Awakened by the Giant: Brides of the Kindred

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Awakened by the Giant: Brides of the Kindred Page 10

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Here.” Calden took two more pieces of blue fabric from a stack by the door and placed them on the nearest bench before sitting down.

  Maddy sat beside him and did her best to breathe in the steam, as she was apparently supposed to. It was much warmer in this room than it had been in the changing area and she could already feel sweat popping out all over her body. She wanted to talk to Calden and act casual, as though she didn’t mind sitting here naked beside him in the steam but she wasn’t sure what to say. Besides, she didn’t want to disturb the old Mentat, who seemed to be staring into space and really zoned out.

  After what felt like forever but was probably more like five minutes, the Mentat moved. Heaving himself off the bench, he hobbled to the far wall where there was another door.

  That must be the entrance to the enzyme baths.

  Maddy expected him to go through it but first he put out one seven-fingered hand and held it cupped under a small purple machine mounted on the wall beside the door. The machine made a soft purring noise and deposited a dollop of some blue gel into his palm.

  What is that? Some kind of soap dispenser? Maddy wondered. She watched with interest, wondering if the Mentat was going to rub the soap all over his gray, scaly body before going into the enzyme baths. But the only place he rubbed was the bulging pouch under his narrow chin. As he did, a long, mottled member came down and the Mentat stroked it vigorously, coating it thoroughly with the blue gel.

  Ewww! That’s his tokk—his dick! Maddy wrinkled her nose. Is that stuff lube or something? Is he jerking off right in front of us?

  But the old Mentat didn’t seem to be getting any pleasure out of the act. He just made certain that his tokk was completely covered with the gel and then went through the sliding metal door which led to the enzyme baths. Maddy caught a glimpse of what looked like a vast, purple swimming-pool, and then the door slid shut behind him, cutting off her view.

  “Okay,” she said, turning to Calden. “What was that all about?”

  “What was what all about?” He looked honestly mystified.

  “That—that rubbing his, uh, tokk with blue gel before he went into the baths!” Maddy exclaimed. She made sure to keep her voice low because she wasn’t sure how well sound carried in here but she really wanted to know.

  “Oh—he was just protecting his delicate areas from the enzymes. It’s a necessity before getting in the baths.”

  “It is?” Maddy raised her eyebrows. “So…are we going to have to put blue gel on our delicate areas too?”

  “Well…yes.” Calden shrugged as though it was no big deal. “Unless you want the enzymes to eat into your sensitive tissues, that is.”

  “Of course I don’t want that!” Maddy exclaimed. “But it’s not like I can put the gel on myself. You’ll have to, uh…” She could feel her cheeks getting hot again as she motioned with one of the oversized gloves at her naked body.

  Calden’s topaz eyes widened.

  “Forgive me—I hadn’t even considered that. Would you like to forget about the baths and just go now?”

  Maddy opened her mouth to say yes…and then reconsidered. Was she making too big a deal out of this? Clearly it was normal here—so normal that the big Kindred hadn’t even thought about it. And would it really be so bad to have those big, warm hands rubbing the blue gel into her skin?

  No, whispered a little voice in her head. It wouldn’t be so bad. In fact, it might feel good. Not that it’s a big deal—after all, the two of you aren’t even compatible. So what harm can it do?

  “Madeline?” Calden’s deep voice murmured and she realized she’d been debating for too long.

  “No,” she said at last. “I don’t want to go without a bath—I’m all sweaty now from sitting in the steam.”

  “Come, then.” Calden rose and picked up the blue fabric he’d been sitting on. “Are you ready to get in?”

  “I guess so.” Reluctantly, Maddy followed him. Calden dumped the blue fabric pieces they’d been sitting on in a nearby hamper and then held his hand under the purple dispenser. A squirt of blue gel was deposited into his palm and he rubbed it matter-of-factly over his long shaft—which was now about half-hard, Maddy couldn’t help noticing. Then he rinsed his big hands in a nearby sink, dried them on another piece of blue fabric, and got another squirt of gel.

  “Come, Madeline,” he remarked, sitting down on one of the wooden benches again. “I think it’s better for me to come down to your level,” he explained. “Here—let me protect you. Where would you say your most sensitive areas are?”

  “Um, well…my breasts I guess.” Maddy felt her heart pounding as she came to stand between his thighs. He was so big that even sitting down, as he was, he was a little taller than her. “Wait,” she said as he reached for her. “Exactly how cold is that gel?”

  “It is kind of chilly. Here, I’ll warm it for you.”

  Calden rubbed his big hands together briskly, warming the blue gel, and then reached for her again.

  Maddy bit her lip as he cupped her bare breasts gently in his palms and then rubbed gently but firmly, paying special attention to her nipples which he was careful to coat with the gel. God, she knew it shouldn’t feel good but it did. She wondered if it was affecting Calden at all but she didn’t want to look between his legs to find out.

  It’s no big deal, she told herself. We’re not even compatible.

  But try telling that to her body. As he slowly rubbed the warm gel over her breasts and nipples, she could feel her heart pounding and her breath began coming faster.

  “Calden,” she said at last. “I…I think I’m, uh, protected there now.”

  “Oh, of course. Forgive me.” He pulled his hands away—reluctantly Maddy thought. “Well, then—if you’re ready we can get in the baths.”

  “Um…” Maddy bit her lip, unsure how to broach the subject. “I, uh, have another sensitive area that needs protecting,” she pointed out at last.

  “You do?” He frowned. “Oh, you do. Of course—how stupid of me to forget.” He nodded in a businesslike way at her thighs. “All right, spread your legs so I can get to you, please.”

  It reminded Maddy a lot of the day before, when he’d washed her with the shower hose and made her come. But that had been an accident—she was sure. Now she was opening her legs for him on purpose.

  But only so he can spread gel on you to keep the enzymes in the bath from eating you up. Come on, Maddy—don’t be silly! she tried to tell herself. But she couldn’t stop the shiver of pleasure that ran through her when Calden cupped her pussy in one big, warm hand and stroked the gel over her outer pussy lips. It felt so good—like all her nerves were brand new and extra sensitive. So good that when he started to pull away, she stopped him.

  “Um…what about inside?” she asked.

  “Inside?” Calden frowned. “Inside your sex, you mean?”

  “Yes.” Maddy couldn’t believe she was saying this but suddenly she felt tingly all over—just as she had when she sniffed the strange plant back in his room—and she didn’t want to stop. “I, uh, don’t want enzymes getting in my pussy,” she pointed out, feeling her cheeks get hot. “That’s pretty much the most sensitive area I have.”

  “Oh, of course.” He frowned. “And…you would like me to stroke inside you with my fingers? To spread the protective gel over your inner folds?”

  Maddy nodded.

  “Yes. Yes, please,” she whispered. “Please, Calden—do that.”

  “As you wish.” And then long, warm fingers were spreading the outer lips of her pussy and sliding into her hot folds to cover her with the blue gel.

  “Oh!” Maddy whispered, fighting the urge to press against his fingers as they slid around and around the sensitive button of her clit. “Oh, God!”

  “Am I hurting you?” Calden stopped stroking, though his hand stayed in place, his long fingers still bracketing her clit. He looked at her anxiously.

  “No.” Maddy shook her head. “Just…I’m just sens
itive there, that’s all. Do…do you think I’m covered enough now? Uh, protected enough? Or might the enzymes go even…even deeper?”

  “Inside your sex you mean? Your…pussy?” He raised an eyebrow at her, his topaz eyes filled with an unspoken desire. The naughty word sounded hot in his deep voice and Maddy felt her lower body clench with longing. God, what was she doing? And why was she doing it? She ought to stop right now. Calden wasn’t her lover—he could never be her lover—and she’d just found out that everyone she had ever known or loved was dead. What was wrong with her?

  But that’s why I need to do this, she thought, fighting the guilty thoughts in her head. They’re gone but I’m still here. I need to feel alive, damn it! To know that I survived and I’m here, living and breathing and feeling.

  “Please, Calden,” she heard herself say. “I think…think you should go deeper, just to be on the safe side. I don’t want to take a chance that the enzymes might get, you know, up inside me.”

  “Of course,” he rumbled softly and now Maddy saw that his glowing topaz eyes were half-lidded. When she looked between his legs, she could see that his thick shaft was fully erect—and completely huge. Gods, he had a monster down there! There was no way she could ever take that between her legs.

  But I don’t need to take his cock—just his fingers, she thought and spread her thighs a little wider.

  “Please, Calden,” she said, hearing the breathless note in her own voice and not caring. “Please, touch me deeper. Make sure I’m protected.”

  “You’re so small and delicate,” he murmured and his hand began moving again, stroking her inner folds and sliding over the aching bump of her clit. “I’ll just use one finger.”

  “All right.” She nodded. “That’s all right.”

  She tried not to moan as one long finger slid down over her clit and found the aching entrance to her pussy. But she couldn’t hold back the gasp of pleasure that came to her lips as Calden slid deep inside her, filling her until he pressed against the end of her channel.

  “Oh!” Maddy threw back her head, feeling her long hair tickle her lower back as he pumped slowly into her. “Oh, yes, Calden—just like that! Please—make sure I’m protected. Keep me safe—don’t stop,” she moaned.

  Part of her was aware that she was being completely shameless but she couldn’t seem to stop—didn’t want to stop. And Calden didn’t seem to want to stop either. At least if the hungry look in his topaz eyes was anything to go by.

  “Gods, Madeline,” he murmured. “You’re so tight and wet inside! I never dreamed a female could feel this way.”

  “Because…you’re touching me,” she gasped. “Can’t help…getting wet when you pet…my pussy.”

  Calden looked both curious and aroused.

  “Forgive me, I’ve never been with a female before. Does this…what I am doing, please you? Does it really bring you that much pleasure?”

  “It more than pleases me,” Maddy assured him. “Oh God, if you’ll just rub my clit a little more, I’m so close…”

  But just then the door to the baths slid open and the old Mentat came hobbling out again.

  Both of them froze and then Calden pulled out in a quick, surreptitious motion and rose, putting himself between her and the Mentat.

  Maddy’s heart was pounding and her body still felt flushed with sexual need and unfulfilled desire. She felt like she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Only it was Calden’s hand in your cookie jar, wasn’t it? whispered a jeering little voice in her head. But you were definitely caught. I wonder how much that Mentat saw?

  It was impossible to tell. The old Mentat simply looked at Calden for a long time without saying anything. Then he shook his head and hobbled away, swaying heavily on his backwards-bending knees and broad, splayed, seven-toed feet.

  “Come,” Calden said, as the Mentat left the steam room. “I think it’s time we got into the baths.”

  Neither of them said anything as he led her through the final doorway and into a room covered in pale blue and lavender tiles. In the center was a large, perfectly round swimming pool filled with fizzing, dark purple liquid.

  “So these are the enzyme baths?” Maddy said, breaking the silence at last. Her voice echoed against the strangely tiled walls and she felt suddenly even more conspicuously naked for some reason.

  “Yes, these are the baths.” Calden’s deep voice was neutral and it was impossible to know what he thought about what the two of them had just been doing.

  Maddy scarcely knew how she felt herself. Part of her was ashamed—what was wrong with her, acting like this when she was such a new widow? But part of her felt defiant. She was all alone on an alien space station and as far as she knew, she was the only human left in the universe. That was a pretty scary situation and she had a right to seek comfort from the one male who seemed to care about her, didn’t she?

  To be honest, she didn’t know. But she did know that her body still tingled where Calden had touched her and she was still aching with desire.

  Trying to push her conflicting emotions away, Maddy stepped up to the shallow edge of the pool and dipped her toes in. The purple liquid was pleasantly warm and the way it fizzed tickled her so much she couldn’t help giggling—her feet had always been horribly ticklish although they seemed even more so now. She wondered again why her entire body, with the exception of her hands, felt so sensitive everywhere.

  Calden looked at her quizzically.

  “Does it feel all right?”

  “Yes—just ticklish. What are all the fizzing bubbles?”

  “Just the enzymes at work. Come in—just be careful, the baths get deep near the center.”

  Well, deep on the big Kindred would almost certainly be completely over her head, Maddy thought. So she waded carefully into the dark purple liquid, going in up to her calves and then her hips.

  Calden was a little ahead of her, the purple liquid still only up to mid-thigh on him even while it was at Maddy’s waist, when he took a deep breath and dove forward, deeper into the pool.

  “Oh!” She hadn’t been expecting his sudden motion and the resulting wave swept her off her feet. With a gasp, she went under, thankfully remembering to close her eyes and mouth before her head went under the surface.

  Before she could panic, strong arms were lifting her up and Calden was holding her to his chest.

  “Are you all right?” He sounded anxious.

  “I think so. But I’m afraid to open my eyes—is it safe? I don’t want any of the enzymes getting in them.”

  “The enzymes dry almost immediately,” Calden reassured her. “So if you’re not fully immersed in them, it’s safe to open your eyes.”

  “Okay.” Blinking carefully, Maddy looked up at him. “Thanks for catching me.”

  “It was my fault you went under in the first place,” he said gravely. “I was…trying to cool off. I didn’t think about the consequences to you before I dived in.”

  “Well, don’t let go of me,” Maddy said. “We’re in really deep here and I don’t know how good of a swimmer I’d be with these big, heavy gloves on.”

  “Of course I won’t let go.” Calden pulled her closer and looked into her eyes, his topaz gaze strangely intense. “I never intend to let you go, Madeline.”

  The way he was looking at her made her breath catch in her chest but Maddy told herself he was just being supportive and kind again, as he had been earlier when he told her he wouldn’t leave her alone while she was grieving.

  Some grieving, whispered the voice of guilt in her head. You’re being held naked by a huge, muscular giant in a fizzing purple pool. And you’re enjoying it!

  Maddy pushed the voice away as well as she could. What was she supposed to do—ask Calden to drop her in over her head in the enzyme pool? Why couldn’t she just relax and enjoy the warm, comforting contact of his big body against hers? Was that really so wrong?

  Yes! said the voice firmly but Maddy decided not to listen.

  “How long can we stay in here like this?” she asked Calden. “I mean…how long will the, uh, gel last before we have to start worrying about our sensitive parts getting nibbled on?”

  “The gel lasts for a good amount of time,” he assured her. “Why—do you want to get out now?”

  “No.” Maddy shook her head. “This is kind of nice—relaxing. If you don’t mind holding me why don’t we just…wade around the pool for a while?”

  “Of course I don’t mind. In fact, I enjoy it.” He looked slightly troubled as he said it. “Much more than I ever thought I could.”

  Maddy wasn’t sure what he meant—was he having doubts about what they’d been doing—or had almost done earlier—too? She thought about broaching the subject with him but to be honest, she didn’t want to. She’d had enough negative emotions lately to last her a lifetime. Right now she just wanted to relax in the big Kindred’s arms and let herself drift.

  Closing her eyes, that was exactly what she did.

  * * * * *

  Calden looked down at her, lying so trusting and naked in his arms. Gods, she was lovely! He had never before understood his Kindred brothers’ need to seek mates—to find females they could join with, bond with. Now he thought he was beginning to.


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