Truth of the Children

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Truth of the Children Page 24

by Adam DiSalvo

  He walked around the group addressing each of his men directly.

  “There’s a forward force that is going to be pulling out ahead of us with sensitive cargo. Once they do we’re headed inside to secure the dish and setup communications with command.”

  One soldier pointed into the dish.

  “We’re using the dish as our HQ for the cleanse?”

  “That is correct.”responded the lead scout.

  “Fuck’n styx! How long is this deployment?”

  “Indefinite. Until all objectives are completed.”

  The group bemoaned the new revelation.

  “Sir is it true the forward force isn’t Imperial?” pressed the soldier in the back of the group.

  Everyone fell silent, each of them looking to the squad leader.

  “I can not confirm nor deny they are not Imperials. Sergeant.”

  “What the fuck? Sir, who are they?”

  The squad lead approached the errant soldier.

  “They’re friendlies. That’s all I’ve been told. We are not to fire upon them unless they deviate from their departure course.”

  “What are they carrying?”


  “Shitting me,” replied one squad member shaking his head as the rest nodded similar sentiments.

  “Spark!” yelled Taytha from behind her cover.

  The soldiers grabbed their weapons and pointed them down range in Taytha’s direction.

  The lead scout held up his first, his weaponed trained on Taytha’s position.

  “Flame!” he yelled back.

  “One friendly coming out!” she replied.

  Taytha leaned up from her cover with her weapon above her head. She stepped over the fallen tree concealing her and into the open in front of the scout team.

  “Identify yourself.”

  “Sergeant Taytha Sundive, DXM717.”

  The scout lead looked back at his com officer who shook his head. The leader turned back to Taytha.

  “You’re dead Sergeant.”

  “Am I?”

  Behind the squad lead the group looked around at one another.

  “Kilahren’s outfit, huh?”

  "I was deployed to Styx three years ago.”

  “You’re a deserter.”

  Taytha’s head shot back in surprise. The squad encircled her.

  “You know what the punishment for desertion is?”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? It’s fucking death! I know that! Wait a fucking second!” she barked.

  “You have sixty seconds."

  “Open a channel to me,” she requested, her weapon still raised above her head.

  The leader endorsed her demand with a nod to his com officer.

  “I’m going to put down my gun,” aired Taytha, squatting to rest her weapon.

  With her AGR leaning against a fallen tree trunk, Taytha swiped at her PDC and looked up at the com officer. After punching in a few commands the officer had the data. He opened the cache and activated one video file.

  "Are those STS transports?” he inquired squinting at the video.

  Taytha nodded.

  “They are.”

  “What happened to them?”

  The soldiers closest to the com officer strained their necks to see the screen.

  “What is it specialist?” demanded the leader.

  “They’re STS transports, Sir. Bad shape.”

  The com officer’s head shot up, looking at Taytha.

  “What happened to the soldiers?”

  Taytha pointed to his PDC.


  The squad leader approached his com officer. The specialist held out his arm. A familiar screech came through the speaker. Taytha’s eyes shifted back and forth from the specialist to his commanding officer. The sounds of AGR fire clicked out from the small screen. The squad lead looked up.

  “What are those things?”

  The group of soldiers relaxed.

  “Gorix,” she replied, shaking her head. “At least that’s what they’re called on Styx.”

  The squad leader motioned to lower their weapons.

  “On Styx? Like the, Styx?”

  “Yes the, Styx”

  “Holy shit!” exclaimed the com officer. “You got one!”

  The squad lead grabbed his wrist and brought the screen into better view. He looked over at Taytha.

  “This is extraordinary Sergeant,” admitted the soldier in charge.

  “It definitely was something mister—“ Taytha trailed off.

  “Captain Marshal Gestos,” he offered, removing his helmet.

  The man was in his early thirties with a thick shadow of a beard. He kept his hair high and tight and was well lined. His dark complexion was Cal'uthan sun-scarred over his high cheekbones. He reached out with his hand.

  Taytha grabbed his forearm and shook it.

  “Nice to meet you Captain.”

  “Like wise Sergeant.”

  He gestured to the man operating the PDC capturing everyone’s attention.

  “That’s Specialist Jeshet.”

  Jeshet nodded his acknowledgment without looking up from his PDC. Captain Gestos pointed around the group.

  “That’s Private Kellest, Private Braenna, Private Levron, And Private First Class Vestna.”

  The squad waved their hellos as Taytha raised her hand to greet all of them.

  “Nice to finally see some friendly faces.”

  Jeshet looked up.

  “Fuck’n styx, Sergeant. I bet.”

  The com officer held up the screen.

  “They got you.”

  Tatha cleared her throat.

  “Yeah. They did.”

  The video cut out.

  “How did you survive?” prodded Captain Gestos.

  “Haitrion,” Taytha replied with conviction.

  “Lord Haitrion? Like the syren, Lord Haitrion?” he cogitated


  “She’s not lying Captain. Look.”

  Jeshet offered up the screen of his PDC once more playing another video. The captain looked close. Then at Taytha.

  “Is that the Hermes?”

  She nodded an affirmative.

  The captain and specialist looked at one another.

  “There’s a ton of data in there,” Taytha explained. “But I need to get it into Imperial hands as soon as possible.”

  “Wouldn’t they already have it?”

  “I don’t think they do. There’s a lot of things wrong here. I just found out I was dead not to long ago.”

  “Why are you KIA Sergeant?”

  “I don’t know Captain. It’s freaking me the fuck out a little. Sorry.”

  “No, it’s alright Sergeant. Go ahead. Anything else?”


  Taytha looked around the group.

  “I need to get down there,” she explained, gesturing to the antenna at the center of the massive stone dish.

  “We need to warn the Pyras. Warn the public.”

  “Whoa, wiat a minute,” Braenna interrupted with a wave of her hand. “We have orders already.”

  “Settle down private.”

  “Captain. Can we even trust her?” Braenna Vestna.

  Taytha scowled.

  “She didn’t shoot us.” Jeshet offered.

  “There’s that,” Vesnta chuckled.

  Taytha looked back at Gestos.

  “I can send it up the channel,” the captain suggested.

  Taytha shook her head, disagreeing.

  “Can’t do that.”

  “How come?” Gestos pried.

  “Well, you can if you want but, I have orders from Lord Haitrion.”

  “Which are?”

  “Power up the broadcast station and deliver this data to the whole system.”

  “Holy shit,” asserted Levron. “This isn’t good.”

  “We have conflicting orders Sergeant,” Gestos revealed. “We would have to wait until the forward
allied force makes orbit.”

  “Can’t wait, Captain.”

  “Why not?”

  “She’s right, cap,” Jeshet interjected. “She can’t wait.”

  He looked over to Taytha.

  “There has to be thousands now,” Jeshet guessed.

  “Tens of thousands. With thousands more every day. Waiting isn’t an option,” Taytha urged.

  “Where are they coming from? Hold on. Where are you coming from?”

  The squad looked at Taytha. Braenna gripped her weapon tight at her side.

  “That’s classified.”

  “Fuck’n styx,” scoffed Levron. “This is bullshit.”

  “Secure that shit Levron,” ordered Gestos.

  “He’s right, captain.” Braenna agreed. “This is slightly counter to our objectives and she won’t even tell us how she got here."

  “Look. I’m not asking for anything,” Taytha argued. “I just need to get down there and broadcast this message. I don’t want to fight and I don’t want to hurt anyone. I’m just trying to save people.”

  Silence dragged behind Gestos’s mulling.


  Gestos raised his hand silencing his soldier. He gazed at Taytha, cocking his head to the side.

  “What kind of ZGC suit is that, Sergeant? It’s pretty banged up.”

  “That's also classified, Captain,” Taytha resisted.

  “Well Sergeant, I can’t in good conscie—"

  Gestos froze as Braenna's AGR ripped from her grasp and whipped across the group into Taytha’s outstretched hand.

  “Classified,” Taytha repeated.

  No one moved. She handed the weapon to Gestos.

  “I’m going down to that antenna. Please, either accompany me or just let me go.”

  Gestos took the weapon from Taytha, looking it over in astonishment.

  “I’m not here to hurt you,” she added. "I’m just a messenger that’s come a very long way and.”

  She pointed again to the dish’s center.

  "I just need to get down there.”



  "Run the message up the chain of command. Let them know we're breaking from mission parameters.”

  “Yes sir.”

  He smiled at Taytha.

  “We’re going to accompany the Sergeant to the antenna.”

  Taytha returned his friendly expression. He readdressed the squad.

  “Secure your gear and get ready to move out.” he ordered.

  Gestos turned back to Taytha gesturing to each of the ATVs.

  “You have to ride with someone. Your choice who.”

  Taytha looked back at the group.

  “How about I drive and one of you ride with me.” she countered, looking back at Gestos.

  “Sure. Fine by me,” Jeshet agreed. “I want to look at these videos anyway.”

  “Roger that,” the captain acknowledged.

  Taytha turned around and grabbed her weapon. The other vehicles fired up as Taytha took her seat on Jeshet’s ATV.

  “Give me the key to your encrypted channel.” Taytha requested as she initialized the vehicle.

  Jeshet looked down at his PDC and swiped at the screen.

  “I sent the key to your computer. Just open the file.”

  She looked down at her screen and did per his instructions. She looked up at a waiting Jeshet.

  “You’re not going to buck me off are you?”

  Taytha laughed, shaking her head. She fired up the engine and motioned for him to get on.

  “C’mon! Don't be shy!” urged Taytha. “This’ll be the most fun I’ve had in three years!”

  Jeshet shook his head laughing and got on. Captain Gestos rev’ed up his motor and led the group through the trees. The caravan smashed through the underbrush carving a thick path beneath the towering branches. Gestos led the speeding line to the dish, driving its level edge.

  “Comm check,” Taytha barked through her radio.

  “All green,” replied Jeshet, his voice coming through Taytha’s exterior suit speakers.

  The smell of hot stone coupled with fir trees dominated the gentle breeze. The captain’s voice boomed though Taytha’s speakers over the wind.

  “Sergeant do you know anything about an unidentified object maneuvering through Skylauren airspace?”

  She looked back at her passenger then back at the road.

  “A UFO? Is that a serious question captain?” Taytha replied through comms.

  “You’re right Sergeant. Forget I said anything.”

  “Ain’t nothing normal about this place!” observed Braenna making idle chatter over the mic. “We shouldn’t be here. The pandemic killed hundreds of millions of people”

  “Stop worrying private,” Gestos assured her. “We’re just moving up the comms job and there are no hostiles present in the vicinity. It’s a clear path all the way to the antenna.”

  The captain slammed the accelerator.

  “Fall in tight. First switch back in sixty seconds.”

  The line of vehicles maneuvered in close to one another in single file.

  “Once we make contact,” Gestos went on. “We’ll share our data with the forward force and inform them of our intentions. We shouldn’t intersect with their objectives however, we’re in the dark so there’s no guarantees. I made this executive decision considering the importance and time sensitive nature of the Sergeant’s message."

  A combined acknowledgement echoed through their radios. Gestos pulled his ATV from the edge of the dish and onto the first stretch of the switchback road leading down into the dish. The late afternoon suns blanketed everything in a bright golden glow. A long plume of dust trailed them as they descended the dirt road into the dish. Taytha looked over her shoulder through her billowing dark hair at Jeshet.

  “How long have you been deployed?” she yelled over the wind.

  “I’ve been deployed as part of the quarantine security force for six weeks,” he yelled back. "I’ve been planet-side for just under forty eight hours. We were some of the first Imperial soldiers to set foot on the planet in almost one hundred years!”

  “What are you doing here?”

  The roar of the ATVs and rushing wind annexed Jeshet's response, his long stare surrendering his guilt.

  “Specialist?” Taytha worried.

  Jeshet shook his head.

  “Genocide.” he replied.

  “What?” Taytha barked. “What do you mean?”

  “We found an opposition base underground. Our orders are to cleanse the surface of the op-for and then head sub surface to cleanse any more that may be underground.”

  “Cleanse? They using that word because of the pandemic?”

  “I don’t know Sergeant. This shit started before I was born!”

  “I know me too!”

  “Do you think it was even real?”

  “I don’t know. There was a real disease but, I just,” she trailed off. “I don’t know. It’s above my pay grade."

  “Yeah. Me too.”

  The group followed the switchback trail down into the dish, shrinking away from the tree line above them. The way snaked back and forth until the dirt road leveled out and their tires made contact with the surface of the stone-carved dish. They picked up speed.

  “This thing is massive!” called Jeshet. “I wonder what they used to call it!”

  The white pods and STS craft grew on the horizon as they bore down on their position. A few soldiers guarding the haulers turned their attention to the encroaching force.

  “Okay squad,” chirped Gestos’s voice over the radio. “I want Levron and Vestna in back with weapons hot. Keep your muzzles down and nonthreatening but, be ready. Taytha and Jeshet will accompany me to liaise with the officer in charge. Once I give the all clear we’ll head inside and we’ll get ready to broadcast.”

  Three of the soldiers securing the transports broke formation and began forming a line in front of the ST
S haulers. One held up a fist. The other two paused, weapons trained on the line of vehicles.

  “Slow it up boys and girls,” ordered Gestos over the mic.

  The growl of the ATVs subsided and the swirling wind died down around them.

  “We’re going to bring it to a halt at one hundred yards out.”

  Two more soldiers joined the line bisecting the team's course to the antenna.

  “Stay cold,” the captain encouraged.

  Gestos brought his vehicle to a halt with the rest of the line stopping behind him. The squad dismounted and made the rest of their way on foot with Levron and Vestna covering the rear.

  “Think they’re reasonable?” Gestos jested.

  “We’re about to find out,” Taytha replied.

  One of the mysterious soldiers spoke.

  “Identify yourself.”

  Gestos stepped forward.

  “I am Captain Marshal Gestos. Imperial Navy. Quaratine division.”

  “We were told there would be no Imperial interference. State your business!” the soldier barked.

  “We're headed to the antenna to make a system wide broadcast.”

  The soldier looked back at his comrades.

  “What kind of message.”

  “Open a channel,” suggested Jeshet, taking a step forward.

  The soldier nodded to another and turned back to them. Jeshet swiped at his screen and looked up.

  “That data needs to be disseminated throughout the empire as quickly as possible,” Gestos informed them. "Ive sent it up my chain of command but, a crisis of this magnitude requires a different approach.”

  “We should let them through sir. This video is.”

  The other soldier looked up.

  “This video is crazy. Is this real?”

  “It is soldier.”

  “Damned by the goddess.”

  The soldier leading the unknown team relaxed his weapon. The rest followed suit. He approached and grasped Gestos by the fore arm.

  “Welcome Captain. I am Lythten.”

  He turned and pointed to the largest spire.

  “The entrance to broadcast control is at the base of the tallest spire. West side. We’ll be out of here in fifteen minutes or so Captain.”

  The captain nodded and waved up the rest of his soldiers. The two groups walked between the STS haulers and the waiting white cargo pods. Each pod was advanced beyond normal tech and had large viewports on either side. Inside there was a suspended object surrounded in fluid. Braenna cocked her head, squinting at the pods. She looked down at her PDC and initialized a scan of one cargo container.


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