Truth of the Children

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Truth of the Children Page 22

by Adam DiSalvo

  Laylani’s whimpering voice came through the speaker.

  “Please stop,” she cried.

  “I assume you know that voice?”

  The fire faded from the Lord’s eyes but, maintained their glare.

  “I assume by your silence, you do,” Raffa continued.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Tyserin growled.

  “Well your Minister of Security, Ms. Sundive, is currently inside one of the many emergency launched escape pods we’ve currently jettisoned into Cantiga’s orbit.”

  “What?” Serena gasped.

  The soldier’s charged, blades out.

  “Seket!” the Lord screamed.

  The soldier’s froze in their tracks, weapons inches from their targets.

  “Miss Sundive appreciates your restraint,” Raffa offered moving a sword tip to the side with his finger.

  “You’ve pledged all here to death, Mr Calderon.” Tyserin snarled.

  “Indeed, I'm sure. Shall we negotiate?”

  The Lord of Light raised his arms to either side. Searing light burst from the Lord’s hands, stabbing into the faces and soft points of each soldier around them. Their armor and weapons fell to the floor, billowing out plumes of embers and ash.

  “Goddess,” Serena shuddered through tears, covering her mouth. “Raffa. What have you done?”

  Lord Ty screamed unleashing a burst of white light that covered the room.

  “Fucking human!”

  Raffa cocked his head, his voice wavering over spent nerves.

  “I’m very glad to see you’re still capable of loving something. Do we have a deal?”

  Tyserin roared over the voice of a crying Laylani coming through the com. The pair stood amongst the piles of ash, waiting lifetimes for an answer. The once quiet room was now filled with the sounds of Laylani’s despair. The light inside the room shimmered and warped as Lord Ty screamed again. Like changing season the image of the room shifted revealing a gruesome truth beneath it. The floor was covered in blood and thick deposits were smeared up the sides of the pillars and walls. The steps surrounding the pool were stained from the splashing of human plasma. Serena stumbled backward from shock, averting her eyes.

  “Ty, please do as he says. Please,” Laylani begged.

  “I will have my vengeance now, Calderon!"

  In a blinding flash Lord Ty stood before Serena Redbird. He grasped her right forearm in his fist and lifted her from the ground.

  “If you kill her the deal’s off and my men kill the Minister!” Raffa threatened.

  “You are next!” Ty shouted.

  The Lord of Light glared at Serena, lowering his head. She screamed through the pain of burning flesh. The smell of her scorched skin filled the air. The two women’s combine agony wove together in a chorus of despair.

  “Let her go!” Raffa demanded. “Goddess damed Ty, drop her!”

  “Ty, please. I don’t want to die.” Laylani begged.

  Lord Ty released a sobbing Serena. She crumpled to the floor, laying fetal on her side, Serena turned over her charred arm. Lord Ty had branded her with the Tyserene royal seal. She curled up tight, weeping on the hard ground. Lord Ty turned his glare to Raffa. He spoke through grit teeth.

  “What will you require?"


  “MARCUS!” CHANDRA YELLED, rocking his unconscious body back and forth on the ground. “Marcus! Wake up!”

  Chandra shook him hander, looking around the dark room. Only fire light remained in the city streets. The blue and white lights from Chandra’s avatar lit the burned out room around them.

  “Marcus. I need you to wake up. Come on.”

  Marcus stirred, squinting his eyes. He let out a breath.


  He lifted his head trying to take in his surroundings.

  “Can you move?”

  Marcus sat up.

  "I think so.”

  He looked around.


  She grabbed him by the shoulders.

  “Marcus. Listent to me.”

  He shook her off and struggled to his feet.

  “Where’s Lilyth?”

  He continued to stumbled.

  “She’s not here.”

  Chandra caught him before he hit the ground.

  “What do you mean? Where’s Jaithen?”

  “He’s not here either.”

  “What the fu—. Where did they go?”

  Chandra gestured around the room. I have fragmented images of what happened right before the blast bu—.”


  Marcus gripped his head.

  “Goddess damn it. Where are they?”

  Chandra attempted to comfort him.

  “Marcus, whatever hit us I had t—“.


  “Marcus stay with me. I’m right here. Listen to me.”

  “Why the fuck would I do that? Jaithen’s probably already on his way to sell Lilyth to the snatchers for safe passage out of here!”

  “Marcus if that’s true I would have killed you myself and saved me and Jaithen the trouble.”

  She reached out with a tarnished golden hand. A few of the finger panels and smooth palm-covers were broken off.

  “Please,” she urged him. “Let me help you find them.”

  Black soot still stuck to Marcus’s face as he mulled it over through heavy breath. He grit his teeth and turned from Chandra, marching away searching the ground. He picked up his rifle.

  “Marcus your best chance is to stay with me.”

  He kept searching the room for his scattered belongings.

  “Marcus!” she barked. “I am certainly capable of doing this myself.”

  He did not stop.

  “You however, have no chance at all,” she added. “If you try this alone you will die. You must stay with me.”

  Marcus stopped. He stared at the door with his weapon in hand. His clothes were torn at every stitch. Holes were everywhere. The lower left leg of his cargo pants was completely ripped off at the knee and dried blood covered his leg. He swallowed hard and looked at the ceiling.

  “Marcus,” Chandra pleaded.

  He hung his head.

  “What images do you have?”

  A smile spread across Chandra’s gold plated lips. She stepped around to engage him face to face.

  “It was some kind of electric-pulse-inducing-explosive,” she informed him.

  Chandra ducked and tilted her head trying to look into Marcus's eyes.

  “It temporarily fried the systems on this avatar and knocked everyone unconscious.”

  Marcus lifted his head meeting Chandras concerned expression.

  “What kind of weapon is that? Why would someone want to do that?” he asked.

  “Data from the damage report indicates it was some sort of modified shock weapon used to immobilize ethers, humans, and digital circuits.”

  “What in styx is a shock weapon? What did they do to my daughter?”

  Chandra stepped back.

  “It’s a device that generates or emits an electric pulse, useful for stunning ether born. Shock rounds can kill an ether. They're illegal to own inside the empire."

  “What do they do? Why would anyone in the empire have these weapons?”

  “Ancient ethers on Genethis used t—“


  Chandra shook her head.

  “Never mind. The point is the weapon that was used on us was designed to get everyone. It worked.”


  “Yes everyone,” Chandra continued. “It took me just under an hour to get this machine back up and running.”

  “Oh yeah. That’s right you’re not really here.“

  “Well, yes and no. My av—“

  Marcus started nodding while making a face and mocking her.

  “— avatar is here therefor I am but. I know I know! I get it.”

  Chandra jerked her head back.


  Marcus grunted.

  “Where do you think they went?”

  “I don't think. I know. I’ve been tracking them from space.”

  “You know where they’re going?”

  “No but, I can follow them. We’ll know where they go.” Marcus remarked.

  “Thats makes life a bit easier.”

  He looked up at Chandra.

  “You’re going to help me get my daughter back?”

  “I will but, you’re going to have to listen to me.”

  Chandra deployed one of her weapons from her back and handed it to Marcus.

  “That one’s empty,” she said, gesturing to Marcus’s weapon.

  Marcus glanced at it then threw it on the floor. He took the weapon from Chandra and checked the slide for a round.

  “Thirty two, point four five rounds. Three round burst,” she explained deploying magazines from her upper arms and forearms. She handed them to Marcus. “The ones with purple tape are loaded with shock rounds.”

  Marcus shot Chandra a crooked look.

  “You never know,” she offered.

  “Fair enough,” he assessed. “What’s your plan?"

  “We’re going to have to move fast. In a few more hours the airspace above Skylauren is going to get very crowded. Where are those transports?”

  "There should be hauling trucks in the docking bay here at the lab. Cab is big enough for two.”

  Chandra removed a small flashlight from a compartment on her neck and gave it to Marcus.

  "Show me.”

  Marcus led Chandra down a few flights of stairs and into a deserted hallway. He stopped at the large windows set into the walls, peering at the rows of plants and food crops to be left behind. Chandra placed her hand on his shoulder.

  “I want to kill them all,” he admitted.

  “I know.”

  “They must pay for what they have done.”

  “We will make them. I promise.”

  She urged him along.

  “C’mon. Lets go.”

  The two made their way down the hallway and turned the corner to a set of double doors. Marcus pushed them open, pervading through. Past the threshold was a large loading bay for hauling-vehicles. Marcus shined his light at one parked near the bay door.

  “Over there.”

  Chandra jogged up to the cab and ripped open the door, breaking the lock. She turned to Marcus who stood next to and open lock box, jangling keys. Chandra entered the vehicle and slid over to the passenger seat. Marcus followed and took the driver’s position.

  Sharp lasers shot forth from Chandra’s eyes casting a 3D wireframe map of the city and the surrounding area onto the windshield.

  “The red and orange blotches are imperial and snatcher forces. Red for imperial and orange for snatcher. The ones marked in green are the transports where Jaithen and Lilyth are being held.

  “They’re moving.”

  “Yeah, fast,” she pointed out. “They appear to be heading to this satellite dish carved into the bed rock, here.”

  Marcus turned over the electric motor.

  “The old interstellar broadcast station. We’ll never beat them there is this thing.”

  “Don’t worry about that juts get us out of here.”

  Marcus slammed the accelerator and smashed through the bay door. He activated the headlights and slid into the street.

  “Looks like the closest exit is stuffed full of imperials.” he observed, referring to the 3D map with a nod.

  The truck raced down the street as he pointed to a section of the map.

  "Zoom in here”

  The 3D map zoomed in and changed isometric perspectives.

  “There’s another one here,” he pointed. “There. That building.”

  “Marcus look out!”

  Marcus swerved the vehicle to the side, dodging a destroyed snatcher transport.

  “Holy shit!” Marcus yelled. “I thought you were tacking them all!”

  “Only the ones that are active!” she shot back.

  Gun fire chased them as the pair flew by.

  “I hate snatchers!” Marcus roared, sliding the next corner.

  “How long till we’re at the POE?”

  “About two minutes. There’s another transport placed just inside. After that it’s just seven minutes till we’re out.”

  Marcus continued to speed down the street.

  “The transport doesn’t have the range to get much further than the exit though.”

  “I have a plan for that.” Chandra replied.

  Marcus shot her a questioning glance.

  "We’ll just need to find a clearing. We’ll be able to reach them in time.”

  He shook his head.

  “I hope you’re right,” Marcus sighed. “Ready to jump out?.”

  Marcus brought the vehicle to a sliding halt.

  “Let’s go.”

  They dismounted with weapons drawn. The blackness enveloped them as they moved towards the back of a large building. Marcus leaned up against the wall next to a utility door. He nodded to Chandra and placed his hand on the rail. With force Marcus opened the door aiming his weapon. Chandra took the lead and entered, her weapon trained in front of her. The building was empty except for a few old filing cabinets and desks. Everything was covered in dust.

  “Clear,” she advised in a hushed tone. “Moving forward.”

  Marcus followed her in, careful not to disturb anything. Chandra stopped at the next threshold. Voices echoed from down the hall just past the doorway.

  “I swear I heard a vehicle,” came one voice.

  Chandra turned placing her finger over her lips.

  “You’re crazy. Everything here’s dead or dying,” countered another.

  “I’m telling you I heard it.”

  Chandra motioned to Marcus to go back the other way. Marcus about faced and headed back to the utility door they entered through. The whining breaks of transports crept in through the cracked door as they approached.

  “Chandra! Transports!” Marcus warned circling back.

  The chirp of a radio skipped down the hall.

  “Yeah,” responded one of the closing voices coming from the hall.

  The radio chatter came back muffled. Marcus stacked up on the door to the hallway. He pointed to Chandra, then to his eyes, then finally to the door leading outside. Chandra nodded her agreement and took position near the exit point.

  “No the building is clear,” continued the voice as it approached.

  The sounds of boots hitting the floor now joined the creeping voice. Chandra and Marcus brandished their weapons.

  “What do you mean there’s a transport out back?”

  The voice on the radio was now clear enough to hear.

  “Hold your fire. We’re entering the building through the room adjacent to you.”

  “Rodger that. Meet you there.”

  “Damn you were right,” remarked another voice.

  The pace of the boots quickened. The creaking doors of the transports outside slammed shut.

  “Vehicle clear!” called a voice just outside the exit. “Stack up!”

  Silhouettes moved in front of the crack in the door and the boots came to a halt in the hallway just opposite the wall were Marcus stood. Sweat gathered on his brow. Chandra pointed her weapon at the crack in the exit door, falling back in silence. She motioned to Marcus to get down.

  “Voice message!” called a voice from outside.

  “Call back!” replied another from the hallway. “Five coming in!”

  Marcus peeled away from the door to the hallway and slid behind a large metal desk. The lights from Chandra’s avatar blinked off as she cloaked behind an old filing cabinet against the wall. The first bristling snatcher soldier entered the room from utility door. Followed by another. Their gear was old. The rifles they carried were nearly a century old and had the markings to prove it. Their poorly thrown together uniforms only matched in color scheme.
Another soldier appeared from the hallway across the room.

  “There’s a transport just outside the door. You didn’t see anyone?” asked the commanding soldier from the outside.

  Marcus shrank behind the desk.

  “No, nothing,” responded a familiar voice from the hallway team.

  “Have you located that point of entry?”

  “No. It’s probably hidden. We searched every accessible room. Some of the doors are barred and locked. We’ll need heavier tools to get in.”

  The commanding snatcher gabbed at his mic.

  “Spear tip actual this is spear tip one five. Can I get a master key down to my position? Over.”

  “Spear tip one this is spear tip actual,” chirped a voice over the radio. "Roger that. Sending master keys to your location.”

  He let go of the mic.

  “Let’s sit tight for a few minutes until the master keys arrive the we’ll find that POE.”

  The soldiers relaxed and spread throughout the room. One of the soldiers approached the desk where Marcus hid. The soldier placed his weapon and helmet on the desktop and sat down.

  “Cordon. Is it true you and your team captured two adult ethers?”

  Cordon Bemhe removed his helmet and shook out his ashy blonde hair.

  “Fuck yeah we did. Two syrens. One of them's a saint.”

  “No shit? Everyone else snatching babies.”

  Cordon nodded.

  “Yeah. A male and a female. I haven’t secured any infants.”

  Tears rolled down Marcus’s face.

  “Really?” the other soldier remarked, pointing to another snatcher. "Jarren’s team picked up seven.”

  Cordon shot Jarren a look.

  “Really. Seven?”

  Jarren nodded.

  “How many people did you have to test to find them?” Cordon pressed.

  “I don’t know, several hundred? A thousand? We couldn’t test them all.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “Because we had to kill some.”

  Marcus placed his head in his hands, crying in silence.

  “Fuck’n hell,” Cordon commented. “It’s a miracle we hit the quota.”

  A few of the soldiers nodded their heads in agreement.

  “Commander Hardglave is very pleased, though.” Cordon went on. “Hopefully, we’ll be out of this living styx in a few hours and beginning anew. Off of this fucking planet."

  The small group whistled and clapped.


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