Pete's Persuasion (2019 Reissue)

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Pete's Persuasion (2019 Reissue) Page 7

by Lavinia Lewis

  “Something about all of this doesn’t add up,” Tony said.

  When Pete turned to look at his mate, he was chewing on his bottom lip, his eyebrows drawn closely together.

  “What do you mean?” Pete asked. “What doesn’t add up?”

  “Well, for a start, the attacks seem to be random.”

  Everyone shook their heads, but it was Kelan who spoke up.

  “Gregory said that Evelyn probably got hold of the case files on Dean’s death and his entire operation. She knows each and every one of us had a hand in trying to catch Dean, even if we weren’t personally responsible for killing him.

  “That explains why she’s targeting each of us.”

  “But that’s just the point,” Tony remarked. “She isn’t.”

  They all looked on in confusion. “Of course she is,” Jared said. “She hit each of our houses.”

  “No, she didn’t,” Pete argued, catching on to his mate’s idea. “She hit Kelan’s house and yours, but she didn’t touch mine, she blew up the bar instead.”

  Tony nodded. “And Pete wasn’t anywhere near the place at the time. If she’d have been watching she’d have known he wasn’t there, so why do it? The same goes for Kelan’s ranch. He wasn’t home either.”

  “It’s a good point,” Kelan agreed. “But the problem is this woman isn’t exactly stable. We have no idea what’s going on in her head right now. She might have burned down my house to kill someone close to me, knowing that would make me suffer.

  “All of Jared’s family were at home when she started the fire at his place. It wouldn’t be inconceivable that she hit Jessie’s because it was where Pete spent a lot of his time.

  “He had friends there, people he cared about. Pete wasn’t mated at the time so maybe she thought that would be the best way to hurt him.”

  “I have to agree with Kelan,” Nate said gruffly. “I don’t think she meant to kill any of us…at least, not yet. It’s like she wants to prolong our suffering, the same way she’s suffered. I think she’s playing with us—showing us what’s she’s capable of. Could be she’s only just getting started.”

  “But why hasn’t she done anything to Gregory?” Tony asked. “Especially if he’s the one she wants to get back at most of all.”

  “Don’t you see?” Jared said. “She’s taking her time. What better way to make Gregory suffer than to leave him until last. To hurt all his friends and let him know that he and his mate are next. She’s saving the best until last.”

  “And Gregory took Hayden to a motel as soon as he suspected who might be behind everything, so it could be that she simply can’t find him,” Kelan reasoned. “That would have frustrated her. Maybe that’s why she’s taking her anger out on us.”

  Pete shivered and Tony moved a little closer to his side. He snaked an arm around his mate’s waist and pulled him closer still.

  “I think after everything that has happened we’re all going to have to be more on our guard. She’s not going to get near any of us from now on without one hell of a fight on her hands.”

  “You got that right,” Nate replied. “I’ll kill the bitch with my bare hands if she comes near my family again.”

  “Have you got somewhere to stay?” Kelan asked.

  Jared sighed and shook his head. “I hadn’t even thought about it. I guess we’ll have to get a room at Marnie’s Guesthouse until we can get the house fixed up.”

  He sighed and rested his head against Nate’s chest.

  Pete felt bad for them.

  Jared and Hayden had only recently moved into the house after a period of staying at the guesthouse and were just getting settled in. The farmhouse they’d moved into was where Nate had grown up, so it had to be painful for him to see it burn to the ground.

  And for Tristan to get hurt on top of all that…

  “Excuse me, Sheriff Ambrose?”

  They turned to see the doctor walking towards them.

  “Yes,” Jared said. “What’s wrong? Is Tristan okay?”

  “He’s fine,” the doctor replied. “Or at least he will be. We’ve finished treating his wounds and he’s already started to heal a little from them. But it will probably take a few weeks until he’s fully recovered. You can go in and see him now.”

  Jared looked up at Nate with something bordering on panic. “Can my partner come in with me?”

  The doctor nodded. “Yes, but Tristan needs rest to help with his healing. Try not to keep him awake for too long, okay?”

  Jared nodded. “Thank you, Doctor.”

  “Tell him we’re asking about him,” Pete said.

  “Will do.”

  “If Tristan remembers anything from last night, however insignificant, can you let me know?” Kelan asked. “We need all the help we can get.”

  “Of course.” Jared nodded. “Thanks for coming over. We’ll see you all later.”

  They watched Jared and Nate follow the doctor down the corridor then disappear into a room on the right. Pete shook his head, the stress of the explosion, the fires and the lack of sleep all starting to catch up with him.

  “I doubt the doctor will let us go in and see Tristan now, and I don’t think Tristan would want anyone in with him but his immediate family,” Pete reasoned.

  “It would be better to come back when he’s had a chance to heal some.”

  Kelan nodded. “I agree. I just wanted to see how they were all doing and find out if any of them learned anything last night that can help us catch this woman. There’s nothing else we can do right now.

  “We’d just as well go home and catch up later for the meeting.”

  Pete nodded and they made their way out to the parking lot together. “Take care of yourself, Kelan.”

  A small smile ghosted over Kelan’s lips. “You too. And take care of that mate of yours.” He patted Tony on the arm. “Try and get some sleep in. I’ve got a feeling we’re going to need the rest.”

  “And are you planning on taking your own advice?” Tony asked. “You look worn out.”

  It was rare for Kelan to admit to any weakness, and this time was no exception. He put on his cowboy hat, pulling it low to shield his eyes.

  “I’m doing okay, be better after a few hours’ shuteye. Oh, and Pete…Tony? I should have said this earlier, but congratulations. I’m real happy you found each other.”

  Pete’s chest filled with pride when he glanced at his mate.

  He couldn’t agree more.

  Chapter Eleven

  On the drive back from the hospital Tony thought a lot about his relationship with Pete and where it was heading. It was incredibly sudden to want to commit the rest of his life to Pete, he was well aware of that. However, the more time he spent with Pete, the more he believed that maybe they were meant for one another after all.

  Being with Pete felt right, natural—not something he had to work at. He was at ease in Pete’s presence. To promise to spend forever with this man was a huge step, but to take that step was less daunting than it had first seemed. Each moment he grew more and more comfortable with Pete.

  He had a feeling they could be good together.

  The perfect fit.

  Seeing Jared and Nate together and so very clearly in love made Tony wish for the same thing. Pete was offering him just that. A life together and a future—a family. Tony craved that—his own parents had passed away and he didn’t have any siblings. He was tired of being all alone in the world and he had to admit it would feel good to have someone to lean on—someone to depend on.

  There was no doubt in Tony’s mind that he could fall in love with Pete.

  He’d only known him for a very short time and already he didn’t want to be separated from him. How would he feel about him in a couple of months or a few years down the line?

  He wanted to find out.

  And that told him all he needed to know.

  “You wanna try to get some rest?” Pete asked when he pulled up outside his house and cut the engine. “You
must be exhausted.”

  Tony sighed. “I don’t know if I could sleep now, to be honest. I think I’m probably overtired. There is something I’d like, though.”

  “Name it.”

  “I’d like to see you in your wolf form.”

  Pete grinned. “Oh, yeah… I never did get to show you, did I? Okay, we can do that.”

  Tony followed Pete up the path to the house, but they didn’t stop at the front door. They continued around the side of the building until they reached a large yard at the back that was fenced off on all sides.

  Pete closed the side gate behind him, shutting them inside.

  “We can do it here in the yard,” he suggested. “It’s quiet and not overlooked so we won’t be disturbed.”

  Tony nodded and chewed on his lip in anticipation while Pete led the way to a grassy area then started to undress.

  “I get disorientated when I first shift, so just give me a couple of minutes to get my brain in gear, okay? Don’t make any sudden movements.”

  Tony’s head snapped up at that remark.

  “What? You mean you could hurt me in your wolf form?”

  “Not intentionally.” Pete scrubbed a hand over the stubble on his chin. “It’s a difficult thing to explain, but my wolf and I are basically linked. Joined or…interchangeable, I guess you could say.

  “When I’m human, he’s still a part of me, but kind of in the background, almost like a subconscious mind. I can sense his emotions, but they’re not overpowering.

  “Sometimes he’s closer to the surface and can control my reactions and thought processes. When I’m a wolf, I guess you could say all that’s reversed. I have the same mind, but my wolf is in control then, and my sense—or my human logic—takes a back step.

  “I work on more…base instinct I suppose you could say. But rest assured, neither one of us would ever hurt our mate. Right after the shift, my wolf can be confused. It might take him a moment to recognize you. Just wait for my wolf to come to you.”

  Tony’s heart started hammering in his chest.

  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. Maybe they should wait until they knew each other better until Pete’s wolf knew him better.

  “Relax, Tony. I can sense your worry, but it will be fine, I promise you. And for what it’s worth, my wolf can’t wait to meet you.”

  “He can’t?”

  “He’s been closer to the surface since we met. You remember when you saw my eyes and teeth shifted?”


  “Well, that was because my wolf recognized you and wanted to be set free, so he could spend time with you, too.”

  “Wow, this is a lot to take in. I don’t know…”

  “Do you trust me?” Pete asked.

  Tony nodded.

  He didn’t even have to think about the question. The answer came easily.

  “Yes, I trust you.”

  “Then believe me when I say you have nothing to worry about.”

  Tony took a deep breath, his mind made up. “Okay. Okay, let’s do this.”

  Pete seemed satisfied with his reply.

  He lifted his hand and cupped Tony’s cheek then planting a soft, barely-there kiss on his lips.

  Tony’s breath hitched.

  He tried not to watch as Pete removed his clothes, but he really couldn’t help the way his gaze fell upon Pete’s muscular chest and firm, defined stomach, the treasure trail of hair leading down to…

  “Should I get a ball or a stick or something?”

  Tony tore his eyes away from Pete’s incredible body.

  He was getting hard and needed the distraction.

  Pete frowned. “Huh?”

  “You know, something for you to fetch.”

  Pete’s mouth fell open and his eyes widened.

  He didn’t say anything for the longest moment. Then he threw his head back and laughed long and hard.

  “Uh no, Tony, you might do that for a dog, but I’m a wolf. We don’t run after balls or sticks—rabbits, on the other hand…”

  Tony could feel the heat of a blush spreading across his cheeks. “Uh, right, sorry.”

  Pete shrugged then pulled off his pants.

  “You might want to sit down for this—you’ll be less of a threat to my wolf that way. And don’t make eye contact until he recognizes you, okay? Most wolves see that as a form of challenge.”

  Tony nodded and sat on the grass cross-legged, trying to remember everything Pete had told him.

  “Okay. I’m ready.”

  Pete got down on all fours and flashed Tony a heart-stopping smile before dropping his head and eyeing the ground. Tony was nervous, but he didn’t take his eyes off Pete’s body when the air around it started to shimmer. Right before his eyes, Pete began the transformation into a wolf.

  It was an incredible sight—one that stole Tony’s breath.

  Every bone seemed to change, to lengthen and realign to take on the form of a wolf. Tawny-colored fur sprouted from every part of Pete’s body and his jaw lengthened until it resembled a muzzle. A long, thick bushy tail grew seemingly from nowhere and Pete’s hands and feet became huge paws, the claws on each lethal in appearance.

  It was an incredible, impressive sight, though terrifying at the same time. Tony could do nothing but stare until the magnificent wolf shook out his fur then lifted his nose and scented the air. He spun around and bared his teeth, a low growl rumbling in his throat.

  Tony froze.

  His heart hammering, he remembered what Pete had told him about eye contact and lowered his gaze to stare at the ground. The growling continued for a few seconds then the wolf took a step closer to him and Tony forgot how to breathe. Every instinct told him to run from this dangerous predator, but he knew there would be no point.

  He wouldn’t make it five feet.

  Any sudden movements and the wolf would pounce—just as Pete had warned him.

  The seconds ticked on until finally, the wolf’s growls ended to be replaced by a low-pitched whine. As slowly as he could manage, Tony lifted his head and before his gaze reached the wolf’s face, it pounced.


  Pete’s wolf barreled into him, knocking him backward until he was flat on his ass. The gigantic creature placed a huge paw on either side of his head then licked Tony’s face with fervor.

  “Hey! That tickles!” he complained.

  The wolf whined again then stepped to the side, pushing his head into one of Tony’s hands. Tentatively, Tony reached up and ran his fingers through the surprisingly soft fur on the wolf’s head.

  The creature basked in the attention, rubbing his head and neck all over Tony, bathing him in his scent. Tony couldn’t help but chuckle as he scratched the wolf behind his ears and a low rumble began in his chest. He nipped Tony’s hand, not hard enough to break the skin or hurt, then barreled off to the other side of the yard, stopping halfway and looking over his shoulder to see if Tony was following.

  Tony shook his head, smiling wryly.

  “Why do I get the feeling a stick or a ball would be good about now?”

  For the next thirty minutes, they chased each other around the yard.

  Pete’s wolf was incredibly fast and delighted in catching Tony, sending him crashing to the ground where they rolled around in the dry, yellowing grass. Tony spent the entire time laughing. He couldn’t remember when he’d last had so much fun or felt as happy. The experience made him feel closer to Pete and made him want a permanent relationship with the man even more.

  Why was he even trying to fight it?

  He couldn’t remember his reasons anymore.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Do you want to try and get some sleep now before we have to go over to Kelan’s later?” Pete asked as they stepped through the back door into the kitchen.

  Tony shook his head. “It’s nearly nine already. If I fell asleep I wouldn’t get back up. I think I’ll just relax for a few hours.”

  “Sure thing. Well, how ab
out a couple of gallons of coffee to keep us firing on all cylinders?”

  Tony chuckled. “Yeah, sounds great.”

  “Coming right up.”


  Pete looked over his shoulder and met Tony’s gaze. “Yeah?”

  “That was incredible. Thank you for introducing me to your wolf. He’s beautiful. I…” Tony laughed. “I really don’t have the words to describe it.”

  Pete shrugged. “He was happy to meet you, too. I can’t tell you how relaxed I feel now. It’s as if my wolf has been anxious since we met, but he’s quiet inside me now. He seems—content.”

  Tony smiled back at Pete feeling suddenly bashful. “I’m glad.”

  He followed Pete through to the kitchen then took a seat at the table, watching him as he worked. He couldn’t help the way his gaze lowered to Pete’s firm ass and the thick thighs of his long legs, encased in tight blue denim. He remembered how good those thighs and legs had looked naked.

  Had the shower they’d taken together really only been the night before?

  Pete was the stuff of fantasies—the perfect Texan cowboy. It wasn’t long before Tony’s thoughts drifted to visions of Pete in a pair of leather chaps. What would he look like on a horse?

  Maybe Pete would teach him to ride one day.

  As soon as the thought struck him, Tony realized he needed to make a decision about what he was going to do next. He’d already told Pete he’d like to give their relationship a go, but there were so many things to consider. There was his apartment back in New York, and his job.

  Tony had been lucky to get an extra couple of weeks’ vacation, but his boss wasn’t likely to extend that any further, and if he didn’t plan on staying in the position he’d have to hand in his resignation.

  But then what would he do?

  It felt too presumptuous to just assume he could stay with Pete. And he didn’t know how he felt about moving in with him so soon anyway. Beginning a relationship was one thing, but moving in together after only having known one another for a couple of days was another thing entirely. Maybe he could find a small place to rent in Wolf Creek until they’d spent some more time together or maybe he could stay at the guesthouse…


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