Engaged to the Boss: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance

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Engaged to the Boss: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance Page 12

by Nikki Bloom

  Lo and behold, there he was sitting behind his desk. “I made you some coffee,” I said. “Do you know what you want for breakfast?”

  “Have one of the cooks make me a sandwich.”

  “It’s Saturday, Connor. No one is here.” I sat down on the edge of his desk, teasing him a bit by letting my robe fall open. Too focused on what was on his computer screen, he barely noticed. “Connor,” I whispered, letting my voice take on a husky quality. Most nights he found it irresistible. A few naughty words were always enough to get us tangled under the sheets. He looked up, his eyes catching mine like a couple of magnets coming together. My heart swelled, becoming too big for my ribcage. It wasn’t the first time it had reacted in such a manner. More and more often my pulse became erratic just at the sight of my fake fiancé.

  “Right,” he said, snapping back to reality. “We could grab a bite to eat. There’s a nice diner in town with a really cozy vibe. I think you would like it there.”

  “Sounds nice,” I said. “What are you working on anyway?”

  “Just finished looking over a contract. I pay these lawyers all this money and in the end, I’m always the one making final revisions.”

  “Well, you are the boss.” As I spoke those words, I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him close enough where our lips were just about to touch. I smiled. “Now drink your coffee before it gets cold.” I released my grip and leaned back. His features sharpened as he tried to keep the disappointment from his face.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he answered.

  While he savored that first sip of coffee, I updated his word of the day calendar. “Malfeasance,” I said. “A noun. Misbehavior; wrongdoing; illegal; unethical, or immoral conduct.”

  Connor smiled through his eyes, irises bright as he listened to me. “What you do to me is pretty malfeasance.”

  “I would say the same about what you do to me, but I don’t believe you’re using the word as a noun.”

  “Of course I am,” he said. We bickered back and forth about who was right. It felt like we were an old married couple and that this sort of teasing was just a normal part of our morning routine.

  “Hey!” I shouted in protest. “Kissing me won’t make you right–” He silenced me with his lips. Soon, I was pressed against his bookcase, heart beating fast, leg around his waist. My tongue was about to meet his when he pulled away, leaving me grasping at thin air. Sometimes, payback is a real bitch.

  “Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” he said, acting as if nothing had happened. Nonchalantly, he picked up his mug and held it in both hands waiting for me to comment.

  “And what might that be?”

  “I have two tickets to a play. Would you like to come? There will be a surprise for whomever takes the second ticket and I would like very much for that someone to be you.” He pulled the tickets from his top drawer and held them out for me to see.

  “If not me, who else were you planning to take?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Hugo, perhaps?”

  “The gardener?” I laughed at the thought of the middle-aged man wearing anything but a Hawaiian shirt. “You sure you want to be seen with someone who wears galoshes on a daily basis? Rumor might spread that you’re keeping the wrong company.” I slide my finger along the edge of the tickets. They were beautiful, outlined in an intricate design of gold foil. The title of the play was written in a flowing script, simple yet elegant. “You know, I’ve always wanted to see this. Don’t tell anyone but I’m something of a theater nerd; although, I’ve never been to a real fancy playhouse. All my friends were too lame to appreciate such things.”

  “Now’s your chance,” he said. “I have no problem being a theater nerd alongside you. But I have a request to make in return. I used to be part of a ballroom dancing group in college and I really miss it. Would you consider being my partner?”

  “But I don’t know how to ballroom dance.”

  “I’ll teach you,” he whispered. “Besides, you have it easy as a girl; all you have to do is follow me.” He took me by the waist and guided me through the motions. “I think it would be a lot of fun and a fantastic thing for us to do together. Plus, I wouldn’t mind spending some more time with you.” His smile disarmed me, leaving me without a bone in my body. I fell limp against him. He held me even tighter, breath against my neck.

  “Okay,” I said. “Sign me up.”

  “My brother will be here at any moment. He just called to say he was dropping by. I don’t know what he wants, but I think it will be a good time to make introductions.”

  I gave him a playful pout. “So, you’re telling me that I have to wear something other than this robe?”

  “As much as it pains me to say so, yes. I don’t want my twin getting any ideas.”

  I turned toward the door, but before I could move, Connor grabbed me by the wrist. The kiss that followed was one that took my breath away. He didn’t say a word as he let me go. Walking in a daze, I managed to find my room, a smile plastered on my face. How was it that a fake relationship was making me so happy – giddy even?

  In my room, I opened up the closet. Since receiving my first paycheck, I had stocked up on the essentials. My second and third paycheck were spent on other luxuries. The boutique stores were stocked with silken dresses and designer shoes. I had been tempted to overindulge, but I limited myself to one killer outfit. It was this outfit I laid out on the bed. It was a bit flashy to wear for a meet and greet, but I figured I would kill two birds with one stone and get ready for the play as well. Call me overeager, but I really wanted to know what Connor had in store for our date.

  While I was doing my hair and makeup, I watched a bit of TV on my phone because curling a whole set of hair can prove quite boring when staring at a wall. With the help of some clips, I pinned part of my hair, going for that 20s vibe. It was only appropriate given the play we were attending.

  Finished, I returned to Connor’s office, expecting to find him there. What I didn’t expect to find was his personal trainer. What was worse was the fact that she was sitting on his lap sucking face.

  The words were taken right out of my mouth. All I could do was stare from the door while my heart broke into pieces. What was going on? Connor had made it clear that he would never waste his time with someone so poor of character. He had canceled every single one of his appointments and now, all of a sudden, she was in his office trying to score a run. Blinking, I felt the tears in my eyes. I wiped them away with the sleeve of my dress, angry with myself. Why had I been fool enough to believe him? Rhianna had the body of a goddess, toned and lean. Her skin was sun-kissed and perfect.

  Unable to stand the sight of them any longer, I tore down the hall. I was out the door a moment later, my high heels turning precariously as I sped down the cobblestone driveway. I yanked them off my feet and continued barefoot down the road. It really did not matter to me where I went so long as I was far, far away from that damned mansion. Oh, why did I ever think it would work? Anyone with common sense would have suspected him from the start. After all, it just wasn’t normal for a man to propose to a complete stranger. More than that, his reason for getting married wasn’t a matter of love or spending the rest of his life with someone. It was a means to an end. I should have seen through his act – all his sweet moments – and seen him for what he really was – a villain with a plan.

  I swore just to get some tension off my chest, but it barely helped. The image of Connor and Rhianna in that desk chair had been burned into my mind and I wasn’t sure whether I would ever be free of it because I had allowed myself to fall and now I was paying the price for my mistake.

  By the time I reached the city, it was starting to get dark and my feet were hurting. I needed a place to sit down. Spotting a bar, I made a b-line in its direction thinking that a drink might help clear things up. Maybe there was something I was missing…

  “What will it be?” The bartender was a friendly face.

  “Something strong,” I sai
d, throwing my shoes on the floor. Getting the job as Connor’s personal assistant felt like a step up in the world. I was making more than most web managers. It was the first time in my life where I was actually able to afford something name brand. And for what? To be used. I was sick to my stomach. What was I supposed to do? I had declined my lease in favor of living at the mansion. Finding another would prove a nightmare and if I left D & D, how was I supposed to pay rent?

  “You alright?” It was a familiar voice.

  “Ryan?” I was surprised to see him. What were the odds? “What are you doing here?”

  “I could ask the same of you. That dress is a bit overkill for a place like this.” He rubbed the back of his neck realizing what he had said. “Don’t get me wrong, it looks lovely on you, but I can’t help but think you were supposed to be somewhere else tonight.”

  “As a matter of fact, I was. But there’s been a change of plans.”

  “Maybe a couple of rounds of pool will help get your mind off of whatever is bothering you,” he suggested. “I know it always helps me.”

  “I’ve never played before.”

  “Don’t worry. It’s easier than it looks. I can show you.” Before I could agree or disagree, he took my hand. I followed him, leaving my shoes and drinks behind.

  From a wall, he picked out a pool stick and checked whether it was straight by holding it out and squinting with one eye closed. He looked ridiculous. I almost smiled, glad to focus on something other than the haunting image inside my head. “What was wrong with that one?”

  “You’ll never make a good shot with that piece of junk.” He shook his head and grabbed another. “That’s the problem with in-house sticks. They’re all crap. Most people learn their lesson pretty quickly and bring their own.”

  “Did you?”

  “Of course.” He grabbed it and gave it a spin for dramatic effect. It was made of a glossy material, black all the way through with streaks of gold.

  “I like the marble effect,” I said. “Classy.”

  “Thanks. It cost me a pretty penny, but it was worth the investment. I’ve won a few tournaments with this baby so she’s more than paid for herself.”

  “Tournaments, huh? You must be pretty good if you’re winning competitions.”

  “I’m not one to brag, but I guess you could say I’m decent.” He was racking up the balls. I picked up his pool stick and tried to figure out how to hold it, but it felt awkward in my hand. “Like this,” he said, coming up from behind. His body was pressed against mine as he adjusted my grip. I thought he’d step aside, but he remained locked against me as he pulled back on my elbow, helping me make my first shot. The balls didn’t scatter very far, though he praised my efforts all the same. He was just being nice. “Now, let a professional show you how it’s done.”

  “So much for modesty.”

  He chuckled and rounded the table. I had no idea what he was aiming for, but in the blink of an eye, two solid-colored balls disappeared into opposite pockets. He sunk nearly every ball in his first move until he slipped up and missed completely. If you ask me, he did it on purpose.

  “Way to give me a fighting chance,” I said, taking the pool stick from his hand. Accidently, his fingers brushed mine. He stopped like he had been struck by Zeus’ bolt. “Ryan?”

  He shook his head. “Sorry.”

  Ryan made it obvious. He was the kind of person to wear his heart on his sleeve. This game of pool was his attempt at flirting, but I couldn’t feel a thing. There wasn’t that static in the air. My heart was beating at a steady pace. Ryan did nothing to fuel the fire in my stomach.

  He wasn’t Connor and never would be.

  But he made a lot more sense. He was just a normal guy trying to score a girl. He didn’t have an agenda.

  “Do you want anything from the bar?”

  “My pool skills making you nervous?” I asked, trying to lace a bit of playfulness into my voice. Sure, Connor had broken my heart, but I was strong enough to hold my head high and move on with my life. If he wanted to suck face with an arrogant bitch of a personal trainer then that was his prerogative.


  “A Coke,” I said.

  “Just a Coke?” he asked. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. Although, maybe with some ice.”

  “You got it.” As he disappeared, I took off my engagement ring and threw it into my purse. If Connor wanted someone else, what was stopping me from doing the same?



  “What the hell are you doing?” I returned to my office to find Neil sitting at my desk with his new girlfriend straddled across his lap. “I thought I told you to wait for me in the living room. I don’t want you in here.”

  Neil flashed a schoolboy grin. “What’s wrong? Don’t want me knowing what you’re doing in that fancy company of yours? Give it a break and get off your throne, will you? You’ve always acted like you were king of the castle, but we both know Gramps helped build your fortune.”

  “Sure, Gramps helped me. I won’t deny that, but I actually worked hard to get where I am now.”

  Neil scoffed. “Keep telling yourself that.” He grabbed my ex-trainer and pulled her close. “Rhianna here was telling me that you found yourself a girl. That’s news to me. I thought you would have at least told your dear old brother if you were serious enough to marry someone. I thought I would have seen her around, but this chick just popped up out of the blue. What are you playing at, Connor? How much are you paying her? And she could be the best damn actress in the world, but Gramps isn’t going to fall for it, and you know it.”

  He had crossed the room, leaving Rhianna by the window. We squared off, shoulder to shoulder. I kept his gaze, standing firm.

  That was the thing about my brother. He liked to act the playboy because it got him through the easy route in life; however, under the mask was someone truly cunning. He had proven himself manipulating and calculating. “So, where is she?”

  “She should be down in just a minute.”

  Rhianna laughed, looking truly amused. “She’s not worth your time, Neil.”

  “And where do you get off going after my brother?”

  Neil stepped forward, holding out his arm to stop me from approaching. “You had your chance. It isn’t my fault you decided to pass on the ass of the year. Really, it’s quite the loss on your part.”

  “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into,” I said, even though I knew I was wasting my breath. They were made for each other.

  Neil turned and stood by the globe, spinning it carelessly. Of course, he didn’t care that he was playing with a priceless piece of history – it wasn’t his. As a boy, Neil had done nothing but break my toys. Back then, I had been unable to do anything about it. Now that we were men, I wasn’t one to let him push me around. I grabbed his wrist, my grip a bit too tight. He jerked it away. “Get out of my office,” I said, my voice ice cold.

  “Our grandparents would be very saddened to see you treating me with such rudeness. They raised us better.”

  “You’re one to talk,” I snapped. “Gramps worked hard all his life. He tried to teach us the value of earning one’s pay and yet you were slacking off at every opportunity and I was dumb enough to cover for you. Not anymore. If you want to go around acting like an entitled brat, I can’t stop you, but I’m not going to encourage your laziness.”

  “Why do you think so poorly of me, Connor? What did I ever do to you?” He spoke like he was the most innocent man on the planet, despite being aware of our differences. This was just another way for him to get underneath my skin.

  “Get out,” I said again, quickly losing my patience. “I don’t even want you to meet Poppy.”

  “Poppy? Is that her name? Quirky. I kind of like it.” He retreated further into the room just to spite me. As he went, he took the liberty of touching everything within his reach. He even knocked some items to the ground.

  “Will you ever sto
p acting like a child?” I accused. “We aren’t kids anymore, Neil.”

  “When will you stop being so full of yourself? Smile sometimes, won’t you?” He chortled and whisked Rhianna into his arms, dancing across the hardwood floor. My patience was being tested. I had the overwhelming urge to throw something at his face. If it wasn’t obvious already, my brother and I weren’t the twins that saw eye to eye. Every visit ended up like this. There was too much resentment between us – too many years of butting heads.

  “I’m starting to think that this fiancée of yours isn’t going to show. Maybe she saw how much of a bore you were and decided to leave you high and dry. It wouldn’t be the first time, would it?” He pointed at the security cameras mounted in the corners of the room. “What was the name of the girl who pushed you to install those things? How many months did it take you to recuperate the money she’d stolen?” His laugh was like a jackhammer in my head. I couldn’t stand it.

  “Out!” I bellowed. “Or else I call security.”

  “You’d call security on your brother?” When I answered him with a stare, he held up his hands. “Alright, alright. I can take a hint.” He took Rhianna by the hand and dragged her out the door. She giggled and shot me a look over her shoulder as if to say, ‘look what you’ve been missing.’

  Too angry to follow them, I waited for the sound of the front door closing behind them. The home security app on my phone confirmed them leaving in Neil’s sportscar. Seeing it made my blood boil by another ten degrees because I knew he had swindled that car from somebody else. He was just that kind of person – getting by on the backs of others. Sometimes, it made me sick to call him my brother. We really couldn’t be any different.


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