Silken Tales

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Silken Tales Page 29

by Christina Shelly

  'Go to the stool and put your left foot upon it,' Ms Kane ordered.

  Frilly nodded weakly, moaning very slightly into the tightly sealed panty gag so erotically filling his mouth, and then moved towards the stool. As he took these few tentative, nervous steps, he once again felt the anal plug move deeper into the greased depths of his arse, and his moan grew helplessly louder. From now on, each step taken would be a stunning sexual tease!

  Once at the stool, he carefully placed a delicately hosed foot upon it and watched with a rapt fascination as Daisy eased the open end of the boot over his white nylon sealed toes and then began to pull it firmly up the slender, feminine length of his foot, over his ankle and into a final place that reached just below his knee. And it was as Daisy positioned the boot that Frilly saw the fierce and very frightening five inch heel. His eyes widened with horror and, once again, Ms Kane's cruel laugh filled the room.

  'Don't worry, Frilly,' she teased, 'you'll get used to it - eventually!'

  The other women added their own mocking laughter to hers and Frilly felt his body consumed by humiliation shot through with dreadful masochistic desire.

  Daisy zipped up the boot and then helped him place his now very high-heeled foot on the floor beside his unadorned foot. Immediately he felt unbearably lopsided and was sure he would lose he balance. But, to his surprise, his stepmother stepped forward and gripped his right shoulder.

  'Careful now, my pretty,' she whispered, her voice suddenly filled with maternal concern, even love.

  He looked up into her beautiful blue eyes and felt a sudden, overwhelming adoration. For the first time in many years, he saw a genuine feeling for him, a feeling informed by admiration and possessive interest. Yes, now he was hers in a way that made her want him. Now he was she, or rather a fascinating middle ground between a he and a she: a beautiful, submissive sissy.

  He smelt her powerful perfume and his eyes caressed her soft, full, cherry lips and gently heaving, perfectly shaped bosom. The sex whirlpool widened and sped up. He felt another wave of the sex drug tidal wave crash across his so expertly feminised form. Suddenly, once again, the world was sex, unbearable and beautiful, painful and gorgeous, ecstatic and eternal. He could hear the rustle of her silk blouse against her large, soft breasts, the sound of her black nylon tights rubbing sensually against her firm, elegantly formed thighs, the gentle squeak of her hosed feet in her black patent leather, high-heeled pumps. Every sound a sex sound; every smell a sex smell; every image a vision of endless sexual potential.

  While his stepmother held him in place, Daisy gently helped his other foot onto the leather backed stool and carefully positioned the second boot in place. Then, to his amazement, he was standing straight, still supported by his gorgeous, proud stepmother, in the so high-heeled boots. Suddenly he was truly in a different world, the astonishing world of the sexy sissy slave!

  'Balance is all about confidence and grace,' Ms Kane said, her tone now much softer. 'It is important to stand straight, to keep your legs close together and your hands level with your hips. Then take small, slow steps. Almost immediately you will feel the type of walk the boots demand.'

  He felt himself adjust his position towards the posture Ms Kane described. His stepmother released her grip and he felt himself begin to fall. There was an immediate sense of sickening panic. He tottered forward desperately, swaying, his arms waving like some crazed sissy robot. He saw and felt his exposed, restrained cock move clumsily with each fearful, wayward step. All pleasure suddenly disappeared in a storm of immediate and overwhelming humiliation. He heard Ms Kane and Ms Erickson laugh. Maybe there was a high pitched sissy titter from the lovely Daisy. But then, just as he was about to collapse in an embarrassing heap on the floor, there was a strange moment of suspended time, a shocking instance of inner stillness, as if the Feminine was reaching out to save him from the crushing embarrassment of spectacular failure. Suddenly, his stride became more confident, something in his balance "clicked". The women's laughter faded as Frilly's movements in the sharp, precarious, balance-defying heels became more assured and much, much more feminine.

  He found himself taking the small steps described by Ms Kane. He felt his buttocks begin to wiggle and his hips begin to sway. He felt his delicately hosed thighs rub together and the constantly teasing plug edge deeper into his tormented anus. He moaned with a harsh, angry, ecstatic delight into the pungent, tightly sealed panty gag and his sensually imprisoned cock reared up before him and his astonished, aroused captors with a fierce pride. He found his arms falling to his sides, his hands raised slightly. And with each slight, helplessly sexy step he felt himself consumed by the Feminine and the new sissy identity assert itself. He faded and she emerged in ten confident totters. And there was no struggle, no denial…no resistance. She was born in happiness and acceptance. And love.

  She – the new, exquisite, gorgeous Frilly – looked up at her mother and her pretty, girlish eyes smiled with a simple confession of pride and deep pleasure. Her stepmother's own smile widened, a smile of pride and excitement, and she nodded her profound approval. Yes, Frilly was a natural.

  'Very good,' Ms Kane whispered. 'Very good indeed.'

  There was a pause, as if the women were considering their next move, as if, in this so carefully orchestrated ritual of transformation, there might be room for some form of even kinkier improvisation.

  'I think it’s time we let Frilly behold the marvel of her transformation,' Ms Kane said, her voice tinged with genuine admiration for the surprising fact of the sissy's creation.

  Daisy stepped forward, her own gaze now laced with an even more powerful film of pure desire and took Frilly's silk mittened right hand in her own silk sheathed left hand. She then led the newly born sissy towards the long, tall wardrobe that dominated the far wall.

  Frilly found that her heart was now pounding with a tense, almost sickening anticipation. As she tottered forward, aware of shocked, aroused female eyes falling upon her tightly silk sealed bottom as it wiggled with a helpless provocation, she was aware of her need for this revelation, a need punctuated by the ever teasing impact of the plug and the constant waves of powerful sexual pleasure provided by the sex drug. And even as she surrendered to this carefully designed fate, she knew her acceptance was mostly the result of sinister chemicals flooding her body and her own unyielding desire channelled by the wicked, sensual machinations of these gorgeous, cruel and utterly determined women.

  As Frilly approached the wardrobe, Daisy slid back the long left panel. She pressed a small red button built into the inside of the panel and, to Frilly's surprise; a full length mirror began to descend from directly above the wardrobe, driven by a lightly humming and unseen electric motor. It gracefully lowered itself into the space created by the opened panel and Daisy encouraged Frilly to step before it.

  And it was then that Frilly beheld the astonishing fact of her physical reality for the first time. A moan of deep surprise fought to escape her sealed lips, her eyes widened with an eroticised amazement. This was the startling truth of her, the incredible fact of the Feminine.

  Before her was a vision of true beauty and stunning ambivalence. At first sight, a lovely teenage girl in a strikingly childish and also deeply erotic outfit. A blue eyed blonde, with a slender, boyish figure, encased in the tight satin of the sissy suit so cruelly designed by her gorgeous, beloved stepmother. Frilly looked upon her form and found herself enveloped by a powerful narcissistic arousal: I am so beautiful and yet so strange; I am my own object of dark and perverse desire. She looked at her perfectly formed, white nylon sheathed legs and felt both intense pride and angry need – the legs of a truly beautiful young woman. She felt the plug tease her arse as she brought her thighs together to accentuate their feminine contours and moaned into the pungent, soft and still warm panties of the striking, fierce Ms Erickson. This gagged, elegantly sissified creature was truly astonishing!

  And then, of course, there was her sex: her long, so very hard sex, s
ealed so carefully in rubber and satin, and held firm against her lower stomach. An object of erotic beauty and provocative decoration, the ultimate symbol of her enforced feminisation, her submission, her sweet silken slavery. She looked at her sex and then up into her own eyes and realised she was both completely enslaved and free in a way she had never been before. She felt desire wash over her like a wave of startling revelation. She looked, via the mirror, at the women standing behind her, their smiles no longer filled with cruelty, mockery and contempt. In their eyes she saw pride and desire, fascination and genuine surprise.

  'Our best yet, without a doubt,' Ms Kane whispered.

  Onanda Erickson smiled weakly and nodded, astonished and excited, an excitement that momentarily revealed her always present cruelty. 'Perhaps we should get on now,' she said, her eyes suddenly turning to the helpless, forgotten form of poor Bonnie.

  Ms Kane, shaken from her erotic contemplation, nodded firmly. 'Yes, absolutely. There's still lots to do. We have to present Frilly to the ladies and get Bonnie packed off.'

  It was at the mention of her name that the tethered sissy, silent and still in her babified bondage during most of Frilly's transformation, suddenly came back to terrified life. Her eyes widened and she squealed into the fat, tightly secured dummy gag. She fought her inescapable bounds and shook her head angrily. NO! her lovely eyes said. PLEASE, NO!

  As this display of utter terror was unleashed, Bonnie's mother, the gorgeous, cold eyed Ms Erickson, walked up to the struggling, squealing sissy, a dark, almost aroused smile on her face and turned a mocking, contemptuous gaze upon her pretty sissy son.

  'You had your chance, Bonnie. You could have been as lovely and happy as Frilly will surely be. I gave you a wonderful opportunity to escape the limits of your selfish, aggressive masculinity, and you refused it. Now you must pay the price.'

  She moved much closer to Bonnie and the rather lovely sissy suddenly fell still and silent, her big blue eyes caught in the steel trap of her mother's unforgiving and very beautiful gaze.

  Ms Erickson placed a gentle kiss on Bonnie's marble forehead and let her large, scented breasts brush against his chin. Then she straightened her stunning body and took up position behind the high chair. She kicked off a small brake by one of the wheeled legs with a gleaming stiletto heeled court shoe and wheeled Bonnie towards the door. Poor Bonnie tried to turn and plead further with her mother, but any real movement in the tight sissy bounds was impossible. So, in a final despair, she was reduced to a tightly dummy gagged whimpering of utter defeat and dejection, a prisoner on the way to the gallows.

  As Bonnie was wheeled out of the room, Ms Kane stepped in front of a stunned, furiously aroused Frilly. From a pocket in her tight, elegant skirt she produced a small black metal console, fitted with a strange red plastic dial.

  'Remember Bonnie's fate well, my pretty little sissy love. Although you seem to have adapted to your new role rather well, there will be times, in the coming days, when rebellion is the only thing on your mind. Remember her fate then and remember she could easily become you.'

  Frilly nodded very slightly, her pretty eyes wide with fear and desire, and Ms Kane smiled. She then turned the dial slightly and Frilly became immediately aware of a deep, highly pleasurable buzzing growing within the plug. She moaned with shocked surprise and pleasure as the buzz quickly became highly arousing

  'This is pleasure level 1. It is the standard for well-behaved sissies and will remain constant while you please your mistresses. If you fail them in anyway, the dial can be adjusted to three punishment levels. A probe deep in the plug heats up the plastic material and makes it increasingly uncomfortable, dependant on the severity of your naughtiness. I suggest you avoid displeasing your mistresses, as the pain can be…considerable. At the same time, if you are particularly well behaved or do something that really pleasures your mistresses, then there are pleasure levels 2 and 3.'

  Frilly felt the deep, teasing vibrations travel from her stretched anus, between her legs and into her erotically imprisoned sex. Pure, blind desire was consuming her soul in wave after wave of pure, almost unbearable pleasure. She curtsied deeply before the wonderful Ms Kane and felt the bliss of utter, ultra-feminine submission. Then she followed behind the stunning dominatrix, who was joined by the buxom, beautiful and clearly highly aroused Mrs Parsons.

  Frilly's eyes were drawn automatically to the teasing bottoms of the two gorgeous women, Ms Kane's tight , long black skirt deliberately describing the outline of two perfectly formed, carefully maintained orbs, still ripe, yet also filled with the promise of a deeply sexual maturity. Then there was her stepmother's truly spectacular bottom, undeniably large in the taut, sensual prison of the shorter check skirt, a most erotic and pleasing tribute to her ample beauty.

  As Frilly tottered behind the two women, her hard, imprisoned and outrageously exposed sex swaying helplessly before her, a savage and deeply sado-erotic symbol of her absolute subjugation to the Feminine, the gentle buzzing of the plug a constant and ecstatic presence, a presence made even more all pervasive by the small steps demanded by the fiendishly high heeled boots, she experienced a bliss beyond reason. Driven, undoubtedly, by the suddenly increased power of the sex drug's wicked effect, Frilly was consumed and reborn in the fires of a need that seemed to have opened a portal into a new, hyper-sexed universe of external desire. Every sense was again electrified and amplified. The sound of sheer nylon rubbing against silken thigh, the strong, erotic scents of his mistresses, the taste of Ms Erickson's sex filling the pretty she-male's panty filled mouth, the feel of silk, of rubber, of nylon, of her body encased in the delicate fabrics of her inescapable and increasingly astonishing feminisation, the sight of this great display of beautiful and furiously desirable dominant womanhood. Yes this was supreme masochistic ecstasy.

  And behind her, the stunning form of the wondrous Daisy. Frilly could feel the other sissy's eyes burning into her helplessly sensual form, could feel her gaze caressing her silk encased, ultra-shapely behind as it wiggled sweetly, the result of an increasingly feminine totter demanded by the kinky heels and her increasingly sissified soul. She exaggerated the wiggle for Daisy's benefit, a display of desire, a promise of the pleasures to come. She thought of Daisy training her in the ways of the fully submissive, expert sissy and her cock stretched even more furiously against its feminine prison as it swayed helplessly from side to side before her.

  Then they were back in the strange, large oval room and Frilly was, to her deep embarrassment and intense pleasure, finally on full and glorious display, the latest edition to Ms Kane's amazing Silken Illusion.

  The new edition to this gloriously perverse sissy menagerie was led to the centre of the room, following the beautiful mistresses and poor, helpless Bonnie, who had now become, once again, extremely agitated. Wheeled forward by his smiling mother, the doomed sissy began to look around him wildly, taking in the surreal facts of the room with wide, terrified eyes and squealing angrily into his inescapable dummy gag. As he struggled, the thick layers of petticoating attached to his short cherry coloured satin dress expanded like lace sails and revealed his white nylon sheathed thighs and heavily be-frilled white silk panties. His terror was awful and also, intensely erotic. Once again Frilly found herself helplessly aroused by Bonnie's terrible fate and by his desperate fear.

  Once in the centre of the room, this strange party came to a gentle halt and turned to face the stage. Frilly looked up to see the other sissies still on parade, but re-arranged by their own cunningly kinky mistresses. The four sissies, Tinkles, Fifi, Candy and Poppy, had been divided into sets of two. Their arms had been bound tightly behind their backs at the wrists and elbows with thick pink ribbons tied in pretty fat bows. A very thick, pink leather belt had been used to bind them together face to face at the waist. More pink leather belting had been applied to their shoulders, knees and ankles, thus binding even more tightly and intimately together, so tightly in fact that their faces were pressed together as firml
y as their bodies. The beautiful, dainty sissies were also writhing helplessly and the sound of loud, relentless buzzing echoed down from the stage. Frilly knew immediately that they too were plugged and that the vibrating motor in each plug was set to full pleasure mode.

  Their mistresses were gathered in a group by the stage, laughing at some witty remark from a new member of this strange, perverse troupe. Indeed, there were two new women: a very tall and stunningly beautiful brunette and an equally striking Asian woman. In the midst of the obviously impressed mothers and guardians, the brunette looked over at Ms Kane and her kinky party and her beaming smile widened even further, a light of confidence, control and dark humour shining from large honey brown eyes.

  ' At last! I thought you'd keep me waiting until midnight.'

  The woman's voice was deep and foreign, a husky Eastern European accent laced with a powerful sensuality.

  Ms Kane smiled patiently and nodded. 'Yes, apologies, Irena. But I'm sure Bonnie is worth the wait.'

  The brunette's eyes fixed on the struggling, terrified form of poor Bonnie and her smile was immediately widened by cruel arousal. She stepped through the group of fawning women and strode over to her new toy.

  Irena Silkov was devastating. Despite her natural height, she wore at least three inch stiletto heeled, black patent leather court shoes. She had the longest, most perfectly shaped legs that Frilly had ever seen, legs sheathed in sheer charcoal coloured nylon, legs revealed right up to the edge of her thighs thanks to a black leather mini-skirt. A perfectly cut black silk jacket covered her broad shoulders. Beneath the jacket she wore a very tight white nylon sweater that revealed a pair of large, firm and particularly shapely breasts. She wore her thick black hair in a tight bun held in place with a dagger-shaped diamond clasp. Her lips were painted a thick strawberry and a small beauty spot rested to right of her lower lip. Poor Frilly had never seen such a gorgeous image of dominant womanhood.


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