San Rafael Jacked

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San Rafael Jacked Page 6

by Tom Ellis

  “What would that be?”

  “Your favorite internal hitman L. Winston Glover had the privilege of firing Kroll.”

  “I bet that son of a bitch had an orgasm if he still has balls to have them.”

  “Well, I’m not privy to what shape his nuts were in when he got to the ER.”


  Adam Hall knew the hook was in deep, and it was time to set it.

  “When Kroll turned in his gun and creds he knocked Skinny Whinny on his ass right in front of everybody.”

  “What happen then?”

  “Kroll strolled out the office with his middle finger extended over his shoulder. And what is really funny, is nobody saw a thing. They said Skinny must have slipped and fallen.”

  “Now Hall that last part sounds like something that would happen in a police squad room during a civil rights investigation, not in the screw your buddy bureau.”

  “You’re right. The field office was going to prosecute, but I understand the director squashed it. But Skinny won’t give it up and will go around the director’s back to get Kroll indicted. The bottom line is the bureau wanted Kroll gone and Skinny getting knocked on his ass was good payback for his screwing up the case against you.”

  “Well, I’m going buy Kroll a drink.”

  “Bradford, I don’t care what side of the legal system you're on, or that you would be a shoe-in on the national Democratic parties’ ticket for high office. But take this as a warning, be very careful around Ron Kroll, he is trouble, big trouble. The bureau won’t give up on him, a chicken shit assault on an agent charge is not good enough. I know they would like to have your butt indicted and charged. Fortunately, you aren’t nearly the prize Ron Kroll is. Be careful around him.”

  “Thanks we’ll talk later.” Bradford hung up the phone. Adam Hall leaned back and put his feet up on his desk. He smiled and said, “gotcha” out loud.

  Ron Kroll relaxed in the security supervisor’s office. He opened the internet on the office computer and promptly went to the Backpage website. He clicked on the escorts link and began to scroll through the advertisements for female companionship. Soon he found the ad, Penelope Lustful Latina. He took out his cell phone and called the number shown in the add. The phone rang six times before a female answered with a sultry voice. FBI Special Agent Ivalou Vargas sounded like the hooker she portrayed.

  “Hey, Penelope, this your favorite gringo Ron. I get off work in an hour, and I wanna see you.”

  “Baby I would love that; can you do two fifty?”

  “For you yes, and if you dress for me and let me unwrap the package there’s a nice tip in for you.”

  “What you want me to wear sweetie?”

  “Tank top with a mini and a hot pink satin thong.”

  “Oueeee I love it when I have a thong up my crack. I have just the thing. Babe, I’m out on Speedway. Give me a call when you’re on the way and I’ll give you the address.”

  “Will do sweetheart, see you soon.”

  Kroll clicked off the phone and pictured Vargas giving the finger to him by proxy. He knew the hot Hispanic agent could not stand dental floss underwear as she called it. During a clandestine planning meeting between Kroll and Vargas, they plotted the hooker gig as she called it. Ivalou Vargas was an excellent undercover operative and role player. A fourteen-year veteran agent whose youngest looks belied her age. She had the body for a slut suit and heels as she referred to one of the hooker outfits. But getting her to wear it was another story. The trash talk on the phone was for the benefit of who might be listening. Kroll and Vargas developed a series of coded text messages which even a veteran vice cop would believe as hooker and john communications. They would always meet for an incall, hooker slang for the john meeting at her place. The location would be a seedy low-end motel in an area frequented by prostitutes.

  Special Agents Desmond Taylor and Mickey Morris played the part of Vargas’ pimps and enforcer. The African American agents were perfect for the role and dressed for the part. They would deliver Vargas to the meeting and provide physical intimidation to others. They were also skilled in counter surveillance. A search of available undercover vehicles turned up a Cadillac Escalade with deep tinted windows and wheels & rims worthy of the most discriminating pimp. The Caddy was one of the several vehicles in their stable of rides.

  In the text code repertoire, a request for an outcall, the hooker travels to the john, meant extraction was needed. Either a full blown SWAT rescue or a sneaky undercover pickup. The difference was decided by Kroll requesting a specific outfit. Kroll pre-programed his Penelope cell phone with these text messages. Vargas in her Penelope role would not have to put up with real johns calling, Kroll’s calls were the only ones her Penelope phone would allow through, all others went to voice mail.

  Ron Kroll liked his backup team. They were all good agents, and Ivalou Vargas didn’t hurt his eyes to look at either. He liked her attitude.

  Vargas received a message earlier from Undercover Operations Supervisor Havelee Harris about Bradford’s call to Adam Hall. She placed the add on Backpage. Kroll checked the hooker ads daily. If the Penelope add was there, he knew to call. He could call direct if he had something urgent to report or send a help code. The ruse would be necessary for him to get into town without raising suspicion when he penetrated Bradford’s organization.

  The pimped up Cadillac Escalade drove by Special Agent Desmond Taylor resplendently attired as a pimp arrived at a low-end independent motel. Real working girls languished around doorways and watched as the car stopped in front of the office.

  Ivalou got out and went up to the outside security window that allowed checking in transactions without entry into the actual office. Mickey Morris or M&M as he preferred got out of the Caddy and leaned against it. He glared at all those watching, sending a don’t screw with me or my girl message to anyone so inclined. Vargas returned with the room key and pointed toward a second floor room; this development called for a different plan.

  Ron Kroll knew when he arrived at the dump the room was upstairs. He spotted the Escalade parked where Desmond or Des could observe everyone moving. Kroll walked to the room; his demeanor suggested he wasn’t shopping girls. He already had one. When knocked on the door, M&M opened it and stepped outside. He motioned for Kroll to raise his hands and patted him down for weapons. Which he found and did not remove, for obvious reasons. M&M demanded payment.

  “NO, I PAY HER!” Kroll growled loud enough for everyone around to hear. “NOT YOU ASSHOLE!”


  Kroll stepped into the room and slammed the door. M&M made a sure everyone saw him looking at his watch. He crossed his arms and leaned against the rail staring at the motel room door.

  “M&M is having too much fun with this gig,” Kroll said as he sat on a bed. The room had two. Vargas sat facing him on the other. She smiled.

  “They both do.” She was sitting on top of a folded towel and had another one wrapped around her thighs. Kroll could see her bare legs from knees down.

  “Pick a better sleazebag motel next time. This place has probably got lice and HIV on the bed spread.”

  “Why the hell you think I’m sitting on a towel with another one wrapped around me?”

  “Your bare ass is cold?”

  “Like hell, Kroll, I don’t want to catch anything from sitting on this bed. And for the record, my butt is not bare. I’m wearing shorts and underwear.”

  “I don’t blame you. So Bradford took the bait?”

  “Yes, Havelee called and said he got in touch with Adam Hall. Harris says tech support has also picked up queries he made to agents and support staff he is known to contact. Apparently, he has more than a few inside people.”

  “That is not good. It makes this stunt even more important. Bradford is a
known whore dog. He likes his pay to play. You are going to have to give him a come on a preacher couldn’t resist. He likes high-end girls. Not the kind hanging in this parking lot. You are going to have to look like you are worth several hundred not twenty bucks.”

  Vargas extended a middle finger. “UP YOURS KROLL”

  “Careful M&M might kick in the door. And I would hate to have staged a fight in this nasty place.”

  Right on cue, there was a heavy knock on the door.



  Kroll tried hard not to laugh at the act. Ivalou was smiling.

  “Remind me not to get you on an op where you have to play a cheap ho.”

  “I’m not cheap.”

  “Never said you were. Just dress for success and we will bait Bradford.”

  “Got any ideas about getting Bradford to strike up a conversation with you?” Vargas asked.

  “He always sits at the bar. You come in the lounge dressed upscale, sit down and strike up a conversation with him. At some point, I will rescue him from you.”

  “How much groping, I am I going to have to put up with before you ride to the rescue?”

  “That depends on how much you grope him. If he wants to cop a feel tell him to pay up.”

  Ivalou proffered her favorite gesture at that answer.

  “Bradford has a bodyguard with him. The guy sits at a table and nurses a beer while he watches his bosses back. You play up to Bradford, but be classy about it, his little head will kick in. Once you establish contact and start to get friendly, I will send a one-word text to M&M. That will be his cue to come in and act like a badass pimp out to collect the bread and rescue his ho. Bradford’s thug will make a move, and I’ll take him out of the game. The uniformed security team will escort M&M out and give the thug to the cops. I will escort you out with the admonishment that if you work in my house, you don’t work with a pimp.”

  “I see where you are going with that plan. Bradford gets the idea you will look the other way as long as there are no pimps involved.”

  “Correct. We know Bradford likes high price working girls. I want him to think I like the same thing. Once I’m inside his circle of trust, you have to stay in the role. I expect some his goons will follow me to our meetings. He has a good computer hacker on his payroll. That is why I want to look like a john meeting a prostitute. When Bradford starts thinking, I’m just getting laid. He will drop his guard.”

  “What if he wants to get in on the act?”

  Kroll considered that for a moment. “We’ll cross that bridge when and if we come to it. I don’t think he goes for the trashy look you have now.”

  “Thanks, asshole!”

  “You are good enough to change your appearance from a Backpage hooker to a high-end call girl. Should any of his people get a good enough look at you in the casino, I doubt they will make you dressed as you are now. For this bar gig, look elegant, high class. You have to turn heads in the place when you walk in.”

  “I can do that. Just don’t fall all over yourself looking.”

  “I’ll try not to. Be prepared for it to happen in a couple of days. I will text you from my second phone to your other number. One more thing, are we getting any hassle out of the local field office?”

  “Yes, Havelee says the Tucson SAC is not happy about not being in the need to know circle. But Havelee says for us not to worry about it. The Director will handle SAC Lane.”

  “Is Harris still planning on coming out here to run the investigation?”

  “Yes, when you get inside Bradford’s organization she will be on her way. She also has authorization for another agent on our team. She has her eye on a first office agent in Phoenix. He’s a young looking Latino.

  “He will work for backup. Maybe other things. We have to play by ear day to day with a job like this.”

  “Ron, we have your back.”

  “I’m not worried about you guys backing me up. I’m worried about the chain of command.”

  “Changing the subject, do you have any idea what Bradford is up to?”

  “Based on his background, he is probably good for anything as long as he covers his ass. I expect, with him being this close to the border, smuggling is involved. The big smuggling money is in narcotics. He is either partnered with or looking to partner up with a cartel. And I would also put money on human trafficking. He trolls the casino bars for expensive hookers. So you have to look like you are worth a few hundred.”

  “Trust me Kroll I’m worth more than that without makeup!”

  “I would say you’re something money can’t buy.” He gave her his sincerest smile.

  “Flattery will get you everywhere, but high price dinners help.”

  “Yeah, I will keep that in mind. I think we’ve covered everything. You can shake the bed and moan real loud for ten minutes or so.”

  “Ten minutes my ass, ten seconds is more like it!”

  “You must be speaking from experience.”

  “Up yours Kroll.” Vargas punctuated the insult with an extended finger.

  Ron Kroll was more than impressed, when a couple of nights later, Ivalou Vargas entered the casino wearing a black cocktail dress. The hem stopped several inches above her knees and the topside revealed cleavage. The dress was stunning on her and gave Kroll the impression it was something she would wear for a night on the town and not selected as a high-class hooker outfit. Ron was glad he was available. He thought she might be as well, team banter aside, Kroll liked his colleague.

  Vargas perched on a stool a couple of places away from Ashton Bradford. She ordered a drink and went into her Penelope the hooker act smiling demurely at the distinguished looking Bradford. He took the bait like a Billy goat in heat.

  “Put that on my tab,” he said to the bartender, picking up his drink and moving to the stool next to hers.

  “Thank you,” she responded followed with a smile and come hither look that made Ron Kroll instantly jealous. From his vantage point in a rear corner, he could watch discreetly. He doubted Bradford knew he was there. Kroll had entered via a staff only door when Bradford and his lackey thug had their backs turned. The goon, Numb Nuts Norman, sat a table watching his bosses back. Kroll figured he was armed and could present a problem as the gig played out.

  Bradford did not waste any time. “I’m Ashton Bradford; friends call me Ash. And whom do I have the pleasure of buying a drink?”

  “I’m Penelope.” She answered complete with a smile, and another come hither look. “Pleased to meet you, Ash.” Vargas lifted her drink in a toasting gesture and then took a discreet sip leaving lipstick on the glass.

  “If the last name is Cruz you’re much prettier in person.”

  “No,” she giggled, “Thank you. I thought you were George Clooney.”

  That statement got a laugh out of Bradford. “He wouldn’t hang out in a sleazy joint like this. And you’ve got too much class to be in here. Vegas is more your style.”

  “I’m going to be in Las Vegas tomorrow night. This place is close to the motel, and I thought I would check out the action.”

  “What kind of action is your pleasure?”

  Vargas giggled and fixed Bradford with another come hither look when she answered.


  “Now that’s what I call a lady after my heart,” Bradford said with a lusty smile and an obvious look at her cleavage.

  Right on cue M&M stalked into the lounge and glared at Vargas’s back. Dressed in full enforcer attire, all black with gold chains and menacing look; his sudden appearance caused the unknowing bartender to push his panic button summoning uniformed security officers.

  Numb Nuts Norman got up and moved to intercept M&M, who was a few steps from Vargas’s back. She smiled and placed her hand on Bradford’s thigh halfway to his crotch. Ass Bradford immediately forgot about anything

  Approaching M&M the goon reached under his jacket. The situation was about to go seriously off-script. Kroll rushed Norman from behind and delivered a vicious punch to his kidney. Kroll spun him around and finished the job with a powerful jab to the sternum. Numb Nuts went to the floor, and Kroll dropped his brass knuckles back into his suit coat pocket without anyone noticing.

  Four casino security men hurried into the lounge as Kroll stood up from removing the moaning thug’s gun. Ron looked at his employees.

  “The one on the floor goes to the cops, along with his gun.”

  Kroll gave the gun to the closest security officer. “Let the medics look at him and let the cops make the call if he needs the hospital.”

  Kroll pointed at M&M, “Shake down the pimp if he’s packing give him to the cops. If not escort him out. And make sure he gets in his car and leaves the property. Give him a trespass warning.”

  M&M gave Kroll a belligerent look as the security man frisked him. Finding no weapon, the security officers escorted him outside, M&M played it well, snarling and making threats and daring his escorts to touch him again. Casino EMT’s arrived and placed Numb Nuts on a gurney.

  Kroll turned to Vargas, ignoring Bradford. “You will thank this gentleman for the drink and leave. Next time you come in here, lose the pimp. Because if I see him again, he is going to be just like the guy who left on the stretcher.” Ron pulled a card and fifty- dollar bill from his pocket. He gave them to Vargas. “This will cover a cab and a meal. If you’re going to work this house, you don’t need a pimp. If you need help getting away from that asshole, call me. You have my card. The security officer at the door will escort you to the lobby door and get you a cab.”

  Kroll placed his hand on Vargas’s shoulder and turned her toward the lounge entrance.


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