Mr Spencer

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Mr Spencer Page 25

by Swan, T L

“Then why don’t you help me to.”

  “Don’t get snappy with me. You think I like this drama?”

  “All I’m saying is that you are an adult, and you’re doing nothing wrong. If they can’t be happy with our relationship than it’s too bad for them.”

  She folds her arms over her chest.

  “Am I right?” I snap as my eyes flick between the road and her.

  She stays silent.

  “You tell me right fucking now, Charlotte. What are you going to do when they find out?”

  She shrugs.

  “I’m waiting.”

  “I don’t know how to handle them.” She gets teary and shakes her head. “It’s overbearing, Spence, and I hate that they’re going to judge you without even knowing you.”

  I screw up my face in disgust. “I don’t give a fuck whether they judge me or not. But they will not judge you. I won’t have it.”

  She stares at me blankly. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means that you’re an adult, and if they try to stop me from seeing you—”

  “Which they will,” she interrupts.

  “What are you going to do about it?”

  She shrugs, her face sad.

  It’s obvious that this is too much for her to take on by herself.

  “I’ll take care of it,” I tell her.

  “Meaning what?” She frowns.

  “I’ll take care of Edward and your father for you.”

  She huffs. “You haven’t met them, Spencer. They don’t get taken care of.”

  I glance over at her. “It’s taken me thirty-seven years to find you, Charlotte. I won’t be forced out of your life by your family.”

  “I don’t want you to be.” She softens and reaches over to raise and kiss my hand. “They’ll push you away, though. I know they will. They’ll make it so difficult for you that you’ll eventually leave.” Her voice cracks on the last word.

  I pull the car over to the side of the road and turn to her. “Angel…” I smile softly and cup her face in my hand. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Her eyes search mine. “Promise me that they won’t come between us.”

  “I’m the one asking you to promise me that.”

  “What do you mean?” She frowns, confused.

  “We’ll go to Nottingham together and tell them you are moving to London. Then you’ll leave with me, with or without their permission.”

  Her face falls and she shakes her head. “Spencer, they’ll go insane if I do that. I can’t do it that way. They’ll come after me with guns blazing.”

  My eyes hold hers. “Charlotte...”

  She stares at me through her unshed tears, already terrified of their reaction.

  “It’s time,” I say calmly.

  She drops her head and stares at her hands in her lap.

  “You are not a child. You are not a possession to be owned. Stop allowing them this control over you. You’re with me now. We’re happy, and we’re not hurting anyone.”

  “But…” She stops herself from saying something.

  “But what?”

  “What if I leave them and then…” Her voice trails off.

  “And then we don’t work out?” I frown.

  Her eyes rise to meet mine, and I know that’s it—that’s what she’s most afraid of.

  “Then we make it work out,” I tell her.

  “How do you make something work out?”

  I smile softly at the beautiful woman in front of me, and I lean over and kiss her, brushing her hair back from her face. “I don’t know, I’ve never done it before. We’ll work it out together.”

  She wraps her arms around me, and we hold each other close.

  “Just give me the permission I need to handle this for you… please,” I say into her hair. “You’re driving this ship, angel, not me.”

  “What are you going to do?” she whispers.

  “Nothing sinister but I’m not taking their shit, and I can’t stand by and let them have you living in fear like you do.”

  “They’re my family, Spence. I love them.”

  I cup her jaw. “I know, angel, and they love you back. Once they see you’re happy and taken care of, they’ll ease up. They will accept us eventually.”

  She smiles softly.

  “But you need to let me lead us into battle, okay? It’s not just going to happen without a fight.” I kiss her. “You already know that, and you need to prepare yourself for a few hard times.”

  She stares at me.

  “They’ll tell you I’m not the man for you, and to not rush into anything. They’ll refuse to let you move to London if you let them, and what happens then? You live in Nottingham miserable, and I’ll live in London, unable to visit you. Your security will be tightened, and we won’t see each other again.”

  Her eyes hold mine and then she nods with renewed purpose. “You’re right. That’s exactly how it will go.” She turns and stares out through the front windshield, deep in thought, and then she turns to me again. “You take the reins.”

  I lean over and kiss her softly, placing my hand on her thigh. Once she’s calm, I pull back out into the traffic.

  That’s exactly what I’m going to do.

  * * *

  I sip my scotch as I sit at the bar of the hotel. I’m waiting for Wyatt and Anthony. When we got back here, I took Charlotte up to the room and called the two of them, asking them to meet me here instead of at the apartment. I need to talk to them without Charlotte hearing.

  I dial Seb’s number while I wait for them to arrive.

  “Hey.” I sip my scotch. “Man, I need a huge favour.”

  “What is it?” Seb asks.

  “Can you go to the shops for me in the morning and buy me a king-size orthopaedic mattress and get it delivered to my place by tomorrow?”

  “Erm, why?”

  “Because Charlotte is coming over tomorrow night and I have meetings all day tomorrow. I’m snowed under with crap over here.”

  “What the fuck do you need a new mattress for?”

  “I can’t have Charlotte sleeping on that mattress.”

  “Why not?”

  “Do you know how many women I’ve had in that bed?” I whisper angrily as I try to keep my voice down.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he snaps. “You’re being ridiculous. She won’t know.”

  “I’ll know. I need a new fucking mattress. I won’t have her sleeping in it.”

  “What the fuck is happening to you?”

  “I don’t know!” I snap. “Just do it.”

  “Why don’t you get one of your PAs to do this shit for you?”

  “Oh, yeah, like I can say, Can you get me a new mattress so my new girlfriend won’t have to sleep on my sex-stained old one? You just don’t say that shit to your personal assistant, Sebastian.”

  He chuckles. “Spence, you’re the most fucking ridiculous man I know.”

  I smirk at the sound of his laugh. “Right?”

  “This is like the Princess and the Pea fairy tale.”

  I roll my eyes and sip my scotch. “Yeah, and the fucking villain is about to come home. Paps photographed us together today.”

  “You reckon the old man’s coming home to cut your balls off?”

  “Without a doubt.”

  “Ha. The fun’s about to begin. I’ll get popcorn.”

  “Can you help me tomorrow or not?” I sigh.

  “Why do I get to do all your shitty jobs when you have staffing of four-hundred?”

  I smile broadly. “Perks of being my best friend.”

  “Stop sucking up, asshole.”

  I sip my scotch. “What have you been doing, anyway?”

  “Angela called me today.” I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. “No. Get that shit out of your fucking head… right now.”

  He laughs. “I knew you’d love that one.”

  Angela is his ex-wife’s sister. She’s a widow with kids, and Seb has had a
soft spot for her for years. “What did she want?” I ask.

  “Just to check in on me.”

  I roll my eyes. “I bet she did.” I huff. “I’m sure she has venom in her veins like her sister. It probably runs in the family, like a witch thing.”

  He laughs again. “Good Lord, if Prescott doesn’t kill you first, I’m quite sure one of your cellmates will fuck you to death once you go inside for my ex-wife’s murder.”

  I roll the scotch around in my mouth with a smirk. “It would be worth it to rid you of that wench.”

  He exhales heavily. “So, what am I buying?”

  “King-size orthopaedic cushion-top mattress. Make it hypoallergenic.”

  “Okay, I’ll call you from the store.”

  “I have these Chinese clients in town so I’ll be with them most of the day. I can be home from four for the delivery.”

  “I’ve never heard of a bed being delivered on the same day as the purchase.”

  “Can you just make it happen?” I sigh, holding my forehead. “Fuck the saleswoman in the back room if you have to.”

  He chuckles. “Where are you? It sounds noisy.”

  “In the hotel bar. I’m waiting for Charlotte’s guards. I want to talk to them with her not around.”

  “Why, what’s up?”

  “I want to know why she’s so guarded.”

  “Yeah, me and Masters were talking about this the other night. Something must have happened in the past, we reckon.”

  “I agree.” I sigh.

  The stool next to me shifts, and Anthony and Wyatt slide into the seats. “Got to go,” I tell Seb. I hang up and turn to the boys. “Did you get the film?”

  Anthony exhales heavily. “Nope, there were two of them with cameras. If we were caught manhandling them, it would have all been caught on camera.”

  “Shit.” I sigh. “You guys want a drink?”

  “No, I’m good,” Wyatt says.

  “We’re off the clock now. You’ve finished for the day,” I urge. I want them relaxed.

  “Okay, just a beer. Make it two Coronas,” Anthony replies.

  “Can I have two Coronas and another scotch, please?” I ask the waitress.

  “Sure.” She smiles as she moves away to grab the drinks.

  “Well.” I sigh. “Those pictures will be live in a few days. They’ll be selling them to the highest bidder as we speak. You’re both going to have to call your boss and let him know that Charlotte and I have been on a date if you want to keep your jobs.”

  Anthony nods. “Looks like it.”

  “I’ll take care of Edward,” I tell them.

  Wyatt smirks. “Edward Prescott is not someone you can take care of.” The waitress puts the drinks down in front of us. “Thank you,” they both mutter before taking a sip.

  I rub my fingers through my two-day growth. “What makes you so sure that he won’t approve of me seeing Charlotte?” I ask.

  Anthony shrugs. “Nobody will ever be good enough for her in his eyes.”

  “I can see why,” I mutter under my breath. “Most certainly not me.”

  Wyatt smirks and sips his beer.

  “Tell me, for interest’s sake, why is she so guarded?” I ask.

  They exchange looks.

  “I won’t say anything to her or anyone else, of course. I don’t want her frightened.” I sip my beer. “But I would like to know what we’re dealing with here.”

  Their eyes meet again, and Wyatt shrugs.

  “There was another car involved in Francesca Prescott’s fatal car accident.”

  I frown. “Her mother?”

  “Yes, but it’s never been known who was driving the other car.” I think for a moment. “Does Charlotte know this? Are they sure the other car was there intentionally?”

  “No, not at all. Charlotte’s not to be told. The tyre marks suggest that she was run off the road by another vehicle. No trace on who, though, and no proof that it is actually sinister, but it’s just enough for the fear of God to have been put into them about Charlotte’s safety.” Anthony drinks his beer. “She’s adored.”

  “By all that know her,” I agree.

  They nod.

  “And that’s it?” I ask. “The car accident five years ago is what keeps you two in a job?” I shrug.

  Anthony exhales, and his eyes hold mine. That’s when I know there is more. “What else?” I ask sharply.

  “I’ve been with the Prescotts for ten years,” Anthony says. “I’ve witnessed a lot of meetings going on, and there is bad blood around the family… a lot of it.”

  “Such as?”

  “When it comes to business, they’re ruthless. Nobody stands in their way.”

  I frown. “Just Edward?”

  “Both of them. If someone wanted to hurt them, Charlotte is the way to do it.” He sips his beer. “The only way to do it.”

  “Do you feel she’s in danger?” I ask, my eyes holding his. “I mean amongst the people you’ve seen them deal with, in your honest opinion, is Charlotte a target?”

  “Massively,” he answers flatly. “Why do you think she has two guards on her all the time? Why do you think they keep her hidden at the estate and away from paparazzi?”

  I exhale heavily, and my mind begins to race. We remain silent as we fall into our own thoughts.

  “Can you do me a favour?”

  “What?” Anthony asks.

  “Give us a few days before you tell them, if you can. I’ve organised to sublet an apartment in my building for you two. Charlotte will be staying there with me from now on.”

  The boys exchange looks, and Wyatt smirks. “You really think they’re going to let her stay with you?”

  My eyes hold his. “They won’t have a fucking say in it.”

  Anthony raises his eyebrow and sips his beer.

  “What does that look mean?” I ask.

  “That means you should watch your fucking back, man. I wouldn’t want to be on the bad side of Edward Prescott.”

  “I’m not scared of Edward. Charlotte is the only person who matters to me.” I stand and take my wallet out, throwing some money onto the bar. “Catch you guys tomorrow.”

  I walk through the bar and out into the foyer. I take out my phone and scroll through my numbers.

  Alan Shapiro

  I dial his number and nod at a woman as she walks past me.

  “Hello, Spencer,” Alan answers cheerfully.

  “Hi.” I smile. “How is my favourite lawyer this afternoon?”

  “Good, good. I haven’t spoken to you in a long time. How can I help you?”

  “I need a contract written up urgently.”

  “Sure thing. What kind?”

  I frown, not knowing how to put this. “I have a new girlfriend and we may be moving in together.”

  “Oh, okay. You need a cohabitation agreement. How much are you prepared to give her when you break up?”

  “We won’t break up, and it’s not for my protection. It’s for hers.”

  He pauses. “I don’t understand. What do you want to give her?”

  “I want a contract drawn up saying that I want none of her money if we separate.”

  “I doubt she’ll have more money than you.” He scoffs.

  “Trust me, she does.”

  “Okay, so you want the contract stating that you both leave the relationship with no financial crossover. What you both came in with, you leave with.”


  “What’s her name.”

  “Charlotte Prescott.”

  There’s silence on the other end of the line.

  “You there?” I ask.

  “Not Harold Prescott’s daughter?”

  “That’s her.”

  “Fuck.” I hear him typing, and I know he’s Googling her estimated wealth. “Spence, you need to cover yourself. Don’t be stupid and walk away from that fortune. If you marry her, you’re entitled to it.”

  “I don’t want it.” I roll my eyes as I feel
my anger begin to bubble. “Just write me up the fucking contract, okay?”

  He exhales heavily. “Think this through, will you?”

  “No. Can you do me the contract, or will I get someone else to do it? I don’t want a single penny of her fucking money.”

  “Four billion pounds, Spencer.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. Get the contract to me as soon as possible.”

  “You’re an idiot if you sign this.”

  “Stop pissing me off,” I snarl.

  “You pay me for advice. My advice to you is to not sign a cohabitation agreement. Not if she’s not asking for one.”

  “Goodbye, Alan. Email me the contract tomorrow, please.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He sighs.

  I hang up and stuff my phone into my pocket angrily. For fuck’s sake, why can’t Charlotte be a broke orphan? My feelings for her would be the same and I wouldn’t have to deal with all this fucking bullshit that goes with her name. I inhale heavily to try and calm myself down, and I take the elevator up to her floor and apartment. I walk in and close the door behind me, and suddenly I feel calm.

  It’s a peaceful calm that I only get from being alone with Charlotte.

  It’s just me, her, and all the rest of the bullshit is on the other side of that door.

  “Angel?” I call.

  “Up here.” I hear her sweet voice call from the bedroom upstairs.

  “I hope you’re naked.”

  She laughs, and I know she is. I smile and take the stairs two at a time.

  I walk into the bedroom to find her lying in bed. Steam is flowing from the bathroom, and I know she’s freshly showered.

  “Hi,” she whispers.

  “Hi.” I feel the blood start to rush to my cock.

  “Everything all right?”

  “It is now.”


  “Now that I’m here with you.”

  She smiles softly and holds her arms up for me to go to her. She’s in her robe, lying on her back which is propped up against the pillows. The smell of her soap floats through the air.

  “Are you naked and in bed for any particular reason?” I ask.

  She smiles and gets up onto her knees, crawling over to the side of the bed. I bend and kiss her. Her lips are big and soft, and all coherent thought begins to leave me.

  I can’t think when she’s naked near me. I lose my ability to think clearly.


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