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Engaged to the Boss: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance

Page 10

by Nikki Bloom

  “Speaking of your new position, I have some paperwork from HR for you to fill out. Once that’s taken care of, you’ll officially be on the payroll.”

  “And I suppose it also means we’re officially engaged.”

  Poppy was playing with her ring, her face hard to read. “I suppose it does. How does it feel?”


  “Honestly,” I said.

  “It feels kind of strange. Every girl has a dream of finding Mr. Right and living out that happily ever after. This isn’t exactly that. No offense, but I don’t really know who you are. Jenna never bothered to tell me anything about you or your bother. All I really know is that you’re one hell of a whirlwind in bed–”

  “And out,” I interrupted, glancing at the desk.

  “And out,” she agreed.

  We finished our lunch and Poppy set to work filling out her paperwork. From my desk, I couldn’t help peeking over at her from time to time. It was a nice change of pace to have someone else in the office. It helped take off the edge of loneliness that often found me while I was at work.

  “Would you like a coffee?” I asked.

  “No thanks. I’m more of a tea drinker.”

  “I have tea here as well, but I’ll be honest, I don’t quite know how to go about making it.”

  “You just steep the teabag in a mug of hot water for a couple of minutes.” She joined me at the coffee machine and browsed through the selection I had to offer her. Standing so close to her, I picked up on the scent of her shampoo. It was something sweet, laced with hints of honey and maybe even a bit of mango. It drew me closer. Her arm brushed against mine and I felt a tingle of excitement underneath my skin. It wasn’t a desire to have her again but something more – something deeper.

  “See? Simple,” she said as she dunked the teabag into some hot water. “And then you just add some milk and sugar, just like you would a coffee.”

  As she spoke, my phone went off. I took it out of my pocket and saw a calendar notification on the screen. “Shoot, I forgot.”


  “I have a meeting with my personal trainer, Rhianna, this afternoon.”

  Poppy chuckled. “With a body like that, I should have known you were something of a gym rat.”

  Knowing it wouldn’t bother her, I changed into my gym clothes right in front of her, enjoying her reaction a bit too much. The sparkle in her eye almost had me canceling the appointment, but if I wanted to continue rocking her world then I needed to keep myself in shape. “You are more than welcome to tag along.”

  “And workout in a dress? More than that, I don’t think your gym would appreciate if I used their equipment being as wet as I am.”

  “You’re still wet?” I asked, eyebrow raised with interest.

  “Have you forgotten what you did to me?” To prove her point, she brought my hand between her legs. True to her word, she was soaking wet. “Maybe next time,” she said. “As for today, I’ll see you at home.” She paired her wink with a vixen smile. This girl was definitely something else. Getting a ring on her finger was nothing short of hitting the jackpot.

  By the end of my training session, I was sweating bullets. Rhianna, my trainer, had me pushing the pace for the entire hour.

  “Don’t tell me you’re tired,” she said, throwing me a bottle of water. “Because there’s more of this come tomorrow.”

  “I think you’re trying to kill me.”

  “Hardly.” Rhianna wiped the sweat from her brow. “Because if I manage to kill you with my training then I’m both without a client and a potential date.”

  “Excuse me?” I couldn’t be sure whether I had heard her right. Rhianna had always been a tad bit flirty, but she had never been so bold.

  “My cousin just invested in a night club and I was looking for a date to bring along to the grand opening. It’s going to be a pretty sweet little shindig.” She moved with confidence like a lioness about to make that fatal pounce. “And I would really love it if you could come along.” There was a thick layer of sugar in her voice as she batted eyelashes. “I promise, you’ll have one hell of a time.”

  It was then that I noticed we were alone in the locker room. Rhianna had noticed it, too. She stepped forward, trying to get me into the corner, but I stood my ground. No doubt, the uninterested expression on my face made her come to a stop. “I’m sorry, Rhianna, but I can’t come with you.”

  “Why not?” she demanded. “I thought you liked night clubs.”

  “I do. That’s not the problem.”

  Her confidence wavered.

  “I’m engaged.”

  “Engaged,” she spat. “To who? Last I knew, you weren’t dating anyone. I checked your social media profile right before you arrived, and it said you were still single.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t always update, but officially, I’m off the market.”

  She shook her head. “All I need is a minute to change your mind.” Before I could stop her, she had me by the shirt. With one yank, our lips came crashing together. Her strength surprised me because for a few seconds there, I couldn’t pull away. Her lips burned against mine, but it wasn’t anything I enjoyed. Quite honestly, it felt wrong. All I could think about was Poppy and how she would react if she saw me kissing my personal trainer. Sure, our relationship was far from conventional but still, I felt unfaithful.

  Managing to get my arms between us, I shoved Rhianna off of me. “Don’t ever do that again.”



  “Hello? Is this Charles?” I was holding the chauffeur’s card in my hand. After Connor left for the gym, I stuck around a little while longer to finish up the paperwork he had tasked me with. I knew he probably wouldn’t have minded if I left it for tomorrow, but I’ve always been a hard worker, sometimes to a fault.

  “It is.”

  “This is Poppy.”


  “Pomona,” I corrected. “Sorry, I usually go by Poppy. It’s a bit less formal sounding.”

  “Ah, of course. What can I do for you, Poppy? Shall I pick you up from D & D?”

  “If you wouldn’t mind that would be great.”


  “And there’s one more thing. It’s sort of a strange request but I really don’t know who else to ask.” I could feel my face becoming red hot. I poured some water from the watercooler but didn’t drink it. “Would you mind bringing along a pair of my panties? They are in my luggage bag in the outside pocket. I’m really sorry about asking–”

  “Say no more. I’ll make sure it is seen to.” Charles spoke with a tone of professionalism.

  I breathed a sigh of relief for I had been expecting a very awkward conversation. Had he dared to ask what had happened to my original pair of panties, I really did not know what I would have told him.

  “Do you know when you’ll be here?”

  “In about fifteen minutes or so.”

  “Perfect. I’ll wait for you in the lobby.”

  On my way down, I had the misfortune of sharing an elevator with Mr. Baker. I could tell that he knew. I mean, my screams had probably made it pretty obvious what we were doing in Connor’s office. As my face became the color of a ripened beet, I avoided looking him in the eye. It was hard to stand still – to keep my mouth shut – when I knew this man probably thought I was sleeping my way into the position. I was desperate to explain myself, but was the truth really any better?

  In the end, we went our separate ways.

  Stephanie, the secretary, quickened past me. She was as red with embarrassment as I was.

  Charles came not a minute too soon for the AC was cranked up higher in the lobby than anywhere else in the building and it was getting a little uncomfortable to shoot the breeze. He handed over a brown paper bag. “I shall wait for you by the car. It is parked out front.”

  I nodded my thanks before dashing into the bathroom. Ah, that feels much better, I thought.

nbsp; Charles opened the door to the backseat, but I did not jump inside.

  “Would you mind if I rode in the front? It just feels awfully weird being in the back and talking to you through the partition.”

  “Certainly.” Charles could not mask the surprise from his face, but he did not argue with my request. “Where to?” he asked once he was behind the wheel. “To the manor or elsewhere?”

  “When do you get off your shift?”

  Again, his face was painted by surprise. “I work from one to eight.”

  “Okay, so if I make a little stop before going back to the manor, I won’t be keeping you from your family?”

  “You are very considerate,” he commented.

  “I try to be,” I said. “You have been generous in helping me with my…predicament. The least I can do is treat you with fairness and respect.”

  Charles was looking at me like I was some sort of alien from a distant planet. “Many people do not think so.” His voice became hushed. “I hope I can say this in confidence but many of Connor’s guests have proved very entitled and I believe it is the reason they never remain for very long.”

  “Oh? What sort of guests?”

  “I fear I have spoken out of turn.” His attempt to retract the conversation gave it away. Charles was talking about Connor’s previous girlfriends. At once, my mind started to wander. How many had there been? Had they been as stuck up as Charles said? And was that really the reason Connor broke up with them? Or was it something else entirely?

  Charles cleared his throat and adjusted his hat in the mirror.

  “So, where was it that you wanted to go?”

  “Right.” I smoothed the fabric of my dress against my legs just to distract myself from the awkwardness that had built up inside the cab of the car. “On the way here, I saw a pawn shop advertising rare books. I have something of a collection back in Atlanta and I would love to add to it once all my stuff gets shipped.”

  “Ah, Ends and Oddities. It is a lovely little shop. It would be my pleasure to bring you there.”

  The ride was short and passed in silence. I was almost glad to get out of the car. The fresh air helped clear my mind of Connor’s past. What did it really matter? Their engagement was just an act and as long as he kept me employed and satisfied, who was I to complain?

  And yet, there was a part of me that wanted more. I could pretend I was completely unattached and that feelings weren’t part of the equation, but who was I kidding? With every smile, I felt myself becoming fonder. Why should I cross him off my list simply because our arrangement was unorthodox? Hell, if all worked out, it would make one hell of a story for the kids.

  I stopped.

  Am I really thinking about having kids with Connor?

  I shook my head and tried to quell my imagination because obviously, it had ventured into uncharted territory. Luckily, Ends and Oddities had plenty in terms of distraction. The back wall was filled with books, floor to ceiling. I gravitated towards the shelf marked ‘rare.’ Picking a book at random, I pulled out a leather-bound book about Victorian hairstyles. The illustration embossed on the front was just downright ridiculous.

  “It’s a wonder how they managed to keep their hair in such precarious fashion.” I turned around and was met with the sight of an older woman. She was a bit of an oddball herself with rings stacked on every finger and mismatched clothing brighter than a strobe light at a rave. “They had all kinds of techniques, some of them quite dangerous.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Mmm.” She pressed her lips together in what I took to be a strange sort of ‘yes.’ The bands on her wrist jangled as she reached for a book with a deep blue cover. “Now, if you’re looking for something to add to your collection, let me suggest this one. It’s written by an unknown author, but it’s a lovely story about this foreigner who falls in love with a young man and they unite to convince the man’s father that she deserves a place in the village. When the father refuses, the young man marries her just to give her someplace to call home. I’ve always thought it would make a lovely fairytale, but because the author is unknown, it has never been given much notice.”

  There was a strange similarity between the story and what was going on in my own life. “I’ll take it.”

  “Splendid. Splendid. I knew you would.” She brought it to the counter and wrapped it up with some newspaper. “I must ask you something.”

  “And what might that be?”

  “I see that you’re wearing a lovely dress. It suits you rather well, my dear. I can only hope that your partner will be taking you on a date this evening. Where might he be?”

  It was a weird question, though the person asking it wasn’t exactly normal. “He’s at the gym.”

  “You did not join him?” The woman had eyes that knew too much. It felt like she had the ability to look right through me. It was giving me the creeps but since I had yet to pay for the book, I wasn’t about to walk away.

  “He’s with a personal trainer.”

  “Might her name be Rihanna?”

  Goosebumps covered both my arms. “How did you know that?”

  “My son dated a personal trainer once. I hope it is not the same woman, as she is nothing but a maneater. She’s only after one thing and thankfully, I was able to knock some sense into my boy before she could fully sink her claws into his assets.”

  “Uh…” I didn’t know what to say. “I can’t say I’m very familiar with his personal trainer.”

  “You’d be wise to find out. Women like that will stop at nothing to get what they want. It will not matter whether they are with someone or not.” I felt like I was at a fortune teller’s booth and this woman was trying to keep me off some dark path.

  “Right.” I rummaged through my purse, looking for my wallet. “So, how much for the book?” The woman’s intentions were probably good, but she was giving me this eerie feeling and I did not like it one bit. First, it was the book and then her son just so happened to have dated Connor’s personal trainer.

  “It’s on the house. I only ask that you come again,” she said with a smile.

  “I will,” I answered, not really thinking of the promise I was making.

  “Have a splendid evening,” she called out with a wave as I made my way out the door.

  “That was weird…” I whispered to myself once I was back inside the car.

  “You mean Odette?” asked the driver.


  “The owner of the pawnshop. Her name is Odette and true to her name, she can be a little strange. She used to be a soothsayer before she decided to open this little shop with all the trinkets she’s collected over the years. A good woman, really, so long as you can get past her mannerisms.”

  I turned in his direction. “Did you say she was a soothsayer? Like someone who can see the future?”

  “That’s what she used to claim.” Charles shrugged. “If you ask me, it’s just a bunch of fancy guesswork, nothing more. But if you believe in that sort of stuff, I am sure Odette would be happy to indulge you.”

  “I think I’ll pass,” I said, remembering the eerie feeling the woman had left her with.

  “Very well. Is there anywhere else you’d like to go, or shall I take you home?”

  “Home. Please.” I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I wanted to forget what Odette had told me about Connor’s trainer, but it had infected my mind. If this Rhianna person was as easy to put out as Odette had suggested, why hadn’t Connor asked her to participate in the fake marriage thing first? Clearly, he knew her, probably trusted her, so why hadn’t he slipped a ring on her finger and asked her to play along? It had to mean something but what exactly?

  The countless questions made my head spin. I pushed them aside, distracting myself by opening my purchase for the very first time. The pages crinkled, showing their age, but they were in good condition despite being of another century.

  “Get anything good?” Charles asked. He was a bit chattier no
w that we sat side by side. I really didn’t mind it. The chauffeur was an easy person to talk to.

  “Odette recommended it.” I ran my finger along the spine. The title, once written in gold lettering had faded away leaving nothing but a few vague outlines. “It’s something of a fairytale. Honestly, it isn’t something I would usually read, but Odette made it sound like one hell of a story and I just couldn’t leave it behind.”

  “She has a way of doing that. How do you think she stays in business? She’s one hell of a saleswoman.”

  I agreed with him and started reading the first couple of pages. It was written in that fairytale language, but the narrator was different – omniscient in a sarcastic sort of way like he was keeping some great big secret from me. Effortlessly, I was reeling into the world of this couple, cheering for their success from the start.

  “We’re here,” announced Charles.

  Finding it hard to put the book down, I read until the end of the page before finally prying myself away. “Sorry.”

  “Looks like you’ve found yourself a good book.”

  “I think I have.” With the book tucked under my arm, I headed for the front door. It was opened by a member of staff before I could even knock.

  Inside, I found Connor working on the couch, a new laptop perched on his lap. He was fresh out of the shower, his hair still wet. The scent of his body wash filled the entire room.

  “Hey.” He greeted me with a smile. It was the sort of smile I would expect a husband to use with his wife after a long day. “I didn’t expect to get home first. Where did you go if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Ends and Oddities,” I said as I took a seat beside him. “I saw that they were selling old and rare books, so I thought I would check it out on the way home.” It was difficult to keep from asking about Rhianna, but I didn’t want to come across as being paranoid. Fake engagement or not, I owed Connor some extension of trust. Who was I accuse him when I knew next to nothing about his relationship with Rhianna? Besides, the agreement between us was a simple exchange. I’d help him convince his grandfather and should I succeed, I get to live rent-free. No talk of feelings and exclusivity had been expressed.


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