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Stigmata Page 87

by L M Adams

  Lucien turns those eyes on me, burning copper pennies, “You knew of this?” He hisses.

  “No, not of this,” I nod my head towards his father, “but when I visited Saabir, he introduced me to one of the nosferatu, a woman named Ankhsepuntepet… she told me that the people – your people were entrapping their souls here. I didn’t know why, but now I see.” I look at Jabari, “They’re using them as a conduit, a pathway to stay connected to the gods trapped on Ra’suá so that they can keep their majic.”

  Jaevia shakes her head no, “I felt the magic here… in the desert, there was so much of it… what I felt… Lucien and I felt, isn’t some limp vein to trapped gods.”

  I look to my beautiful wife, “You felt the prayers of the people. They pray to Ishtar still, they pray to Sobek, and Ra and Isis… they do not pray to the forked tongue, do they? They don’t pray to Set and Anubis, they don’t pray to the darker hearts… they do not pray to me.”

  Lucien shakes his head no… still not believing.

  “Yes!” I shout, “With your return, with your love, majic has returned to lands like never before… yes?” I look to Jabari.

  He nods.

  “Nassor called it the best Ha’mara they have ever had… but this has nothing to do with your return Lucien? How badly they want you to stay but don’t come right out and ask you – they just parade their sadness in front of you and show you how much you are needed. They appeal to the honor in you, the king; and you are so goddamn ready to fall on your own sword for the same people who damned your mother?”

  “Quiet your tongue!” Lucien roars.

  “Hari?!” Lucien’s father calls out, “Hari is that you?”

  We all turn to the mad god-king Apedemak as he stands.

  “Hari,” he smiles holding out his arms, “my son.”

  Lucien stands stock still… Apedemak smiles and gets to one knee as an apparition appears… a vision of a young boy, no more than two or three, running towards his father. He’s not of matter, but of spirit and dreams…

  The toddler reaches his father, falling into his arms and Apedemak gathers his son standing, smiling.

  “Aabe,” the son squeals with laughter.

  “Ah, Hari, now where is your mother?”

  We watch as a woman, not really real, appears before us. She wears a long dress and her hair is wrapped; on her left arm a cuff of Isis – the Ankh, and on her right the cuff of Ishtar – the eight-pointed star.

  “Za,” Apedemak whispers deeply as she joins her husband and her son.

  “A’pay,” Zahra kisses her husband.

  “They could not have been happier when you were conceived, Hari. You, the young lion, would be born from both of their dreams,” Jabari whispers, “It was our nightmares that ended her.”


  Jack – Let the truth be damned

  “Gather what you wish, we’re leaving.” Lucien orders us as we make it back to our rooms.

  I glance at Jaevia, “Lucien…”

  “Do not become disobedient!” His eyes ignite with fire.

  “I have no wish to fight with you,” I say gently, “but the spirits of my people are being held in that pit I demand for their complaint to be heard!”

  His wings of fire explode from his back, filling the room as he slaps me so hard my head whips to the side. My lip bursts… my mouth filling with my own blood, it doesn’t taste as good as his.

  “Lucien!” Jaevia shouts as I turn on him and tackle him, we fall into the pool of water together. The water hisses and boils up and still I refuse to let him go.

  “Stop it!” Jaevia screams above.

  I clamp my legs around his, keeping him from getting his footing under him. God help me, I hold him under that fucking water as if I have no love in my heart at all. His hands flail, reaching up for my face as he tries to grab hold of something… more than likely my neck so he can snap it.

  “Jack stop!”

  “Stay out of this! It’s for his own fucking good!” I yell and hold him under using strength I do not know how I’ve found.

  “Submit!” I scream as I drag his face above the water, his teeth bared at me, his face full of rage.

  I smash my fist into it.

  “I am Master! You are slave! Submit!”

  He screams at me, beyond able to use words, I push him underneath the water again and hold him there until he stops fighting me and the wings of his rage are smothered out.

  I yank him up from under the water, “Say it!” I demand.

  “It’s my fault!” He screams and breaks down crying. “Oh Ra help me; if I had never been born, she’d still be alive.”

  I look up to Jae and nod, my chest heaving as I let him go to wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, my lip is still bleeding.

  She jumps into the water to help pull him to his feet, his low aching sobs enough to shatter my own heart.

  “It’s not your fault, Lucien,” I say still trying to catch my breath as I stand. “Shit happens, that’s life. Their choices were their own. You’ve been trying to teach me that for months… you should damn well believe it yourself.”

  Jae grabs his chin forcing her mighty beast to look at her, “Your mother decided to leave your father – her choice. Your father decided to raise the therians – his choice.”

  “Then why do I feel like this?” He asks, not understanding his own emotions.

  “Because it’s still going to hurt.” I whisper and get out of the pool.

  He doesn’t respond as Jaevia and I help him out of the water to go into the bedroom…

  Life just sucks sometimes.

  Jaevia and I tend to him as he stands in the bedroom, little more than catatonic as we get him out of the wet clothes. Jaevia has to urge him again and again to light the fire in the hearth… they’re aren’t even any flint rocks about – that’s how reliant they are on their majics.

  All of it stolen.

  I grab Lucien by his jaw, “You hit me in anger. Usually, I would let it go, for you are Master and I am slave and I will always serve you. But I’m going to claim my rights this night instead.”

  His bottom lip trembles for me as I grip his ass.

  “Jack, maybe it can wait.”

  I look into those golden copper eyes and see the curse feeding on his rage, an ouroboros made in hell.

  “Can it wait, Lucien?”

  He lowers his eyes, “No, Master.”

  “Say it,” I growl low.

  “I owe you my obedience.”

  “Yes, you do,” I let go of his jaw and run a hand down the front of him until I get to his rising cock.

  He sways on his feet when I rub it, “Are you going to make it bad on me?”

  “The worse it has ever been,” I promise darkly.

  He looks away, “Please no.”

  “Jack…” I turn my eyes on our wife. “So you can help him destroy me, but cannot bear to see your mighty beast brought low?”

  “I didn’t say that, but he’s hurting…”

  “And god help me I will hold him as he cries and put the pieces back together, but right now the curse is feeding, and I cannot let it consume him! Look into his eyes and see with more than yours.”

  She walks around to the front of him and looks into his eyes… she sees what I see. A snake made of fire, eating its own tail.

  “I’ve never seen it like that.”

  “His back?”

  “Glittering gold.”

  “The curse has learned how to hide better… hasn’t it, Lucien?”

  “Yes, Master,” He growls low, still keeping his eyes averted.

  “On the bed, face down, legs wide.” I say sharply and he goes to the bed to get position.

  Jaevia looks up at me, “What do you want me to do?”

  “What you’re good at, be an evil bitch.”

  I turn away from her look and walk over to him. Just like the good submissive he is, he’s in position. But I feel that anger in him, that righteous pride, that belie
f that he has a right to feel the way that he does and let the consequences be damned. I shall show him differently.

  Usually, I would work him into his shaming, I don’t this time. I climb on the bed between his thighs and spread the meat of his ass to expose his delicate rose, the place no one but me gets to even touch.

  His large body shudders.

  “Beg,” I whisper and spit on his opening.

  It doesn’t take long for me to bring him low, to force him into the breaking, especially with the aid of Jaevia’s power. After an hour of my manipulating him and her power riding him he is completely obedient.

  He kneels on the floor, legs wide, stroking his naughty flesh for his Master and his Mistress, weeping gently with his need.

  Jaevia sits on the side of the bed, her thighs open wide with my come spilling out of her, her fingers rubbing her clit, his favorite thing to see.

  “Please,” he trembles as his passions rise again.

  “Please what?” I ask walking behind him, the heavy crop in my hand. He’d ordered it to use on me… funny, he never did – but I’ve made good use of it.

  “I need a release.”

  “Only obedience brings pleasure.”

  “I am obedient!” He screams.

  “But she isn’t.”

  Jaevia moans for me.

  “Will you hold onto your passions, let him have this one, or do you want to be an evil little bitch?”

  She rubs her clit faster.

  “Doesn’t look like she wants to share.”

  “Please, Jae,” he whimpers, “He beats me if you come, Mistress. Be obedient!”

  She moans harder.

  “Get in position,” I step back as he puts one hand on the floor and leans forward as he keeps stroking his cock with his other hand.

  “I’m an evil little bitch!” She screams and I beat him ruthlessly across his stigmata making him scream for a completely different reason.

  She spills more of her power into him as she comes, and I feel his sack tighten.

  “Ra please!” He screams as he finally loses the war, coming on the floor without a bit of permission.

  He gets his favorite thing as a reward; I let him get on the bed and cry into her sopping wet pussy as I lick his asshole… I am, after all, a kind and generous master.

  “I’m going to,” He finally whimpers for me low.

  “Say it, Lucien,” I whisper using my thumb to replace my tongue.

  “Obedience brings pleasure.”

  “Are you obedient?”

  “Yes,” He murmurs, not an ounce of pride left in him.

  I get to my knees between his thighs and look down at him, his Stigmata is so dead it’s almost the color of his flesh. He is mine. I spread the meat of his ass, and reach down to my hard cock, my need riding me like an addiction.

  “Steady,” I murmur to at him as I begin stroking my cock, taunting myself.

  I look at Jaevia, her eyes closed, legs wide as Lucien cries into her pussy. Goddess, she’s an evil bitch.

  My sack tightens with delight, loving our depravity far too much. I look back down at his rose.

  “Can I come on it?”

  “Yes, Master,” He whimpers low, obediently and my pleasure spills from me, coating his rose. He doesn’t move an inch.

  I make him come again using only my tongue as I lick up my pleasure from his rose, he thanks me when I finish, just like a good boy… “Next time you hit me in anger, hit me like a man.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  I go to pour myself a drink, leaving him shaking and crying on the bed, obedient to my will.


  Jack – Sepa Audience

  There’s a knock on the door, I already know who it is. Lucien is beyond obedient right now and after I asked for him and Jaevia to at least meet Sepa… neither of them had the willpower to tell me no.

  I have reminded them that I know how to claim their souls just as deeply as they have claimed mine.

  “Come in,” I whisper to the small proud woman as I open the door to our rooms.

  “My King,” she whispers…

  “I told you to call me Jack,” I take her arm gently.

  “Jack,” she smiles a bit, “I may never become used to that.”

  “Yes well, I started using it to irritate my stepfather more than anything.”

  “Small wars matter.”

  I nod, “Yes… they do.”

  She feels like family, if it’s because we share something close to the same power signature, or because she is a Blood Lady, or because she knows what it means to suffer for others – I do not know. But she feels like a long-lost sister and I feel myself becoming more and more protective of her.

  I lead her through the receiving room and out onto the patio where Lucien and Jaevia are waiting, sitting at the large stone slab table.

  They both stand when we step out onto the patio…

  “Jaevia, Lucien… this is Ankhsepuntepet, the lady of Royal Blood… Blood Lady to the nosferatu.”

  She pulls away from me and stoops low, bowing her head, “My Raja, my Kandaka… thank you for seeing me.”

  “Of course, of course,” Jaevia rushes forward to pull the woman to her feet.

  Jaevia doesn’t like being regarded as a queen or a goddess…. Unless she has your balls in a vice, then very much she is your queen and goddess.

  “Welcome, my Lady…” Jaevia glances at me… “I’m sorry, I can’t even begin to say your name.”

  “Sepa is fine…”

  “Then you must call me Jae,” Jaevia tugs the woman towards a seat at the table… “that’s Lucien.”

  Lucien nods his head towards her, “Welcome.”

  I try not to get frustrated with his not so welcoming welcome, he did agree to hear her out and Lucien is a man of his word, even if I had to wring it out of him, he’s prickly because of the deep shaming he’s received… I am trying to be understanding about it.

  I go to the sideboard, “I’m sorry… we don’t have bloodwine…”

  “Water is fine,” she whispers getting settled down beside Jae.

  Lucien goes to sit at the end of the table, now deposed from Jaevia’s side by Sepa.

  I serve everyone drinks and let the energy try to settle a bit. I sit down across from Sepa and Jae.

  “What is this about you accusing my people of breaking faith with yours?”

  “Lucien!” Jae hisses at him.

  Sepa looks alarmed, “No my Raja… I do not mean to accuse you or your people – I only wish to know why my petitions cannot be heard? Why hasn’t the debt of Set been called fulfilled?”

  Jae glances at me, “We’re not from here… obviously – can you explain it all to us?”

  Sepa nods and looks down into her goblet of water, “There was war between the sons of Ra – between Set and Horus…”

  She goes on to tell the story of their battles, that Set could not accept Horus taking his birthright. He refused to submit to the rule of Horus and so was punished greatly for it.

  For making war against the chosen god-king Horus, Set and his followers were cursed to live a half-life. They were always the people of the dark veil. The veil between life and death, able to part that veil at will.

  “Necromancers,” I whisper… giving Lucien and Jaevia our word.

  “Fascinating, it makes sense!” Jae exclaims, “Vampires are beings of the demimonde.”

  I nod, “At one point we could bring things back to life with our will. We could call souls back from the afterlife.”

  But this is not the way of the people. After a person has passed, they are meant to be judged by the gods, only if they find them worthy will they be allowed to go on to Aaru.

  The gods could be petty to say the least. They feed on prayers, if a person wasn’t as devoted as their god felt they should have been, hadn’t prayed or sacrificed enough… their god would keep them from Aaru, keep them in Duat, the lands of punishment… what modern humans call hell.
/>   Set and his people could give those deserving another chance at life with the living, or even clean their debt to the gods and send those spirits onto Aaru. Many viewed this as an abomination, an insult to the gods and the order of things.

  When Set was ordered to stop allowing passage, and his people ordered to submit to the rule of Horus… he refused. So began the war, the war between brothers that Set would end up losing and his people cursed to lose the power to become one with their people in the night lands of Sekhet-Aaru… and their Akh, a part of their souls to be stripped away by Ammut.

  “For seven generations we were to live with this pain. To walk cursed among the people.”

  I look at Jae, “From what I can tell… Azazael would become Set – Set will become Samael – Samael will become Cain and Cain will be born again as…”

  “Shezmu,” Jaevia finishes for me.

  “The first vampire,” I whisper.

  Sepa nods and then looks to Lucien, seeming to gather her courage, “This is not spoken of in the lands… but long ago your father loved Anubis… before he was with your mother.”

  “What is this?”

  She nods, “it has always been this way – since the love of Atum and Azazael, Horus and Set, Apedemak and Anubis. The two sides of one coin… as it is with you, prince of light, and your dark prince.”

  “My father would not love such a despicable creature?! A descendant of Set? The betrayer?!” Lucien stands, his anger hot.

  I hold his burning gaze, “Yet you love me?”

  “You are Capaneus!”

  “I am a forked tongue, Lucien. If you want to believe it or not.”

  “You say my father loved the man that would trick the loyal guard of Atum into killing my mother?! You say this is possible?!”

  “It was not Anubis! Your father used the seal to raise those therians! He used tainted magic; don’t you see Lucien? Your people tainted the seal of souls by keeping the nosferatu trapped!”

  “He is still a dark prince! Evils done in his name long before there was a nosferatu!”


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