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Antares Page 10

by Yvonne Nicolas

  Unfortunately, Meegan’s memories wouldn’t allow Asenna to see beyond the last time she saw her brother. That didn’t mean he couldn’t reach deeper, and even use her mind to get into his. He would need more time to dive in that far.

  “What’s beneath the canal?”

  Her thoughts drifted to the waterways, where she and Jonatan used to take long walks. “The canal? I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Is there a secret passageway beneath the waters?”

  The vision of Meegan leaning over the railing to gaze into the waters came forth. Jonatan hugged her from behind, touching and embracing her. Something shimmered in the water. A coin, a jewel? It doubled within the gentle waves and became two. She bent further over, desperate to get a closer look. She couldn’t make it out. She asked, what’s that? Jonatan pulled her away from the railing. It was time to return to the Capital for dinner.

  Keeping his steel firm on her throat, Asenna eased to the edge of the seat. “Where are the Nobles hiding Antares?”

  It was a question he didn’t expect to get an answer to. Nine times out of ten, she had no idea. However, the fascinating thing about the human mind was that scattered thoughts could lead to a river of clues. A barrage of images flashed in a person’s mind when they were in peril. Things they’ve done in the past and things they wished they did. Oftentimes, mixed within that chaotic storm of thoughts and memories were acts and experiences of things forgotten. That’s what he sought. The message between the lines.

  “I don’t know!” she cried out on hitching pants. “I don’t know anything about the Nobles or that other thing you said—I swear to you, I don’t.” Her trembling grew worse. “Oh God, please don’t kill me!”

  Her mental images cascaded past his third eye. With it, a flood of emotions rushed into him. Digging his heels into the floor, Asenna squeezed his eyes close and anchored down. Don’t give in. Remain grounded. That’s the downfall of head-diving. One could easily lose themselves in the depth of someone else’s memories.

  During her panic, a light shone through. It was accompanied by a plethora of other lights. Fire crystals. An endless sea of them stretched across a vast landscape. A group of houses came into view. There had to be at least twenty of them. They were set in a circular formation, surrounding an enormous building. On the top of the tall structure, a bundle of pipes reached toward the sky. But there was no sky. It was a flattened surface of rock and dirt. In fact, tightly packed earth surrounded the whole community. A cavern? Was this city within a cave somewhere? That could be where the Nobles were hiding!

  “The city of lights. Where is it?”

  “Please—I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

  The strong scent of ammonia accosted his senses, snatching him back to reality. Releasing her, he drew back.

  The crotch of her pants was soiled. The wetness spread out between her thighs.

  Meegan folded her body into a ball, slapped her hands over her face and howled out in terror. “I don’t know anything! Please let me go!”

  Looked like the interrogation was over. For now.

  He stood, slid his dagger back into its sheath and left the room.

  Moments later, he met Riyu’s angry scowl. “In her presence for no more than five minutes and you manage to scare the piss out of the poor child. Quite literally!”

  “I didn’t mean to scare her that badly.”

  “Really? What did you think would happen when you put a blade to her throat?”

  “I used the back end. She was never in any danger.”

  She drummed him on the arm with a series of quickened jabs. “Ugh, you demon! I hope it was worth it.”

  “It was, actually. She offered me new information. But I need more.” He slid on his leather arm-sleeve and slipped his fingers in the glove slots. “Clean her up, feed her…” Stepping around Riyu, he continued, “…then bring her to my tent.”

  “So you can traumatize her even more?” Riyu’s voice followed him. “I will do no such thing.”

  He spun around to face her. “Captain’s orders.”

  She pushed out a sharp breath through her gritted teeth and folded her arms over her large breasts. “Don’t you dare toss your rank in my face, cousin. I said no.”

  Eyes narrowed, he stared her down.

  She pulled her shoulders back, presenting her full four-foot-eleven-inch stature to his six-foot-five-inch frame, and served him with a glower of her own. Typical Riyu. She and the General were the only two on the force not afraid of him. The General was a beast, one who feared no one. As for Riyu…she was his older first cousin, a creature who knew him when he was a snot-nosed little runt. The fact she was family made her difficult to control.

  He dropped his shoulders and huffed out a sigh. “C’mon, Riyu. I have to get back to my post. I don’t have time for this.”

  “Neither do I. I’ll have someone else collect the answers you seek, someone with a gentler touch.”

  “That won’t do. She has stolen memories.”

  A look of concern washed the vexation from her face. “You mean…?”

  “Yes, her mind has been tampered with because she saw something she wasn’t supposed to see.” He had a feeling it had everything to do with that city of lights. Was she taken there? Or did she stumble upon it by accident? “I’m the only one here who can dive in that deep.”

  Lips twisted, Riyu gave him a side-eyed sneer. “I don’t know, Asenna. Your methods are a bit barbaric. I don’t need a human girl going mental on my watch.”

  “I’m not going to hurt her. I promise the next time I go in, I’ll use ‘a gentle touch’.”

  “Fine. But I’m putting a track-com on her. If you put her through any distress, I’ll know.” A sly smirk tilted her lips. “On to another issue…if I send that girl to your tent, what are you going to do about Ciri?”

  “You let me worry about that, cousin.” He bent over and flicked her left horn with his middle finger.

  “What did I…” She swatted his hand and punched him in the stomach. “…tell you about touching my crown, you brat?”

  “Used to make you giggle as a kid.” He drew a sign in the air. The space before him shifted then swirled into a vortex. He winked at his dear cousin and stepped through. “I’ll expect her in my tent in two hours.”

  Meegan stared at the bulky silhouette behind the frosted barrier.

  After that scary ninja guy left, her first thought was to make a run for it. Probably wouldn’t get very far. Surely, that shadow belonged to someone who was there to make sure she stayed put.

  She glanced around at her surroundings. There wasn’t much in this concrete room. A three-tier steel shelf held several bottles of liquid and medical supplies. A chair sat nearby. And that was it. A small, narrow window peered down at her from the ceiling. Snow covered the view. This place, or more so, this room had the makings of a prison cell.

  As she slowly sat up, she squirmed uncomfortably on the hover-gurney. Her damp panties and pants clung to her skin. It had turned cold.

  Ah geez, can’t believe I pissed on myself. How embarrassing.

  She tried her best to hold it, but she was so damn scared, she could hardly breathe, let alone hold her weak bladder. She touched her neck. The memory of how awful it felt to have that icy blade pressed to her throat sent a violent shiver down her spine.

  Those focused sea-green eyes set in pools of darkness popped up in her mind again. Then his voice eased back into her soul. If you fail to answer or lie to me, I will collect your head. The threat was coated with a warm and smooth tone, like melted butter, which confused the hell out of her. Felt like she was being seduced instead of threatened.

  My God. Why was his voice so freaking sexy? Her whole body tingled every time his deep timbre drifted across her mind. It made it even harder to keep her bodily fluids on the inside. What in the world is he? She rubbed at her arm, where he had an iron grip on her only moments ago. A blue-purplish imprint of his large hand marred h
er delicate flesh.

  The door slid open.

  Meegan perked up, both terrified and strangely anxious to see him again.

  A short woman stepped in and stole her next breath.

  She wore a kind, soft-hearted face, but an unusual appearance. A caramel complexion layered her skin. Bright golden eyes were surrounded by black, similar to the ninja-guy who had left his print on her. Long silver dreadlocks spilled over her shoulders, past her breasts. She slowly lifted her hands. “Be calm, m’dear. I’m not here to hurt you.”

  Wide-eyed, Meegan stared in awe. “You—you have horns.”

  They stood out like glamorous headpieces, thick at the base and pointed at the tips. They curved over the top of her head and followed the flow of her wavy dreads. They were two-toned. The bases displayed a champagne color, while the ends shimmered in gold.

  “Yes. And a halo.” Lifting the hem of her dress, she did a curtsy. “Don’t forget to mention my halo. I may be a little hellion at night, but I’m an angel during the day.” A glowing ring manifested out of thin air and hovered above her head.

  “What—oh my goodness!” Startled, Meegan reared back on the platform and toppled off the edge. Her shoulder broke her fall, which sent a pain shooting through her whole side. Quickly, she climbed to her feet and backed away until she found herself tucked in a corner.

  Still standing in the same place, the woman frowned. “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you. Humans usually enjoy the halo trick.”

  “What are you?” Because her horns were so eye-catching, she didn’t notice her ears at first. But now, they had her full attention. They were long and pointed like an “elf’s,” she heard herself whisper. “You’re an elf.”

  She offered her a welcoming smile. “My name is Riyu. What’s your name?”


  “Pleasure to meet you, Meegan. Although, I wish it was under better circumstances.”

  Meegan gawked at her, flabbergasted. This isn’t happening! There’s no way on God’s green earth elves are real.

  “Oh, honey, you’re shaking.”

  A warm sensation slid over her hands. She looked down to see the elf-woman holding them with a delicate touch.

  When did she get this close? Oh my God!

  Meegan gasped and tried to back away, but forgot she’d backed herself into a corner earlier.

  “It’s okay.” Riyu squeezed her hands. “Seek calm.” Her soothing voice caressed the walls of her mind.

  That tranquil feeling soared up her arms and throughout her entire body. A sudden wave of peacefulness showered down on her. With it, all of the tension flittered away.

  “That’s better, isn’t it?” Riyu guided her over to the chair. “Nothing a simple balmy spell can’t remedy.”

  “A spell?” Eyes locked on the horned lady, Meegan slowly lowered into the chair. “Are you…the Legion?”

  She moved over to the stretcher and removed the sheets from the padding. “Why yes, we are.”

  “You…are?” Meegan stared at her, utterly shocked. She didn’t think she would answer that so freely. “Wow. So you do exist.” The panic that was in her voice moments ago was nowhere to be found. She felt totally at ease, even though she knew in her heart, she was no doubt in a dangerous situation. “The Councilman…he used to go on and on about how the Legion would one day storm through our protective barriers and kill everyone.”

  Briefly, Riyu stepped out of the room then returned with a fresh pair of sheets. “If that was true, you and I wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

  “Then why are Legion soldiers hanging around the outskirts of the wall if an invasion isn’t in the cards?”

  “Now that part is classified. However, I can tell you this. We aren’t the ones you should fear. There’s a massive, dark force living within the walls. It has been there for decades, and it is determined to consume all life itself.”

  An icy tremor coursed over her flesh. She believed her every word because in her heart, she knew it to be true. “Where am I? What is this place?”

  “An old abandoned fortress that took a beating during the start of the Blood War. It’s in ruins and near a dead zone, so there’s no drone activity. Unfortunately for you, far, far away from Liège. Or fortunately…” Casting a side-eyed glance her way, she grabbed a bottle of purple liquid from the shelf. “You tell me.”

  A series of images flashed through her head. The same images that came to her when that ninja dude had her under the knife. She rubbed at her arm again. The canal…Those two lights…Or were they eyes? They were reaching out to her. At least, that’s the way it felt. Even now, she felt that lure, the urge to dive in. Suddenly, a shadow emerged from the waters, its arms outstretched. Come to us, girl. It then dispersed into the air.

  “You’re pondering on it, aren’t you?”

  “Huh?” Meegan struggled to see past the vision plaguing her mind. What was that? What did it mean?

  “The distant impressions lost to you.” Riyu handed her the bottle. “That’s what Asenna was searching for.”


  Riyu gently took her arm and placed her palm over her fresh bruise. A scowl touched her face. “The brutish creature who had the nerve to mark you. Big ole anti-social meaner, that’s what he is.”

  “Oh. The guy with the really big knife and the insanely attractive voice.”

  Riyu giggled. “Never tell him that.”

  “It’s weird how he never actually spoke to me, but I heard every word he said as if he did.”

  “He’s peculiar like that. You’ll probably never hear him speak aloud. Telepathy and sign language are the only forms of communication he uses.”


  “You’ll have to ask him.”

  Again, she touched her neck. “I thought I was gonna die, ‘cause the questions he asked…I saw things.”

  “I’m so sorry, m’dear. He desperately needs work on his social skills and bedside manner. Those visions may haunt you for a while. It’s a side effect of having your cerebral unlocked.” When she removed her hand, the bruise was gone. “That tonic should prevent the vertigo that comes along with it. It’ll also help you see the impressions clearly.”

  Meegan rubbed at her temple, utterly baffled. “I don’t understand. Feels like I’m looking through someone else’s eyes.”

  “It’s confusing, I know—seeing things that you don’t remember. Drink up, before the nausea kicks in.”

  As instructed, Meegan turned the bottle up to her mouth and swallowed every bit of the bitter concoction. Wait, why did I do that? This woman could’ve just poisoned me.

  “Come, luv. Let’s go get you cleaned up and…” She boldly ran her hand over Meegan’s untamable hair. “Do something with this wild mane of yours. Heavens, how do you manage such unruly tresses?”

  Meegan shrunk back. “Am I a prisoner here?”

  A gentle smile crossed her face. “No, you’re not.”

  My brother…she had to go find him. An awful feeling arose in her heart. He was in danger, she just knew it. “So I don’t have to stay?”

  “No. You’re free to leave if you want to.”

  “Seriously?” She slid to the edge of the chair, ready to take off.

  “But I wouldn’t advise it.” Her smile vanished. “Here, I can protect you. Out there, I cannot.”

  “You don’t understand. I can’t stay here. My brother—I gotta find him.”

  “Why is that?”

  What? Did she really just ask that? “‘Cause he’s in trouble.”

  “How do you know that?”

  Meegan placed a hand over her heart. “I—I can feel it. And I…”

  Riyu eased in closer, her head tilted. “Go on.”

  “I don’t know.”

  The mirage of bizarre images came rushing back into her head again. They darted across her mind so fast, she could hardly make them out. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to focus.

  Her brother’s face bled
through. His body followed. He was naked, collared, and chained to something. Shadows surrounded him. Hands with claws molested him. Despite the horrific scene, his face was veiled in pleasure.

  Meegan shot to her feet with a gasp lodged in her throat. Tears melted over her eyes. “Oh God, no! What was that just now?”

  For the longest, Riyu stared at her in silence. A flare of awareness beamed from her otherworldly eyes.

  “Did you see it?” Meegan heaved out, her panic returning. “Did you see the shadows, and—and my brother?”

  Riyu blessed her with that calming smile again. “When it is time, the wings of fate will take you to him. Though, I must warn you, dear. You’re most likely not gonna like what you find.” She offered her hand and wiggled her fingers at her. “Now, come. You must be famished.”

  Chapter Ten

  A Little More Time

  Tristan hardly got a chance to react when Alexis broke their kiss and climbed him like a beanstalk.

  Before he knew it, her legs were wrapped around him and her hungry pussy had swallowed his full length. The sensation was a shock to his senses. He could do nothing but cry out helplessly and hang on for the ride.

  Light and darkness flickered around them, until the darkness took over.

  Lips locked over his, Alexis clung to him, bouncing and grinding on his shaft. “I missed you.” The words drifted across the plains of her mind into his. “I need you…”

  It was so apparent. Even when they battled earlier, he felt the longing in her heart and the yearning in her body. “I need you too, sweetheart. I needed you from the moment I met you.”

  Being intimate with her was exciting and delightful before he was tossed into a life of darkness, yes. But now, it was so much more intense. Exhilarating. She ignited a fire in his core, one that carried currents of lightning-laced mana with it. It coursed through his veins, right down to his bones. She was unknowingly feeding him magic.


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