The Professor

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The Professor Page 13

by Kelli Callahan

  Her hips stutter and her mouth drops. The first few seconds are quiet as she gathers her breath and once the orgasm hits her, the creamy flesh flushes and she cries out my name at the top of her lungs.

  Like I said, she’s a screamer, and I fucking love it. I want everyone to know what we are doing.

  I thrust inside her four more times before I come, unloading every drop into the con— my line of thought vanishes when I realize I’m not wearing one. No wonder it feels so good while I pour myself inside her.

  I have no regrets. It’s something we should have talked about, but I almost want her to be pregnant, then maybe she’ll stop running away from me.

  She collapses on top of me, and I move her hair out of my face. “That was amazing,” she giggles, placing a kiss on my chest.

  Guilt creeps into me and I sigh, “Abby? We need to talk about something.”

  She lifts her head and props her chin in her hand. “What is it?”

  “I didn’t wear a condom. I’m sorry. I didn’t even realize until it was too late.”

  “It’s okay. I’m on birth control. I might have been a virgin, but it helped regulate me… you know, monthly.”

  I flip her onto her back and thrust my still-hard cock inside her again. “Why am I just now finding out about this? I could have had you bare so many other times, seeing my come leak from that sweet pussy.”

  “Bryce!” she gapes at me, blushing, then slaps my chest.

  “What?” I flex my hips, feeling my come coat us as I push inside her again. “Like you don’t like it.” I don’t know what’s gotten into me. She’s turned me into a monster, but I just can’t seem to help myself.

  We only have tonight before we are out in the real world again. We have dinner with my parents tomorrow night and right now is the time I have to prove to her that I’m the man for her, regardless of my last name. Regardless of the fact that I’m a Marshall.

  I don’t care about our last names. I only care about us being together.

  I’m going to show her how much I need her.

  How much I love her.

  And then maybe, she’ll finally get the idea of how serious I am about us.

  Chapter Eighteen


  He wants me to meet the family.

  Oh, god. This isn’t a good idea. Why can’t we go back to the villa where we had such wild, passionate sex, I nearly forgot who I was?

  “You look like you’re about to throw up,” Lucy says, lounging on the sofa and eating a bowl of popcorn while I’m dressed in a black dress, black heals, my mom’s pearls, and have my hair in a French twist.

  I don’t even feel like myself.

  “I feel like I’m going to throw up.”

  “Everything is going to be fine. It’s better off this way. Love can’t remain hidden. It never works. Someone is bound to get hurt,” Lucy says, wise beyond her years.

  When I got back from my trip with Bryce, Lucy was home when he dropped me off and I spilled my guts to her. He’s a professor, I’m his student, it’s forbidden, he is the mayor’s son, blah, blah, and all she did was squeal and begged me to tell her more.

  So here I am.

  The only people I want to hide it from now are Bryce’s parents. I know it isn’t going to go well.

  A knock at the door has me frozen in place.

  “Oh for crying out loud,” Lucy says, setting her bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. She opens the door and grins at Bryce. “Well, come on in. I’m Lucy.”

  “Bryce,” he says, kissing my sister on the cheek. “I’ve heard a lot about you Lucy.”

  “And I have heard everything about you, Bryce.” My sister openly checks out my boyfriend, horrifying me, and I run to his side, push him out the door, and scowl at my sister.

  “Is that so?” Bryce raises his voice so Lucy can hear him from outside. “Hope to hear more later.”

  “You bet. Have fun!” Lucy calls out before she closes the door.

  “You told her about us, huh?” he sounds smug. “And just what have you told her?” He opens the passenger side door to the car for me. When I sit down he leans in and lays a hand on my thigh. “Did you tell her how much I make you scream?”

  “No! I’d never tell my sister that.” I did. “And I do not scream.” I most definitely do.

  He tosses his head back and closes the door, then hurries around the front of the car. He opens his door and climbs into the driver’s side, buckles up, and begins to back out of the driveway.

  So this is it.

  This is where my life ends.

  I really do want to throw up.

  “Everything is going to be fine.”

  I don’t say anything because he doesn’t know if anything is going to be okay. The ride is silent, and I fiddle with my mom’s pearls, one of the few things I have left from her and take a deep breath. It isn’t long before we are crossing the train tracks and immediately the run-down homes turn into nice four-story houses.

  What the hell am I doing?

  We continue driving, passing huge ranches. The mountains are in the distance somewhere but it’s too dark to tell. Fifteen minutes later we arrive in front of the house. It’s plantation style home with four large columns in front. The entrance is round with French doors painted red.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you,” he says, bringing my hand to this mouth and kissing the top.

  I give him a small smile, somewhat reassured, and nearly whimper when he lets go of me to get out of the car. He looks so handsome tonight. He is wearing black trousers and a black suit jacket with a white button-up shirt, without the tie.

  Shame. I had ideas about that tie.

  He opens the door for me again and holds out his hand to help me out. I slide my palm into his and stand, my heels tapping against the pavement. “You look stunning tonight, Abby. I’m a lucky man.”

  His compliment makes me feel at ease. “And I’m a lucky woman.”

  He holds out his elbow and stands straight. “Shall we?”

  I don’t say anything, just loop my arm through his and begin walking. When we make our way up the steps the doors open, and Holly is there to great us.

  “Abby!” she says happily, bursting with joy when she sees me. She gives me a big hug and I’m a little taken back, but I return it.

  “Hi, Holly,” I chuckle.

  “So glad you’re here. Mom and Dad are at it again, Bryce.”

  Bryce groans and lays his hand on my lower back. “Let’s just get this night over with and then maybe we will never return.”

  As good as that sounds, he also sounds like he is dreading tonight. Is it because of me? Is he nervous too?

  “Come on, let’s eat,” Holly drags me inside by the wrist and Bryce chuckles.

  “Holly, is that Bryce?”

  That has to be the Mayor.

  “Does he have the Police Chief’s daughter with him?” he asks from the other room.

  My heart sinks. Why does he want Bryce to be with Charlie?

  “I’ll explain later,” Bryce whispers in my ear.

  Damn right he will.

  A young woman on the Mayor’s arm enters the foyer, which is bigger than my living room, kitchen, and bedroom combined.

  Hell, it’s bigger than my entire house.

  There is a chandelier above my head, a butler to the left, and a double spiral staircase ahead. I’m so far out of my element, I’m in space.

  The mayor is older with grey eyes and hair to match. He is wearing a pristine suit and tie and a scowl on his face when he sees me on his son’s arm. The woman on his arm is young, beautiful, and has a bit of mascara under her eyes as if she’s been crying or maybe it’s just been a long day. She doesn’t look happy though.

  “Hello,” she greets with a large perfect smile. “I’m Diana. Bryce’s stepmom. Welcome, welcome. We are so excited to meet you…”

  “Abigale,” I manage to say through a flaming face.

  “Abigale Knight,” the May
or adds, looking at me with distaste. “Any relation to Noah Knight?”

  “Michael,” Diana hisses.

  “I’m just trying to get to know our guest better, dear,” he says with a pinched, sour expression and forced smile.

  “Dad,” Bryce warns, and Mr. Mayor rolls his eyes.

  “You all are so dramatic. I’m only asking.”

  “Yes,” I say quickly so this interaction can be over as soon as possible. “Noah is my father.”

  “Must be hard on you and your family with your dad in prison.”

  “We manage,” I say.

  “Following in dad’s footsteps, are we?”

  I gasp at his question and Bryce stands in front of me. “You will not talk to her that way.”

  “It’s just a question, Bryce.”

  “You know it’s not. She’s nothing like her father.”

  “That’s great. I just want to make sure my son has the best, that’s all.”

  I flick my eyes down because I know Bryce could have a better woman with more money and a prestigious family.

  “Come on,” Diana casts a glare at her husband, an evil look that doesn’t match the beautiful peach gown she is wearing. “Let’s eat before it gets cold.”

  “We will meet you in there,” Mr. Mayor says, looking over Bryce’s shoulder. “I just want a moment with her so we can start over. I promise. Nothing else,” he says.

  Bryce and Diana look at me and I let out a breath, wanting to be anywhere else but here. “It’s fine,” I say with a smile. “Just a quick chat, right Mr. Mayor?”

  He grins. “That’s right.”

  Bryce leans in and gives me a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll be right in the other room and I’m sorry,” he whispers.

  “It’s okay. I expected it,” I answer softly so his dad can’t hear me.

  “Come on, Holly,” Diana says to her daughter, wrapping her arm around Holly’s shoulder to guide her to the dining room.

  Bryce gives his dad the evil eye before leaving and if looks could kill, the Mayor would drop dead.

  The kind smile turns wicked and he takes a step closer when we are alone, placing a hand on my shoulder. “I don’t know why you are with my son or what he sees in you,” his father says, making tears prickle in my eyes.

  But I steel my nerves. I won’t let this man bully me because that’s all he is.

  A big bully.

  “But apparently he needs to get the rebellion out of his system before settling down. I’m sure you’re good in the sack, which is what is keeping him around, but I won’t let my son stay with the daughter of a drug dealer. My family means too much to me to let you ruin it with your blood. God forbid if you two had kids,” he says, his words stabbing me in the heart like knives. He reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a check. “So how much is it that you want?”

  “Excuse me?” I sneer, taken aback by not only the rude and unjustified things he has already said to me, but if I’m hearing him correctly, he is bribing me.

  “How much will it take for you to stop dating my son?”

  “Nothing. I don’t want your damn money,” I hiss just as he clicks his pen.

  “Ten thousand? Twenty?”

  I gasp and take a step back, not even considering the cash for a second. “I wouldn’t touch it. What I have with Bryce is priceless.”

  “It’s foolish and you know it. What if I promise to get your daddy out of prison early on top of a pretty lump sum of cash?”

  I clench my fists to the side and grind my teeth together. “I’d say go to hell and shove your offer up your ass.”

  “Oh, filthy mouth. I shouldn’t be surprised since you’re a Knight. This the one and only time I will offer this. Take it or leave it.”

  “I’m leaving it. I will stay with Bryce and if he doesn’t want to be with me, then that is his decision but no one, not even you, are going to change that. You might not like me because of who my father is, but I am a good person. I work my ass off, I go to school, and the joke is on you that you think I want anything to do with my father. I don’t. Now,” I take a deep breath and tilt my head at the Mayor. “How about we go eat before they start wondering about us?”

  “After you,” he says, stretching out his arm toward the dining room.

  And after this, the Mayor can kiss my ass. All of my reservations about Bryce and us are thrown out the window because I am determined to prove that we are meant to be together.

  I might be a Knight, but I am creating my own future.

  Fuck my dad’s footsteps.

  I’ve outgrown them anyway.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I haven’t spoken to Bryce ever since the dinner. He brought me home, kissed me goodnight until my stomach somersaulted, and left me wanting more. There is a problem though. I can feel it. It’s a heavy weight in my chest and it’s a dooming sense that has me feeling like I’m going to get my heart ripped out. He hasn’t answered any of my calls or texts in the last day and I’m starting to wonder if his dad got in his head. I hope not. I hope he is just busy like I’m about to be.

  I’m going to go see my dad today. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him and to be honest, I don’t care to, but I want to make one thing clear.

  He is not welcome back in our lives.

  It’s about an hour away so I’m currently driving the piece of shit car that I just got back from the shop. Luckily, it only needed a new battery, but it still set us back a few hundred. I refuse to dip into the account Jake is putting money into for us.

  I shiver and crank up the heat in the car as I drive. The roads are wet with melted snow, and I have my wipers on as more snow falls.

  While I drive, I can’t help but think about Bryce and why he hasn’t talked to me. I thought everything was going well, but I should have known better once he introduced me to his dad. Surely, he wouldn’t believe his father over me? I mean, I would hope not, but what do I know? Maybe he likes his dad more than he lets on.

  When I get back from visiting my dad, I’ll try talking to Bryce again and settle things.

  I flip the blinker on when I see the exit for the state prison and take a right. My stomach turns for an entire new reason when I see the barbed wire fence enclosing the prison. Snow gathers on the side of the road, the ground covered beyond the fence, unbothered and untouched. It looks beautiful in a way. The huge brick building is in the distance, clouded by the veil of snow falling. It looks haunted and eerie.

  And it is.

  So many bad things have happened here, so many bad people live here, and so many will die and have died.

  I take another right at the light and blow out a breath when I see the welcome sign.

  A welcome sign at a prison.

  I scoff. The audacity.

  I take a left into the parking lot and drive around until I find a spot close to the entrance. I have the beanie that Lucy made me on and hopefully it brings me luck. I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car. I don’t bother locking it. Who would steal this piece of crap? I tuck my hands in my pocket and stare at the building my dad has been in for the last two years. The fence is so tall that I have to crane my neck back to see the top of it.

  Snow gathers on the barbwire on top and as much of a hell hole as this place is, for some reason, it looks peaceful right now.

  “Here goes nothing,” I say and begin to walk toward the entrance. I pass a dead flower garden that has frozen over and stop in front of the doors. In order to get in, I have to press the button and state my name and reason for being here.

  The loud buzz sounds and a bored, unamused voice comes through the speaker. “Name and state your reason for visitation.”

  “My name is Abigale Knight. I’m here to see my father, Noah Knight.”

  “One moment, please,” he says and the static cuts off when he released the button on his side.

  I rock on my heels as I wait. I take a deep breath in and the cold air stings my lungs.

sp; “Looks like Noah Knight got released this morning.”

  I couldn’t have heard that right.

  “I’m sorry?” I ask in horror.

  “Yeah, he was released on good behavior this morning.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  “Sure thing. Have a good day,” he says.

  I turn around and walk slowly to my car as my heart races. My dad is out of prison, which can only mean that the Mayor went ahead and got my father out of jail.

  “Oh my god,” I say as the realization hits me. My eyes water, and I run to my car because there is only one place my dad can go and that’s home. Lucy will have no idea. This can’t be happening. My hands shake as I open the door and when I try to start the engine, but I can’t get the key in the ignition.

  This is bad. This is so bad. I wipe my cheeks and then manage to crank the car. I reach for my phone to call my sister, but of course since this day fucking sucks, it’s dead. “Damn it!” I shout, throwing my phone on the floor.

  I slam my hands against the steering wheel and let out a frustrated scream deep within my chest.

  Putting the car in drive, I rip out of the parking lot and head home, hoping my dad isn’t there. I think about what I’m going to say to him if he is. Do I kick him out? I pay the mortgage, I pay the light and water bill, I buy the food.

  Me. Me. Me.

  He isn’t welcome there. I don’t care if he is my father. He has ruined my chance at a normal life.

  I barely remember the drive back to Oak Valley. I’m too upset and crying over the fact about how much my life sucks. Yes, I’m having a pity party. I’m heartbroken. I know this is why Bryce hasn’t called. I feel it in my soul.

  My father has a way of fucking everything up, and I’m done.

  Maybe I’ll transfer to another college. I’ll take Lucy with me and start over. I don’t care about student loans anymore. Anywhere has got to be better than here.

  I skid to a stop in front of the house and slam the car in park when I see my dad sitting on the steps. He lifts his head from his hands and stands.


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