Bonding With the Beast

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Bonding With the Beast Page 8

by Evangeline Anderson

  “As you wish.” Hail nodded. Then, with one swift motion, he had her on her back, lifting her with one arm and positioning her quickly but carefully in the center of the round bed.

  Isobel had a moment to realize how incredibly strong he was. He’d lifted her as though she weighed no more than a kitten and since she was more than a little plus-sized, that wasn’t something a human man could have done very easily.

  But before she could consider his strength any further, Hail was kneeling in front of her and urging her to open her thighs.

  “Open for me, Isobel,” he murmured in that soft, growling tone that sent shivers of desire down her spine. “Open and let me kiss your pretty little panties.”

  Biting her lip, Isobel did as he said, spreading her thighs for him to show the tiny, cobweb thin panties. Just as she had suspected earlier, they were soaked with her juices—so wet that the thin material was clinging to her plump pussy lips. She saw, with embarrassment, that even her clit was visible, peeking out from between her outer lips as though begging for attention.

  Hail drew in a deep breath and let it out in a low, ragged groan.

  “Gods,” he murmured. “So beautiful! I never dreamed…” He looked up at her, his eyes blazing. “You honor me, Isobel,” he said softly. “Opening yourself for me this way. I never hoped to see such beauty or to be allowed to taste it.”

  “You…you’re only supposed to kiss my panties,” she reminded him breathlessly. “That’s all.”

  “These little panties, you mean?” With one long finger, he traced a line down the center of her slit, making Isobel jump and moan.

  “Y-yes,” she stammered.

  “And where should I kiss them? Here?” Leaning forward, Hail pressed a soft, hot kiss to the right side of her pussy.

  Isobel moaned again when she felt his hot breath on her bare thighs and sensitive flesh. “I… I guess,” she gasped.

  “Here?” Hail kissed the left side and paused to rub his scratchy cheek against the tender skin of her inner thigh, almost like a cat marking its territory. He looked up at Isobel, catching her eyes with his own. “Or here?” he growled. Leaning forward again, he planted a long, hot, openmouthed kiss directly over her open slit.

  Isobel gasped and bucked up involuntarily, as she felt his tongue laving gently over her clit. The cobweb-thin panties barely seemed to be there at all—it was almost as though she could feel everything Hail was doing to her—as though he was kissing her bare pussy with nothing between them.

  But apparently it wasn’t enough for the big Kindred.

  “Isobel,” he murmured, looking up at her. “I love kissing your panties but they seem to be bunched up a little here. He traced her tingling slit through the thin material. “Don’t you think it would be better—easier for me to kiss you—if some of the bumps were smoothed out? If you spread your pussy for me the surface would be much smoother…easier to kiss fully.”

  “Oh…” Isobel’s breath caught in her throat. “You…you want me to…”

  “To reach into your panties and spread your pussy open for me.” His eyes were burning. “Can you do that for me, Isobel?”

  “I…I guess so.” With trembling fingers, she reached into the thin panties and spread her pussy lips for him. The damp material now clung to the ripe, pink pearl of her clit which was completely exposed.

  “Gods…” Hail drew in a ragged breath. “So beautiful,” he murmured. He looked up at her. “Can I kiss you again, Isobel? Can I kiss your panties?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, still holding herself open for him. “Yes, please Hail. Kiss…kiss them again.”

  This time he made no pretense about it—he dragged his tongue over the thin material and then laid a hot, wet kiss directly over her exposed clit. Isobel gasped as he sucked her tender, aching bud between his lips, and bucked her hips up helplessly as he kissed her.

  The hot, tender kiss seemed to go on and on but finally Hail ended it. He rubbed his scratchy cheek against her other thigh and inhaled deeply again.

  “Gods, you taste so good,” he groaned, his big hands curling around her thighs. “And your scent is so warm…so feminine.” He looked up at her. “It’s intoxicating, Isobel.”

  “Th-thank you,” she managed to stammer. “I…I’m glad you like it.”

  “I love it,” he growled. “I love all of your beautiful body. Your full hips…your luscious ass…your gorgeous breasts. I could worship you all night with my hands and mouth and never grow tired of it.”

  “Oh…” Isobel whispered. Once again she was struck by the depth of his passion and his eloquence in expressing it. Struck and more than a little turned on. He made her feel beautiful in a way her ex never had—made her feel like a goddess. It was a heady feeling.

  “No more games—I need to taste you without these,” Hail murmured, stroking a long finger over her panties again. “Need to lap your sweet pussy and taste your honey straight from the source. Can you let me do that, Isobel?”

  “I…I guess so,” she whispered. Lifting her hips, she allowed him to slide the soaked panties down and toss them to one side. Then, with a low, hungry growl, Hail dragged her forward until her legs were resting over his broad shoulders.

  “Spread for me, Isobel,” he commanded in a rough, almost animalistic tone. “Spread your legs and let me eat your sweet pussy with nothing between us.”

  With a soft moan, Isobel obeyed, opening her thighs wider to allow him entrance. Hail wound his big arms around her thighs and leaned down to take a long, leisurely tour of her sex. Isobel had to bite back a cry as she felt his hot, wet tongue start at the bottom of her slit and then drag upward, sliding over her throbbing clit as he tasted her.

  “Hail!” she gasped as he did it again. And then, somehow, she found her fingers were buried in his thick, dark hair and she was tugging him forward.

  “Gods, Isobel…” He looked up, his mouth shiny and wet with her juices.

  “Oh,” she whispered uncertainly. “Did I pull your hair too hard? Did I hurt you?”

  “A little,” he admitted, his voice a soft, lustful growl.

  “I’m so sorry!” Isobel exclaimed.

  His eyes flashed. “Don’t be—I loved it. Do it again. Put me where you need me—show me the best way to pleasure you.”

  The hot look in those pale blue eyes seemed to do something to Isobel’s insides. She gripped his hair harder and pushed him down shamelessly, guiding him as he had requested.

  Once again, though he was new to this, Hail proved himself to be a quick and eager learner. When Isobel swirled her hips in a circle, he quickly got the idea and began circling her throbbing clit with his tongue and when she pressed down on his head, he dipped lower and thrust deep into her pussy, lapping her honey straight from the source and swallowing eagerly, as he had said he wanted to do.

  “Oh! Oh, God, Hail!” Isobel moaned and threw her head back. Suddenly, she was confronted with the image of herself with the big Kindred between her thighs. She had forgotten about the mirror mounted above the circular bed and now she found she couldn’t tear her eyes away from what she saw.

  Lying open on the bed, her breasts bare and her thighs spread, was a woman with long, golden brown hair. Her nipples were stiff, hard points and her brown eyes were sleepy with desire. Her hands were buried in the thick black hair of the huge male who knelt between her thighs, lapping and sucking, teasing her pussy with pleasure until she didn’t know if she could stand any more.

  She couldn’t stop watching as one of Hail’s big hands stroked up her body to capture her right breast. He kneaded it in his warm palm, his fingers working as he pinched her aching nipple while at the same time he continued to lap and suck her open pussy. His broad shoulders rolled and worked and his hips were moving as he pressed himself against the side of the round bed, clearly rubbing his achingly hard cock against the mattress as he tasted her.

  He isn’t kidding, Isobel thought deliriously. This is turning him on as much as it does me—he
actually loves it.

  Even her lover in college, though he had been very good at this particular act, hadn’t been as eager and devoted as Hail. The big Kindred ate her pussy like he was a starving man and she was a feast—as though this act was the most erotic thing he could possibly imagine and he never wanted it to end.

  Though she never would have believed it possible in this strange situation, Isobel began to feel herself reaching the peak. Her orgasm hovered just over the horizon, as heavy as a thunderstorm threatening to break and drench her in a hot rain of pleasure.

  “Hail!” she heard herself crying as the girl in the mirror moaned and bucked shamelessly against her lover’s tongue. “Hail, please, I’m so close!”

  “I am too.” He looked up for a moment and, with a shock, Isobel saw that his eyes were glowing again—looking like two pale blue laser beams in his dark face.

  “Hail?” she whispered uncertainly.

  “Isobel…” His voice was dipping down into that low, animalistic growl that had so frightened her before. “Isobel I’m sorry, I can’t help myself.”

  “Can’t help yourself what?” she gasped but instead of answering, he ducked his head between her thighs again.

  This time when he lapped and sucked her pussy there was an edge of desperation in his actions, almost as though he was franticly trying to make her come.

  But why? Isobel wondered hazily as she lifted her hips to meet the lashing strokes of his tongue. Why does he need me to come? And why does he need to come himself?

  Because she could tell by the increased pace of his hips against the side of the bed that the big Kindred was working himself almost as hard as he was working her. It was like he was trying to avoid some kind of disaster that could only be averted by causing both of them to orgasm.

  Just as she thought that, Isobel felt herself reaching the peak. The thundercloud broke and her entire body was washed in a rain of hot pleasure.

  “Oh!” she moaned shamelessly. “Oh, God, Hail…Hail! I’m coming—you’re making me come so hard!”

  But when the big Kindred raised his face from between her thighs, it wasn’t Hail she saw.

  It was the beast.

  Chapter Nine

  Hail felt himself changing and fought it with all his might. If I can just come, he thought desperately as he lashed Isobel’s sweet pussy with his tongue. If I can just come it will take the edge off. The beast only comes out in extremes of emotion. If I can just come…

  But before he could manage to achieve orgasm himself, Isobel came. Calling his name and pulling his hair, she bucked up against him, pressing her hot little pussy against his tongue, making him crazy, making him want to take her, to make her his for ever.

  And that was the moment he lost control. He felt himself changing as he had only ever changed in battle before…felt the beast emerging though he tried desperately to keep it inside.

  But it was a losing fight. His body grew larger and his eyes felt hot—he knew they were glowing. His hair became long and wild and his cock, which was already large, grew even larger.

  Mine, the beast growled within him. She’s mine!

  And then Hail knew no more as the animalistic lust to breed overtook him.

  * * * * *

  Isobel gasped in surprise and fear when she looked down and saw the beast instead of Hail between her legs. For a moment, looking at his glowing blue eyes, she almost panicked.

  Oh my God, he’s so huge! What is he going to do to me? Will he hurt me? What should I do?

  Then the small, calm voice of reason spoke in her head.

  Calm down and take it easy, it said sternly. You knew this was a possibility going into this. It was a risk you had to take. You rolled the dice and lost—now you have to deal with the consequences.

  Yes, but how was she supposed to deal with them?

  The beast had risen to his feet now. One huge hand was cupping a shaft that looked even bigger thatn Hail’s, if that was possible.

  This is Hail, Isobel reminded herself. The beast is part of him—it just wants what Hail wanted—to come.

  And from the way the beast was growling hungrily and eyeing her pussy, which was still spread wide, he wanted to come inside her. Oh God, should she let him? But what choice did she have? She and Hail had been ordered by their captors—who were now strangely silent—to make love. She had to go through with this or she would never get home.

  Submit, whispered the little voice. Show a sign of submission—let him know you won’t fight him. Give the beast what he craves and maybe it won’t be so bad.

  Isobel wasn’t sure about that but she didn’t think she had much choice. Slowly, not making any sudden moves, she rolled over on her belly. The beast made a soft growling sound but didn’t try to stop her. Really, he didn’t look that much like a beast, Isobel thought numbly. He was just another version of Hail, only with wilder hair, glowing eyes, and much, much larger equipment.

  She tried not to think of how she would accommodate that equipment as she climbed slowly to her hands and knees. Her bare breasts swayed—her nipples tight with fear and…desire? Could it be that she still wanted this, even though she was scared?

  Yes, Isobel had to admit to herself. Despite her worry about being able to take the big Kindred and her fear of his beast, she still wanted him—still wanted to feel him filling her, making her his.

  She was shaking but her pussy was still wet and throbbing as she forced herself to do what she knew was necessary. Looking over her shoulder at the beast, who was still holding his massive shaft loosely in one big fist, she spread her legs and tilted her ass up in a show of submission.

  “Hail, I know you’re in there—it’s all right,” she said in a voice that shook only a little. “I…I’m here for you. You can…you can have me. Just be gentle, okay? You’re really big.”

  The beast seemed to understand—the part about having her, anyway—Isobel wasn’t so sure if he’d understood her plea for him to be gentle.

  Heavy hands came down to hold her hips and she felt the wet brush of the broad, mushroom shaped head of his cock swiping against her inner folds. She moaned softly and tried not to tense as she felt the tip of his cock lodge itself in the entrance to her pussy. God, he was so big! How was she going to take him all?

  She didn’t have long to wonder because the beast knew exactly what he wanted and was determined to take it. With an animalistic growl, he began pushing forward, filling her pussy with his thickness.

  Isobel gasped as she felt her inner walls stretching. She’d never been with anyone so big before and it was overwhelming.

  God, I can’t take this—he’ll rip me in two!

  Panic seized her and she began to struggle, trying to get away from the thick invader that was slowly but inexorably filling her pussy.

  But the beast was having none of it. With a low growl, he gripped her hips more firmly, holding her down, refusing to let her get away.

  Isobel wiggled, trying to get free but she only succeeded in forcing another thick inch of the invading shaft into her pussy. She was just about to go into full blown panic mode when the calm little voice spoke in her brain again.

  It’s all right—you’re going to be all right. You can do this. You want this—you just have to be open enough to take it. And remember, it’s the only way to get home.

  Home—she had to get home. That thought steadied her and banished the panic that was threatening to choke her.

  Submit, whispered the voice. Open yourself and submit…if you don’t tense up, he’ll be able to get in more easily.

  It was true and Isobel knew it. Still, it wasn’t easy for her to take her own advice. She was still on her hands and knees, grasping the slippery black satin sheets tightly in her fists as the thick shaft inched slowly into her.

  Then she thought of how Hail had licked her pussy—the way he had tasted her with rough tenderness until she had come all over his face. He'd been holding her down then too, just in a slightly different way,
and it had been the most erotic experience of her life. He'd told her to spread her legs for him and she had done it, allowing him to ravage her with his tongue. Submitting to his cock might be a little scarier but it was no less erotic—she just had to get over her fear and stay calm.

  Stay calm…right. Taking a deep breath, she released her hold on the sheets and lowered herself until her head was resting on her arms. This position pushed her ass higher, giving the beast greater access to her pussy. In the final act of ultimate submission, Isobel spread her thighs as wide as she could and tilted her hips back, opening herself completely.

  God, had she ever felt so helpless or so hot? So completely open and vulnerable? Isobel didn’t think so and yet somehow, despite her fear her pussy continued to throb, her honey flowing to coat Hail’s thick shaft as it entered her.

  He growled softly—it sounded almost like a question to Isobel.

  “It’s all right,” she told the beast—and Hail who was somewhere inside him. “It’s all right—I won’t try to run away. Just do it…just take what you need.”

  The beast seemed to understand her meaning because his iron grip on her hips relaxed. One big hand came to rest between her trembling shoulder blades and he rubbed gently up and down, as though to soothe her.

  A deep wave of emotion rushed over Isobel. This sweet, tender gesture was Hail—she was sure of it. He might not be in control of the situation anymore but he was still in there—he still cared for her and wanted her not to fear him.

  “All right,” she whispered. “All right, Hail, I feel you. You can…can take me now.”

  He growled again—a sound that might almost have been her name—and then she felt him resume his forward motion, pushing his thick cock deeper into her pussy.

  Isobel moaned a little but made a conscious effort to breathe deeply and relax her inner muscles. She found that when she wasn’t clenched tight with fear, the penetration went much more easily. Slowly he entered her, stretching her to the limit, until she felt the broad head of his cock kissing the mouth of her womb and knew he could get no deeper.


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