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Fall Page 10

by Katherine Rhodes

  Bastian chuckled. “Can we at least give her a shock?”

  “That’s doable.” I grinned. “We’ll take Hector with us now, and get him to the hospital. Once he’s there, I can go into the office and make sure her husband gets all the right documents to see what she’s been doing, and perhaps a few copies of the different images we’ve caught of her molesting the pool boy. I have the feeling Mister Worth isn’t about that life.”

  “You know, this could be more fun.”

  I grinned. “Even though we’re supposed to be the sins, there’s nothing that says we have to like death. I don’t relish what we’ve done. If we can avoid any more murders, I’d be happy with that.”

  Bastian agreed with a slow, small nod of his head. “We don’t need to resort to the tactics that the other side uses.”

  “We can be way worse without the murders.” The grin spread over my face.

  “We can,” Bastian said, and dropped the power cable into the water for just a moment. He grabbed it back as we heard a scream behind us. “Oops.”

  I shook my head and ran over to the shallow end of the pool where Tricia Worth looked like hell and was trying to drag herself out of the water.

  “Ma’am, you were warned.” I grabbed her arms and pulled her up and on to the cement around the pool.

  “My…heart…” she gasped.

  I put a hand on her pulse and it was there, and got stronger as I waited. “Breathe,” I reminded her, and she sucked in a huge lungful of air. Her pulse was even stronger now. “Would you like me to call an ambulance?”

  She slapped my hand away. “You incompetent morons! No!”

  “You were warned, ma’am,” I said.

  “Get away from me,” she barked, and sat up. “Finish what you’re doing and get off my property. Be glad I’m not going to sue you.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I gave her a compliant tip of my head and watched as she stood and stormed off into the house, slamming the back door.

  “Let’s roll,” I called to the others.

  Bastian fiddled with whatever he was doing in the filter and I heard it start back up. He grinned and slapped the cover back on.

  Fischer walked out of the pool house with Hector behind him. “Good?”

  “Yes, we got her in the house.” I motioned him to head out to the van. “Go, before she finds her lady balls and comes out here to yell at us.”

  “What did you do?” Fischer hurried past me as I went back to Bastian to grab the tools.

  “We shocked her.” Bastian slammed the lid of his tool box shut and stood up. “And we came up with an idea that’s even better than murder.”

  “Murder?” Hector squeaked.

  “Not this time.” I slapped him on the shoulder as Bastian and I caught up to them on the way out. “We came up with a better idea. And the first part of that idea involves you going to the police to report her assault. Are you okay with that? We can do this without you, of course, if you want to stay in the shadows…”

  “No,” he said. “Not at all. She preys on men like me.”

  “Like you?”

  “Poor, Latino, gay twinks. I thought that she wouldn’t come after me, but I was so wrong.”

  “Did she…” Fischer’s words trailed off as he held the side door open of the van open.

  It took a moment for him to lift his head and look at us, but there were tears in his eyes when he did. “Yes. She took advantage of me. She…raped me. There’s no other way to put it. And if you’ll take me to a police officer you trust, I’ll file a report. Not some random station house, because none of them care, even a little.”

  “We have someone.” Fischer motioned him into the van. “Her name is Detective Haden, and she’s completely on our side. We’ll get you to her and you can tell her the whole story. And don’t worry about Worth getting off. Even if she buys her way out, we’re going to make sure that she never ever does any of this again.”

  Hector put his hands over his face, but a sob escaped him. “Thank you. Thank you.”

  “In fact,” I said, pulling open the passenger side, “let’s get you to the hospital and we’ll have her meet us there. You need to be treated for whatever the hell she gave you.”

  “I can’t…” He turned all of his attention to the seat belt he was buckling.

  “Afford it?” Fischer asked.

  He shook his head.

  “Don’t worry. Covered.” Fischer slammed his door as Bastian climbed in and slammed the sliding side door shut. “I’m actually a doctor, not a pool cleaner. We’ll get you all fixed up.”

  “You’re a doctor?” He was astonished.

  “Me, too,” Bastian said. “Different kind from him, though.”

  Hector looked at me. “And you?”

  “Financial wizard.” I grinned.

  Hector laughed. “You’re going to have fun with her, aren’t you?”

  The smirk crawled on to my face as I buckled up. “You have no idea.”


  Unknown: I missed you assholes.

  I opened the laptop and plopped it on the bed next to Hector. He already looked better, lighter, less burdened. The IV was delivering the much needed antibiotics, and he’d be in for two days.

  Navigating easily through my programs, I brought up a few graphs and charts for him to see.

  “So. The Worths are loaded.” I poked a key. “Not as loaded as I am, of course, but they live really well. Mister Beckett Worth is a philanthropist and humanitarian. He’s a good man who wants nothing more than a comfortable life.

  “His wife, however, Tricia Howell Worth, is nothing like him.”

  “Ay, no. She is nothing like him. He’s a very nice person to me, always has been.”

  “Good, testify to that.” I popped through a few more screens. “She was married before and quickly defrauded him out of a lot of money and left. I thought I would find more divorces, but no. She had a good thing with Beckett here. Now, she’s got money rolling out of his accounts, and…I’m sad to say you’re about the fifth employee that she has abused. I would be interested in talking to a few of the housekeepers to see if she always treats everyone like this.”

  “That I’ve seen?” He nodded.

  “She’s a dirt bag. Anyway. Back to the plan. I’m going to start sending Mister Worth my reports on her activities, and it should take about a week for me to get all the information to him. At the end, I’m going to send him a photo of her terrible behavior with you. Where clearly you were being victimized. And I wanted to make sure that was all right with you.”

  “Is it going to help me in court with her?”

  “Oh, yes, definitely. It will also help him cut her off and the judge decide to deny her alimony.”

  “Then, yes. I’m fine with it.”

  “Good. So that’s step one. Show Mister Worth all the evidence that his wife is a terrible person. Step two is your suit against her. Step three is me draining the accounts she has hidden around the world into charitable institutions as anonymous donations. Untraceable. The kind of things where if she went looking for where the money went, all the red flags would go off and incriminate her in fraud.”

  “Oh, yes. Yes! I love it!” Hector cackled.

  “So, even if the judge and jury fail to find her guilty,” I tapped the keys again, “she will be ruined, and have to work for a living if she wants a roof over her head.”

  “Lincoln, this is brilliant. Every inch of it.” He laid a hand on my arm. “Thank you so much, hermano. Honestly. I didn’t know how to get out of it. I don’t know what I’m going to do for my income now, but I feel so much better.”

  Reaching into my pocket, I handed him the card I had there. “Fischer is actually looking for a new receptionist. Think you can handle that?”

  “Really? He’d hire me?”

  “Why not? Can you type? Answer phones? Keep a schedule book or software? Then we’re good.”

  “Come with health care?”

  “He’s alrea
dy decided that he’ll cover your family for you,” I answered.

  “He’ll what?”

  “Cover it for you, your parents and your little sister.” I turned over the card and tapped the back. “See? Just call him and set up your paperwork. You can start after you get out of here.”

  Hector’s hand flew to his mouth, and I could see the grateful tears there. “Really?”


  The good we could do was immense. And starting with this kid, and clearing up his mess, was a good place to start.


  Fischer pulled my nipple into his mouth, and suckled there like it was his lifeline. Lincoln’s hand stroke my clit as he, Bastian and I shared kisses.

  The little moans that I was capturing as Bastian and I kissed meant Lincoln not only had his hand on me, but on Bas as well.

  “Dirty,” I whispered.

  “Lust.” He smiled into the kiss.

  Fischer’s lips started trailing down my skin, over my ribs, down to my hips and a moment later there were two sets of fingers teasing me.

  The orgasm ripped through me without warning and I desperately tried not to scream. Lincoln was more than happy to swallow the sounds I made.

  “Nice,” Bastian purred. “Good job, Fischer.”

  “Gotta get that one out of the way.” He ran his tongue over my hip again.

  “Out of the way?”

  “You come very quickly.” Lincoln’s hand was still wet with my silk as he plucked at my nipples. “It’s better when we can get you to come right away, and then play for a while.”

  “Shit,” I hissed. They had a game plan for me. “Someone better fuck me soon, then. I’m feeling a little neglected.”

  “With three men in your bed?” Bastian asked.

  “Yes, because not one of you is fucking me.”

  Fischer laughed and I felt his cock against my entrance. “This what you want, baby? You want this inside you?”

  “Yes, damn it, yes!” I was panting. With the three of them my body was strung out and ready for anything they wanted to do. They were still busy teasing me.

  “But, you know what I’m thinking?” Lincoln said, massaging my nipple again, accepting a kiss from Bastian.

  “I’m listening.” Fischer dragged his tip over and over my entrance.

  “I think our little bird here would like more than one cock in her.”

  “Fu….” The air rushed out of my lungs, and a second later I could feel a finger in the crease of my ass. It took a moment for my lungs to catch up but they finally did. Not enough to answer, so I nodded.

  “Mm, good,” Lincoln said.

  Fischer moved to my other side and laid down again while Lincoln slipped into his place. I hadn’t heard the telltale snick of the lube cap, so I wondered, just for half a moment, what he was up to.

  Then he slipped his arms under my thighs and pushed my hips back, into the air and his tongue was on me. He managed to hold me still while he licked and teased, the sensation making me gasp and pant. I wanted to twist away and at the same time I wanted more. Bastian and Fischer were playing at my breasts, hold my arms down while a squirmed under Lincoln’s sure tongue.

  “Holy s-shit,” I managed at some point.

  “She likes,” Fischer said.

  Finally, the cap of the lube popped open and Lincoln pulled back, leaving me feeling a bit bereft for just a moment. Just long enough to coat his fingers and find my hole again. He pushed inside, carefully and I exhaled at the sensation.

  “Shame women don’t have prostates,” Bastian said.

  “I got a clit, be ha—ooh shit!—ppy with that,” I said. “I kno—ooh! I am.”

  “Not disappointed here, either,” Linc said, adding a finger to tease me there as he added another finger to the back. “God, this is hot.”

  “Try this –nngh!—end.” My nerves were on overload.

  “Ready, Bas?” He looked over at Bastian who’s eyes lit up. He stroked himself once, twice and then propped himself up against the headboard.

  “Not you?” I asked Linc, but I wasn’t sure that the words came out right.

  “No, little bird, Bastian. I already got one orgasm out of you.”

  “Do you all have a game plan—fuck!—when you get me in bed like this?”

  “Yes,” they chorused and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  I managed to slide myself over on top of Bastian as Lincoln continued to do wicked things to my hole. But only for a moment longer, because as I straddled Bas, Lincoln held his cock steady for me and he nudged against me. I forced myself to relax.

  There were women who hated this, but with the way my men treated and prepared me, I had the feeling those women had no idea what they were missing.

  Bastian entered me just a little at a time as he massaged and tweaked my nipples and as Lincoln’s mouth devoured mine. I offered him each and every moan and whimper of delight that Bastian forced out of me.

  After a moment, I could feel the skin of Bas’ thighs under mine and he was fully inside me. I groaned, but Lincoln pushed me back as Bastian wrapped his arms around me to hold me there.

  Fischer’s greedy mouth was back on mine, and less than a moment later, his cock slid inside me, filling me completely.

  I came again. These men could look at me and make me come.

  “Oh, hell, baby,” Bastian breathed. “Do you know how good that feels down here?”

  “I know how good it feels up here,” Fischer said.

  I was too boneless to care. Somehow the two of them found the perfect rhythm, sliding in and out of me at opposite times, driving me through the remaining shakes and shutters of the second orgasm.

  Everything these men did to me in bed, and out of bed and in the shower, drove me wild. I loved everything they could give me. I would take them in any combination I could get them.

  “I’m not going to last down here,” Bastian breathed.

  My head flopped to the side to see Lincoln kneeling next to us, his hand working over his erection.

  “I’m not either,” Fischer answered.

  “Just fuck me hard and make me come,” I whispered. Or I thought I whispered. I could have shouted it. My brain was too swamped in ecstasy.

  “With pleasure.” Bastian jacked his hips up, and before I could think about that, Fischer slammed into me. Back and forth, over and over the slide and friction of their cocks robbed me of my sense and senses.

  Lincoln’s hands were on me, and moving Bastian’s over my body, until he was cupping my breasts and holding them high. “Just like that baby, just like that.” Lincoln kissed each of my nipples and it fired something inside me.

  “I’m going to come…” The words were ragged, but even I could hear my pleading tone. “Gonna c-come…”

  Fischer changed the angle of his hips and I squeaked out a gasp, trying not to scream again. He pressed his thumb to my clit and turned circles on it.

  That was it, my body exploded into its third orgasm, everything going taught for a blinding white second, and then released. The pulse of pleasure, the rippling of every muscle in my body brought both Fischer and Bastian to orgasm, flooding me with all they had to give.

  Lincoln came hard, his ropes of cum landing on my breasts and stomach as he emptied himself.

  We stayed exactly where we were for a moment, just breathing and recovering. Panting, I rolled off Bastian and on the bed, laughing.

  “I’m guessing your Scooby Gang schtick went well?”

  Bastian huffed, recovering himself. “Very well.”

  Lincoln cuddled up on Bastian’s side while Fischer wrapped himself around my back. “I had a lot of fun destroying this woman. The plan has two options and I think that Hector will be happy with either. I’d be happy with both.”

  “She was really using this poor kid?”

  “Oh, God, yes,” Fischer mumbled. “It was horrible. The sins all over her were so deep and dark and just awful. She was a bad as the people in the Pipeline, hones
tly. She was all about her, and had no regard for anyone around her.”

  “Poor kid,” I managed. “You’re sure your plan will work?”

  “Absolutely,” Lincoln said. “After all, it was my idea.”

  “Hey.” Bastian laughed. “You’re Greed, not Pride. Take it down a notch there.”

  A shiver I didn’t intend ran through me at Bastian’s words. All three of them noticed and stared at me.

  “You’re not cold,” Lincoln said. “What was that?”

  I swallowed loudly.

  Fischer leaned up, dropping his arm around my waist. “Baby, what’s going on?”

  I closed my eyes, and dropped my head on the pillow. “I figured out who Pride is.”

  Opening my eyes again, the three of them were waiting and staring at me.

  “You did.” Bastian laid a hand on my cheek.

  I nodded against his hand. “I did.”

  “Who?” Lincoln asked.

  “It’s Paige.”

  The three men in my bed were silent for a very long time, and I did start to grow chilly from the night air. Bastian lifted himself out of the bed headed for the bathroom and made quick work of cleaning up our mess. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it up, covering all of us as he climbed back in.

  “Paige, huh?” Lincoln said.

  “It makes sense.” I could feel Fischer shrug. “She’s really proud of her foster agency, and she’s prideful of her marriage. Clearly. To the point where she’s blind to the flaws.”

  “She’s been around you all for a while,” Bastian added.

  “She knows all about Lily.” I turned my head to catch a glimpse of Fischer. “She wasn’t fazed by the weird that Lily brings to everything. And Lily didn’t even try to wipe out her memories of what she’s seen.”

  Lying my head back down, I let out a long breath.

  “How does this work?” Bastian asked.

  “What do you mean?” Fischer considered him.

  “Well, Wren’s obviously our focal point, It’s only after we kissed her that things began to change,” he said. “If Paige is Pride, wouldn’t that mean…”

  I chuckled. “It would mean that I have to kiss her at the least, Bastian. Yes.”


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