San Rafael Jacked

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San Rafael Jacked Page 31

by Tom Ellis

  “Sir if I may.”

  “What do you have Agent Harris?”

  “I have the video and audio from the deputies’ dash cam I can forward. I also have an undercover agent on the scene. He is videoing what they are doing. Our detained agents are being abused according to my undercover agent. And the Sheriff doesn’t know we have the dash cam video.”

  “Send me the video immediately. Is this agent you have on the ground in a position where I can call him?”

  “He is hiding in plain sight. I have his phone number. But expect unconventional responses from him. I need to let him know to expect calls from someone other than me.”

  “I will call him myself after I see the video. What is his name?”

  “Ernesto Roberto Xavier Collazo Smith, he is quick to say his father is a gringo.”

  “I remember him from his academy class. Report back when you have spoken to your agents in the hospital. We will get your other two out of harm’s way.”

  Havelee when back to the group and spoke to the leaders. She made the shooting team aware of the dash cam video and that it was under review by the Director. When he authorized her to release it, she would send to them forthwith.”

  “Harris, have you seen this video?” The shooting team leader asked.

  “Yes, I have.”

  “How did you get your hands on it?”

  “M&M, that’s Special Agent Mickey Morris, downloaded it to his phone. He was able to hand the phone off to a very close friend of mine who happened to be nearby. M&M made it plain to TR not to give it to anyone but me. He called me several times. I called him back since we’ve been on the ground here. I told him how to download the phone to my laptop.”

  “TR is?”

  “Excuse me; everyone calls him that. Tobias Rutledge is his name.”

  “Is this Rutledge where we can interview him?”

  “Yes, when we can get back into that valley.”

  “I suppose you know why the Army won’t let us in there. And, if I may ask, why do you share evidence directly with the Director?”

  “I work for the Director, and I supervise investigation codenamed Bad Apple’s. We have an undercover agent in a criminal organization led by former FBI agent W. Ashton Bradford. That agent requested an emergency undercover extraction. My agents involved in the shooting were in route to back up the extraction. The agent doing the extraction and the undercover agent are in the hospital in Tucson. Somehow the Army extracted them. I don’t know how they got involved. We do know a deputy sheriff from this county is an accomplice of Bradford.”

  “Wow. I don’t suppose you would at least let me look at that dash cam footage?” The shooting team leader asked.

  “I can let you look at it. If you bring your team to the office, they are letting us use.”

  Havelee found Ivalou in a wheelchair parked in Ron Kroll’s room. Two Tucson police officers were in the hall guarding them.

  Kroll was asleep. He was hooked up to monitors, and an IV line ran to the back of his right hand. His face was swollen and bruised to where he was almost unrecognizable. A female doctor was examining him.

  “I’m Special Agent Havelee Harris, that man is one of my agents. How is he?”

  “I’m Doctor Cordell, Agent Harris. He is beginning to respond to being hydrated. He has a severe concussion, and all his ribs are fractured. These injuries are consistent with his being beaten. We are still evaluating his internal injuries. He keeps worrying about the agent who is sitting over there guarding him. And her injuries are such that she should be in bed. But she will not leave him. I can’t speak as to how clear his mind is, or hers for that matter. We have pain meds flowing into both of them. His call button is next to his right hand. Press it if you need us.” The doctor took her chart and left the room.

  Ivalou’s face was swollen and beginning to change to ugly red and blue. Her eyes were black. Kroll wasn’t the only one beat up. Havelee sat down in a chair next Vargas.

  “I know you’re hurting. But I need you to tell me everything you can for now. There will be an official statement later.” Havelee said.

  “I thought I was responding to Ron’s texts for an undercover extraction. I went to where I was told to go on the ranch. I know I stopped the car and started to get out. Next thing I remember some ugly sonofabitch with bad breath was slobbering over me and yanking my dress down and trying to get my underwear off. I was wearing that damn hot pink thong. The dude was hung like a horse and trying to shove it in me. I remember getting my hand on my hideout knife. I cut the dudes’ dick off. I ran to the car. And I remember trying to change clothes. My 380 was in my bra holster. My bra was ruined. I know I put it and the gun in my bag. I remember getting out my Glock and my creds. The next time I woke up, paramedics were loading me in a chopper.”

  “I hope the hell this isn’t my official statement. And I want my knife back that thing cost me close to two hundred bucks.”

  Havelee touched Ivalou’s shoulder. “No, this isn’t your official statement. That will come but not tonight.”

  “Are Des and M&M all right?”

  “No, they are in the Santa Cruz County Jail charged with murdering a sheriff’s deputy.”

  “WHAT THE HELL?” Ivalou shouted. The two officers from the hall to come in the room, alert for trouble. Havelee motioned them out.

  “Apparently, they were pulled over in a traffic stop. The deputy was, well racially aggressive. Des shot him.”

  “Did they identify themselves?”

  “Yes, an instant before the shots were fired.”

  “Did the deputy shoot at them?”

  “No, and I really can’t say any more right now. It will have to play out. The US Attorney is on our side. And the locals are stonewalling us on everything. We can’t even get on the ranch crime scene. The only reason I know so much about the shooting is TR came up on it soon after it happens. M&M, bless his soul, managed to download the cops dash camera onto a cell phone. He gave the cell to TR and told him to get the hell out of there and call me.”

  “Good for M&M. Damnit Hav this is a major fuckup.”

  “You got that right,” Kroll said in a weak voice.

  Ivalou rolled her chair next to his bed and grabbed his hand.

  Kroll's voice was barely audible.

  “Porn Dude found the hideout camera. Bradford Tased me. They took my phones. Tied me up left me outside, all day and all night …. El Jefe flew in with some ragheads. They sent a nuke across …. They were going to set it off in Vegas. Bradford was going to behead me and …. And there was a godawful scream… Never heard anything like it. I dropped to the ground. I heard thuds like bullets hitting. The helicopter crashed. A cowboy gave me water. Lou where are you?”

  “I’m right here Ron; I’m holding your hand. You are going to be alright.”

  “I love you Ivalou.”

  “I love you too Ron.”

  “Ron do you remember when you sent the undercover extraction message?” Havelee asked.

  “I didn’t send a message.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Tucson awoke to news images from Santa Cruz County showing two badly beaten black men being perp walked, dragged was more like it, into the county jail. The sheriff gave a press briefing and showed FBI raid jackets the two were purportedly wearing when deputies arrived at the scene. These men are being charged with the murder of Deputy Willie Hillman who apparently pulled them over in a traffic stop. A reporter asked the Sheriff if he knew why the men were being stopped. The sheriff referred them to photos of the Escalade they men were driving.

  “Black men don’t drive cars like that in the San Rafael Valley unless they are up to no good.” The Sheriff said into the cameras.

  “Do you have dash camera video of the traffic stop?” A reporter asked.

  “Deputy Hillman’s car was not equipped with one.” The Sheriff answered.

  “What does the FBI say about the raid jackets.”

  “No comment.”
  “Is that your no comment or no comment from the FBI.”

  “That is I don’t know what they said. This conference is over.”

  The US Attorney for the Southern District of Arizona watched a recording of the Sheriff's press conference in the Federal Judges chambers.

  The Judge addressed the US Attorney’s motions.

  “I will grant you a writ to remove those agents into Federal Custody. And I authorize the seizure of the deputy’s vehicle. I will not grant your request for a warrant to search the Rocking H Bar Ranch. I suggest you appeal to the State Police and tell the FBI to be nice to them. I have a docket ready this morning. This matter is closed.”

  The US Attorney called Quarles who was in a meeting with Ransom Carter and the Director. Quarles took the call and listened to the lawyer. He thanked him and turned to the Director.

  “Sir, the US Attorney has the order to release our agents into Federal custody and to seize the patrol unit the deputy was driving. He will not grant us search warrants for the ranch. He suggests, and I quote, ‘we play nice with the State Police.’ I have the State Police Commander’s direct line if you wish to call him.”

  Quarles was interrupted by a knock on the conference room door. His administrative assistant responded when he asked who was knocking.

  “Mr. Quarles, one of the agents assigned to Bad Apple’s is here. He has video footage downloaded. He states Agent Harris instructed him to bring this to Mr. Carter and the Director forthwith.”

  “Send him in.” The Director said.

  Ernie Smith entered the room, dressed as an FBI special agent should be. He went to the laptop that operated the video monitors. Without comment, he inserted a SIM card and put the raw footage up on a screen.

  After viewing footage of deputies and the sheriff himself beating and kicking Desmond Taylor and Michael Morris. The Director spoke.

  “Get that US Attorney over here now. Show him that footage and I want Civil Rights charges against every officer who laid hands on my agents and Federal Assault Charges on them as well. Every one of those people will be in Federal custody by tonight. Quarles pull enough people to make that happen.”

  “Yes, Sir. We have been getting numerous press request for comment on the raid jackets our agents were wearing. I have been stalling them, but they will want something soon.”

  “Issue a statement, to the effect that we are investigating the issue and will hold a press conference when we have the facts.”

  Another knock, Quarles opened the door again.

  “Sir, The Secretary of the Army is on the line for the Director.”

  The Director took that call.

  When terminated the call, the Director addressed those in the room.

  “The Army officially states, and I repeat officially, that a helicopter on a routine training mission observed a crashed helicopter on a ranch in the San Rafael Valley. They landed to give assistance. They discovered a male and female still alive. They identified the female as an FBI agent. She identified the male as being an agent also. The Army helicopter transported them back to Fort Huachuca and their medical people stabilized them. They were then transported to Tucson by a civilian medical helicopter. The Army dispatched a pair of armed helicopters to the ranch to keep it secure until the Arizona State Police Forensics Unit arrived.”

  “That sounds like they know more than what they are saying,” Carter said.

  “Yes and I was told not to pursue the Army’s involvement any further. I will contact the White House.”

  There was another knock at the door. It was the US Attorney. Once he got in the room, the Director asked Ernie to start the video again. The lawyer signaled he’d seen enough as his cell phone buzzed. A very mad US Attorney answered it. He listed to the call and slammed the phone down on the table. Anger management was not his strong suite.

  “That was the US Marshals service. The Sheriff in Santa Cruz County refused to comply with the writ and told the deputies he was going to use it for toilet paper. Director, if you will assemble your SWAT Teams, I will direct the US Marshal to do so as well. I authorize the arrest of every individual in those videos. Start with assault on federal officers and 1980 violations will follow. I’ve got to look up the statue on them shooting at the helicopters. And whoever got that video needs a raise and promotion. Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I need to get to work on this.”

  “Gracious Senor.” Ernie Smith said.

  Burns met with Russell and Cruz outside the rental hanger at Nogales airport. They briefed Andy on the recent events and lack of any news other than a deputy being killed. There was no news from the San Rafael Valley. The Sheriff did not make it known where in his county the shooting happened. Burns asked the two men to total up their bills for services rendered and submit it for payment.

  “You good for it Cowboy?” Russell quipped.

  “My accountant is, he will pay you in any color of beads you want, Half Breed.”

  “As long as he doesn’t pay with pesos I’m happy.” Burrito Cruz allowed.

  They hung around and chatted with Jolene while Burns loaded the aircraft. He got a tow bar and a tug from the linemen and pulled the Citation onto the ramp. Burrito Cruz assisted by driving the RV into the hanger. Burns continued his contract to rent the hanger until he made arrangements for someone picking up the RV. Cruz said he would take the coach instead of payment for services rendered.

  “Sure you would. But I think it’s worth more than forty hours of minimum wage.” Burns rejoined.

  The linemen gave Burns a lift to the office so he could file a flight plan. They delivered him back to the jet, and he commenced his preflight inspection. After that, Jolene hugged the two PIs. Once they were on board, Andy closed the cabin door. Jolene buckled into the copilot’s seat, and Burns began his checklist.

  At 10:30 AM local time, Citation November Eight Zero X-ray taxied onto the active runway at Nogales. Burns applied power. Several hours later, at precisely the planned time the jet touched down at Mobile Aerospace. With the aircraft tucked safely away in a locked hanger. And all their gear and four extra bags loaded, Burns drove the truck to Baldwin County Alabama.

  Burns carried all four duffle bags and his rifle into his shop. Hadfield went to her rooms unpacked and crashed. Burns carefully cleaned the rifle and then completely disassembled it. He selected a new barrel blank and installed it in the CNC lathe. After entering the contour parameters, Burns turned on the machine. He picked up the old barrel and went into the knife shop. Burns lit his forge and before long the barrel was glowing red. He used a power hammer to turn the round barrel into a flat piece of steel. He cut the piece into equal lengths. Satisfied he went back to the machine shop and began counting the money in the duffle bags. Burns did not have a bill counting machine. Drug people were precise at counting money. Mistakes got you dead. The bills were packaged in bundled stacks of banded one hundred dollar bills. Twenty bills in a stack, ten stacks in a bundle. Andy counted the bills in a stack and then the number of stacks in a bundle. Burns put the bills back in the duffle bag and went to bed. Pondering what to do with twenty-five million dollars of purloined drug money.

  The Director and Carter along with Quarles got into the helicopter.

  “Mr. Quarles, what is the status of Agents Kroll and Vargas this morning?”

  “Sir, Vargas will be released. But, she is staying at the hospital with Kroll. They are keeping Kroll another twenty-four hours.”


  “Vargas suffered a concussive injury, bruises and contusions, possible short term memory loss. According to Agent Harris, Vargas doesn’t have total recall of what happened to her. She remembers parts of it. That is consistent with the medical reports. They expect her to have a full recall of memory at some time. They won’t say when. Kroll was suffering from serious dehydration and numerous physical injuries. He had been beaten. They may keep him longer than twenty-four hours. They say he is not ready to be questioned extensively.” />
  “Very well. Harris is their supervisor. Let her make the call on both of them. I don’t want anyone pushing to get statements from them. Harris is meeting us at this ranch. When we conclude the meeting there with the State Police Commander, we will drive over to the next ranch. I want to meet the cowboy that got us that video.”

  When the FBI Director and his entourage landed at the Rocking H Bar, Harris met them. She introduced the State Police Commander.

  The head of the state crime lab briefed them about the crime scene.

  “There are ten deceased persons. Seven of them appear to have died from single shots likely fired from a sniper rifle. One was a victim of the helicopter crash a second person near the crash had his head crushed by a truck battery. Another bled to death from an unusual wound.

  “We have been able to recover four projectiles. They appear to be thirty caliber rifle rounds. They are in good enough shape for ballistic comparison. We have recovered one large knife from the area in front of the ranch house and several handguns. We recovered an M-16 rifle from the helicopter wreckage and M249 machine gun was found on the ground near the wreckage as well.

  “During subsequent search warrant service on all the adjacent buildings, we have recovered several handguns and assault weapons. Out of the ranch house proper, we found three assault weapons several pistols along with shotguns and rifles. The latter guns are the kind of firearms I would expect a rancher to have.

  The SUV is shown registered to W. Ashton Bradford. The Ford F250 and Ford F450 belong to the Rocking H Bar ranch. A Nissan registered to Ronald J. Kroll. And another Nissan vehicle that has no record of registration.

  “We have not found any evidence of the sale of this property by the owner Lyon Hamilton. Lyon Hamilton is a missing person. There is evidence of four males living in the ranch house. The bunk house has evidence of some persons having lived in it. There are numerous bullet holes in the bunk house as well as blood stains.


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