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Stigmata Page 26

by L M Adams

  Frank pauses at the bottom of the stairs and turns to look at us, “Well, these are orders from the queen… can’t say I agree – but she is queen.”

  I glance at Lucien in question, he’s giving me the same look.

  Harper hands two white small cards to me, they smell of her, chocolate citron, they feel like her… this is of her hand and magic. One has my name, the other has Lucien’s… I hand him his, “Jaevia’s handwriting,” I murmur opening the card.

  My dearest Jack,

  Tonight you will prove your allegiance to me. For the duration of this test you will not be allowed any physical contact with our future husband, Lucien.

  Nor are you allowed to speak, suffer in silence and with grace. Directions will be given to you in writing – you shall follow those directions without question, without complaint, without resistance. I demand your allegiance; I demand your obedience.

  -Your future wife and eternal queen,


  I look up in shock… Frank holds up a hand, “Please do not speak – I have to report disobedience and it was made very clear that neither of you would enjoy the punishment assigned for that disobedience.”

  I turn to look at Lucien… he seems amused.

  Fucking Jaevia, I just knew this wouldn’t be easy!

  With no obvious way out of this – not even being sure I would if I could – we follow our Captain upstairs to our living quarters.

  In the long hallway that leads to our bedroom, a small round wood table has been set up. It has a single red candle lit, two glasses of bubbling champagne at the ready, and another note in Jaevia’s handwriting.

  Drink me

  What is the woman up to? Lucien and I pick up the glasses of champagne, I feel and smell her in the liquid as well. Before I do something stupid like question her orders, I drink down the golden bubbling champagne… my tongue is covered in the taste of her… and magic.

  I glance at Lucien, his golden eyes are starting to fill with purple, I’m sure my eyes are as well. Jaevia did something very stupid. But then perhaps that is why we love her.

  Frank wishes us a good night, letting us know that this where he leaves us – I can’t help but pick up his worry. I have to appreciate his skill in keeping this secret from Lucien and I. But Frank is good at keeping secrets, I should know, he’s been helping Lucien and I keep quite a few from Jaevia.

  With nothing to do but do as we’re told, Lucien and I head towards our bedroom, on the door is another note.

  Enter me

  And so we do… the bedroom has been transformed.

  A multitude of sheer drapes hang from the ceiling, compartmentalizing the room, shielding us from being able to see exactly who is here and what is going on. Candlelight twinkles illuminating the space gently, music plays low and the space smells like us. I feel another presence here…

  Did Jae come back from D.C. to be with us?

  I smile, I miss her too… oh goddess I need her. Being without her for even a moment feels like an eternity. My cock begins to stir with longing, with unabetted need to be inside of her warm, wet, secret places… places she keeps from me all too often and doles out far too sparingly.

  Lucien groans beside me with the same longing in the sound and I realize our evil little wife spiked the champagne with her essence. It didn’t just feel and smell and taste like her – it was her. Fucking succubus essence, the stuff is extremely rare, very expensive, highly addictive and woefully potent coming from Jaevia, the queen of the succubae.

  The sheer curtains shift, and I pray to all the heavens and every hell that it will be Jae…

  But Jae isn’t that kind, she is a cruel and demanding mistress.

  A woman, about five and a half feet steps from a parting in the sheer drapes. Hair golden spun with hints of red highlight. Pretty all around, full lips, large expressive blue eyes… her tits are wondrous… and of course they’re bare. Large round globes with perky rose bud nipples. Slender waist and a gentle flair of the hips, her bottom half is covered by a sheer skirt… matching the sheer drapes.

  I don’t want her but fuck I need to fuck… I want my fucking wife!

  The woman doesn’t say a word as she hands us each a small tulle bag. Mine is blue, Lucien’s is red. The bag has a tag tied on with a delicate ribbon…

  Eat me.

  … inside is a single chocolate.

  No, please don’t Jae… please don’t do this… I whimper. I already feel her essence coursing through me, and I know madness will come soon.

  I look to Lucien; his breathing is ragged as he opens his bag… and eats his chocolate.

  Fuck! I do the same quickly, hands shaking, yelling at myself to not do this… she will destroy us with this much. I have a fleeting thought that maybe it’s just chocolate and then I bite into the perfectly made morsel and the lemon filled center is saturated with her essence.

  Oh goddess… give us mercy goddess please.

  The slow aching burn for her that I’ve been feeling turns into a fire I’ve never known the like of… I whimper as I drop the little bag to the floor. Lucien groans low as the essence begins coursing through him. Once upon a time he could resist it better than me. But that was before the curse, that was before Jaevia eased the fire with a different kind of burning passion. Lucien’s body trembles with his own need and the demand for those most carnal needs to be met.

  What was Jaevia thinking?!

  The woman in white hands us another card, my vision is hazed with need as I try to read the word and not rape the woman silly!


  I do so quickly, perhaps if I am perfectly obedient there will be a bit of relief. Oh goddess, please let there be relief without me plundering every warm hole I can fit my dick into… please let me maintain some sort of control here. Goddess please, your wicked son begs of you.

  Card after card, we follow the directions on each one… by the time the full effects of Jaevia’s essence takes hold, we’ve been chained to the large four poster bed. Lucien is standing across from me, spread wide, wrists locked in place at each of the posts. His large strong body trembling with a fine sheen of sweat as Jaevia’s essence strips bare the purpose of every chakra, every sensory node, every reason for every bit of his synapses and turns it all into pleasure centers. The woman in white finishes getting me chained to the bed as well… it will hold – I’d made sure of it when I’d designed and ordered the fucking bed!

  We’re captives held by the whim of a woman in white armed with nothing, but little notes written on little pieces of paper. And soon the vicious game gets far more vicious.

  Our wonderful wife arranges for a ménage á tois to take place on our bed. Two men join the woman in white and they destroy her intimately yet brutally, all for our viewing pleasure. Nothing but fucking… nasty filthy fucking. Faces twisted in ecstasy as they enjoy orgasm after orgasm. A tangle of legs and arms… peaked nipples and hard cocks with warm mouths to suck on those needy bits of flesh – but none for me, and none for Lucien.

  My cock aches deeply, my sack is swelling with need and I can feel the pressure build with no release, like a balloon that needs to just burst. Jaevia’s power has taken hold of every thought, every want. I’d die for her touch right now… my cock glistens with precome as it pushes from the tip to drip down to the bed. I try to pull on the chains enough just so I can rub the tip of my needy penis on the edge of our bed, I just need a little sensation!

  “Please!” I cry out in a broken voice, unable to keep quiet any longer, “please Jae please!” I scream and I scream for mercy as if she would give it… even if she was here.

  The woman in white gets up and leaves and the foolish man I am, I think for a moment that the torture is done… Lucien’s roar joins my own when one of the men forces the other down to the bed and plunges into his asshole – Lucien wants that… he wants to do that to me, and he’ll give anything for it… Blood King save me, I want it too. Jaevia knows our desires, she knew just how to taunt and
tease us – she knew just how to strip us bare and torture us with our own cravings.

  We watch with longing as the two men make the beast with two backs. Sweat slicked skin gliding, tight asses grinding, tongues dancing, hands touching, pleasure demanding… all of us filled with the soul warping magic of succubus power.

  Jaevia serves us our every desire, our every fantasy on that bed– and then keeps us from tasting even a bit of it.

  She is the only one that is allowed to give us these things. She is our goddess… she is our queen.

  They fuck in every way known to man or monster and for hours we stand in the sticky filth of our own need. Unable to look away, unable to ignore the passionate sounds of flesh being pleased by other flesh, we are slaves to the watching, we are slaves to our own destruction.

  The witching hours pass. Lucien and I hang in the chains now, our cocks so hard the skin at the tip is beginning to split… the pain of our flesh pulling apart even feels good… any and every sensation is nirvana.

  I have no shame in my gentle weeping, there is no pride left in me because there is nothing I would not do in this moment for a bit of relief. No pain I wouldn’t suffer, no degradation I would not welcome, no part of me I would not give. I would sell what was left of my soul for someone to take a whip to my cock just so I could have sensation – the demand is just that great.

  By the time they call an end to their marathon of fucking and change the sheets, clean up, and move to unchain us – we are obedient in every way. They hold up cards for me and Lucien and to read through our haze of lust.

  Your freedom is near, your loyalty has been proven. I give you free rein to relieve yourself, but only yourselves, once you two are alone.

  I nod quickly, whimpering. Lucien does the same…

  They have to help us down onto the bed, our muscles don’t work right, nothing works right… we’re not allowed to touch ourselves, not allowed to alleviate the ache in any way. The thought to defy our Queen’s words never even enters our thoughts, her power, her will, has been infused into our beings – a succubus does not suffer a disobedient slave.

  My mouth is filled with the taste of Jaevia, my nose with the smell of her, my body claimed by her power – the only thing that could make this more miserable would be one of her cock rings. Perhaps I should thank the Dark Goddess that Jae didn’t take it that far.

  When they lay us out on the clean sheets, our bodies grind and writhe on the bed, we moan with the wonderful sensation on our flesh, begging with our souls for our ‘entertainers’ to go so that we can finally touch ourselves … the woman in white is kind enough to give us fresh towels before she makes her exit… the door barely closes before I grab my cock, stroking it all of three times and orgasm onto myself spilling the white hot seed on my stomach and up to my chest, it twinkles purple with Jaevia’s power. The first orgasm with Jaevia’s essence always hurts, it feels like boiling water being pushed through my shaft. I scream over the pain but keep stroking my horribly abused cock. I wouldn’t be able to stop if I wanted to.

  “She is an evil whore!” Lucien roars and then whimpers as he orgasms, “Oh Ra please,” he begs and begins stroking again, unable to help himself. I’m not fairing much better, I just know how to submit to it, accept that there is nothing I can do but try and milk her essence from my body.

  “Fuck,” I whimper as I feel my sack tightening further, “please, please,” I beg my own body to give up the orgasm, relieve the aching need crawling through my synapses like poison.

  My hand feels so good, oh god this feels so good, but I want her, I want Jae. Being without her is like having your heart gouged out with a dull knife… it’s not fast and that only makes it hurt more… “I hate her,” I cry out pitifully as my body releases another painful orgasm.

  It takes an hour for us to milk our cocks enough for the effects of her essence to begin to wane. We lay together, our skin slick with sweat, the air filled with the smell of need and despair. We could come a million times and it still wouldn’t really be enough, we need Jaevia, we need her like we need air to breathe.

  “She must have used the good stuff… done a spinal tap,” I whisper exhausted, still lying beside Lucien. My cock feels like I’ve taken sandpaper to it… I don’t think I’ve ever jerked off that much in my entire life.

  “How long has the Wench been planning this deviousness is what I wish to know…” Lucien’s voice is low and filled with anger, “as she smiles in our faces and gives us sweet kisses goodbye, all the while knowing she was going to torture us and not even be here for the deed!”

  I smile as I look up at the ceiling, “Goddess, she’s perfect, isn’t she?” I whisper.

  Lucien sighs, “Oh aye, she is – but we will not be telling her that.”

  I chuckle low, “Agreed… but fuck that was hot, by far beats strippers… and so creative… with the little notes that smelled of her?” I hum appreciatively – what she did here is becoming of even a vampire queen – perfectly devious, perfectly evil… a perfect woman for me.

  Lucien huffs, “We must find a way to… thank her properly.”

  “Once we’re at the vacation house… we’ll make her pay for this.”

  Lucien moans, “Tell me… tell me how you’ll make her pay, Capaneus.”

  I give him a look and see that his cock is stirring with the thoughts of her torture – Mr. Prim and Proper likes his filth alright, and he loves seeing Jaevia used… but on his terms… he likes watching and I imagine he may have enjoyed what happened tonight far more than I – and that says a lot because I really fucking enjoyed it.

  Lucien and I spend our wedding eve plotting our revenge with whispering words and love in our hearts as we play with our abused cocks and imagine how we’ll make our wife beg and scream.

  Part of me wonders if she did this just to remind us of what she is, a last-ditch effort to warn us off… as if that would ever be a possibility. There is no one like Jaevia Knightley… no one, and we’re the luckiest men alive to be able to call her ours – even if she’s an evil little bitch; she will always be our queen and we will always be willing to prove our loyalty, allegiance, and willingness to serve in whatever way she sees fit… this is what it means to love a living Goddess.

  This is what it means to be a king to a succubus queen.


  Jaevia – Wedding Prep

  I open my eyes to a new day and stare up into the perfectly white painted ceiling of my hotel room. The world is quiet, or perhaps it’s me. Nothing exists past what I can see and feel and touch. Reality is a matter of perception, I can’t see the cars on the road, the people walking and talking. I can’t smell the stench of sin or the flowers of love – all of those things exist, they would exist if I was there to witness them or not, but they are not part of my reality not in this moment.

  The beating of my heart is steady, rhythmic… I thought I’d be nervous, experience some form of cold feet – something like running and screaming into the horizon that this is all a mistake, but I feel none of those things. I feel sure and confident in my choice… Lucien and Jack are it for me.

  With a smile I get up from the five thousand credit a night bed. My feet sink into the blue steel colored carpet. The views of D.C. metro were breathtaking last night, I find it to be just as beautiful this morning.

  These monuments not only to men… but more importantly to ideals, sit shining and white almost seeming untouchable. It will be a shame to watch Azazael destroy it all.

  I turn away from the bank of windows and let the reality of that fear fade away. If I don’t see it or feel it… it doesn’t have to be real to me.

  Since I seem to be up a little early, I call down for coffee and a light fare to be brought up before I start my bath. I’m sure madness will descend on me at any moment, so it’s important I appreciate the peace and the quiet while I have it.

  Waking up at the warehouse is more like a shock to the system than anything. The place is too crowded, but I’m too d
amn used to it to do anything about it. What would my day be without the B-Boys arguing over ‘Jack eats’? What’s the point if I can’t watch Kitty give magic lessons to Tricia, Frank, and sometimes Tabari over mostly raw bacon, Irish cream coffee and a stray body part from god knows where? What is my life without Harper teasing Némion, risking life and limb to do it in fact… or Frank trying to hide how often he steals a glance at Dani, or the fact that Dani finds any reason to bend over for him more often than not? What’s the point if Jack and Lucien aren’t arguing over the dumbest things ever to try and hide how much they love one another from the world, but more importantly themselves?

  What is my life without these pieces?

  Not worth the bother.

  But I’ll still enjoy the solitude as I throw open the balcony doors in the opulent room and sip my coffee high above the entire world as some part of me pretends, in secret, that I rule it all.

  By the time my mother comes knocking I’m already in the deep soaking tub within the gold and white marble royalty suite bathroom. The kings and queens of the human world have stayed here… plus Jaevia Knightley. I’d hate all of them for setting this up, but I love it too much. The Sheba in me, the succubus in me, the Queen of Night and Sin – she, she loves this, and I just let her, me… us do exactly that.

  At times I miss the clear voice of my succubus, my constant companion. I was terrified of her when I first heard her voice – be you succubus or human, it’s not a good sign when you start hearing voices. I soon went from being terrified to hating her, loathing her and the things she wanted me to do and made me feel. When Hornigold and the Sacred Bones took her from me, I was desperate to have her back… she had protected me, for better or worse, she had always put our survival above all else; Sheba blended perfectly with her.


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