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Ghost Page 4

by Mackenzie, Carson

  “Oh my God, it’s the big guy’s! That is why you ran out when the men mentioned Black Hawk. It is, isn’t it?” Harmony stared at me along with Boo and Shady. A seasoned spy would crack under their scrutiny.

  Since I stood no chance of sidestepping them, I whispered, “Yes.”

  “Then what is the problem? I saw how he was with you when we left. Moon, that man loves you, and no one can convince me otherwise. Plus, I know he has been calling you since we’ve been back,” Harmony crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her brow as if she waited for me to argue her point.

  “Yeah, because we are friends. I told you he married my friend because she was pregnant—” I started, and Shady interrupted.

  “Asshole is fucking married? Yeah, he needs to come here so I can kick his ass,” Shady said and picked up the wet cloth on the counter and threw it. The splat sounded, and we each turned and watched the wet cloth slide to the floor.

  “Wow, I thought my hormones were in overdrive,” Harmony chuckled, and Shady glared at her.

  “No, he’s a widower. Brax lost his wife and son in a car accident. I’ve loved him since I was five. He was my best friend, and when... You know the story. I don’t want him to think I expect marriage or anything from him. It was as much my fault as his for forgetting the condom,” I looked at the women and they stared back at me for a minute without a word. Then Shady, Harmony, and Boo burst out laughing. I hadn’t expected that response. “I don’t think any of this is funny,” I said, which only made the women laugh harder.

  “Oh, Moon, do you really think you will have a choice when you tell him? Have you learned nothing being a Lady Rider? We may make the men’s lives a living hell, but in the end, they always get what they want.” Shady was the first to compose herself enough to speak.

  “Ops has been a big part of my life. I can’t imagine him giving up his club, so to be with him, I would have to leave.”

  Shady nodded, then said, “Let’s worry about that if Black Hawk comes to help. If they do, we will stand behind any decision you make, Moon. But it has to be yours.”

  We straightened the bathroom up and started to walk out when it hit me, and I stopped in my tracks. “We don’t even know if they will come or if Creed will even call them.”

  “Uh...yeah...about that. You were already headed out of the room when it was agreed upon. They’re calling them,” Harmony said, smiled, and placed her arm over my shoulders.

  “You know,” Shady said as we walked out of the bathroom, “we need to have a serious discussion with the new Lady Riders, first Bob and now you. I mean, we have got to talk about protection, ladies. You know I love scaring the shit out of men, but damn.”

  Chapter Five


  Most of the members were already at Soft Tails when I walked in. The place had been closed for the impromptu club meeting. This was my first official one as a full member. My heart felt light in my chest, instead of the heaviness that had weighed on me for so long. I knew who was to thank for the change, the men in the room. They’d accepted me into their fold and it had started my healing without me even knowing, but the one who sealed the final crack in my heart had been Luna. She might be Moon to the Ops, but she’d never be to me. It would always be Luna.

  I adjusted the crotch of my pants as I sat down in the back. The thought of being with Luna again had the same effect on me it had when I’d turned sixteen. But the difference was before, it was just in my imagination. Now, with the night we’d spent together running rapidly through my mind, I closed my eyes. I could almost feel the softness of her wrapped around me. Every phone call I made to her, which was almost every night since we’d parted that morning, only sealed our fate more. It was time to figure out how we were going to make a long distance relationship work because to me, there was no other option. I’d lost track of her before over my own stupid actions, but I wouldn’t allow it to happen again.

  Tank and Bull sat down beside me, and we waited for Crusher and the rest of the leadership to inform everyone why he’d called Church. No one had to wait long for the club’s president to get down to business once the remaining few members had arrived.

  “Going to lay it all out and then if anyone has questions you can ask them. Creed, the president of the Ops Warriors, called yesterday and they have a situation brewing in their territory. Their intel tells them the Black Hearts MC is gearing up to make a hit on their club. Most of you are familiar with the story about Jas and why she was sent here and put under our protection. Not only was she taken at an early age from her mother, but her life has also been under constant threat since. They know it’s coming from Jas’s grandmother, they just don’t know why the woman wants to hurt not only her daughter, Shady, who’s the leader of the Lady Riders, but her own grandchild, too. Well, other than she is batshit crazy by what Creed told me. Considering some of our backgrounds with our own relatives, we can relate.

  “They think the Black Hearts not only want to take them out but have been promised if they do, the mining property the Ops had in Riverton, Nevada would be handed over to them. Not even going to get into the fact the Ops sold it to the Acciai family from Vegas. I’m going with the Black Hearts are a little short on brains if they think they can go up against the Costa Nostra and win. With that said, they do have the numbers, though, to give the Warriors a run. So even with the help from the Furies, the Ops are going to be outnumbered. They would like to even that up—with our support.

  “We’ve talked,” Crusher waved his arm to Jag, Devil, and Flirt, who sat at the table with him and then pointed to Speed and Coast, who stood against opposite walls since they were club’s Enforcers and needed to see everything and everyone in the room. “We six are going. Stoker and the rest of the dads will fill in while we’re gone. Keep in mind that enough need to stay here to protect our interests. Lending a hand is one thing, but I won’t leave this club vulnerable in the process. Threat to us or not.

  “Brothers, we won’t know what we are walking into until we get there so take that into account when you make your decision. Creed and his men from the Ops, along with Fling and his men from the Furies, and us would allow them the advantage with the Black Hearts. We would essentially bring the war to them.”

  Crusher went on the explain about the president of the Black Hearts, Sledge, and how he came to be in that position. When he finished, Stoker stood.

  “Why would the six of you need to go? Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem filling in, and I’m sure the rest don’t either, but not seeing the reason for all the officers to go.” Stoker addressed his son, and Crusher nodded.

  “We understand the concerns for us going, but we can make use of this to also forge an alliance of sorts. The Ops still push guns, but other than that they are much like us, ex-military, and working to clean up their club for the future generations. Besides, when has any club tolerated threats on women and children? I can’t think of one.” Crusher let that question hang and looked around the room at all the members.

  I knew what my response was going to be. I’d been there when the call had come in.

  “Count me in, Prez,” I said and then saw the smile on Flirt’s face. Bastard knew the deal between Luna and me.

  “I’m in, too. I don’t care what those fuckers think they’re going to accomplish, and normally, I wouldn’t give two shits. But Jas deserves to live without fear, and if wiping out some dumbasses with nothing but greed driving them, then they won’t be missed,” Dare said.

  “Thanks, Dare. I was asked by Creed to tell you Trey’s out. He’s there, too,” Crusher said, and Dare smiled.

  Trey was Ops’ way to pay back Black Hawk for watching over Jas. The club didn’t know the whole story behind Trey other than he was the son of Dare’s youngest brother. The man died on a run, and the club whore he’d knocked up wouldn’t let Dare and Shakes have any involvement with the boy.

  Dare had kept track of them and new the bitch had jumped clubs. When Trey had been just sh
y of his eighteenth birthday, the club used him as a scapegoat for a drug deal gone bad thinking they’d go easy on him for his age and his first offense. Instead, the kid was tried as an adult and sent to prison for five years. But recently he was released on early parole after serving a little over three. However, he had to stay in the area as part of his parole.

  “Appreciate it, Crusher. Shakes and I never expected you to use the Ops’ marker to help Trey. But we won’t forget the gesture. Ever.”

  “We told you why. Next to our dads, Shakes and you raised us. What we did doesn’t even come close to what the two of you did for us growing up. So not another word about it.” Dare nodded.

  The meeting continued, and every man in the club agreed to give Ops their support. Since not all would be needed, Crusher lifted a paper off the table.

  “The loyalty in this club has always held strong, and we had no doubt that everyone would step up, but like I said, we can’t leave our own territory unprotected. I spoke with the others before Church, and we figured twenty would be enough to make the trip.”

  Crusher read the names that he and the other officers had chosen to make the trip. Tank, Bull, Boss, Turk, Stem, and seven more were going to ride with Crusher, Jag, Devil, Flirt, Speed, Coast, Dare, and I.

  “That is going a be a helluva trip to San Diego. You’re going to need to take a truck and trailer to haul extra parts and shit with you in case something happens along the way. Be glad to do it. No sense in you young brothers riding in a cage.” Roscoe looked at Crusher as he spoke and waited to see if Prez was going to nix his suggestion. Crusher gave nothing away in his expression as he looked down the table at the others who shrugged.

  Me and every man in the room knew what was probably going through their minds and it had nothing to do with Roscoe’s age. He was one of the oldest members of the club, but he was strong and could still handle himself one-on-one if need be. Nope, what was going through the officers’ minds was did we want to turn the man loose on another club. With him along, the trip would be anything but dull.

  “What the hell, it will be like taking granny from the Beverly Hillbillies into the city. But, Roscoe, those women aren’t like ours. I have a feeling they just as easily chew you up and spit you out than put up with your shit.”

  “Ah, Prez. I ain’t met a woman who didn’t want a piece of Roscoe.” The whole room erupted in laughter. “You fuckers are just jealous.”

  As we quieted, Crusher continued, “We pull out in two days, brothers. Meet at the compound, and we’ll pack the trailer and truck and leave from there. We’ll take two days to get there. It will be a long ass ride, but we need to be there like yesterday. The sooner we help the Ops dispose of their problem, the sooner we get home. And I mean all of us will come home. Got me?”

  We agreed with our prez, loudly. Crusher raised his hand, and the room quieted.

  “Since we’re here, we have some other business to discuss. Was going to hold off on it until the next Church, but no sense waiting. I’m going to turn this over to our VP. Jag, the floor is yours.”

  “We know some of you have voiced that you wish there was a gym in town. We know a lot of you use the small weight room at the clubhouse. And some of you have your own setup in your house or garage. The building that houses Yoga Sensual is coming up open because the yoga place is moving.”

  I laughed when several of the brothers moaned.

  “Don’t get your panties in a wad you pervs. They are only moving to the smaller section of the building. The big side has an open floor and would work great as a gym. If we open the membership to the locals, too, we think it could be very profitable. Especially after we spoke with Ghost about taking charge of it. He had a great suggestion. Ghost, why don’t you tell them your idea for the place,” Jag looked in my direction when he spoke.

  Yesterday after Crusher finished with the phone call, we had finally gotten around to why they wanted me at the clubhouse. To say I was honored that they thought of me would be an understatement. But after we looked at the blueprints of the space, it hit me what else would work there. Something the town didn’t offer and with a gym next to it would work even better. I cleared my throat and stood.

  “The space is large enough that it could actually be split into two sections with the construction of a wall, which would enable us to create two businesses instead of one. The gym would operate one side, and a massage parlor the other.” I grinned at the ‘hell yeses’ that were shouted. “A legitimate massage parlor. The size of the space would allow for four rooms. We’d have to hire licensed masseuses, but don’t see that being a huge problem. The location of it with the gym would allow us to offer packages with the memberships. Add that a yoga studio would be on the other side, business should be good.”

  “You mean no extra paid services on top of the massage?” Tank asked, and I looked over at him.

  “Not if we want it to stay open considering the sheriff’s department is half a block away.” The men laughed, and when I sat, Flirt stood.

  “I ran numbers on the gym side. Equipment, rent, membership fees, licenses. It would be more beneficial to buy the building for the long haul. I suggest we make an offer to purchase. We’ll have the rent from the yoga place and if by chance the gym tanks, not like we can’t put something else in there. As far as the massage parlor not making money, it will sustain itself. The gym side will start in the red because of the start-up cost with the equipment purchases, but if the membership takes off, it won’t stay in the red long,” Flirt said and then looked to Crusher.

  “Then it looks as if we are going to have two more enterprises unless anyone has something to add or a reason we shouldn’t go forward.” When no one spoke, he continued. “We’ll keep everyone updated on the progress. Now, Church is over, open the damn bar.” Every member cheered. I had to agree, I definitely needed a drink.

  After the chairs were put back in place, I moved to the bar and sat on a stool. Once my beer was sat down in front of me, I tipped it up for a much needed drink. I was going to see Luna in four days. Granted, I wished it was under better circumstances, but no way would I let that damper my thoughts of seeing her again. Touching her, kissing her, holding her again.

  “I know where your head is, brother,” Flirt said and slapped me on the shoulder as he sat down beside me.

  “Shit, is it that obvious?” I asked while I stared at the bottle in front of me.

  “Nah. Only to me because I know how you think,” Flirt said, then took a drink of his own beer.

  “True,” was my only reply.

  “Since we have been to hell and back together, Ghost, I’m just going to come out and say it. You want her, bring her back with you, man. Don’t put it off,” Flirt said, but never turned his head to look at me.

  “She’s been with the Ops and Lady Riders a long time. They’ve been her family, Flirt. I just got her back in my life again. If I mess this up—”

  “Might be, but I know you, Ghost. We’ve seen a lot, done a lot, and survived a lot together. I felt the loss of your family with you. Then you came back here with me, and I’ve watched you grieve and barely living. I often wonder if the man I met when we went through BUD/S together and then onto the same SEAL team would ever surface again. In this last month, I’ve started to see bits and pieces of him surface, and I believe it is owed to Luna. The old you went after what he wanted. Is that man back?” Flirt waited while I pondered on what he said.

  “I’m back, but she’s changed, Flirt. She’s more than the young girl I let down.” Flirt nodded and stood, and I looked up at him.

  “So have you, brother. So have you,” Flirt said, then turned to walk away, but he stopped and looked back at me. “She might be part of the Ops and the Lady Riders, and you both might have taken different roads for a while. But the way I look at it, Ghost—she’s been yours a lot longer.”

  I sat there and watched my friend walk away, then I turned around and finished my beer. By the time I headed to my place to star
t getting my things together, the decision was made. When I came back to Shades Valley from San Diego, Luna would be with me. Even if I had to tie her to the back of my bike.

  Chapter Six


  Today was the day. I closed the door to my cabin and walked across the compound to the main building. When I walked in, Creed was disconnecting from a call, and the other men in the room waited to hear any new information he might have gotten.

  Instead of interrupting by walking across the room, I leaned against the wall just inside the doorway to listen.

  “Well, we aren’t going to have to meet Black Hawk at the designated place with the trucks to bring them in undercover. The Black Hearts know they are here.”

  “How the fuck could they know that, Creed? We’ve been over every inch of this compound, checked the computer equipment, and scrubbed everyone’s phones. They don’t have shit of ours or the Furies bugged. Yesterday we caught the two that were sneaking around just outside both clubs’ perimeters,” Fork said.

  “Those two are clueless to what they walked into. They were hired to watch us, and if we made any suspicious moves, they were to send a text to a number programmed into the disposal phones they were carrying. Data and Numbers ran that shit and surprise, it went to another disposal phone,” Maxi informed everyone. From the expressions on the men’s faces, none of them were happy.

  “Yeah, and when I called it, no one picked up. All we have is two unconscious assholes in our shed who know jack shit about where the man that hired them is held up,” Ice said.

  “The man found them in an alley where they live. They’re just a couple of homeless men he walked up to and asked if they wanted to make some easy money. He was Native American they said. I asked if he had a cut or vest on with the name Black Hearts on it. One guy didn’t remember what the man was wearing because he was too busy counting the grand in cash he handed him, then he shoved each of them a disposable phone. He told them if they did good, the other four grand owed for their services would be paid. This was the interesting piece I got out of the other guy. He said he remembered the man had a leather vest on and when he turned to walk off, he noticed shit on the back. But the only thing he could recall was the first letter of each word. A D and an S in bold print,” Maxi finished and waited. It didn’t take long before the men clued in.


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