twice his size, towered over him, wielding an enormous blade. He was garbed in a gold and ivory uniform—the same uniform Tristan had on before he'd donned the military threads to infiltrate the inner city. That most likely meant the brawny beast was a member of the White Dragon Legion.

  The dark red liquid dripping from Tristan’s longsword caught her attention. Wait. Where did that blood come from? Did he just…?

  The burly creature, who had an unyielding grip on his massive saber, was stuck on pause. Shock claimed his expression. “General?” he strained out. “Why?”

  Tristan rose to his full height and pulled his shoulders back with authority. “I only had one request,” he stated softly, flicking his sword with the simple snap of his wrist. The scarlet fluid jumped from the blade. “Just the one.” He flipped his hair from his shoulder, pivoted on his heels, and walked her way.

  Behind him, the man released a drawn-out gurgle. His eyes rolled back. Then, ever so slowly, his head slid to the right and tumbled off his shoulders. A second later, a slanted gash appeared over his abdomen. In two bloody chunks, his body collapsed. The wet thuds echoed throughout the hall.

  Alexis gawked at Tristan. Her gaze briefly returned to the mangled remains of the big guy.

  Could’ve sworn that was his comrades. I mean, dude wore the White Dragon Legion symbol. Why would Tristan cut down one of his own like that?

  “Do you remember what that request was?” Tristan smoothly sheathed his blade as he continued to approach her.

  Alexis shook off the head-spinning daze and drew the short sword from the holster she’d confiscated from a dead soldier earlier. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, but all this killing gotta stop!” Blade cocked back, she readied herself for round two. If I can call it that.

  Tristan paused and smirked at her. “I wasn’t talking to you, sweetheart.”

  A combination of fire and ice snaked down her spine. Movement stirred to her right, jarring her attention.

  Three figures manifested from the shadows.

  Nefertiti, the cat-chick who claimed to be her sister, was the first to reveal herself. Next, a slender, long-legged woman with pale skin, crystal blue eyes, and golden hair that hung down past her knees stepped forth. She carried a certain snobbish, icy air in her stride.

  That one’s gotta be a vampire.

  The other figure took her by surprise. He was kinda cute. He carried a buff and tall physique, and rocked a two-toned spiky hairstyle—one side red and the other green. From what she could tell at this distance, his eyes were different colors too. Emerald and scarlet, like his hair. Unlike his blonde comrade, he wore a tawny complexion and strong Asian features. Despite his hairstyle, he looked more human than the others. Not to say he could pass as one, though.

  “Don’t touch the Moonlight. That was your request, General,” the Asian guy blurted, patting his fist over his chest in a salute. “For the record, I told him not to make a go for her. But for some reason, he thought he needed to protect you from her.”

  Alexis glanced over at the headless bulk of muscles. Oh, I see now. It was me. The big guy tried to attack me. The vicious wind that assailed her earlier was him and Tristan going at it. It was the aftereffect of their colliding forces.

  At spiky-haired guy’s side, the pale beauty rolled her bright eyes and muttered something under her breath. Sounded like ‘suck up’ in Italian.

  Spiky hair threw his hand up and waved at Alexis. “What’s good over there, Moonlight! The grumpy broad on my right is Helena, and you’ve already met Nefertiti!” The extended canines on his top and bottom teeth became pronounced as he continued shouting at her from across the hall. “My name is Jonavas! Pleased to meet you! Gotta say, you are amazing in person. Not to mention, hotter than a dragon’s asshole!”

  Okay, this clown definitely wasn’t a vampire. That’s for sure. He may be a shifter.

  Helena and Nefertiti looked over at him, their lips arched and eyes squinted in annoyance.

  Nefertiti huffed out a sigh. “Ugh, stop being weird.”

  “I just want her to feel welcomed,” Jonavas said, beaming at Alexis.

  So this one wants to be chums, huh? “Aw, how sweet,” Alexis bit out on a hiss, snatching a pair of shuriken from her holster. “Thanks for the warm welcome.” With the flick of her fingers, she launched the tiny, star-shaped blades at him.

  They whistled through the air and came within inches of his face. A sweep of silver fanned out in their path. Two metallic chings rung out as the blades ricocheted across the hall.

  Standing near her target, Tristan slid his sword back into its sheath.

  She didn’t even see him move in that direction. Damn him and his supernatural reflexes!

  Brow cocked, he cut an amused glint her way.

  “Whoa! She’s a feisty one.” A wide fangy grin shot across Jonavas’ face as he excitedly shuffled in place. “She’s like a viper. I love it! I wish I could clone her. I would marry that clone on the spot! Don’t kill me for saying that, General.”

  Narrowed glare fixed on Alexis, the Ice Queen sneered and spat something under her breath.

  “Come again, blondie?” Alexis shot back, moving toward her. “I didn’t hear you.”

  Her hand flashed over her shoulder and gripped the hilt of the katana attached to her back. Eyes bled over in red,
she spread her heeled feet in an assault stance. “I said, some halfcocked Cross Knight is hardly worth all this trouble.” A snarl laced her accented tone. “We should just take your head and be done with it!”

  Jonavas and Nefertiti glanced at each other, then quickly distanced themselves from Helena.

  “Oh yes, bitch. Let’s go!” Smiling, Alexis beckoned her with the crook of her finger. “Please come for my head!”

  Tristan casually stepped between them, his face turned toward Helena. Seconds passed, and no one said a word.

  This would be the perfect time to strike, catch him off guard. But Alexis couldn’t move, nor take her eyes off the two vampires who had yet to look away from each other. There was an exchange going down, one that was too secret for anyone else in the room to hear.

  The anger in Helena’s expression leached away. Her eyes danced in nervousness as she lowered her head. Whatever he said to her made her back down in submission.

  During those fleeting moments, something became very clear. Tristan and Helena shared an intimate connection. Figures the two vampires in the bunch would have a little love affair going on.

  Alexis bit back the insults swirling on her tongue and clutched at the chest of her shirt. She didn’t know how to feel about this. Her mind raced as her emotions toggled from seething jealousy to betrayal. Then finally, it grew into heartbreak.

  Why do I care if he’s with her? He’s not my man. He never was! He’s the fuckin’ enemy!

  Tristan swung his head in Alexis’s direction. His captivating eyes pleaded with her. “There’s so much to tell you. Please, give me a chance to explain.”

  Explain? Is he fuckin’ serious? He just went on a killing spree, and now, he wanted to have a chitchat? Da fuck? “Get outta my head,” she grumbled, casting her gaze away. “I don’t wanna talk to you right now.” It sounded so childish, but she didn’t know what else to say. She felt so damn conflicted. If only she could just kill everyone in this room and walk away from this emotional bullshit.

  “We are a man down,” Tristan announced, turning his attention back to his cohorts. “So, the plans have changed. Helena, take the lead on the other two councilmen. Get as much information from them as you can before you get rid of them. Jonavas, you are responsible for councilwoman Liana.”


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