Truth of the Children

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Truth of the Children Page 4

by Adam DiSalvo

  “Yes Captain,” acknowledged Chandra.

  The hatch to Drop 1 shut with a jolt. The window shield dropped and Jaithen could see Skylauren hanging below him in the blackness of space. He deployed the comm relay for Drop 1 and finished his flight check.

  “Release hydraulic locks.” Jaithen commanded.

  The hissing of the pistons filled the cockpit followed by the loud bang of the releasing heavy metal locks. Drop 1 shook.

  “On my mark.” barked Jaithen.

  Jaithen checked his restraints one last time.


  Blood rushed to Jaithen’s head and Drop 1 plummeted towards Skylauren.

  “We are clear of The Alejandra, Captain,” noted Chandra.

  Drop 1’s boosters fired, orienting its long, black, cigar shaped haul for decent.

  “Captain. The location you specified for landing is not a sanctioned landing site. The whole surface of Skylauren is quarantined.” Chandra warned.

  The trusters fired and Drop 1 sped away from The Alejandra.

  “No it is not sanctioned, Chandra,” Jaithen smirked. “We can not afford contact with any authorities. This trip will be quick. We will rendezvous with our contacts, deliver the cargo, collect our payment and be on our way to the outer rim.”

  Jaithen's body become weightless as he left the gravity field of The Alejandra. The beige and teal surface of Skylauren filled the main viewport.

  Gravity gripped Drop 1 ushering it towards the surface. The low rumbling of reentry rose up though the ship into a fury as Jaithen passed into Skylauren's atmosphere. Drop 1 broke through into the cloud barrier burning white hot.

  “Captain there is no net connection available. I can not establish a link to the general net.” Chandra informed Jaithen.

  “The net has been down since before I was born,” Jaithen acknowledged. “I’m not surprised."

  The roar of reentry began to subside and the peaceful vibration of the terrestrial dives filled the cabin.

  “Comence landing sequence in 3 minutes."

  Jaithen watched the other drop craft from the cruise liner disappear over Skylauren’s horizon. Drop 1 stayed its course towards the twilight band. The landing thrusters aboard Drop 1 fired and began a decent orientation.

  “I have located our contact's signal Captain. Shall we hail them?” inquired Chandra.

  “Negative Chandra. We will land and then rendezvous with them. They will escort me to a what is at the moment a non-disclosed location.”

  “Captain you are placing yourself at great risk. May I suggest a different course of action?” Chandra offered.

  “Negative Chandra,” Jaithen replied. “Violet assured me it is necessary."

  “Yes Captain. Landing sequence commencing in 1 minute.”

  The balancing thrusters hissed as Drop 1 oriented for landing.

  “Beginning decent burn,” chimed Chandra. “Touchdown in 2 minutes.”

  Jaithen closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes to the sky filling the forward viewport. The pink and violet hues from the clouds filled the cockpit. In the distance Jaithen could see the carcass of a great metropolis. Its once great cities were now mere skeletons of their former glory.

  “Touchdown in 60 seconds Captain.” Chandra chimed again.

  Drop 1 landed in the courtyard in front of an abandoned skyscraper, its thrusters forcing debris into the air. Flood lights outside the drop ship blinked to life filling the courtyard with white and yellow light. The small creatures near the landing zone scurried away. Drop 1 touched down wrapped in clouds of dust. Jaithen unstrapped himself from his seat and headed towards the cargo area. He approached a glossy black, floor-to-ceiling case and placed his palm on the surface. His hand was outlined by a faint blue light. He removed his hand and the cases's doors slid open. Inside hung two Genotech assault riffles and countless magazines. Jaithen loaded one rifle and slung it over his back. He placed half a dozen more magazines into the empty holsters of his belt.

  “Captain, there are 3 vehicles approaching,” warned Chandra. “Unmarked. Heavily armed.”

  “Let’s hope its just the caterers.” Jaithen quipped.

  As Jaithen approached the main exit a set of blue lights began to flash next to the exit hatch. The figure of a human female unfolded from the wall. Her shape was eerily attractive. Her limbs and torso were constructed of black, high gloss meta-steel and her hands and feet were plated in gold with a mirror finish. Her eyes burned with an intense blue light. Her hair was pure white with gold strand hi lights. Chandra’s avatar took her place next to Jaithen at the exit. Light and dust rushed in as the air locks released and the hatch opened. The exit stairs folded out to the ground. Jaithen and Chandra made their way down.

  “The vehicles are within two hundred meters Captain.” Chandra warned.

  “Release your TIGR drones Chandra. Track the vehicles and activate the cloak on Drop 1,” Jaithen ordered.

  Small wasp like drones unfolded from Chandra’s thighs and took flight. Drop 1 faded from sight behind them.

  “One hundred meters and closing Captain,” reported Chandra. “Analyzing targets. Captain. I have reason to believe they are military vehicles.”

  Jaithen squinted while he thought.

  “Think they’re here to crash the party?” asked Jaithen.

  “Unknown Captain,” chirped Chandra's voice inside Jaithen’s head piece.

  The three vehicles rounded the corner of the skyscraper. They had a matte black finish and dark tinted windows. Mounted on top were twin pairs of belt fed mini guns coupled with a missile pod. The vehicles fanned out as they approached. The TIGR bots loitered in a holding pattern above the black caravan.

  “Captain. I’m intercepting Imperial chatter. They are aware of our arrival. There have been reports from their satellites of an object falling from orbit. Recon forces are headed in this direction. Fast movers arriving in 3 minutes.”

  “Let’s be quick then.” Jaithen suggested.

  The short black parade stopped several meters from the pair. The doors opened and boots hit the ground. Heavily armed and armored personnel exited the vehicles, weapons trained. The final occupant to appear was tall and had dark skin. He wore gear similar to the others with his face and head exposed.

  “Captain Jaithen Amora!” the man called out in a deep voice.

  “Only on good days!” Jaithen responded.

  The dust continued to blow.

  “Where is the case?” the man continued.

  “Where’s the security code?” Jaithen snapped back.

  The man looked down at his PDC and swiped the screen.

  “Code received Captain. All clear.” Chandra confirmed through Jaithen’s ear piece.

  “Where is the cargo?” the man demanded.

  Two pairs of mechanical legs unfolded from the sides of the glossy white case inside Drop 1’s cargo hold. Like an organic canine it rose from the ground and made its way to the exit. The hatch slid open and the machine departed. After the dog-like case descended the stairs the cloaking field distorted as the container passed through, materializing from thin air before the gathering. It came to a stop next to Jaithen. The armor clad man raised an eyebrow.

  “Shall we?” offered Jaithen with a grin.

  The dark skinned man signaled the others to lower their weapons. Jaithen and Chandra approached and the man held his hand out to greet them. The two men grasped forearms.

  “Welcome Captain. I am Marcus Steelmane. House Steelmane.” he declared.

  “Answers that question,” Chandra joked in Jaithen’s earpiece.

  “Marcus there are fast moving Imperial recon units headed this way. We should leave,” Jaithen advised.

  “Imperial dogs are sniffing up our dress!” Marcus barked. “Party’s over! Mount up!"

  The case jumped onto the back of one of the transports and secured itself as the Steelmane soldiers mounted up. Jaithen and Chandra followed Marcus to the middle vehicle. One of the
soldiers opened the door and Marcus entered the vehicle with Jaithen and Chandra in tow. The TIGR drones swooped down from their holding pattern and fluidly reconnected with Chandra at the thigh as she slipped into the vehicle. The door shut behind them.

  “That's one hell of an iSynth Captain,” commented Marcus. “Whats its name?”

  Chandra turned her ghostly blue gaze towards Marcus.

  “Her name is Chandra.” corrected Jaithen with a cutting stare.

  The vehicle's engines fired up and the occupants buckled in.

  “Marcus I am the most sophisticated iSynth in existence.” Chandra informed him. “What you see before you is just an avatar.”

  “Decentralized synthetic life form,” interrupted one of the soldiers who was listening in.

  Chandra smiled.

  “That’s some seriously dangerous shit, Captain,” added Marcus as he held Chandra’s gaze. “Military grade."

  The vehicles departed.

  "I’d rather mess with an ether born. How do you control her?“ Marcus pried.

  “I don’t,” revealed Jaithen through a smile. “She might be what you call, rampant?”

  A mixture of laughs and whistles peppered the cab.

  “You’re joking right?” insisted Marcus.

  “Captain. The Imperial recon units are closing. Less than 30 seconds until contact,” Chandra interrupted.

  The point vehicle lead the line down into the sub surface streets. The darkness was thick in the deserted underground.

  “They can’t track us down here from the sky,” revealed Marcus. “The abandoned sub surface is the only way the resistance has been able to survive.”

  “After a hundred years what resistance is left?” Jaithen asked.

  Marcus’ voice went distant.

  “There isn’t much,” he admitted. “The Empire, albeit more the Royal Family, is patient, methodical, and ruthless. We’ve been hunted for almost a century.”

  Marcus paused.

  "Captain. How did you reach the surface?”

  “How was the contact able to reach us?” Chandra interjected.

  Jaithen smirked. Marcus leaned back into his seat as the growl of the motor filled the cabin. The vehicles were old. The leather was no longer soft and comfortable but, cracked and disintegrating. In some places the upholstery was missing completely.

  “That was the only successful mission we’ve had in a long time.” Marcus added.

  “The meet and greet? Just now?” Jaithen asked.

  Marcus raised his eyebrows.

  “We had one last stronghold in Tezzarette, deep inside a frozen canyon on the south pole. It's been abandoned for some time now.”

  The uncomfortable silence intertwined with the sound of the engine.

  “We’re forced to hide like rats from Imperial forces.” Marcus continued. “We’re no longer equipped for direct conflict."

  “Too bad the Hydra didn’t kill the emperor,” quipped one of the soldiers.

  “It would not have been a better result had the Hydra killed the emperor. Liberating Skylauren was not one of his objectives,” observed Chandra. “Adeema and the Emerald Star would probably have just as likely exterminated us.” Chandra assessed. "The empire is a reasonable temporary trade. The odds of eventually defeating The Hydra are far lower than that of defeating god-emperor Feera.”

  The cab erupted into laughter while Jaithen and Chandra sat silent. The riot began to die as the lead vehicle exploded into pieces, its deafening echo racing through the sub surface buildings. The other two transports slammed on their breaks. Small arms fire erupted from either side of the caravan. In response the vehicle's systems acquired targets and their mounted guns roared to life. Marcus slammed his palm on the console ejecting smoke screen canisters from either side of the Steelmane transports. The battlefield was enveloped in a thick gray fog.

  “Fifteen hostiles,” reported the onboard computer in Marcus’ vehicle.

  “Dismount and engage the enemy,” screamed Marcus into the intercom through the raging sound of the mini guns.

  “Twelve hostiles.” counted the computer.

  The onboard tracking systems used several detection methods for target acquisition and pinpointed targets through the dense haze with ease..

  “Eleven hostiles.”

  The doors of the Steelmane vehicles burst open, followed by a hail of cover fire.

  “Captain! Stay put,” ordered Marcus.

  “Negative Marcus.” Chandra contradicted as she opened her door. “The survival rate is near zero if we remain.”

  Chandra exited the vehicle with Jaithen right behind.

  “Captain!” stammered Marcus as the pair dismounted.

  “Tracking missile!” screamed a Steelmane soldier spotting an incoming projectile.

  Marcus dove for cover as the missile slipped into the smoke screen and shredded Marcus’s vehicle on impact. Shouts from the Steelmane soldiers rose up through the noise. Chandra unfolded two side arms from her torso gripping one in each hand. Marcus watched as Jaithen steadied his rifle behind Chandra. Compartments on her back opened revealing a ballistics face mask. Jaithen strapped it on and the two pressed into the ambush. Chandra released a set of TIGR drones from her thighs as rounds broke upon her armor plating. Battlefield data scrolled through Jaithen’s HUD. Five friendlies, Ten hostiles. Sixteen casualties. Chandra fired her weapons. Nine hostiles. Jaithen swept right, behind concealment while Chandra continued her advance. The enemy field of fire shifted towards Chandra. Jaithen, with the TIGR drones and his HUD working in tandem, silhouetted the remaining nine combatants through debris and rubble as they cut down the Steelmane soldiers.

  Marcus peeled himself from the ground and staggered to where his rifle lay. The gun fire sliced through the air around him. He limped toward cover and checked the chamber his weapon and peeked over the barrier to see his slain comrades. Jaithen was flanking around. The enemy soldiers did not see his approach. Marcus committed and with a squeeze of the trigger his rounds streaked towards the enemy position. Sparks flew as the rounds peppered the cover around the attackers. Two rounds found their target. 8 hostiles.

  “Captain. Armor integrity at 72%” Chandra reported. “Minor systems compromised."

  The assailants continued their assault on Chandra and the remaining Steelmane soldiers. Another missile cut through the air destroying the last transport. Shards of metal and glass covered Marcus as he shielded his face from the second blast. He let out a roar and leaped over his cover, bounding forward.

  “Hostile 2 o’clock!” warned one of the attacking soldiers pointing to Marcus sprinting across the battlefield. “Light him up!”

  Bullets traced towards Marcus who slid to a stop behind an ancient heavy transport. Enemy fire streaked around the edges of his cover. Marcus was pinned. Enemy fire continued to slam into Chandra’s armor plates as she advanced. Jaithen moved to take the enemy’s flank, their silhouettes appearing through the cover on Jaithen’s display. The sound of the gunfire changed. Heavy rounds broke through the air from the another group of hostiles to Chandra’s flank. The rounds crashed into Chandra ripping the left arm from her avatar’s body. In response Chandra’s body transformed, taking the shape of a large cat. Her remaining weapon now protruded from her back. Chandra retreated from the rain of destruction while returning fire. Jaithen’s weapon screamed to life from the enemy’s blind side. 4 hostiles. Chandra changed course and headed to Marcus. The smell of burned bodies and melted metal was thick in the air. Marcus braced his weapon against his shoulder, his teeth grit. The enemy fire did not stop.

  “Steelmanes sound off!” yelled Marcus through the hail storm of gunfire.

  There was a grim silence over the radio.

  “Marcus,” came Chandra’s voice over Marcus’s headset. “All Steelmane soldiers are MIA or KIA.”

  Marcus peered to his left, mouth open in horrid astonishment. Chandra’s now feline avatar was sprinting toward the last enemy position. She climbed ove
r the debris with ease and began scaling a nearby burned out building. The enemy gun fire tracked her up the wall as she crawled into a window.

  “Stay behind cover.” Chandra ordered.

  Jaithen slid into Marcus behind the charred and dimpled transport. The gunfire paused.

  “Hey,” panted Jaithen. “You good? Got all your arms and legs?”

  Marcus nodded yes. The two could hear the enemy soldiers barking orders to one another.

  “Great. Let’s finish this?” Jaithen asked sarcastically.

  “You’re too calm, Captain.” Marcus remarked adjusting to peer over their cover. He could see two hostiles changing position.

  “I’ve been running for most my adult life,” Jaithen admitted. “This isn’t the first time I’ve been ambushed. Or shot at.”

  Marcus shook his head and reloaded his weapon.

  “Ready?” asked Jaithen.

  “Care to give me a blanket?” Marcus replied.

  Jaithen smiled and leaned around their cover firing his weapon. Marcus broke for the next piece of cover directly adjacent to the enemy position. Chandra, up in the window, folded into a mounted turret and began firing from the second story. The trap was set. The two pairs of soldiers returned fire on Chandra’s position. Jaithen and Marcus rose from their cover and dispatched the remaining hostiles. It was over.

  Fires raged in the following silence. Chandra unfolded from turret configuration and returned to her feline shape. She climbed out of the window and down the side of the building to rejoin Marcus and Jaithen. Marcus approached two of the downed enemy soldiers. He knelt down next to them.

  “Any idea who they are?” came Jaithen’s voice from behind Marcus.

  “They look like ‘snatchers’,” offered Marcus.


  “Yeah,” Marcus acknowledged.

  “They take people.” Marcus paused. “Even babies sometimes. Only some though. The others. The others they murder and leave to rot.”

  “Where do they take them?” Jaithen pressed.

  “We don’t know,” explained Marcus. “They are well organized, equipped, and the Imperials seem to ignore them.”

  Jaithen scrunched his face sideways.


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