The hands of Leo

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The hands of Leo Page 10

by Quelli di ZEd

  «Patience. now The have to still ask her to pair of important questions, even of the dog we will speak another time. Does it have enemies?» he/she asked me keeping on taking clipboard on a notepad.

  "No, apart the fact that all those that lately meet want to kill me!" I thought.

  I made a strange face of the type" stupid question, considering that you/they have just tried to kill me"!.

  «It is already right. The wanted to say; someone particularly?»

  I laboriously widened the plastered braccias"; other stupid question"!.

  «Thing remembers of that evening?»

  I brought the hand to the ear, miming a cornet of the telephone.

  «You/he/she has received a call?»

  I nodded.

  «From who?»

  I made another strange face"; still a stupid question"!.

  «Mhhh. The have understood, The have understood» it told the Captain angry tone.

  «For today enough this way. If it comes again her to mind something, you call me» it added leaving me a business card on the comodino.

  «Yet, his/her look. it seems me to know him/it» The felts that it told his/her colleague while they were getting further.

  When you/they had gone I started to reflect, and I didn't employ very to do two more two. The odor that Steve had remembered me as soon as before climbing in auto was that of the carcass, and that coward had not even dared face me of person! They didn't want to kill Italo, they wanted to kill really me. The carcass had tampered with the brakes, then you/he/she had called the Officers of the Fire. To that point I discovered to be really angry, but this time I was happy to make I count me that could do to less less than leave to take me from the with hostility anger and from the frenzy, because now I had available two legs, two hands and the whole time of which I had need to prepare me. By now the scoundrel it was convinced that Leo was dead and nobody would be more come to look for me, rather, to the correct moment I would have gone to look for him.

  Chapter 45. Again in house

  After a week that seemed me eternal they decided to send me home, and fortunately it came to take me Stefania because otherwise I would not have known whether to arrive there. I had a big confusion in head, I was not you/he/she stick entirely taken back. I didn't know where I lived, I didn't know neither to read neither to write, and not even to express me as. It is less badly that Italo had neither relatives nor friends, otherwise you/they would have been other troubles. By now resigned to hold me the new body, I told me that I had to learn to use him/it, even if I was full of doubts and fears. In every case, despite all the ugly things that were happened me, I was sure that of there to few I would have gotten away the first satisfaction. Stefania accompanied me up to the threshold of house bringing her the borsone not to make to get tired me, taken the keys and it opened the door.

  «To these I think it me» it said pointing out the borsone to show me the sack of the dirty laundry.

  «For a few days you will have to think only about resting you, I leave only now immediately you» it added.

  «Grroarr-g-gr-gragrazie» I answered while it was setting out toward the door.

  My voice was still too much guttural to be human entirely. If I/you had known that they existed I would have hastened to frequent a course of logopedics.

  You mentioned a half perplexed smile, then been closed it brings her/it to the shoulders. I was anchors tormented by the pains and I felt a big need to stretch me, but first there was a thing that absolutely had to do, dopodiché I was certain that I would have felt better! I went to sure hit because I knew that I would have found him there. In fact, as I expected me, when I entered the living room I found him/it spaparanzato on my old kennel. The gattaccio opened the eyes and him stiracchiò while I was hastening me to close again the door. Meanwhile him, from good cat, you/he/she had already started to make his/her calculations of convenience. Definite to come to rub himself/herself/themselves some, by now it was of supper almost now. You sharpened some the fingernails on my kennel, that by now you/he/she had reduced in shreds, then it got up for coming I meet me with that astute codaccia of his as a spar.

  «Miaooo. (you have Finally returned. you macaws me missed I know much)» it lied.

  I checked that the window and all the streets of escape were impracticable, then I crouched me. The wanted to say, The stoopeds me to welcome him/it!

  «Frrr. frrr (The Have I know much need of little darlings).»

  "I now think it me, not to worry you. Will see that caresses I am you to do, will remember her to you for a piece!" I thought smiling among me.

  He kept on coming I meet me but there was evidently very slowly something that didn't convince him/it. I lengthened the braccias toward of him without speaking, to invite to continue him/it.

  «Miaaao? (Is strange, there is something you that I don't recognize! You have a different look!).»

  It was nearby more and more. As from script, after having hesitated an instant, it came to rub himself/herself/themselves against my pantalonis.

  «Frrrr frr. (Then, these little darlings arrive? Now that that cur has gone, I hope that you will return to devote you some more to me!).»

  I was correct to start to skin him/it alive when suddenly a sneeze escaped me. How strange, the allergy to the cats had remained me, I felt like thinking that perhaps it was psychosomatic. Puffi arrested him, it looked me incredulous and it went for to stroll back. Automatically it inflated the hair and it put on in fight order.

  «Miaaao. gniaooo. (Impostor, that you have done of it of Italo?).»

  «Grrr. (À. your place The would worry me for myself!)» I answered him.

  Was sorry me not to be once anymore able to snarl as, but I was certain that would have understood the same the language of the signs. those that was about to leave The sets him!

  «Miaow? (Because, that intentions you have?).»

  «Wuf wuf. (soon you will see him/it).»

  To that point a furious struggle instigated him. At first Puffi made the turn of the room two or three times to the search of a hideaway, when he/she was seen by now lost, with the shoulders to the wall, definite to face me. But this time was different, I had the hands to catch it and any tail to scratch! I grabbed a broom and I filled well well it with mazzate, then I taken a cover to capture him/it and after some attempt to void I succeeded in doing him/it imprisoned. I threw him/it on wound as a bundle and I started to give him, between a sneeze and the other, a spanking every spite that had done me.

  «Wuf wuf. (This is for when you have put under me your hair to the pillow, this it is for when you have hidden me the pupazzetto. and this is for when you have made me interrupt on the most beautiful the kiss between Italo and Stefania.).»

  «Miaooo. miaoooo. (Enough, The surrenders me. The swears that The won'ts I give dark him/it).»

  «Grrr. (On this you Khan bet us the kennel!).»

  When I was satisfied I went to the door on the back, I checked that the road was desert and after having tossed the bundle up in the air I struck him/it with a kick that made him make a flight of some meter. Satisfied, I went to stretch me on the couch. They were about to start the Looney Tunes.

  Chapter 46. Again Stefania

  Cat Silvestre had just started to fall from plain cinquantasette. I was mentally preparing me to do me some fat laughters when it rang the bell. I puffed, I stopped licking me the scratches that the gattaccio had left me on the hands and I got up me to go to open. Seemed me strange that so much to change someone didn't come to break on the most beautiful! Annoyed I opened the door, and for a little a heart attack didn't come me. On the threshold there was an umanoide with the face all green that looked me fixed. I chased a desperate cry!

  «Italo, is me! You are I calm» it told me grabbing me for the shoulders «I am me alone applied a mask of beauty. Put your glasses, will see that recognize me» said, and I dictate me some fool because once more had forgotten the glasses. therefore
was not guilt of the spar if to the TV The saws everything sfuocato!

  I went to take the glasses, I looked again at her and I breathed a sigh of relief. After what I had had to pass in the last period, to meet a Martian would have been the last thing of which I had need. But seen how were going what was lately happened me, if had happened I would not have surprised as!

  «Sc-c sc-c scucusa» I succeeded in saying after being strives for a long time me to succeed in moving the language in the correct way.

  «It doesn't do anything worry you. What has happened rather? I/you/they have come because I have heard a big noise, it seemed that here inside a war you/he/she was instigated. and then you/he/she is seemed me of veder to fly to lot with inside Puffi.»

  Did I look at her with interrogative air and done I shake the head, as to say" you are sure? Here has not happened really nothing."

  «But that whole confusion and that meows.»

  I pointed out her the power on TV.

  «Excuse, is right. What fool, had not thought there. Ah, that is Cat Silvestre, I have to be me confused.»

  Then it noticed the mixed skeins of hair to feathers of pillow that fluttered for the room, pushed by the wind that it entered from the open door.

  «But all that locks of hair from where they come? They are not hair of Puffi?» he/she asked perplexed.

  «Sasa sasa sasa saràlamuta» I answered with an effort tightening me in the shoulders.

  Later I started immediately to sneeze, and to every sneeze I felt me the ribs as if they were about to leave each for his/her account.

  You the chin rubbed him, less and less convinced.

  «Where it is now?»



  To speak got tired a lot me. Remembering Giotto, I lifted the closed hand with the astute index and I did her/it rotate around the wrist, sticking out the chin in before (Boh, will be around).

  «Okay, then if it is everything to place I go» you/he/she was saying embarrassed, when Barbie entered.

  As he/she saw me meeting it raced me wagging the tail festive and it sniffed for a long time me. Then, of hit, it jammed and it made back some footstep.

  «Grrr. bau caì (The have recognized You, what I give you I give us inside there?)» it said.

  To dissimulate I drew near me and I lengthened a hand to make her a caress.

  «Grrr. grrr wu wu wu wu wu (Looks that to don't tangle me to me! You stop making the idiot and you are suffered out of there, or I tear off you a leg to bites!)» and so saying the hand me.

  «Barbie, but that he/she takes you? Excuse her/it, I pray you, you/he/she is never behaved so» it said Stefania taking me the hand to check the entity of the damage.

  To that point I turned me and I showed the teeth to Barbie, miming him a pair of bark molts (not to risk anymore you, stupid! Do you perhaps think that I am happy about this situation?). Unfortunately, really in that instant Stefania turned him and saw me. I tried to do the indifferent one and to mime a hit of cough, but it was too late.

  «Cai cai» the canine one yelped, then takings run after her/it and it escaped away.

  «It is now that goes. And it will be better if you go to make you a beautiful sleep» it said more and more puzzled Stefania, and without attending the answer it was started.

  «Dodo-dodo-dodormita» I repeated me, and later I cursed immediately because I had bite the language!

  I had immediately understood that her" R" it was the more letter difficult to pronounce. I hastened me to close the door to be able to be some of it in peace, but I had not reached the couch that the bell rang again yet. I opened the door bored.

  «But are you sure to be well?» Stefania asked me in tone sincerely worried.

  I nodded.

  «. yet you/he/she was seemed me of veder to fly the gat. oh, needle nothing. It allows to lose.» it said, and it went indeed this time.

  Chapter 47. To learn in hurry

  Stefania had just gone I told me that I had to give me to do for learning to behave me from man, and I had to learn in hurry. I finally had the two things that I had always envied to the men and that I had always desired: the hands and the word. Definite to spend the rest of the evening in front of the television, I wanted to practice repeating me everything that that was said. A lot of words I knew her, I had only to learn to pronounce her. It was not easy at all, but once understands as it worked I began to quickly improve. As it was very fatiguing, I alternated these exercises with some attempts to learn the most banal things. I for instance had to also learn to walk erect - and to maintain the equilibrium on two only points of support was not easy - to turn me without falling, to use the hands, to make the needs, to greet, and who knows how much other things. While I was trying to understand as it opens a bottle of water I felt to scratch to the door. It was slow, I thought that Puffi had decided to reenter and so I went to open, but on the threshold there was Barbie. Fast meeting raced me and stuck me to the leg, in an unexpected demonstration of affection. I succeeded in shaking me her of back and her me he/she sat him before. He/she was immovable to look me with a loaded expression of expectations stamped on the musetto.

  «Ba-Baba-Bababarbie, co-or-or-ocosa cc'è cheche no-noo-nonva?» I asked doing the indifferent one.

  «Grrr. grrr bau bau (Looks, that I know much have recognized you! And Puffi has also recognized you, you/he/she has said that don't have been loyal).»

  I remembered well fortunately still the language of the dogs.

  «Bu bu grrr bau caì (Ah, would be me what is not loyal? When I was lessened has you/he/she combined of it of all the colors, and then if Italo and Stefania are not engaged the guilt it is alone his/her, don't you remember him/it to you?)» I answered.

  «. bau. caì? (. it is not important, now. How are you ended there there inside?).»

  «Wuf Wuf ronf (I swear You that I don't know him/it, I wake up so!).»

  «Mhhhi. caì? (And as you think about going out of it?).»

  «Bu bau cai (I don't have idea of it, I fear that I will have to stay so forever.).»

  «Bu? (And Italo?).»

  «Bau. uhhhh mhhhii (you/he/she has disappeared. The have told you him, The fears that The wills stay I know forever, also because The don'ts have my body anymore!).»

  «Caì Wuf Buf. mhhh caì caì (But you macaws not able. you cannot I give me this, we had to make burdens pups together.)» it murmured.

  «Ba-Ba-Babarbie, midis. midis. piapiace» The said for consoling her/it, even if in truth The didn'ts regret at all to be saves me from the merciless court that was doing me.

  You got up and it came again to stick to my leg.

  «Wuf Buf. caì caì (you cannot leave I know)» insistette.

  I succeeded in shaking me her of back for the second time and I threw myself in knee, to snarl her angry.

  «Bau. wuf wuf caì bau wuuuf! (But thing you believe, that I am happy to this situation? Up to few months ago I was a happy dog, everything house and job, and after all didn't care of it really nothing! Was I well, do you understand? Then everything has gone downhill, distantly are not able even to imagine what have passed! And now I am imprisoned in a body that I don't want and I don't know whether to go out of it. Do I have to learn to walk, to speak and to move the hands, to drive the auto and to make me the knot to the tie, I to do like eating, I to feel like living and to pay the taxes, and do you come to tell me that you want some pups? Am I fed up, have you understood? Stufooo!).»

  Feeling me of observed hit I turned me. Stefania was immovable on the threshold to open mouth. To his/her feet there was the sack of the laundry inverted mean, that had slipped her of hand for the amazement.

  «Me.» The tried to say bringing me the hand behind the head in sign of embarrassment, but The didn'ts know whether continuous to. It didn't come me to mind any good excuse that justified the fact that I was barking to his/her dog.

  «Is just as I feared» whispered «goes crazy for the
loss of Leo. but is not your guilt, and even if was him/it not being is not doing I know that will bring him/it in life! Is it dead, do you understand? Dead! You are not able it stuffed nothing» it added crying while it was shaking me for the shoulders, then it brought him the hands to the face, he turned and it escaped away.

  Barbie the runs behind, also her crying. I hastened me to close the door. Hallucinated, I went to throw myself on the couch hoping to succeed in sleeping.

  Chapter 48. The first man day

  The following morning I woke up myself of buon'ora because of the pressing need to pee. I rolled down me from the couch and me stiracchiai. Then, proceeding on all four, I went beyond the open portafinestra and I started me toward a beautiful plant, the greatest, that was systematized in an angle of the garden. I sniffed for a long time him, then I put me of side and I lifted the leg. Realize what was doing only when I warned the feeling of wet on the pajamas that had become sticky.

  "My goodness, I am really a fool" I thought.

  That, if he/she is thought that to the hospital I had the catheter, it was my first man pee. I succeeded in almost immediately stopping me and I got up me standing, looking around me embarrassed, then I went me toward the bath using the hands to hold the far sticky pajamas from the thighs. Schifato, removed from me the pajamas and I threw him/it to earth the most distant possible. I settled me in front of the water and I lifted the cover, and I told me that to succeed in doing I center would not be certain is easy! After a pair of attempts with relative disaster it returned once me to mind that I had seen Steve. I looked me and I realized me how naked I did even more me disgust that dressed, but I was aware that, dopotutto, that gestures would have had to do them for the rest of my days! After that experience scioccante had come the moment to handle the toilet, that until I had been dog it was everything easy. A pair of licks here and there, two scratchings to give the executive eviction to possible tenants indesiderati, and I had been ready to face the day. But now it was everything different. I arrived hesitant in front of the sink. On the shelf of the mirror there was a whole series of jars, bombolette and other mysterious objects. Was tried of lasciar to lose but I knew that however would also have had sooner or later to assume an aspect and of the human behaviors, therefore so much was worth immediately to start! I didn't have choice, but the problem was that I didn't know how to read! So I taken in hand a cilindretto with in top a rotating spazzolina and I passed him/it to me in the ears, then I found some canes from the very soft extremities, and knowing that this thing to do with the fingers is disgusting to the people I inserted her to me in the nose. Curious, I fumbled for some with a bomboletta. It went out from there some foam that he/she knew about mint, it seemed me to remember as it did Steve and me I smeared in head to give some order to the hair.


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