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Antares Page 19

by Yvonne Nicolas

  “Careful…” Tristan turned his head slightly, directing his words at Nefertiti. “…how you speak of my daughter.”

  Alexis’s heart swelled as her next breath got caught in her throat. “Daughter?” she croaked out. “You have a daughter?!”

  “WE, Lexi. We have a daughter.”

  A trembling gasp lurched out of her as she slapped her hand over her chest.

  “Now see, was that so hard?” Nefertiti groaned. “If you had just told her in the beginning…”

  “Wait! Wha—what?” Alexis stumbled away from him. Her gaze flicked from Tristan to Nefertiti and back again. “That—that’s impossible.” Then what’s this sensation in my belly? And in my heart? “Ohmagawd!”

  “You feel it, don’t you?” He reached out to her, taking steps forward as she shuffled backward. “You’ve felt it all along. You just couldn’t make sense of it.”

  “Whoa—you’re telling me I had a whole damn baby and forgot about it?! No—nooo. Are you serious right now? What kinda twisted shit is that?!”

  “Lexi, calm down. Hold onto me.”

  Her eyesight blurred as another vision arose. She saw herself staring at Tristan through a com-screen.

  He was human! His cheeks were blushed in anger, his brows bunched. Tears trickled from his eyes. He was mad at her, utterly heartbroken.

  She remembered that call she made to him three months after she’d fled town. Three months after she left him, because she was starting to show. Right! That’s why I left! She was six months pregnant when she’d gathered the courage to reach out to him.

  “I got something to tell you,” she said.

  “Yeah? Is it good or bad?” he asked.

  She shrugged and rubbed at the bulge on her belly. “Don’t know. Depends on how you look at it. I’m heading out now. I’ll be there in ‘bout an hour.”

  That gorgeous heart-stealing smile spread across his face. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

  That was the last time they spoke, the last time they saw each other. And then, everything went to shit. The demons came out from shadows, and the world changed all in one day.

  Everything that had happened up to this point—all of her memories—came rushing back to her. Alexis struggled to breathe as the images flash-flooded through her head like a tsunami.

  Clutching her hair, she cried out. A bout of vertigo assailed her. Then the ground dropped out from beneath her feet. A cold void sucked her in. She clawed at the air, searching for something, anything to grab onto.

  “Breathe, Queen.” Tristan’s voice reached out to her. “I got you. They are your stolen memories. Observe, but don’t let it consume you.”

  Her world spun. Tristan’s beautiful face disappeared, and darkness swarmed in.

  “Dammit, I knew this would happen,” Tristan grumbled on a defeated sigh. “I don’t wanna take her back like this.”

  “You have to.”

  Cradling Lexi in his arms, he turned to face Nefertiti and met her annoyed scowl. “This is a lot. She needs more time.”

  “The longer she is in our possession, the harder it is for you to concentrate on what you need to do. My sister is resilient. She’ll snap back in no time. You, on the other hand…you’ve been out of sorts ever since you saw her in the field. I’ve never seen you so—ugh. I can’t believe you tried to kill me in front of her.”

  “C’mon now. If I wanted you dead, you’d be dead. I wanted to see what she would do.”

  She rubbed at her neck. “Still—”

  “Open a portal to her quarters.”

  “Not until you focus! Have you even thought about our next course of action? Now that our backs are against wall, we have to strategize.”

  Suppressing a growl, he rolled his eyes. “This was the plan all along, Nefertiti. You just weren’t privy to it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The second the children were in position, we were pressed for time. The Nobles had the scientist’s eyes. I’m pretty sure he was under constant surveillance. They would’ve figured out that Nai was no ordinary vampire child sooner rather than later. So, Nai made the first move and took out two of their pawns—the scientist and Ethelina.”

  “But all of this stealth work, only to make ourselves known? It doesn’t make sense. Furthermore, it goes against the Führer’s edict.”

  “It sure does.”

  “He’s gonna get wind of this.”

  “Does it look like I care?”

  Utter shock claimed her face.

  “Listen, we have a priestess-seer that has the power to petrify a Noble. And let’s not forget, we’ve awakened Lexi’s spiritual energy, which makes her a full-fledged Noble killer. It’s gonna make them anxious. When vampires are anxious, they are rash and reckless. Remember, they fear death like anyone else. Their next move will work in our favor.”

  “Oh, you’re so sure of yourself.” Nefertiti stared at him, a touch of anguish in her big feline eyes. “You smug-ass jerk. I can’t believe you kept something so important from me.”

  “And I can’t believe you didn’t think I would know you were here to spy on me,” he countered, matching her pitchy, whiny tone.

  Her gaze shifted, and her posture stiffened. “Don’t get it misconstrued. I’m here for family.”

  “So you say.”

  Folding her lips in, she shuffled in place. Her heartrate rose. Something had her rattled, stirred in uneasiness.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Your Noble…”

  Tristan cocked a brow and narrowed a glare at her. “Careful what you say next.”

  She swallowed hard before continuing. “We don’t detain Nobles at the Legion fortress for obvious reason, but the Führer wanted your Noble to stay in proximity. A command spell has been cast. The Führer now has dominion over him. He did it as a failsafe. If Nai wasn’t enough of a reason for you to stay in line—”

  “Oh come now, Nefertiti. Tell me something I don’t know.” It was an ole’ school play. To gain control of a demon, you must first control the devil. I’m a destructive, loose cannon. And the Führer was well aware of that. Made sense for precautions to be taken in case he went rogue. “I’m not an idiot, girl. I’m the product of the game. Therefore, I know how it’s played. Anything else you need to tell me?”

  She stared at him wide-eyed, amazement written all over her face. “So what are you going to do now?”

  “Change the game, of course. The question is, are you willing to play along, my way? Or do you wanna report back to the Führer like a good little kitty?”

  She pursed her lips and sneered at him. “Like I said, I’m here for family…” She slapped her palms together then pulled them apart, creating a disturbance in space and time. A portal opened before him. “…And as much as I hate to admit it, that includes you.”

  “I’m still not gonna call you sister-in-law,” he teased, stepping into the gateway.

  Giggles laced her voice as she called after him. “And I’ll never call you brother-in-law, jerk!”

  The shadows of the void drifted around him as he moved forward, holding Lexi close. There was no ending sight, no light at the end of the tunnel. Just darkness in a corridor of infinite space. The sounds of his footsteps hitting the surface echoed. It mingled with the sound of Lexi’s soft breathing.

  Soon, a familiar scent reached his senses. Someone was waiting for him.

  The darkness dissipated, allowing the light to invade the space.

  Seconds later, he found himself face to face with an angry, opposing force. “Well, hello again.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Memory of Shakespeare

  Alexis’s Memories 7 Years Ago

  Alexis headed toward the VIP area of the café.

  Her feet were killing her. She felt bloated, like she was about to burst. Still, she adjusted her skirt and forced a smile on her face.

  Four extraordinarily beautiful guys stood on opposite sides of the entrance, watching her. They al
l had blonde hair and bright eyes. Royal blue leather draped them from head to toe. Some sort of collar devices rounded their necks.

  Déjà vu hit her. Why does it feel like I’ve been here before? It wasn’t the place. It was this moment in time, and those guys. Weird.

  She proceeded into the VIP room.

  The dark-haired gent dressed in stylish threads sat by his lonesome in the back.

  She approached him with the customary greeting. “Hi, welcome to the Kitty-kitty cafe. May I take your order, Sir?”

  He pinned her with a pair of sinister bright green eyes.

  She found herself shuffling back from the table. Something’s off about this dude.

  His haunting gaze roamed up and down her body, then paused on her belly.

  Alexis cleared her throat. “Sir? Would you like to see the specials? The rum-based apple crumble happens to be a favorite. Would you like to try it?”

  “So, it is you.” Disgust twisted his expression. “You are the one keeping him tethered to this world. Not his mother, his sister, or that pitiful love-sick girl who follows him like a lost mutt, but it is you. I don’t see what the attraction is.”

  Holy shit. I believe this guy just tried the hell outta me. And did this velvet-wearing cum stain call my best friend a mutt? Oh hell naw! “Mm-kay.” She cocked her head, but held onto her false smile. “Sorry. Took me a moment to process the bullshit that just came outta your mouth.”

  Melissa, her manager, stirred nervously by the VIP hall’s entrance.

  Alexis wanted to bust his snooty ass in the head with the coffeepot, but she kind of needed this job to stay afloat. Especially with a baby on the way.

  Stay cool, Alex.

  She took a deep breath and crouched to be eye level with him. “Alrighty, this is what’s going to happen. You’re going to order a Kitty-kitty caramel latte, which is to die for. I’ll add a little red devil spirit in it just for you.” She gave him a wink for good measure. “You’re going to finish it in silence, then you’re going to drop me a hefty tip, ‘cause Lawd knows I don’t prance around in this degrading latex uniform for nothing. Then after you do that, you’re going to put your obnoxiously stylish top hat on and get your creepy, saditty ass up outta my café.”

  Shock flashed across his face. Then his lips spread into a sadistic smile. “Now I see what the attraction is. I’m almost tempted to oblige.”

  Standing, she returned his smile. “Sure thing,” she announced, loudly, for Melissa to hear. “I’ll get your order right out, sir.”

  She turned to leave.

  A hand with an ice-cold grip grabbed her wrist. “Oh, my dear Lexi.”

  Glaring at him, she swallowed a gasp. Only one person used that pet name to address her. “I’m not your dear, and I damn sho ain’t your Lexi.”

  “He will be mine. And while his affections for you keeps him tethered to this plain for now, that will soon fade. No love can overcome the call of a Noble. In time, he will have no choice but to come to me.”

  “Wow.” A blaze of heat flared behind her eyes. She tried to wrench her wrist from his grasp, but he wouldn’t let go. Her anger rose. Yet, she played it cool. “So you wanna engage in a tongue lashing contest with me, yeah? You sound a little presumptuous. Hopeful even. From the sounds of things, you’re used to getting your way. Seeking out straight men and turning them into your bitches. I bet you thought he’d be your bitch years ago. Still waiting for him to come to you, Shakespeare? You go ‘head and keep waiting.”

  A furious glower claimed his face as his grip tightened. “That sass of yours will be your undoing, girl. I will take great pleasure in destroying you from the inside out.”

  Without a second thought, Alexis grabbed the coffeepot and threw its hot contents in his pretty face.

  He launched out of his seat with a deafening howl that echoed throughout the café. He slapped his palms over his face, muffling his sounds of pain. Steam wafted from between his fingers. He stumbled toward her, grumbling something behind his hands.

  Alexis skipped back out of his path. “I think it’s time for you to leave, Sir.”

  He dropped his hands from his face.

  Horrified, she palmed her stomach and cringed.

  Festering boils marred his forehead, cheeks, and neck. Then in the blink of an eye, they healed. Just like that.

  He lunged at her and snatched her uniform’s collar off. The bell attached jingled as he threw it across the room. Glass shattered in the distance. He grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the nearby table. A piercing pain ricocheted throughout her entire body. The pressure on her windpipe made it impossible to scream.

  “Security!” Melissa shouted from the doorway.

  Alexis clawed at his arms and writhed with all her might, but it did her no good. “Let me go, you twisted fuck!” she strained out.

  “Look at that. Even in the face of death, you are fearless.” Snarling, he bared his teeth.

  She watched in terror as his eyeteeth lengthened to sharp incisors.

  “I could’ve used your company for thrills. Such a shame you have to die.” His nails clawed her scalp as he fisted her hair and yanked her head to the side.

  He attacked her neck with a growl.

  Blood splattered. The pain increased. A strangled cry surged out of her.

  This isn’t happening. This isn’t… This fanged muthafucka is biting me!

  The panic and fear within vanished in a snap. It was replaced with pure rage. Fire dashed through her veins like adrenaline.

  All of a sudden, he reared back with a cry. He gaped at her. Blood dripped from his outstretched mouth. “You’re one of them!”

  A phantom breeze lifted her up. As she ascended, she thrust her hands out. A spell of light snaked through her arms and burst from her palms.

  The strike surged into him and launched him into the wall, denting and cracking the surface. Upon impact, a boom sounded. The lights exploded, then darkness rushed in.

  A turbulent wind rose up and thrashed throughout the room. The furniture was ripped from the floor and thrown about. Windows shattered, startling the folks walking by. Screams rang out. Chaos ensued.

  Snarling, the vampire struggled against the invisible barrier that kept him pinned to the wall.

  What am I doing? What’s happening right now?

  Through the reflection of his widened eyes, she saw an image of herself. Arms outstretched, she levitated. Electric currents danced around her arms. Her eyes flashed like lightning.

  Who is that? That can’t be me.

  Strange symbols cascaded across her mind. Alexis drew them in the air, moving her hands in a swift, fluid motion. The symbols manifested as strokes of light, then vanished.

  The demon’s head snapped back. A guttural scream ripped from his throat. It was eclipsed by a fountain of blood. It gushed out of his mouth and snaked through the air in serpentine streams. They slinked toward her and sunk into her palms.

  A swell of energy bellowed inside of her body like a tidal wave. She felt it in her bones and right down to her toes, along with his fear. His fear of death.

  “You wretched bitch! You think I’m gonna let you end me here? He is promised to me. I WILL HAVE HIM!”

  His body squirmed violently, and then he burst into a puff of smoke. But he wasn’t dead. She could feel his flickering lifeforce.

  In the vaporous form, he whipped around the room, bumping into things. He then fled through the nearest broken window.

  Alexis blinked wildly then looked down at her hands. “Wha-what just happened?” A sharp ache in her gut snatched a yelp out of her. She fell to the floor, holding her neck and palming her belly. But she could feel no wound where he bit her. Just a lot of blood. The severe throb in her stomach grew worse. A sudden flow of wetness spilled from between her thighs, puddling on the floor around her.

  “Oh no, no, noo!” she cried out.

  A pair of arms looped around her. “I got you, mami.”

  Her vision blu
rred as the pain increased. Heat simmered on the surface of her skin. “Something’s wrong, Lissa.”

  “You’re going into labor. The medics are on the way. We’re gonna lift you off the floor and put you on the table, okay?”

  A pair of droids came near her.

  Alexis swung her arm out. “No!” The droids disappeared from her sight. A clamorous noise followed.

  “Okay-okay, chill. I forgot how you feel about droids. We’ll stay right here until the medics arrive.”

  Panic rushed in on her. Lights flickered around them. “This can’t be happening. It’s too early.”

  “You’ll be fine.”

  “Is this—oh god! Is this a miscarriage?”

  “Don’t think like that.” Melissa pulled her in, allowing her to recline against her large breasts. “Stretch your legs out and breathe. C’mon, you remember the classes.”

  “Tristan! Call Tristan!”

  “My girls are trying to get in contact with him right now. Focus on your breathing, hon. Hee-hee-whoo, hee-hee-whooo…”

  This is crazy! She was just attacked by a vampire. A fucking vampire! Did that really happen? She did something to him. What was that? Why is Melissa acting like nothing happen? “Are we…really not gonna talk…” she huffed out between breaths. “…about what just happened?” She cocked her head and craned her neck to look at Melissa. “That was a vampire, yeah?”

  Hol’up! Melissa looked different, like cosplay different. Her skin was many shades darker, her eyes were purple and…What in the hell?

  “You—are those horns…on your head? Girl…what’re you wearing?”

  She let out a nervous giggle. “Si, that’s it, mami. Concentrate on my crazy little costume. And it’s called a crown.” She nodded toward one of the other kitty maids. “Sandra. We can’t wait anymore. Portal to the temple.”

  “While all these eyes are on us?”

  Onlookers were gathered around the busted windows, peering in. Sirens resonated in the distance.

  The discomfort within increased, jarring out a scream. More wetness flowed out of her. The puddle of water and blood widened. “Oh God, I can’t do this!” Alexis wheezed. “I can’t—I need Tristan! Please…God!”


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