Gun Meister Online: Adult and Uncensored

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Gun Meister Online: Adult and Uncensored Page 24

by Noah Barnett

  She was a giant compared to him. The Russian was over seven feet in height with enough muscle to be called fit. Her hair was bright red like the color of freshly spilled blood. Those steel colored eyes were still registering the data changes, and they flashed under her long dark lashes. Her nose was small and straight with a direct, uncompromising character. It was the lips that drew him in. They were a natural bright red like she came with lipstick already applied. It wasn't quite the same color as her hair, but they complimented each other. Tanya? Sasha? Anastasia? Hmmm… Most Russian names ended with an ‘A’, and he already had Elva and Fara to contend with, so his third weapon needed something different.

  "Sofie," He said tasting the word. It was a relatively strong name, with a feminine ending.

  "Da," she said turning to him.

  Elva looked on with interest as they re-entered the house. The tall Russian turned in a circle in the living room absorbing and cataloging the visual data.

  "Sofie, this is Elva. I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to talk." He said stepping away from the tall redhead. Charlie was glad to have the SVD, though his night was turning out a little crazy.

  He sat down, cleared the M16, and removed her roll pins. The rifle came apart in two pieces, and he pulled the bolt carrier out. She was sooty and caked with gunpowder, so Charlie picked up the solvent can and started to coat her liberally with the liquid. As he began cleaning, Elva and Sofie started a quick exchange in Russian. He shouldn't have been surprised the weapons were fluent. Elva laughed suddenly.

  "He is," she said and glanced in his direction. Charlie pointed the dirty scrub brush at her.

  "Elva, I will put those handcuffs on you and bend you over this couch." He warned returning to his scrubbing.

  "See," Elva said gesturing. Charlie rolled his eyes. At least they weren't talking about his pink shirt.

  Fara's bolt assembly was finally coming clean, but per their agreement, he didn't go overboard. He wiped the part free of residue and set it down. Then squirted solvent into her barrel. While the liquid did its job, he glanced at his first weapon. Elva was still talking in rapid fire Russian. Her personality was continuing to evolve, and Charlie cherished that, but he wished Fara wasn't rubbing off so much. She laughed again covering her mouth with a hand. He dragged a bore snake through Fara's barrel, and left over copper residue spilled out. Charlie oiled the bolt carrier, assembled the weapon, and ran a quick function check.

  Fara appeared sitting in his lap, and wasted no time in kissing him. Their tongues wrestled for territory before she growled biting down on his bottom lip. If that was how she wanted it, he would oblige. Reaching behind the girl, he grabbed a fist full of her colored hair and yanked. She gasped letting go of his lip.

  Elva and Sofie finally stopped their conversation and turned to watch. Charlie took the collar of her black t-shirt and tore the top apart.

  "Jerk, I liked that shirt," she said.

  He grinned tossing the garment away. Charlie unhooked her bra and leaned in biting down on her pierced nipple. She yowled in pain digging her fingers into his hair. They quickly tore the remaining clothes from one another in a tussle that ended with her straddling him.

  Fara leaned in biting his lip a second time before forcing her tongue into his mouth. Charlie was guided inside the furnace that was her sex. She rocked slowly at first, and Charlie was surprised by how incredibly tight the girl was. Instead of moaning, she growled like a feral cat as black fingernails dug furrows into his skin. He hissed from the unexpected pain, causing her to move faster and smile. Charlie grabbed her waist trying to keep up, but within a minute all he could do was hang on. Fara's hips shook inhumanly fast, and she pistoned furiously like a racing engine. Gun Meister wasn't helping. The game had cranked up his sensitively from winning the last match, and tacked on an extra percentage point for gaining a new rank too. Her wetness dripped down his shaft and pooled on the leather couch as Fara drove herself onto his erection.

  He struggled with his self-control, straining to keep from finishing too quickly, and Charlie dug his nails in as Fara rode him like a train steaming toward a broken bridge. She suddenly grabbed him by the throat with both hands, and her eyes flared with blue light as she squeezed. He quickly saw stars as the girl choked him, and he didn't just climax. Charlie exploded inside Fara like a nuclear warhead. His eyes crossed and he groaned as the train wreck of an orgasm washed over him.

  Fara wailed letting go of his throat and clawed at her chest. She pulled on her own pierced nipple until blood started to drip out. Her luminous blue pupils rolled into her head, and she made animal sounds as her sex clamped down. Saliva dripped from her open mouth as her entire body convulsed in fits. Finally, Fara slowed to a stop and sagged like a toy running out of batteries. Charlie coughed as the stars in his vision faded.

  "Holy shit! It's true what they say. The crazier the girl, the better the sex." He said looking up at the weapon. Fara wiped the drool from her lips and stared down at him. She finally glanced at her fingernails, which were stained red with both their blood. Then she laughed almost hysterically, bent forward, and kissed him again.

  "Ok Charlie, you win. That was the best orgasm I've ever had." She admitted.

  "I didn't know this was a competition, but I like the way you say that." He replied, and Fara climbed from him. She bent grabbing her clothes and went into the master bedroom.

  Elva slid across the leather couch, and he was once again surprised to see flaming blue eyes. They were however, directed at Fara as the girl closed the bathroom door. Elva pressed close touching Charlie's throat with a trembling hand.

  "I thought she was going to hurt you," Elva said.

  "I'm glad she didn't," Charlie said reaching up. He grabbed Elva by the hair and pulled her in for a kiss. She resisted for a second, then slid into his lap. For a while their lips mashed together like punch-drunk boxers, until he tasted blood again from his split lip, and they finally broke apart.

  "I need you to go to the mall in the morning. During the last match, I dropped all of Fara's mags, so I need at least a dozen more. I hit Silver Master this evening, so gold won't be far away. Buy some clothes for Sofie preemptively. She also needs some ammo, mags, and a scope." He said turning to the woman. The Russian beauty was staring at the couple like she was memorizing every second. The tall redhead crossed the distance between them and ran a hand over his bloody chest.

  "Is all sex like so?" She asked curiously.

  "I try. My spirit is strong but I am only flesh and blood." He said standing up from the couch. There was a dark patch of leather from the lovemaking, and he briefly wondered if it would come clean. Charlie gathered his boxers and pants before remembering his naked chest.

  "Oh, and another shirt."

  "I can do that," Elva said, and he pointed at the pistol.

  "Don't you dare let Fara pick it out," he warned. Elva smirked mischievously at his shaking finger. Charlie went into the master bedroom to lay down. Elva and Sofie climbed into bed next to him. Fara was still in the shower as he accessed the menu and logged out.


  War of the Worlds

  There was something magically cleansing about great sex because Charlie woke feeling utterly refreshed. He yawned expansively and stretched underneath the covers. It was Saturday, and he was looking forward to spending time with the girls, especially Elva. It had been a few days since he'd given her special attention, and she certainly deserved some. He showered, brushed his teeth, and shuffled with fuzzy slippers into the kitchen. Fizzgig's dish was empty so he poured some mixed cat food into the small bowl. Then he filled the water dish with ice cubes, which would keep it cold in the summer heat. He was part way through several Pop-tarts when his phone rang. He recognized the number and picked it up.

  "Good morning Jennifer, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

  "Are you're getting on Gun Meister today?" Jennifer asked, and he put his breakfast down.

  "Of course, Saturdays are
always exciting. You should jump in and work on getting Silver rank." He suggested.

  "I don't know if I can," Jen replied in a tired voice.

  "How are things on the undead front?"

  "Complicated," she said in a sour tone.

  "I'm all ears."

  "I spent most of last night in Blood and Pride," Jen sighed tiredly. In the background, Charlie heard a microwave beep.

  "You mentioned a civil war was going to start," He inquired picking up his unfinished Pop-tart and biting into it.

  "I wish, but that coward backed down when he saw half the council supporting me. No, I spent most of my time in the club watching the vile twit squirm on his hook. We both know I don't need the access codes to ruin him." She said in a slightly more cheerful tone.


  "Envy, the nightclub is his. He spent millions turning it into a hangout. Right now the clan passively protects his sword just by being there, but as soon as everyone finds out there is a nuke under their feet, it would be a ghost town. Nobody would risk getting caught up in our domestic squabble. Stephan would have to bankrupt himself hiring mercenaries." She said taking a sip of something hot.

  "That must have been fun."

  "Not entirely. Stephan didn't waste any time in openly courting a new batch of fledglings. Probably just to spite me." replied Jen bitterly.

  Charlie was surprised the man wasn't groveling at her feet, but then Stephan seemed arrogant enough to try and bluff his way out.

  Charlie attempted to persuade her, "Forget him. You can make faces at your ex another time. Come spend the day with me. There's also Yohan… I'm not gay, but you know how to pick ‘em. He’s gotta be what nine, ten inches?"

  There was a choking cough, before she said, "I'll think about it." Charlie could practically feel the girl blush through the phone.

  "I’ll let you do that while I finish my breakfast," He said pushing the last Pop-tart into his mouth and savored the strawberry confection. "Well?" he asked around the food. Whatever Yohan was packing below the belt must have been the deciding factor.

  "Ok, you win. I'll be on after a bit," Jen said in a more normal voice.

  "See you soon," he replied hanging up. Charlie put the plate in the sink, went into the living room, and pulled the dive helmet on. He activated it and waited for the world to fade.

  Gun Meister Online Loading…

  Naughty Bits Connecting…

  Network Bumping Fists…

  Logging into Character…

  The female form in all its shapes and colors is a glorious tribute to God. Especially when said flesh was draped over Charlie like Egyptian silk. Arms and legs interlinked in a complicated Chinese puzzle. He was pinned under that loveliness, and he wouldn't have moved for the world. Someone was using his thigh as a pillow, two others had his arms, and a fourth wrapped long legs around his waist. He'd also apparently joined in the middle of a conversation.

  "What happened next?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

  "Fara made a funny face and sounded like—" Sofie said followed by the cry of a cat giving birth.

  "I did not," Fara objected in a piqued and embarrassed voice.

  "Da, it was just so. This one made you squeal like svin'ya," Sofie sighed running a long fingered hand across Charlie's bare chest.

  "That sounds amazing. What was your peak pleasure quotient?" A second unfamiliar voice asked.

  "I'm not saying," Fara said, and several girls giggled. Charlie finally turned his head. An exceptionally attractive woman with black hair and Asian features was snuggled up to his right side.

  "He's awake," she said sitting up.

  "Who are you?" Charlie asked. The oriental woman was shorter than him with a sensual, curvaceous figure.

  "That depends on you," She said batting her lashes.

  Charlie glanced around taking in the scene. His bed was covered in females, several of which were not a part of his harem. One-two-three… Seven, seven girls lay on the master bed with him. Sofie sat on his left side, legs partly wrapped around his waist. Two girls with snow white hair continued to cling to his arms as he sat up while the gorgeous Asian caressed a hand across his abs. The last woman had auburn hair and was bashfully holding onto his right hand. Finally, he caught sight of Elva who was hiding near the foot of the bed. She had removed her business dress and donned daisy dukes.

  "Elva… While I enjoy logging into a bevy of beautiful girls, I do wonder who they are." He inquired looking between the women.

  "How come you assume it was my doing?" She asked defensively. He glanced down at Fara still cuddled to his thigh, and her bright blue innocent eyes looked up into his.

  "Fara’s not smiling like she got to play a prank, and Sofie wouldn't risk her chances at being contracted. That leaves one final possibility."

  Elva lunged at him wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I'm sorry!" She repeated with heated kisses.

  "Well… I'm still waiting for an explanation."

  "You see, I went shopping as you requested. Since we were near the Armory, I wanted to visit some friends." Elva said gesturing to the four new girls. At their mention, they pressed closer, and a multitude of hands caressed him. Then she said, "I told them about Sofie staying with us. The idea that a gun could stay with a Meister before contracting sort of lit a fire in the lobby."

  She kissed him several more times before he managed to pull away. "I'm not mad, Elva. Just curious." He said turning to the new girls. "You're welcome to stay, but I warn you. I promised Sofie the contract. It may be some time before I rank up again." He added, and each nodded eagerly, but it was Sofie that drew close.

  "I'm glad you still vant me," She purred stroking his chest.

  "I do."

  Charlie needed to move before his hormones got the better of him. The women slowly untangled themselves as he shuffled to the edge of the mattress. He rolled off the bed escaping the Venus fly trap it had become.

  There was a shopping bag near the nightstand with a plain white t-shirt, and Charlie pulled it on along with his armor and jacket. A second bag contained magazines, ammo, and a Russian made PSO scope. He examined the item and looked through the glass. There was a strange sloping graph along the side with several pointed chevrons. The foreign scope was more complicated than he first imagined, so Charlie put the sight on the nightstand along with the extra ammo.

  “I’m going to need a couple of practice rounds at the range to get used to that scope.”

  He spent a few minutes loading Fara's new magazines and hiding them about his person. Once he was mission ready, Charlie held out his hands to Elva and Fara. "Let's head into town. I'm eager to kill some people." Elva smiled sliding across the bed. Fara pushed his hand away and stood, but turned and gave him a tiny peck on the cheek.

  "Ladies, I apologize for the lack of introduction, but please enjoy yourselves." He said leaving the five uncontracted weapons in the house.

  Charlie climbed into the Mustang and opened the garage door. He sent Remy, Montgomery, and Jen a message before starting the engine. Then he backed out into the street and sped into town.

  The competition center was on some kind of alert. From a mile away red lights were visible flashing over the structure. The colorful advertisements and streaming banners had been taken down. Instead, the circular arena looked like it was on military lockdown. The West Coast Server was still growing as Gun Meister became ever more popular. Charlie tried finding a parking spot, but the lot was overflowing with vehicles. He was forced to find a place two blocks down. Elva took his hand and climbed from the back seat. Fara climbed out next and took up a position a few feet away, while Elva seized Charlie's arm and pulled it into her cleavage.

  As Charlie neared the competition entrance, he caught sight of Grace sitting on a bench in her distinctive southern gown. Today she had on a peacock feather hat that shimmered in the sunlight. The woman was looking away, staring off into the distance, so she didn't notice his approach.

how are you and Montgomery doing?" He asked. She turned toward him and quickly hid the handkerchief in the folds of her dress. Her eyes were red rimmed like she had been vainly attempting to keep her tears at bay.

  "What's wrong?" He asked quickly stepping closer. He knelt before her, but for a few seconds, she remained quiet.

  Her eyes brimmed and she finally wailed, "Montgomery left me!" Grace brought out her kerchief again and blew her nose.

  "Tell me what happened," he said.

  "After the match last night, he ordered me to find a new Meister and barred me from the manor," Grace said clutching the silk cloth in her hands. Even hearing it from the source, Charlie found it impossible to comprehend.

  "Did he say why?" He asked.

  "He said he couldn't bear the thought of me sitting there looking at him. It would be like forcing me to watch over a corpse." She answered, and Charlie took a seat next to the woman.


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