Silken Tales

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Silken Tales Page 2

by Christina Shelly

  Miss Stacey smiles and reports happily that Frilly is making good progress. Miss Vale knows that Miss Stacey took charge of Frilly after her sister had endured years of abuse by her ex-husband. Following a particularly messy divorce, the sister had fled back to America, leaving her son in the strict and unforgiving care of his aunt, a radical lesbian feminist.

  Frilly stares down at Miss Vale’s feet, fighting back tears of shame. He is nearly 18, and the oldest of the current sissy intake. He is subject to a particularly harsh of control at home, where is often put in the care of Miss Stacey’s lover, a star female athlete who has a deeply perverse and cruel imagination. In a way, Miss Vale feels sorry for the poor sissy.

  Following a sound slap to his nylon sheathed thighs, Frilly totters into the hallway with almost a dummy gagged sigh of relief. As Nicolette leads the stunned young man to the nursery, Miss Stacey hands over the standard bag of sissy effects. They exchange a few strained pleasantries and then Miss Stacey leaves, Miss Vale’s eyes following the confident stride of her long legs back to her BMW sports car with a dark, almost painful longing.

  Then Miss Vale closes the tall, heavy front door, picks up the four rubber bags filled with dummies, bottles and soiled panties, and heads down the long corridor to the Nursery, a smile of quiet triumph lighting up her truly beautiful face.

  It is two years since Miss Vale opened her very special school for wayward young men. It is more than three years since her husband, a multi-millionaire film producer 30 years her senior, had died and left her the fortune that has allowed her to purchase of Silk House and begin this great experiment. During her brief but lucrative marriage, she had come to realise that the only hope for the world was the subjugation of the destructive instincts of the male via radical feminisation therapy. This therapy had subsequently been carefully honed on Nicholas, the deeply submissive and utterly infatuated younger lover she had taken after her husband’s death. He had willingly submitted to sissification and then to the surgical changes that had allowed him to become the stunning she-male, Nicolette. He had been a co-operative subject with submissive femininity encoded into his personality. He had been a relatively easy object to practice her ideas on, and the results had been spectacular. The real test had been applying her ideas to less willing subjects: young men filled with aggression and hatred, tormented by biology and a society that glorified violence, oppression and greed. Young men at a certain age; boys rather than men. Males at their physical peek, overwhelmed by the most intense desires, the most uncontrollable and dangerous energies. Her plan had been to take these desires and energies and turn them inside out. A slow and delicate process that could take a year or more to produce positive outcomes: completely submissive, sissified males ready and willing to become eager she male servants.

  It is in Silk House that each year Miss Vale oversees this slow but inevitable change with four males whose behaviour has proven unmanageable. Four wayward young men who are making their female guardian’s lives a misery and urgently need radical reform. It is in this elegant, isolated house in the countryside that Miss Vale provides her unique service. A service that is expensive: the fee for the year is £50,000, which does not include the cost of the dresses and the vast array of accessories. Yes: Miss Vale’s sissy school is a particularly exclusive service for the wealthy.

  As she enters the Nursery, she is pleased to see that all four sissies have been penned, bound and their plugs set to maximum vibration.

  The Nursery is a big, high ceilinged room that had originally been a library. Now the long walls are painted a light pink. Large framed photographs of the four previous babified graduates and the four new pupils line one wall. Eventually Miss Vale will fill the entire wall with the successful products of her radical behavioural therapy.

  The room is lit by two large oval shades emitting a soft pink light and also by natural light entering via shaded French windows. In the centre of this open space are four circular play pens, each made from white mahogany, each containing one of the four sissy pupils. Each sissy is now secured in exactly the same manner: his arms bound behind his back with strong pink silk ribbons at his elbows and wrists and then bound via a further ribbon to his similarly bound ankles. Each sissy’s knees have also been tightly bound. Thus each is bound into a strict, inescapable kneeling “hogtie”.

  Each pen is filled with dolls and teddy bears provided by the sissy guardians and numerous female relatives. Each sissy is kneeling on a thick pink rubber mat which exactly fits the circumference of the pen. And each sissy is squirming with an intense mixture of humiliation, discomfort and powerful, inescapable sexual pleasure.

  Beneath each sissy’s mass of sweet feminine frills, there is a hidden secret, the secret of a control that ensures obedience and, increasingly, submission to the fate Miss Vale has so carefully designed for each of her pretty, helpless pupils. This is the secret of the restrainer and the anal plug. At the very beginning of their induction into sissy school, each forcibly feminised young man is fitted with a pink latex rubber restraining device, which is stretched tightly over oiled, teased and violently erect cocks and bulging balls. This is held in place with two silver rings –one slotted tightly into position beneath the head of the circumcised cock (circumcision being an absolute condition of entry into Miss Vale’s sissy school), and one slotted around the balls. The rings and the rubber restrainer allow nearly full erection, but make ejaculation impossible. However, each fiendish rubber device has a head covered in micro-perforations to allow urination. And since their arrival at the school five months earlier, none of the sissies have been allowed any form of sexual release. Given their age, this deliberate suppression of what in any healthy young male is a furious energy has left the poor sissies in a permanent state of deeply tormenting sexual frustration. Yet this frustration is perhaps Miss Vale’s most powerful weapon of control. It is the means by which the sexuality of the sissies is gradually directed away from the aggressive objectification of the female towards absolute submission to all females and a deep and addictive love of every aspect of their sissification.

  Then there is the anal plug: the second vital tool in the control and redirection of sissy sexuality, and also the inescapable guarantor of good behaviour. The plug, also fitted at the very beginning of the training year, is phallus-shaped and made from pink plastic. It resembles and has some of the properties of a vibrator, and is inserted deep into the anus of each of the unfortunate sissy pupils. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, the plug can be controlled remotely, and each member of Miss Vale’s staff is issued with a mobile device capable of activating all the functions of the plug. These functions include 4 levels of teasing vibration, the ability to heat up and the ability to release a powerful skin irritant. The two later functions of the plug are of particular importance in ensuring submission to the rigors of the training regime (as each sissy has discovered on a number of occasions!) However, as Miss Vale surveys her four tightly bound and helpless sissy beauties, the plugs are serving their most important function: a powerful and irresistible source of penetrative sexual stimulation. This stimulation is given even more force by the terrible frustration of sexual release that this ensured by the restrainer.

  The two tools of control thus work together to restructure the formidable matrix of male desire, moving the source of stimulation from the cock to the arse, from the male penetrative tool to the deeply feminine orifice of the exposed and helpless sissy arsehole. And this is only the beginning. At the beginning of each term a longer and thicker plug is inserted, stretching and teasing the arse even more intensely. Also, from the beginning of this second term – this term - the pretty, ultra-feminised pupils will begin to learn the strange pleasures of sissy love. Over the next 12 weeks, gradually but surely, the four sissies will be partnered and, under Nicolette’s expert instruction, transformed into lovers. By the end of the current term, the powerful sexual energy of the young male will have been re-channelled into not just an intense desire f
or sissification and submission, but also into a desire for each other.

  As the sissies struggle and moan in their playpens, four sets of angry, sex tormented eyes turn towards the strikingly beautiful figure of Miss Vale. The gorgeous mistress beholds her charges with a sense of deep satisfaction, revelling in absolute power and the profound conviction that she is surely doing the right thing.

  She stares down at each sissy in turn, deliberately holding each tortured gaze with a look that mixes both maternal care and stern, unforgiving authority. It is immediately clear that, despite their bizarre fate, each of the young sissified males is deeply and helplessly attracted to the buxom form of the headmistress: their tormented eyes cannot resist feeding on Miss Vale’s strikingly curvaceous body. They desire her despite everything, and soon they will desire the absolute submission that is at the heart of Miss Vale’s training method.

  A smile crosses her beautiful blood red lips as she studies the elaborate costumes of each pretty sissy charge. Once again she finds herself marvelling at the wicked inventiveness of the female guardians. It is a condition of Miss Vale’s sissy school that each guardian is a collaborator in the process of training and transformation. Each has played a crucial role in the design of “the look” of their sissy charge, working with specialist designers employed by the school to come up with a wardrobe that reflects a unique and always amusingly outrageous approach to sissy costuming. Each guardian also ensures the continuation of the strict sissification regime when the pretty, helpless and deeply humiliated charges are at home, during weekends and holidays. Thus, there is a profound and mutual partnership between the staff of the school and the guardians.

  Miss Vale turns her gaze upon the wondrous form of Nicolette. The perfect she-male, the model for all that has followed. As usual, she is aware that the sissies are trying to avoid looking at this beautiful creature in her deeply erotic and teasing costume. For if they do, they will confess a terrible, inescapable and shame inducing desire. Their shame is caused by a simple, tormenting fact: all four sissies have been made very clearly aware that Nicolette, despite her absolutely convincing appearance, is a she-male. For all four sissies were, in the early days of their training, exposed to Nicolette’s beautiful and rather unique naked form. “She-Male Anatomy” had been an hour long class in the first, very demanding week of sissy training. It had been during this class that the four had been made aware of their strange destiny as Nicolette had revealed herself naked, her body that of a stunning sex goddess, plus the startling addition of a tightly restrained, long and very hard cock.

  There had been much squealing and sobbing that particular morning. All four plugs had, in the end, been set to release a short, intense heat followed by a dose of the very powerful skin irritant. Later, Miss Vale had personally administered a sound spanking to each sissy.

  But despite what they know, the sissies remain helplessly attracted to the gorgeous Nicolette. And during this term, Nicolette will break any final resistance: soon each of these pretty, shamed sissy boys will be her willing and devoted plaything.

  A collective squeal of fear fills the scented air as the Matron, Margaret Hollywell, enters the room. A very plump but also attractive woman in her mid-fifties, the Matron inspires a deep and justified fear in all the sissy charges; for it is the Matron who is responsible for their body hygiene, discipline and general health. She also oversees the medical aspects of the transformative process. Each of the pretty sissy charges has learnt that the Matron is a figure to be feared and obeyed without question. She has demonstrated herself to be a very strict disciplinarian with a wide variety of ingenious and deeply humiliating punishments for even the slightest infraction of the school’s many regulations.

  Miss Hollywell is clad in a tight white uniform dress that quite deliberately accentuates her considerable form, especially her very large bosom, broad hips and large, yet shapely backside. Her legs, long and strong, are sheathed in white nylon tights, and she is wearing white patent leather, stiletto heeled courts hoes. Her thick, wavy blond hair is bound in a tight bun, on top of which is pinned a classic white nurse’s cap. Her eyes are a startling sky blue and her lips a deep blood red. Overall her face is plump, with an obvious double chin, but still incredibly pretty.

  The Matron is followed into the nursery by Miss Myriam Duvall, the School’s femininity instructor. A gorgeous French blonde in her mid thirties, Miss Duvall is an ex-ballet dancer, who is responsible for training the sissies in all aspects of their movement, deportment, make up and dress. In the first term of the academic year, her focus had been mainly on sissy movement. Increasingly in the second term and during almost all of the third and final term, her focus will be on the make and dress of the emerging she-males.

  Miss Duvall is dressed in very tight black leggings and a matching, equally tight, black nylon sweater. Knee length, stiletto-heeled black leather boots add to the impression of a sleek, utterly unforgiving dominatrix, as does her short blonde hair and dark brown eyes, which are filled with a bright sadistic fire. Her lips, full and glistening, are painted soft peach. Her fit, precise form, with its exquisite dancer’s figure and grace, reflects her absolute commitment to physical fitness and the power of appearance, a commitment she demands of her sissy charges with an unforgiving passion.

  Despite their almost exactly opposite figures and dress, the two women have one item of clothing in common – a thick leather utility belt. Miss Hollywell’s is white, and Miss Duvall’s black. Attached to both are some of the tools of control vital to the day to day management of the sissy pupils. First there is the crop, a beautiful ivory handled riding crop used to encourage and discipline. Then there is the retardant spray, used at certain points to reduce the tumescence of the sissies constantly erect cocks. Then there is the anal plug remote control. And finally, there is the electronic key that can open and lock every door in the building.

  Miss Vale also wears a version of the belt, with the same items attached. As the two other women approach her, she releases the remote and uses it to turn off the fiercely vibrator and teasing plugs.

  ‘Margaret, can you start with Tammy and Daisy this morning. I suggest an extra strong enema, given the amount of time they’ve gone without a good cleansing, followed by the first of the stage two injections.’

  Tammy and Daisy, although relieved of the terrible torment of the plugs, release well gagged squeals of horror and fear at the mention of enemas and injections. Their eyes wide with fear and outrage, they struggle uselessly against their tight bonds and shake their pretty, bonneted heads furiously.

  ‘I also suggest a very sound spanking followed by a dose of the skin irritant.’

  As the two sissies struggle and squeal, a broad, cruel smile curves Miss Hollywell’s perfect lips. ‘It will be my pleasure, Headmistress,’ she says, gesturing abruptly for Nicolette to prepare the sissies for the next stage of their bizarre, tormenting day.

  ‘And Myriam, can you take Frilly for the first make up class, please.’

  Miss Duvall smiles and whispers a husky ‘Qui, Madame’ before turning her powerful gaze on a terrified, but quite mute Frilly Rubber Doll.

  ‘And for Cindy,’ Miss Vale says, turning her own devastating gaze on the very prettiest of the sissies, ‘I think we’ll start with a suckle.’

  The very feminine, doe-eyed sissy looks up at the Headmistress with a mixture of fear and arousal. The other sissies are no doubt filled with envy, but at some point in the next week, their suffering will also be briefly relived by the teasing pleasures of a suckle session with Miss Vale. Each of these pretty, elaborately sissified creatures will have the opportunity to suckle like little baby girls on the large, perfectly formed breasts of the astonishing beautiful Headmistress.

  Soon, all four sissies are ready for the first activity of what will be a very busy and endlessly humiliating day. Thanks to Nicolette’s deceptive physical strength and the liberal application of Miss Hollywell’s crop, Tammy and Daisy are standing before the i
mpressive matron, their hands and elbows bound tightly behind their backs. Each has now been fitted with a sissy training collar, a very high and thick and made from white leather, that makes any movement of the neck and head impossible. Attached to the front of the collar is a silver chain leash. The leather handles of the leashes are held in Miss Hollywell’s rubber gloved hands.

  Their eyes cast modestly and fearfully downward, their white nylon sheathed legs held closely together, the sissies fight back sobs of fear, their nostrils tormented by the Matron’s powerful musk perfume, their eyes fighting to rise from the floor towards the hugely alluring spectacle of her large, heaving bosom.

  Frilly is similarly bound, and clearly intensely aroused. The poor sissy, despite his fear and humiliation, is quite overwhelmed by the elegant beauty of Miss Duvall. Holding the leash in one hand, she steps forward and tickles him under the chin with the other, whispering teasing baby talk in French. If it wasn’t for the restrainer, the poor sissy beauty would probably ejaculate on the spot.

  And then there is Cindy, pretty and so very feminine Cindy. Also, bound, collared and leashed, she stares up at Miss Vale with wide, fearful and sex maddened eyes. The petite beauty knows that she is to be the first that week to be taken to Miss Vale’s private rooms and subject to the strange but incredible ritual of “suckling”. In only a few minutes, she will be sitting on the headmistresses lap, still tightly bound. But the collar and the fat dummy gag will have been removed. The gorgeous, mature Miss Vale will have slowly opened her dress to reveal her large bosom straining behind the brassiere section of a white, elastane panelled corselette. Astonished and made truly desperate by months of awfully frustrating restraint, Cindy will be unable to stifle a moan of deep, angry pleasure. Then the headmistress will unclip the front of the brassiere and reveal her wonderful breasts. Tears of need will pour from Cindy’s pretty eyes before Miss Vale guides his head towards the nipple of her left breast. His lips, painted a bright sissy pink, will willingly wrap around the long, hard nipple and he will begin instinctively to suck. Miss Vale will whisper sweet baby talk and gently rock her sissy charge, her free hand stroking his nylon sheathed thighs. This baby talk will slowly collapse into moans of pleasure and a final girlish cry of ecstasy.


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