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Stigmata Page 2

by L M Adams

  The two men are about the same height. But where Carter is a blonde mini-giant, Jack is a king of the night. I know his eyes will be spitting with blue fire and silver… power. Jack has always been the best at controlling his emotions… unless it has to do with me or Lucien, and then his heart is all open.

  They’re concerned about me. Both Lucien and Jack, they don’t understand my behavior and they can’t figure it out. After the initial mourning over what Peter had done, I woke up one morning and realized the path to happiness would be found if I simply followed my heart and stopped slicing it apart for people that would never appreciate it.

  “Do you mean to fuck us to death and hide our bodies here?” Luey asks curiously.

  “No!” I shout laughing.

  “I do not understand your present, Wench.”

  “It’s not a grave, Luey. It’s for a pool, your pool.”

  “Ahhhh.” He turns back to Jack. “False alarm, it’s a pool!”

  Jack turns to us, shaking his head. Carter walks away, head hanging low. I’ve been trying to make up with him… but his heart still aches for Brianna. She still won’t wake up. Now isn’t the right time for him to receive forgiveness even if I will freely give it to him; he just isn’t ready to accept it. Perhaps we both know it’s not forgiveness I can offer – I just don’t care anymore, and I don’t have to forgive him for something I stopped caring about.

  I step back into my present and hold out my arms. “What do you think?” I ask as Jack steps next to Lucien, with a gentle just-smile-at-the-crazy-lady look.

  “It’s a very thoughtful gesture, love.” Jack says softly but I feel the disappointment… or concern.

  I frown. “You don’t like it.”

  Lucien huffs. “He likes it, he’s just worried.”

  “He’s always worried,” I smile.

  “I’d appreciate you both staying out of my head.”

  I shrug a little. I wasn’t listening in on purpose…

  “Come get a shower, we have the Eventide Youth Center grand opening tonight.” Jack commands.

  I sigh. “Do I really have to go to that?”

  “Yes, Jaevia!” Jack shouts and the then closes his eyes over a sigh. “I’m sorry love, I’m sorry, I’m just frustrated.”

  They don’t want to give up. I understand it and I’m okay with playing along if it makes them happy. They’ll come to the same realization I have sooner or later.

  Jack still thinks he can make this whole ‘queen thing’ work and Lucien doesn’t really care either way, but Jack is in charge of our public relations so in Luey’s mind Jack is master of such things and Lucien is an obedient submissive of all the crazy things in the world.

  I frown looking at my hole. “I wanted to get another foot done…”

  “You need a permit for a pool Jae, what about sheeting and shoring? What if it collapses?” Jack snaps again. “We come home to our future wife buried alive?!” He waves an arm agitated.

  “You need a permit for a pool?” I ask whispering to Luey.


  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I had no wish to ruin your fun and the earth is still cold enough to keep it from collapsing in. I was going to have the men sheet and shore it for you while we’re gone tonight. I saw no need to reprimand you.” He frowns at Jack.

  “Now I’m the bad guy?” Jack shouts.


  “Fine! Then you deal with this and the fucking hole she had cut in the roof for the grand baby piano we don’t have room for!”

  Jack turns away agitated and walks towards the warehouse.

  “The tarp will be gone by the end of the week, but we could still get a skylight!” I call out after him.

  He slams the door behind him.

  “Too soon?” I ask Luey.

  “Aye, Wench… too soon.”

  I sigh, neither of my wedding presents are panning out like I thought they would.

  That’s okay, I’ll just try again tomorrow.



  “Come out with you then, don’t need to piss him off more than he already is.” Lucien grumbles and holds down his hand for me to grab.

  I laugh as I take it, and he pulls me up, one handed, not straining one bit.

  His golden red eyes twinkle in the sunlight, love and laughter filling his soul, holding back the curse that scars the flesh on his back.

  “You’re dirty, Wench.” He murmurs low as he pulls me into his heat, wrapping a large arm around me.

  “Aye, Luey.” I smile up at him, inviting him with my heart and my eyes as he bends to my waiting lips to lay claim to me again; as if it was both the first and last time, he would ever have me. The same way he has always kissed me, with all of his heart and all that he is.

  When he pulls back his eyes are a deeper red, the curse reacting to passion, reacting to me. I can’t cool the pain of the curse like Jack, but I can make that pain feel good and it remembers me, it will remember me for all time. The scar on my neck tingles as he brushes his fingertips over it, not yet ready to stop touching me, the need spilling into him, awakening his primal hungers.

  “Do we have time?” I whisper, wanting him just as much.

  “Maybe if I fuck you in the shower.”

  I scoff, “He’ll still complain.”

  “Aye.” He smiles gently and turns me, draping a heavy arm over my shoulder, guiding me back to the warehouse. “Maybe if I give him a hand-job he’ll calm down.”

  I snicker. “Never thought I’d hear you talk about it so casually.”

  “I have never been abashed about my needs and likes once I accepted them.”

  “That’s the tricky part isn’t it?”

  He nods his head. “I’m finding it to be so.”

  “Well you’ve been doing a wonderful job, Luey.”

  “Oh. have I now?” He says full of arrogance.

  “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  He huffs and holds open the backdoor to the warehouse for me. I step in grinning. The three main offices are on the right, Frank, Jack’s and mine, respectively. I don’t use my own often any longer. No cases to work, no puzzles to figure out, I am officially in the ‘drop where they may’ portion of these chips falling.

  The training room sits dark and unused to the left. I still do train, but more just to keep in shape and because I know I still have enemies, I’m not delusional about all of this after all.

  The front of the warehouse was going to be my waiting area if I really started to get clients rolling in. But since that’s dead, I’m converting it to a living room and moving our furniture from the third floor to there that way I can fit the piano upstairs. The easiest way is to lift the piano up on a crane and lower it down through the roof, so I chopped a hole into it. Jack is still peeved over it.

  Maybe a hand-job would help.

  Luey takes my hand in his and tugs me upstairs going on about the youth center. He’s really thrown himself into the project and I know he’s proud of the work. It doesn’t matter if they won’t make me queen to him, and thereby making him king. He just saw a need to fill and saw to getting it done.

  “The clinic will be able to serve a hundred children a day at least Jaevia! School programs, enrichment courses, things to open their minds and hearts to the possibilities of the world once again… oh and the kitchens….” He goes on more, the excitement in him filling his words.

  He’s so happy… just so happy and it radiates through our connection. Underneath is still the bitterness and pain of all that Azazael took from him, but Luey is just so determined to do good, to create change, that there is no room for that bitterness to grow. In his mind we must save the babies, the young ones, we must be the shield. It is his purpose in life. That… along with loving me and Jack.

  We step onto the third floor, across from us is the wall of windows that look out to the field on one side of the warehouse and then further the trees that are also part of Druid Hi
ll Park. I’ve always enjoyed the view from these windows.

  Jack is standing in the center of the living room to our right, hands on his hips, staring up at the blue tarp that flaps above the large hole in the roof. I still find it to be a pretty sight, Jack standing beneath the sun that backlights the tarp and fills the space casting a deep blue hue. Almost as if he floats beneath the clear waters of the ocean.

  I think I can see his eye ticking.

  He’s not really upset about the piano or the hole in the roof… or even the one in the yard. He’s upset because he can’t find a way to get people to love me like he does. The hole is just something smaller, easier, to be angry at. It’s classic transference.

  “The piano will be here tomorrow and then we can fix the roof.” I whisper as I peek around Luey.

  He sighs and lowers his head. “Okay, Jae.” He murmurs low.

  “Come Bloodsucker, you need some love making.” Lucien commands.

  “We don’t have time to…”

  Lucien holds up a hand and snaps his fingers. Jack cries out and falls to his knees. “God you’re a fucking asshole!” But he keeps his head bowed as a good slave would.

  Some time ago Lucien decided to train Jack’s inner slave, train him to appear at a snap of his fingers and take away all of Jack’s choice in the matter. At the time Jack had pushed Lucien to it, and kept pushing, but often I do believe Jack regrets it… like now.

  “Stand up and come here, Capaneus.” Lucien’s voice is very stern, but not angry.

  Jack stands slowly, wrapping an arm over his middle, his shoulders slumped, trying to make himself a smaller target.

  He makes his way to us whimpering lightly. “I’m sorry, Master. I know I’ve been short tempered; I know I haven’t been behaving well… but please… please don’t hurt me.” He whispers low, pleading with Lucien. His master knows how to hurt him deeply, we all know it.

  Lucien grabs him by the back of the neck and pulls him closer, touching his forehead to Jack’s gently. “Only a little, hmm? Only a little to help you calm down. Nothing to break you.”

  Jack sucks in a breath. “You promise?” His voice small and weak.

  “As long as you behave.”

  Jack nods, “Okay.”

  “Go on to the bedroom and get undressed.” Lucien orders gently.

  “Yes, Master.” Jack turns away quickly and hurries to follow his master’s orders.

  “You, Wench, shower and hurry if you want in on the fun.”

  I laugh as I run down the hallway, I’ll take the fastest shower ever. My thoughts are filled with the naughty ways we can make him pay, the sound of Jack’s begging, the feel of Lucien’s dominance. They are so fucking hot together.

  My hair is the pain in the ass. It’s long and thick and it takes forever to wash and rinse.

  “Please go slow, Luey.” I murmur as I rinse off again and jump out of the shower, almost falling, all in a rush to get to my men. I feel their passion beating against my thoughts, flashes of Jack’s body chained to the bed, the feel of his desperation as Master touches him but won’t let him come.

  “Master!” I feel Jack screaming.

  I hurry to the bedroom still dripping wet. The sight of Jack chained spread eagle to the bed on his back greets me. Lucien, fully clothed, straddles one of Jack’s muscled, straining thighs. Lucien strokes Jack’s oiled, hardened length.

  “Come, Jaevia!” Lucien barks and I hurry to the bed.

  Jack’s muscles are straining as he pulls at the chains that hold him captive. His hips grinding, face enraptured with pleasure. He likes when Luey touches, he likes it a lot.

  “I’m going to.” He cries as Lucien strokes him slowly. “You’re making me!”

  “You will not, our queen wants cock and you’ll be giving it to her.”

  “No! Oh goddess I’ll come, I swear to god I’ll come if you put me inside of her! No!”

  Lucien looks at me, the red in his eyes spreading, burning, he needs this as much as Jack. He needs to dominate us, his mates, he gives to the world, but the devil always has his due.

  He lets go of Jack’s cock and stands looking down at me. “Come all you wish Jaevia, he’s your toy.”

  I almost purr at his words and I feel the power of me begin to bloom. I once had very distinct personalities, but Azazael did something trying to make me be his queen, he did something that made my personalities blend. He’d hoped Sheba, or my succubus, would have taken over, instead… I am still me, well mostly anyway. But all of those desires, those sickly dark and sweet desires still live within me.

  I’m just a shitload more comfortable with it now.

  Luey takes my hand in his helping me balance as I get on the bed and straddle our future husband.

  “Bind me closed, Jae, please baby.” Jack cries. “I don’t want the hobbler, it hurts.”

  But master shakes his head no.

  “God! Please give me a chance!” Jack rages and yanks at the chains harder.

  Lucien and I lock eyes as he grabs Jack’s cock and I lower myself on it. We stare at the darkness within one another as our lover screams and neither of us blinks.

  What horrid legacy of pain has the world given us that this is the way we love? That this is what we are, that this is how monsters fuck.

  Pleasure erupts inside of me as I feel Jack’s cock fill me, stretching me, rubbing those secret places inside. His screams of submission become the music that makes my heart soar. I grind on him, moving my hips back and forth, clenching my pussy around him, I show him what it means to fuck a woman who owns her sexuality.

  “I’ll do anything Jae, anything. Just bind it baby. Please! Oh god it’s too good.”

  “Kiss me.” I whisper to Lucien and he needs no more urging.

  His heat radiates out as his tongue drives into my mouth. We can’t taste each other enough, neither of us really breathe, we don’t want to if it would mean our lips must part from one another.

  I feel his maddening drive to possess me completely, the drive in him to own me mind, body and soul, the drive in him to see the world burn if it ever took me from him. Insane, maddening obsession; what Luey feels is beyond love, beyond sanity.

  He grabs my wet hair, balling it into his fist, holding my head still as I grind on Jack. I feel Lucien’s hand fumbling at his pants, and I feel the burst of pleasure ricochet between the three of us as he finally gets his hard, aching cock free and begins stroking it.

  “Oh please goddess!” Jack screams as he devours the sight of me and Lucien tongue fucking one another, as he watches his master pleasure himself, as he’s drowned in the pleasure of my pussy.

  The taste of Lucien, the feel of Jack; it all forces that budding pressure to build and I chase it, I chase nirvana, I chase the magic that is me and I revel in it. I can’t even remember why I hated it so much.

  I come, Lucien comes… we and us and I and he… come.

  “I’m sorry!” Jack screams with terror as he joins us against his will. “Please! I’m sorry.” Sobs racking his body as I pull the orgasm from him causing his synapses to fire with pleasure, fear and shame all mingled together.

  Lucien finally breaks the kiss and turns to look down at Jack. He’s a mess, tears pouring from his eyes, shame covering his features.

  “Naughty boy.” Lucien takes his cock and taps the tip on Jack’s come covered abs. Using Jack like a fucking prop. We both are.

  Jack nods his head, eyes devouring the sight of Lucien’s cock with so much need and desire to have it, touch it, feel it – my skin tingles with his not so hidden desires.

  “Say it!”

  “I’m a naughty boy.” Jack cries and turns his face away.

  “You deserve to be punished!”

  “I deserve to be punished, Master.” Jack cries low.

  Lucien grabs Jack’s face, digging his fingers into Jack’s cheeks, turning his face towards us. “Don’t look away!”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Looking away from the d
arkness won’t save you from it!” Lucien roars.

  Lucien lets go of Jack’s face and takes his nipple, pinching it between his fingers making Jack cry out. My pussy squeezes around Jack in response and another tremble of pleasure ricochets through him.

  “You’re going to come again, aren’t you? You filthy slut.”

  “No!” Jack shouts. “Oh god no.” But he doesn’t sound very sure.

  Lucien twists and pulls his nipple. Jack screams, lifting his chest from the bed, trying to relieve the pain and pleasure.

  I moan and begin riding him.

  “Please don’t. Oh god he’ll hurt me baby, he’ll hurt me really bad!”

  Lucien grabs the other nipple and Jack’s head falls back as we take his choice away. He likes it when we take, when we make him. He likes the loss of control, to have no say. Because he trusts us with this, he trusts us like no others before and we cherish him for it. A king of the night, a prince of the blood, a haunting darkness who becomes a precious young man of innocence with us in secret and in purity.

  Lucien lowers his lips to Jack’s chest.

  “Please master, do not use your mouth.” Jack begs haltingly. “I love it Lucien, I love your mouth too much to resist it. Please do not use it.”

  Lucien only moans as he sucks his husband’s nipple into his mouth and plays with Jack’s flesh between his teeth.

  Something magical happens and Jack’s soul cracks open to us. I hear it, his heart and his thought – It’s worth it, goddess, it’s all worth it.

  He stops trying to hold back and just enjoys it. He enjoys the feel of his husband and wife pleasing his flesh, taking the choice. Whatever price master exacts from him for it… it is worth it.

  We make him come again and again… and again. By the time I get off of him his cock is soft and drained, I could make him hard again if I used my power, but he has nothing left in his sack to give us. We took every drop.

  “I wish to punish you. Can you handle it?” Lucien asks gently as he gets Jack unchained.


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