Adoring the Architect

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Adoring the Architect Page 4

by George H. McVey

  While Edwin was fussing over Rhona, Sterling slipped up beside her and whispered in her ear. “Save your dances for me tonight, sweet Aileen.”

  She looked at him and shook her head. “We can’t, Sterling, you know that.”

  He smiled. “We can and we will, even Edwin wouldn’t risk ruining your sister’s wedding reception.”

  She looked into his eyes and saw the determination there. “If we do this there is no going back, Sterling. He’ll know we’ve been seeing each other.”

  “What better place to let our intentions be known than at your sister’s wedding, Aileen? The house will be finished soon and then we will be having our own wedding. I’m tired of sneaking. I want to walk with you, arm in arm, and let everyone know you are mine. Don’t you want that?”

  She bit her lip in fear before nodding to him. “Alright, I’ll dance with you. Then when everything is finished with Rhona we will talk with Edwin. I just hope you’re right and he doesn’t make a scene.”

  “Either way, love. Today I am declaring my intentions to your family and our friends. I’m done hiding.”

  She sighed and entered the building knowing that he’d slip to the other side to keep the peace until after the wedding at least. Her heart was in her throat the entire wedding ceremony knowing that during the dancing part of the night Sterling McCormick was going to make it plain to everyone that she belonged to him heart and soul. She said a quick prayer that Edwin would see that they were right for each other and leave his petty feud behind for her happiness.

  Sterling sat at the table with the Clarks and Honeycutts for the wedding supper. “So, McCormick, I heard a rumor that you plan to let Edwin know your intentions to his sister tonight.”

  He looked over at the smiling face of Marta Clark. “Yes ma’am, I think my intentions will be known by one and all by the end of tonight.”

  The woman giggled before sobering. “While I am all for daring declarations of love, what are you going to do if Edwin reacts as badly as he did when you first approached Aileen at church?”

  Sterling sighed. “I’m hoping that he has come to realize that I’m serious about this by now. I eat every meal at his place. While I’ve never come right out and made a declaration, surely by now he knows she has been walking out with me.”

  “I’m not sure he does, Sterling,” Jake said. “From what I’ve heard he’s still looking for a man willing to court her. He mentioned the other day to KC he didn’t understand why none of those miners who got swindled wouldn’t agree to court her. He has no clue that everyone but him knows she is already courting you.”

  Just then the band started to play and couples were moving to the dance floor. “Well then, I guess it’s time he realizes just how serious I am. If you all will excuse me, I promised my lady I’d dance with her tonight.”

  He stood and walked right up to the table where Aileen sat beside Millie and Isla. “Aileen, may I have the pleasure of this dance?”

  Edwin started to stand but Millie put her hand on his arm. “Let’s dance, husband.” She clamped his arm with her hand and pulled him from the table to the dance floor. His eyes locked on Sterling and Aileen.

  Aileen placed her hand in his and let him lead her to the other side of the dance floor. “You know she won’t be able to keep him occupied all evening, don’t you?”

  “I know love, but it’s time. He needs to see how we feel about each other.”

  She moved into his arms and before the first dance was done she’d pressed in close and wrapped her arm around his neck, her head resting on his shoulder as they danced. He pulled her closer than was appropriate and she settled in to him, knowing they were made to fit together. As the music played and they danced, everything else seemed to fade away until it was just the two of them gliding across the dance floor, lost in each other.

  When the fourth dance started, Sterling looked up at a tap on his shoulder to see one of the ranch hands from the Morgan’s ranch standing there. “Mind if I cut in, partner?”

  “I do actually, Miss McRae has promised all her dances to me, I’m afraid.”

  The cowboy looked confused. “But I was told to come cut in.”

  Aileen looked at the man then. “Well you go tell my brother that I don’t want anyone cutting in.” She laid her head back on Sterling’s shoulder and he knew they were pushing Edwin and he’d respond soon. “You know he’s going to come over here himself, don’t you?”

  He looked down at her “I know; are you ready for that?”

  “Aye, you’re right; it’s time. He needs to know we won’t give in to his bullying ways anymore.”

  When the song ended and the next one started again there was a tap on Sterling shoulder. “I’ve been sent to rescue the lady from ya. Her brother says you’ve taken up too many of her dances already.”

  “You can tell her brother that I’ll release the lady when she asks me to and not a moment sooner.”

  The miner sighed. “I was told to not take no for an answer.”

  Aileen again looked the man in the eye. “You go tell my brother I refused to dance with anyone other than Mr. McCormick and that’s all there is to it.”

  “Are you sure, ma’am? I was told that you would be grateful to get away from his clutches.”

  “I am very sure, sir. I’m right where I want to be with whom I want to be there with.”

  The miner nodded. “I apologize then.”

  He walked away and Aileen and Sterling watched him make a straight line to Edwin who stood on the edge of the dance floor scowling at them. After a few angry words Edwin started stalking toward them. “Get ready, love; your brother’s on his way.”

  Just then Edwin grabbed his arm and yelled so loud the music came to a stop. “Let go of my sister, McCormick, and leave! I warned ye about messing with her.”

  “I’m not going to let go nor am I leaving, McRae. I plan to keep dancing with the woman I’m courting as long as the music is playing and the dance floor is open.”

  Edwin glared at him. “What game are ye playing at? My sister isn’t courting ye. She isn’t courting anyone.”

  “No, Edwin, you’re wrong.” Aileen looked at her brother, “Sterling and I’ve been courting since the first week I arrived here. Everyone but ye and our sisters know it to be true.”

  Her brother’s eyes flashed with anger and his face turned as red as Aileen’s hair. “How could ye court this man? Ye know what I told him. Ye know he was supposed to stay away from ye and our sisters.”

  She stepped away from Sterling and faced her brother and Sterling was worried now for her safety. “Who gave ye the right to decided who I can court? Hmm? I’m a strong independent woman with rights, brother. Ye have no say in who I court. Ye have no say in who I’ll marry either, and if he asks then I’ll marry Sterling McCormick as well.”

  “I’m the head of the Clan McRae, that’s who I am and as long as ye wear our tartan and live under my roof and work for our family, ye’ll do as I say.”

  Now he turned his anger on Sterling. “This is all your doing. Ye couldn’t stand that Millie married me, so ye had to go and cause discord in me family. I should beat ye senseless for this.”

  Sterling looked at Edwin with shock on his face. “Is that what you honestly think? That I’m courting your sister to get even with you for Millie? Are you daft, man? I knew at the March that Millie was going to marry you and stepped back then, you eejit. I’ve not been playing false with your sister. I knew the moment I saw her at your wedding she was the one for me. I told her and everyone who would listen that I’d court her and marry her. The only person refusing to see the truth, boyo, is you.”

  “Ye’re lying. Ye’ve no intention of marrying anyone. All one has to do is look at yer past to know that.”

  Sterling shook his head. “You’re a fool, Edwin McRae. You don’t even know what you’re talking about. No intention? Is that what you said to me? Well then, tell me what this is?”

  Sterling turned to face Aileen a
nd sank to one knee, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out the ring he’d carried since the trip he’d taken to the mercantile back on the first day she’d agreed to court him. “Aileen McRae, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Edwin roared. “Don’t you accept, Aileen, I forbid it!”

  She looked at her brother, eyes flashing with anger. “Ye forbid it! Ye forbid it? Who are ye to forbid me anything, Edwin McRae? I helped raise ye. I watched ye sail away without a thought to me or our Da or sisters after Mam’s death. I alone took care of our family. I alone watched our sisters grow to be fine women. I alone cared for Da as he lay dying. I alone stood up to the Laird when he demanded I become his mistress and I alone took care of our sisters when he turned the whole village against us. Where were ye then to forbid anything? Ye sent for us when ye needed help. Well, ye can’t forbid me anything. I alone will decide who I’ll marry.”

  “If ye say yes to him then ye’ll not set foot in my house or restaurant again, lass.”

  Millie gasped, “Edwin, you go too far!”

  Aileen turned away from her brother and reached out her hand. “Aye, Sterling McCormick, I will marry you.” She took his ring and put it on her hand. “Can you take me to my brother’s business to collect my things? I’ll be needing a ride up to Bachelor as well.”

  Millie looked at Aileen. “No, Aileen, you can’t.”

  Aileen looked at her sister-in-law with tears in her eyes. “Aye, I can and I will, Millie. I knew it might come to this and I’ve already talked to Celeste. I have a room in Celeste’s House until Sterling and I wed.”

  Marta Clark stepped out of the crowd that had been watching the scene play out. “That’s not necessary, Aileen. You’ll come to work for me starting right now. You can help me with the children and the house until Mr. McCormick’s home is ready for you two to marry and move into.”

  Edwin glared at everyone. “No, I refuse to allow this, do ye all hear me?”

  Aileen looked at her brother with sadness in her eyes that Sterling wished he could take from her. “Don’t ye understand yet, brother? Ye have no say in this. Instead of being happy for me ye’ve chosen to destroy what was left of our family. Over jealousy of a man who courted your wife for a few days. Who did the honorable thing and stepped back when she chose ye. Instead ye try to destroy my chance at the same love and happiness ye found.”

  She turned away and pulled her sister into her arms who was weeping openly. “I love ye Isla, ye and Rhona. I’ll see ye around town and at church, I’m sure.”

  Her sister nodded and clung to her before falling into Millie’s open arms. “Thank ye for your friendship, Millie. I’ll see ye around.”

  Then she turned to Sterling and wrapped her arms around him. “I believe, Mister McCormick, that ye need to seal our engagement with a kiss before I leave with my new employers.”

  “Whatever you want, Aileen.” He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her like they were alone. When he came up for breath she placed a hand on his cheek. “Come see me tomorrow after supper. We’ll take a walk around the Circle C.”

  “I’ll be there, love.”

  Sterling and the Clarks escorted her out of the ballroom. At the Clark’s wagon he lifted her up after another quick kiss and headed home, wondering if he did the right thing in forcing this confrontation.


  Almost a month had passed since Aileen and Sterling had gotten engaged. She was settled into the routine at the Circle C ranch helping Marta with the children and the kitchen so she could concentrate on caring for the twins. What Aileen thought had just been a job offered to give her a way to get out of moving into Celeste’s House, turned out to be a very necessary position that the Clarks had been trying to fill for several months.

  While Sterling worked hard to get their house finished so that they could be married, he still stopped every day long enough to come and court Aileen. They’d gone on many walks around the ranch after supper as the sun was setting. They’d gone into both Creede and Topaz for dinner at the various restaurants with one obvious exception. They’d even had a few meals at Rhona’s home, allowing Aileen to visit with both her sisters.

  Her days were filled with children and laughter, her evenings with courting and kisses that grew sweeter and more passionate with each passing day. Her nights were filled with dreams and with anguish. Dreams of her handsome fiancée and the life they would have together. Dreams of children of her own, yet anguish at the fact that her brother wouldn’t relent.

  The highlight of her week was Tuesdays when the ladies got together at the tea shop for tea. Her sisters had taken to staying afterwards to have some time alone with her. Isla had told her, and Millie had sort of confirmed it one week, that Edwin was a bear to live with. He snapped at everyone and was becoming a bitter and hateful man. He wouldn’t even allow her name to be mentioned and he’d made it plain that no one was to have anything to do with her or Sterling.

  She couldn’t understand how he could let something like jealousy take root in his life when he had so much to be happy about. He refused to be happy, instead becoming filled with bitterness and anger. Not only had he forbid Millie and Isla from mentioning her name or Sterling’s, any customer he overheard asking about them was told to leave the restaurant and not come back. Aileen was afraid that he was going to end up losing his dream because there was no way the Fontaine’s were going to allow him to run the Hearth and Home into ruin.

  Edwin’s dream had always been to run a successful restaurant and his cooking was good enough to guarantee that. But almost as important as good food was good, friendly service. She knew all she could do at this point was pray for her brother’s heart to soften. That and continue to plan her own future.

  Today was Tuesday and she sat in the tea shop with Marta as others came in. They all were thrilled when Celeste came in with Rachel and asked Regina for ginger tea and ginger snaps. They all knew what that indicated. Millie heard her sister-in-law order the stomach calming drink and snack and squealed, “Oh Celeste, is it true? Are you carrying my brother’s babe in your womb?”

  The lovely pastor’s wife blushed. “Yes, Doctor JT just confirmed it a few minutes ago. I haven’t told Callum yet.”

  Millie laughed. “You may want to hold off on that for as long as you can, Celeste. You think Cal is protective of you now. Just wait until he finds out you’re with child. He won’t let you step out of the bed let alone the house.”

  Celeste shook her head. “No, your brother is much more sensible than that, Millie.”

  Seffi Morgan laughed at that. “Oh, don’t you believe it, Mrs. Bing. Ain’t no man sensible when it comes to their woman being with child. Why I had to send for my mother-in-law when I told Waylon’s father I was with child. The man refused to let me do anything. It did get better with the other two but not by much. You just wait and see, Celeste. That husband of yours will try to wrap you in cotton and keep you from doing even the most basic of things.”

  “Speaking of being with child, has anyone heard from Benita Theodore lately?”

  Rachel spoke up. “Doctor JT has her on complete bedrest. She is having a lot of trouble carrying her child.”

  “I hope Reverend Theodore is treating her well.”

  Celeste cleared her throat. “I can speak to that. Believe it or not, I think Benita’s troubles are helping to calm the Reverend and bringing out a more caring side of him.”

  “What makes you say that, Celeste?”

  “Well for starters he came to see Callum and I Saturday night. He wanted to apologize for the way he treated us when we first married. He said he was preparing for his sermon and realized he couldn’t stand before his congregation without making things right with us.”

  The ladies all exclaimed over that statement. Celeste nodded. “He was sincere and then as if that wasn’t shocking enough, he asked if one or more of the girls in Celeste’s House would be willing to come and help out with Benita throughout the week. He seems
genuinely concerned for her comfort and condition.”

  “Well, will wonders never cease?”

  Seffi turned the conversation. “Okay ladies, I have a concern. We still have all those men who wanted mail order brides and believed that phony matchmaker, Mrs. D’Arcy, was going to help them. Those men deserve wives. I say we need to work with them and help them find good matches. Of course, before we send for a train load of mail order brides we need to make sure those men will make good husbands. I want to start teaching them how to court a lady. Can any of you help us with that?”

  Aileen knew that the conversation went on from there, but she couldn’t concentrate on anything. All she could think about was that soon Sterling’s house would be done and Mr. Jorgenson would have their furniture made and they’d be married. Yet if her brother kept up the way he was, two thirds of her family wouldn’t be there. As it was, if she were to become with child, that babe would grow up not knowing his or her uncle and maybe not even one of the aunts. Was she making a mistake in agreeing to marry Sterling? She loved him and couldn’t see herself married to anyone else but was it right to marry him and destroy her family?

  When she looked up only her sisters, Millie and Celeste were left in the tea shop. The tea group was over and she’d not heard a word. Millie reached out and touched her hand. “What are you thinking about, Aileen? You look so sad.”

  She looked at the four women sitting with her sisters, sister-in-law and the pastor’s wife and a tear leaked out of her eye. “Am I making a mistake agreeing to marry Sterling?”

  “Oh honey, what makes you ask that?”


  Millie sighed. “Aileen, he’ll come around, you just need to give him time. You know how proud your brother is. That’s all this is; his pride is wounded. He’ll get over it, you’ll see.”

  “What if he doesn’t?” she whispered. “The house will be finished soon and the furniture not far behind it. I don’t want to marry without my family there to celebrate with me. I don’t want to have children who never get to know their aunts and uncle. Maybe I should just end things with Sterling and move back to the boarding house.”


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